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Dragonflies [CLOSED]
Dragon Lover Emerald Sparx Gems: 4710
#1 Posted: 20:58:47 16/02/2010 | Topic Creator
I hate these little brutes. They always fly away even when you try to save them!

smilie smilie smilie
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#2 Posted: 23:10:10 16/02/2010
cynder21 Gold Sparx Gems: 2214
#3 Posted: 03:17:36 19/02/2010
Apprantly they dont need our help....smilie
This old place has changed too much
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#4 Posted: 22:17:13 19/02/2010
It's a retarded concept, that they run away when you're trying to rescue them.
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#5 Posted: 04:59:30 16/03/2010
It makes the game annoying, unplayable, idiotic, and a bunch of other things. If I had made the game, I would've made it so the dragonflies ran to you instead of you running to them.
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
Dragon Lover Emerald Sparx Gems: 4710
#6 Posted: 16:03:10 16/03/2010 | Topic Creator
Well, it's EtD, so what do you expect?
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7911
#7 Posted: 23:31:07 16/03/2010
Leave em be, they obviously want to be free.
Dragon Lover Emerald Sparx Gems: 4710
#8 Posted: 00:49:38 17/03/2010 | Topic Creator
But, I mean, the game's called Enter the Dragonfly. You're supposed to catch the stupid things or else you wouldn't have bubble breath!
ravenouscynder Ripto Gems: 864
#9 Posted: 13:23:31 03/04/2010
well thats because the game creators are stupid.
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