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Favorite Glitch? [CLOSED]
shadowfire Green Sparx Gems: 480
#1 Posted: 16:04:08 24/10/2009 | Topic Creator
Well it is sad how many glitches this game had. But... Which is your favorite? How about least favorite?
Call me Clarice. I'm a reindeer.
KZomb Yellow Sparx Gems: 1895
#2 Posted: 16:46:29 24/10/2009
My favorite glitches were the swimming through air glitches and this one glitch in that level with the volcano. You use the invincibility powerup, jump up on this electric fence, jump over it, and you pass through the rock wall off the level map. I was bored when happened upon that glitch, obviously. smilie;
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 13067
#3 Posted: 19:13:30 24/10/2009
My favourite glitch is swimming in the air in Luau Island and my least favourite are sound loops.
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#4 Posted: 00:45:19 18/04/2010
Swimming in Air, no doubt. Especially because you find Hunter standing in midair talking to nothing and you can go literally anywhere in the Dragon Realms...Including through the Black Hole to beat the game even if you just started it.
Sheep Gold Sparx Gems: 2009
#5 Posted: 06:45:17 18/04/2010
Flying in Head bash pose in speedways.
Least favorite... getting stuck while loading a level.
My videos
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9585
#6 Posted: 10:02:18 18/04/2010
It's wonderful isn't it? The beauty of glitches, are they yummy yummy?
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#7 Posted: 15:52:20 18/04/2010
Quote: SuperSpyroFan
It's wonderful isn't it? The beauty of glitches, are they yummy yummy?

lolwut?? smilie
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#8 Posted: 00:52:06 19/04/2010
@SuperSpyroFan Yea sure I guess so
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:52:57 19/04/2010 by Kariana
ravenouscynder Ripto Gems: 864
#9 Posted: 13:31:15 24/04/2010
Quote: Darby
Swimming in Air, no doubt. Especially because you find Hunter standing in midair talking to nothing and you can go literally anywhere in the Dragon Realms...Including through the Black Hole to beat the game even if you just started it.

RubyWings91 Blue Sparx Gems: 738
#10 Posted: 16:44:15 02/08/2010

Swimming in Air, no doubt. Especially because you find Hunter standing in midair talking to nothing and you can go literally anywhere in the Dragon Realms...Including through the Black Hole to beat the game even if you just started it.

Sounds like you found the glitch that trumps all glitches. There are tons of people on this site who'd probably like to know how to get that one.
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#11 Posted: 03:33:31 15/09/2010
Yes! Where is it? How do you do it? (i sound desperate smilie)
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#12 Posted: 21:13:33 15/09/2010
Haha, okay, so I'll try to describe it as well as I can. In the Home World, you go to that beach area, the one with the island in the middle of the water with a dock on it, where you meet that pig guy. Anywayyyy, once you've found that, notice the fence in the water which marks the boundary of where you can swim. Swim down under the water at the bottom, and go along it until you've found the hole in the fence. It took me a while to find it, but once you do, swim at it and then upwards. You'll go through the fence and keep swimming in midair. You can go ANYWHERE in the home world, but be sure not to go into the water you started out in. Wow, I'm bad at directions. Let me know if that worked or not.
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5325
#13 Posted: 07:04:31 16/09/2010
I found one glitch in the game. It's on the honey slide. When you jump over a ramp, make sure you don't quite make it to the other side. You should go right through the cliff. Everything will be pitch black, and Spyro will just keep falling and falling. There is this random white dragon (who looked like Spyro) at the top left corner of the screen, and when you move Spyro, the white dragon moves too. o.o

Although, when I tried to do it again, it didn't work. :(
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
RubyWings91 Blue Sparx Gems: 738
#14 Posted: 22:50:25 16/09/2010
Iv'e had that happen to me on the slide in Jurrasic Jungle.
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#15 Posted: 23:07:14 16/09/2010
That sounds cool! And by the way, I'll try that swimming in air glitch.
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#16 Posted: 00:56:23 17/09/2010
I'd like to see the dissapearing level one smilie smilie
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
RubyWings91 Blue Sparx Gems: 738
#17 Posted: 03:12:59 17/09/2010
That one's cool too.
Thunderdragon14 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8283
#18 Posted: 03:20:00 17/09/2010
swimming in air,
that glitch made me beat that game at 0% smilie
Quote: Alydol
go back to whining about your fish
ShadowCynder12 Green Sparx Gems: 122
#19 Posted: 21:05:57 17/04/2011
Well, my favorite is the swimming in air glitch in the Luau place.
smilie smilie
no wings5 Blue Sparx Gems: 804
#20 Posted: 21:17:58 17/04/2011
When the level disappears and re-appears and your in a completely diiferent place.
every saint has a past,
every sinner has a future.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7587
#21 Posted: 00:27:59 18/04/2011
I tried to do the swimming glitch, but after many tries, I just couldn't.
I haven't tried the ones in that random tropical island place where there are dinosaurs.
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#22 Posted: 14:00:54 23/04/2011
Favorite: // smilie
Least Favorite: The Charge Through The Lock glitch. It ruins the point of getting dragonflies before that gate so then you get in and apart from feeling like cheating, it ruins the sense of achievement you would get.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7587
#23 Posted: 01:04:05 24/04/2011
I can't do that glitch. I tried to run through the gate but it didn't work!
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#24 Posted: 04:56:27 30/04/2011
It only works on the Electric Gate. No effect on the Ice one. You gotta position yourself to the right of the lock, then try running diagonally through the gate at a slight left angle. It's pretty hard to explain, but I always get through best on the left side. Thats where the gap seems to be on my copy. I've also heard rumors it doesn't happen on the PS2 version, so if that's the one you're using, I can't help much.
Dragons-go-hrr Platinum Sparx Gems: 6991
#25 Posted: 09:22:20 20/05/2011
Oh the glitches... Fav, I don't have a fav, I can only remember the annoying ones...
Least fav, by far, is the Raceway glitch. Where you end up still being 3rd after you pass the guy supposed to be in 3rd, and 2nd, and 1st, simply cause the creators can't even count... It's sad...
"Was it a hot ghost?"
Lila-the-dragon Blue Sparx Gems: 762
#26 Posted: 19:12:16 20/05/2011
I dunno my least, but i love how you can charge at closed fences, like before you get the breath ability, and go through them xD
haruhi97 Gold Sparx Gems: 2924
#27 Posted: 10:10:27 21/05/2011
Mine is swimming in air
Lila-the-dragon Blue Sparx Gems: 762
#28 Posted: 16:47:52 21/05/2011
Oh, i like another glitch. This happened once, but i wasnt even close to beating the game, and the portal to ripto was open when i did swimming in air i think.
Spyro1995 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1750
#29 Posted: 17:54:55 23/09/2011
I have managed to get the swiming in the air glitch in a different way, which i havent been able to reapet since. i went over to where the water is over where the thing to get to Luau island is, and at the shore before you get in the water i headbashed the floor at the edge of the land and i started swimming. and if i didnt keep swimming forward i started to raise upwards.
My collection: LINK
Kiro Blue Sparx Gems: 765
#30 Posted: 01:54:15 05/11/2011
Swimming in air and Slowing down the music are my favorites. I swam EVERYWHERE in cloud 9. i flew behind the sun,which is really a 2d OBJECT. I even went under that water,into total blackness.
"I find this to be particularly.... particularly.....sheep dung."
crashdragon Green Sparx Gems: 344
#31 Posted: 19:08:39 02/09/2012
Swim in the Air giltch.
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#32 Posted: 05:12:11 29/10/2012
My least favorite glitches were the ones where the level wouldn't load, or the game would freeze unexpectedly.

My favorite glitch had to be the Swimming In The Air glitches and any glitch that allowed you to be able to get out of bounds.
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HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#33 Posted: 23:06:07 29/10/2012
The "I can get to the Ripto fights by swimming in the air" glitch. My clear time on EtD is 10 minutes. No joke. >.>
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9585
#34 Posted: 11:52:58 30/10/2012
Quote: HIR
The "I can get to the Ripto fights by swimming in the air" glitch. My clear time on EtD is 10 minutes. No joke. >.>

I've managed to do that before.

I found that swimming in the air glitch in the home land, and I thought "I wonder if I can fly through the ground to Ripto?"
spyrobeta Green Sparx Gems: 237
#35 Posted: 14:51:14 04/11/2012
Lol most def the flying cow of doom! LMAO!
Spyro Classic Fan forever. I highly despise Activision and Skylanders. Problem? Shove it.
DragonDog Ripto Gems: 1798
#36 Posted: 23:59:13 05/11/2012
i made one of these......... but i like swimming in the air
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx [online] Gems: 8194
#37 Posted: 16:21:48 06/11/2012
Fave: None. Least face: All.
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#38 Posted: 19:03:04 24/07/2013
i agree its so swimmng in air
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
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