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Legend of Spyro 3D: Movie Trailer [CLOSED]
ElectricDragons Ripto Gems: 1138
#1 Posted: 09:00:11 02/04/2010 | Topic Creator
Hey guys! Today, I saw the movie trailer.

Did you read that? Ill say it again.

Hey guys! Today, I SAW THE MOVIE TRAILER!!

Well, I saw it right on my TV.


Sorry, I don't have video of it, because I forgot to record it. smilie

And, i'm not joking. I just saw it. I'm serious. No lies.

Ill tell you what its like:

Its great.

Its cool.

Its awesome.

Its amazing.

Its exciting.

Its adventrous.

Now, go ahead and post. And I don't care if you post that i'm lieing, ill just ignore you and put you in the block list. smilie
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 09:02:38 02/04/2010 by ElectricDragons
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#2 Posted: 11:17:54 02/04/2010
Quote: ElectricDragons
Hey guys! Today, I saw the movie trailer.

Did you read that? Ill say it again.

Hey guys! Today, I SAW THE MOVIE TRAILER!!

Well, I saw it right on my TV.


Sorry, I don't have video of it, because I forgot to record it. smilie

And, i'm not joking. I just saw it. I'm serious. No lies.

Ill tell you what its like:

Its great.

Its cool.

Its awesome.

Its amazing.

Its exciting.

Its adventrous.

Now, go ahead and post. And I don't care if you post that i'm lieing, ill just ignore you and put you in the block list. smilie

Thats a bit extreme, don't you think? You're gonna make a lot of enemy's doing that...

Edit: Also, the block list only blocks you from sending PM's and Guestbook messages... It doesn't stop people posting on a topic...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 11:20:12 02/04/2010 by bionicle2809
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#3 Posted: 11:47:39 02/04/2010
I don't believe you.
xx chloebabez Yellow Sparx Gems: 1087
#4 Posted: 13:14:37 02/04/2010
If it was someone that didn't want the movie to come out at all saying they had saw it, i would probablly believe them.

But i dont believe you...
Adria Emerald Sparx Gems: 4196
#5 Posted: 14:18:53 02/04/2010
Don't believe you either, must be a late April fools or something...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:20:24 02/04/2010 by Adria
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#6 Posted: 17:52:47 02/04/2010
I'm skeptical...
DarkCynder10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3346
#7 Posted: 17:56:29 02/04/2010
ohmygoshyoubetternotbejokingbecauseidbereallyupsetecauseilovespyroandimustseethemovie!!!!!! smilie
( ૭ ಠ___ಠ)૭
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#8 Posted: 19:28:33 02/04/2010
I don't know if you're liying or not, honestly. I hope you're not!
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
Dragon Lover Emerald Sparx Gems: 4649
#9 Posted: 20:36:38 02/04/2010
I dunno what the truth is and what isn't. smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:36:55 02/04/2010 by Dragon Lover
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#10 Posted: 21:58:45 02/04/2010
Guys, the date on the first post is April 1st. It was an April Fool's Day joke.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#11 Posted: 23:18:40 02/04/2010
Hm, it said the 2nd of April on mine, since it's day lights savings time.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Dragon Lover Emerald Sparx Gems: 4649
#12 Posted: 01:42:17 03/04/2010
I agree with Aura, it says it was posted on the 2nd on mine as well.
Crash_Bandicoot Ripto Gems: 57
#13 Posted: 01:57:38 03/04/2010
I think I must of seen it too, I dunno. smilie
K-Tech Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#14 Posted: 04:27:20 03/04/2010
Aura's right, its on the 2nd of April, around 9:00 am. Too late for a joke...
I'm k-tech... and I approve this message.
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#15 Posted: 04:53:43 03/04/2010
I'll hope it's either a joke (OP, you seriously couldn't think of a decent joke?) or true. :|
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#16 Posted: 05:14:19 03/04/2010
So what channel did you see it on, then?
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
Mia the dragon Blue Sparx Gems: 930
#17 Posted: 08:24:10 03/04/2010
I watch tv nearly all the time do I see it??
and it was ment to come out last year if it was true.
need me i'll be at wolf haven or chickensmoothie! chickensmoothie- Untamed Darkness
WolfHaven- EnvyWolf
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:25:23 03/04/2010 by Mia the dragon
Robo-Spyro Platinum Sparx Gems: 5887
#18 Posted: 10:55:59 03/04/2010
Since there aren't many fans of the new Spyro, they're probably having to work extra hard to make the movie work for them.
no i will not write a signature for you
DarkCynder10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3346
#19 Posted: 16:40:41 03/04/2010
Well, I'll keep my eyes open for any trailer. Waiiiiiiittt...... *Reads Robo Spyro's post* You're right, Robo Spyro... Maybe that's why they changed the date! smilie Because they worked extra hard and it took longer! smilie I'm getting my hopes up, again! smilie
( ૭ ಠ___ಠ)૭
C1nder Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10208
#20 Posted: 08:44:22 04/04/2010
Darn...I got excited...
Cokuruscana Red Sparx Gems: 70
#21 Posted: 17:40:10 04/04/2010
April Fools~ :D
Tales of Flames and Embers is currently in progress.
ElectricDragons Ripto Gems: 1138
#22 Posted: 22:35:16 04/04/2010 | Topic Creator

>8D *filler*
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