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Look, I'm sorry people but this game... [CLOSED]
SpyroCrazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1648
#1 Posted: 08:53:37 27/08/2009 | Topic Creator
SUCKS! It's AWFUL! The graphics aren't even good, they're RUBBISH! The plot is boring! The loading times make me want to die! The whole game is a GLITCH MAINIA!

Plus Ripto...well less said about that the better.

I went on it yesterday, noticing all over again:

The sounds aren't in time

The voices screw up

The graphics are more stupid than I remember

The camera is jiggly

You can jump through freaking lava waterfalls and not get hurt

The boulders are defying the laws of phsics, i.e they are not touching the floor and therefore not being struck by the force of G.R.A.V.I.T.Y.

Jurassic Jungle dissapears

Spyro runs like he's wading through treacle

Sparx is really creepy *looks feareful*

You climb freakyish, like you aren't on the wall

When you splash in a lake the water looks like plastic

Moneybags is wearing a cloud suit (WTF!?)

The plot seriously SUCKS

The loading times BURN ME!

God, I could go on forever.

I'm sorry to people who like this game but I just think it's really BAD.


The big B word.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#2 Posted: 10:04:57 27/08/2009
No need to apologize. You're absolutely right. smilie EtD was horrible.
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#3 Posted: 19:08:19 28/08/2009
One thing that I hated was Spyro was as light as a feather! If you jump he stays in mide air for ages! A dragon his size wouldn't hover like that.
Sheep Gold Sparx Gems: 2009
#4 Posted: 17:34:18 01/09/2009
It's not a very good game, I agreesmilie
I have never got any further than that farm level... to boringsmilie
My videos
spyro fan 8 Ripto Gems: 2948
#5 Posted: 19:53:47 01/09/2009
It pwns
xx chloebabez Yellow Sparx Gems: 1087
#6 Posted: 19:55:31 01/09/2009
i didnt really like it either. but the graphics werent too bad, they could have been worse.
Giveitup13 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1004
#7 Posted: 20:53:49 01/09/2009
The game was okay I guess.(It could have had a better plot.)
Signature?I'm too lazy to type one.
xx chloebabez Yellow Sparx Gems: 1087
#8 Posted: 20:56:37 01/09/2009
Quote: Giveitup13
The game was okay I guess.(It could have had a better plot.)

yeah. it was too random
Giveitup13 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1004
#9 Posted: 21:03:00 01/09/2009
And had the same enemies and(some of the other)characters in Spyro 2.(Ripto's Rage/Gateway to Glimmer.)
Signature?I'm too lazy to type one.
SpyroCrazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1648
#10 Posted: 08:47:33 02/09/2009 | Topic Creator
I know, Ripto fell into a massive lake of lava, one of the most grusome ways to die, then suddenly he just pops up in the middle of nowhere. Is he Spyro's Personal Stalker, or something?
Giveitup13 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1004
#11 Posted: 10:41:56 02/09/2009
That's a scary thought. O_o
Signature?I'm too lazy to type one.
Sheep Gold Sparx Gems: 2009
#12 Posted: 10:58:07 02/09/2009
Well, he didn't really die, did he? He and Gnasty Gnorc can be seen in the Epilogue when you have completed YotD. They were discussing the Spyro problemsmilie
But they shouldn't have brought Ripto back that way in EtD.
My videos
Giveitup13 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1004
#13 Posted: 13:14:11 02/09/2009
And they could have been a little more creative with(pretty much)everything.
Signature?I'm too lazy to type one.
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#14 Posted: 19:15:42 02/09/2009
ETD isn't horrible, it's average.
SpyroCrazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1648
#15 Posted: 09:41:47 04/09/2009 | Topic Creator
I can't beilieve that on the blurb it says 'Spyro's hottest adventure yet!'

Sheep Gold Sparx Gems: 2009
#16 Posted: 10:37:40 04/09/2009
Well, if it said what the game really is, 'Spyro's worst and most glitchy adventure yet!', do you think they would have sold enough?
Anyway, I'm annoyed by what it says too><
My videos
SpyroCrazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1648
#17 Posted: 12:40:18 04/09/2009 | Topic Creator
You have a point but they LIE.

spyrathedragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#18 Posted: 23:10:01 25/01/2010
Quote: SpyroCrazy
SUCKS! It's AWFUL! The graphics aren't even good, they're RUBBISH! The plot is boring! The loading times make me want to die! The whole game is a GLITCH MAINIA!

Plus Ripto...well less said about that the better.

I went on it yesterday, noticing all over again:

The sounds aren't in time

The voices screw up

The graphics are more stupid than I remember

The camera is jiggly

You can jump through freaking lava waterfalls and not get hurt

The boulders are defying the laws of phsics, i.e they are not touching the floor and therefore not being struck by the force of G.R.A.V.I.T.Y.

Jurassic Jungle dissapears

Spyro runs like he's wading through treacle

Sparx is really creepy *looks feareful*

You climb freakyish, like you aren't on the wall

When you splash in a lake the water looks like plastic

Moneybags is wearing a cloud suit (WTF!?)

The plot seriously SUCKS

The loading times BURN ME!

God, I could go on forever.

I'm sorry to people who like this game but I just think it's really BAD.


The big B word.

I agree with all,except I loved the graphics...xDD
Lovatic for life. <3
The Peace Keepers
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#19 Posted: 00:02:43 26/01/2010
its avarage. it would have been good with a waaaaaaaayyyyyyy better storline. by the way i have the GC version and mine has like almost no glitches.
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#20 Posted: 02:06:07 26/01/2010
lucky. i only have it on the ps2
i didn't really like it too much. the only level i really liked was the tropical island one. (forgot what it's called)
...is this supposed to be my signature?
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#21 Posted: 02:24:49 26/01/2010
lalu island. i liked that, too. but im stuck there. smilie
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#22 Posted: 04:06:20 26/01/2010
what part r u stuck on?
...is this supposed to be my signature?
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6267
#23 Posted: 08:40:45 27/01/2010
I finished it and it sucks!!!
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
Spyrobaby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4464
#24 Posted: 16:06:37 27/01/2010
I like it
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#25 Posted: 23:49:56 27/01/2010
its not bad....

im stuck on the part after you hit the targets....

the worst spyro game is SoI. smilie
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#26 Posted: 02:06:48 28/01/2010
ok. I'll remember not to buy it then.
...is this supposed to be my signature?
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#27 Posted: 04:41:45 28/01/2010
do not by SoI unless you only want it to complete the collection. its too hard.
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#28 Posted: 04:09:32 29/01/2010
umm.... i don't think i ever will complete the collection. i only have 4 games.
...is this supposed to be my signature?
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#29 Posted: 04:11:54 29/01/2010

Malefor0001 Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#30 Posted: 07:21:57 02/04/2010
Agreeing it is bad. Especially the flying vechile bit! Hello Seirra? Well, we like to say When the Hell Did Spyro, a Young Dragon, Have a Drivers and UFO Liscense!?!? I mean, a UFO has crashed. Nobody knows how to drive it. Then Spyro comes along to drive it!!!!!!
“The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century!”
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9659
#31 Posted: 08:12:35 02/04/2010
Sierra didn't make that game. At least I don't think so, all I know is that it is Equinoxe Digital Entertainment, Check Six and Universal Interactive.
ElectricDragons Ripto Gems: 1138
#32 Posted: 02:11:03 03/04/2010
Ripto's head wobbles alot. Same as his horn.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:11:33 03/04/2010 by ElectricDragons
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9659
#33 Posted: 12:18:09 03/04/2010
@ ElectricDragons: Yes! LOL! That always used to make me laugh so much! Thanks for reminding me of that smilie
ravenouscynder Ripto Gems: 864
#34 Posted: 13:20:29 03/04/2010
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