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Movie cancelled? [CLOSED]
Malefor0001 Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#51 Posted: 07:15:07 02/04/2010
I hope not! Ever since I played StD I have wanted to see Spyro on my Tv Screen, not as a Video Game.
“The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century!”
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#52 Posted: 08:21:41 02/04/2010
I wish that Spyro was a T.V. series, but not computer graphics, like Shrek sort of, more like a Cartoon of Spyro. I think that would be awesome. Lol, a bit like Tom And Jerry, instead maybe Spyro and Ripto?? Random.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:22:15 02/04/2010 by SuperSpyroFan
Kimbia28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1890
#53 Posted: 14:25:31 02/04/2010
Quote: SuperSpyroFan
I wish that Spyro was a T.V. series, but not computer graphics, like Shrek sort of, more like a Cartoon of Spyro. I think that would be awesome. Lol, a bit like Tom And Jerry, instead maybe Spyro and Ripto?? Random.

haha now I'd actually like to see that ( with the old Spyro universe) xD
Doubt it will ever happen, but it could be ok ... but I'd rather like Spyro to stick with just video games x) and for his developers to actually make a good game -__- (come ooon ,make it old Spyro stylee 8D *shot*)
Gwenio Gold Sparx Gems: 2454
#54 Posted: 15:02:30 02/04/2010
Quote: Apoc
Or it could've been just a hoax

The April 10th date? Maybe. That the movie was planned at one point is certain.
Kimbia28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1890
#55 Posted: 17:37:28 02/04/2010
Quote: Gwenio
Quote: Apoc
Or it could've been just a hoax

The April 10th date? Maybe. That the movie was planned at one point is certain.

how do you know that :0?
Gwenio Gold Sparx Gems: 2454
#56 Posted: 21:22:28 02/04/2010
Quote: Kimbia28
Quote: Gwenio
Quote: Apoc
Or it could've been just a hoax

The April 10th date? Maybe. That the movie was planned at one point is certain.

how do you know that :0?

And why would a movie distributer make all this up? One that had more infomation that we did about the games at the time, indicating that they had inside sources.

Also I seem to recall Chris Wilson saying he was working with the movie team at one point, but I might be misremembering and the Sierra forum is gone now.
Robo-Spyro Platinum Sparx Gems: 5887
#57 Posted: 10:57:04 03/04/2010
Probably debated for this Christmas, 2010
no i will not write a signature for you
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 10:57:43 03/04/2010 by Robo-Spyro
rept7 Blue Sparx Gems: 826
#58 Posted: 15:57:27 03/04/2010
Its not cancelled but unless wikipedia is screwing with me it has been delayed for another 6 days (which is when Monster Hunter Tri was originally supposed to be out until it was delayed for another 10 days... WTF is up with the delays?!)
7 Ain't so lucky anymore.
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#59 Posted: 16:02:05 03/04/2010
Quote: rept7
Its not cancelled but unless wikipedia is screwing with me it has been delayed for another 6 days (which is when Monster Hunter Tri was originally supposed to be out until it was delayed for another 10 days... WTF is up with the delays?!)

Delays are the 'in' thing, it seems. smilie
DarkCynder10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3346
#60 Posted: 16:50:37 03/04/2010
Meh.... Well, if it's a fake, I'll just watch all those corny animated Spyro videos on YouTube. smilie
( ૭ ಠ___ಠ)૭
Cokuruscana Red Sparx Gems: 70
#61 Posted: 17:43:20 04/04/2010
I'm going to try and be optimistic and say that it might have been pushed back to a later date.

But, in my mind, I always thought this might've been some kind of hoax. Since the only thing we really have is a cover image, and nothing else.
Tales of Flames and Embers is currently in progress.
spyro16 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1710
#62 Posted: 02:19:02 07/04/2010
ive heard that its coming out on the tenth of April but i highly dought it.........if it does then i would be completely surprized.
Slendy's Shadow
i love smilie smilie and smilie
TheWereCat Yellow Sparx Gems: 1000
#63 Posted: 12:44:50 07/04/2010
Yes the movie has been cancelled I sent an email to the Korean animation company and some guy called Young Ki replied. He said it was cancelled... Waaaaaaa!!!! If you want the link to email the company then look on the spyro movie has been cancelled topic on the other spyro forums smilie
"It's time to call in the big guns."
Own:smilie smilie smilie smilie
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#64 Posted: 12:50:50 07/04/2010 | Topic Creator
Quote: TheWereCat
Yes the movie has been cancelled I sent an email to the Korean animation company and some guy called Young Ki replied. He said it was cancelled... Waaaaaaa!!!! If you want the link to email the company then look on the spyro movie has been cancelled topic on the other spyro forums smilie

Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#65 Posted: 17:49:04 07/04/2010
Wonderworld Studios. The Korean movie company that was supposed to animate the movie.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#66 Posted: 18:26:28 07/04/2010 | Topic Creator
Quote: Aura24
Wonderworld Studios. The Korean movie company that was supposed to animate the movie.

Last I checked it was Universal...
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#67 Posted: 18:30:07 07/04/2010
Both Wonderworld Studios was to animate the movie, while Universal Studios was suppose to advertise the movie along with Velvet Octopus.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#68 Posted: 18:31:09 07/04/2010 | Topic Creator
Quote: Aura24
Both Wonderworld Studios was to animate the movie, while Universal Studios was suppose to advertise the movie along with Velvet Octopus.

Oh, I see...
ShayminSky Ripto Gems: 943
#69 Posted: 09:08:07 12/04/2010
It's been cancelled now...
Samius Hunter Gems: 9294
#70 Posted: 12:07:13 12/04/2010
All I can say is HAHAHAHAH OH WOW!

edit: I kinda knew this would happen you know..
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:07:40 12/04/2010 by Samius
Free Bird Ripto Gems: 602
#71 Posted: 22:07:12 12/04/2010
The release date is currently unknown at the time. They might cancel the movie.
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#72 Posted: 22:37:23 12/04/2010 | Topic Creator
Quote: Free Bird
The release date is currently unknown at the time. They might cancel the movie.

They have...
shadow5222 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#73 Posted: 23:10:30 12/04/2010
Unfortunately it appears that the previously announced The Legend of Spyro 3D movie has been cancelled.

Aura24 recently got in contact with one of the writers and got this response:

Quote: Daniel Altiere
So sorry for the let down but we're as disappointed as you are. I'm afraid we're just the writers -- no more than hired hands. We didn't even know the project was cancelled until months after they pulled the plug.

Did you consider writing the gaming company? They're the ones who made the decision to go in a different direction. And if we knew what that direction was we'd share it with you. Again sorry for the disappointment. Wish we had more encouraging news for you.

With no news since May 2008, it was only to be expected. I've readded the full synopsis of the proposed movie back to the The Legend of Spyro 3D page in case you are interested in what might have been.

look at this
Where are those irons???????? :::smilie
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#74 Posted: 23:30:20 12/04/2010 | Topic Creator
Quote: shadow5222
Unfortunately it appears that the previously announced The Legend of Spyro 3D movie has been cancelled.

Aura24 recently got in contact with one of the writers and got this response:

Quote: Daniel Altiere
So sorry for the let down but we're as disappointed as you are. I'm afraid we're just the writers -- no more than hired hands. We didn't even know the project was cancelled until months after they pulled the plug.

Did you consider writing the gaming company? They're the ones who made the decision to go in a different direction. And if we knew what that direction was we'd share it with you. Again sorry for the disappointment. Wish we had more encouraging news for you.

With no news since May 2008, it was only to be expected. I've readded the full synopsis of the proposed movie back to the The Legend of Spyro 3D page in case you are interested in what might have been.

look at this

I know...
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#75 Posted: 23:53:17 12/04/2010
I wonder if the writers could at least keep the script they were working on and post it somewhere online or something. I know that this is most improbable and probably wouldn't happen, but it would kind of be cool to read.
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Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#76 Posted: 00:03:03 13/04/2010
That's what I was thinking. It couldn't hurt to ask if we could see the script they had.
hannaxolsen1337 Green Sparx Gems: 203
#77 Posted: 19:41:26 13/04/2010
It was ment to come in november but didnt smilie It was ment to come now in april but didnt D: No trailer and anything T-T I think it must be canceled and I WAS SO EXCITED FOR IT TO COME D:
Visit me on deviantArt smilie
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