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BahamutBreaker Yellow Sparx Gems: 1191
#4601 Posted: 04:52:12 04/12/2013
^ @ somePerson: and I'm supposedly the "negative" voice around here?
"Who was harmed here---some six year olds who went to bed crying because there's no Enchanted Trap Shadow?"
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7365
#4602 Posted: 05:11:33 04/12/2013
Some people get onto the internet to escape reality, sure, both the internet and reality isn't sunshine and rainbows, but some people are already dealing with reality, school, work, etc...

I don't think what people need is a swift kick to send them back into reality, some aren't strong enough to take it, sometimes it's not their fault for being weak because they've lived through traumatic events or a bad reality already.

Yes, there maybe not so good people in the world, that doesn't mean the kind people are completely gone, it could be said that one should get off the internet if they're not strong enough, but some of the best friends and people are online too.

Words, even in text, can still hurt just the same as spoken words, or they can heal, words aren't to be taken lightly when given in both online and offline, people are as much connected to their emotions online as they are offline, one cannot expect one to be emotionless or feelingless online or to words.
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#4603 Posted: 06:00:35 04/12/2013
Yay, my boss gives me a free day, time for MORE DarkSpyro yay!


Beheamut@: sorry but whatever you say it hurts (speaking by myself)
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#4604 Posted: 06:02:33 04/12/2013
Both parties are wrong and right.
Bahamut used a phrase wrongly and the other party against is being too dramatic over it.

I've seen some of you supporting mean users and be mean along side them, but when Bahamut does it by mistake it's suddenly not ok?
What he did in this topic could have been done in a better way, I admit that. He could have simply replied "I didn't meant it that way. Sorry that it came out that way" and kept pushing it. I mean, he kinda did at first, in which some of you told him that he was wrong. Ha ha, seriously. Someone told him that he was wrong and that he did meant to be mean. When he clearly said he didn't. I mean, come on. That's like asking someone for desert and they reply with "No. I don't want any" and the waiter says "No. You do want desert." Pfff!

What should've been done was correct him and nothing more. Say what the phrase he used actually meant and that it can't be used in a light hearted way. Which! Was what Seiki did! However, Bahamut did a no no there! He said that it could be used in the way he did. Not only that but he also did something that can come of as insulting to the user. He covered it up with "Treating a spoiled child/brat"
Seiki replied with a reasonable answered.

After that Joe did something unnecessary. Which brought Bahamut back to do whatever he's doing. What Bahamut said to Joe was pretty true. Since Joe was being in a way that could be seen as mean.
Did Bahamut need to reply? No. Did Joe did the right thing in telling him that? No.
We have learned that Bahamut replies to anything he finds offensive. So unless Joe didn't know about that, he basically wanted Bahamut to fight him.

After that was just whining. Some users talking bad about him and how he should be Ripto for being mean. In my opinion, that's unnecessary. I also found the Gnorc thing unnecessary. Though, he did said somethings to Ninjask that weren't very nice. Same the other way around.

Like I said, both parties are wrong. Bahamut could answer more gently, we are dealing with kids after all. And the other team could have ignored him! If they wanted to answer, they could've don it in a more calm matter.

It seems he doesn't want to be gentle because of the typical "Real world is not like that". It's true, but from that it seems Bahamut is ok with being "rude".
Don't you think is better to better one's self to be able to get along with others?

This is what I have seen. Since this is the way I see it, I see both to be wrong and right. I can't say the same for what I have not seen.

Quote: Dark Lord
Some people get onto the internet to escape reality, sure, both the internet and reality isn't sunshine and rainbows, but some people are already dealing with reality, school, work, etc...

I don't think what people need is a swift kick to send them back into reality, some aren't strong enough to take it, sometimes it's not their fault for being weak because they've lived through traumatic events or a bad reality already.

Yes, there maybe not so good people in the world, that doesn't mean the kind people are completely gone, it could be said that one should get off the internet if they're not strong enough, but some of the best friends and people are online too.

Words, even in text, can still hurt just the same as spoken words, or they can heal, words aren't to be taken lightly when given in both online and offline, people are as much connected to their emotions online as they are offline, one cannot expect one to be emotionless or feelingless online or to words.

Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:04:08 04/12/2013 by wspyro
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#4605 Posted: 06:03:01 04/12/2013
(Sorry 2x post)

Also can we stop all the fight and GET A LIFE? I am sure that, if we all ignore beheamut, this simply stops? Just a suggestion?....smilie
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#4606 Posted: 06:05:23 04/12/2013
Quote: NINJAsk11
(Sorry 2x post)

Also can we stop all the fight and GET A LIFE? I am sure that, if we all ignore beheamut, this simply stops? Just a suggestion?..../shrug

We have a life. Even if it's spent staring at a monitor for the whole day.
And yes, just ignore if he displeases you. :V
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#4607 Posted: 06:06:42 04/12/2013
Get a life is a term I exculy use as a....welll....nevermind......
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#4608 Posted: 15:01:37 04/12/2013
Quote: NINJAsk11
(Sorry 2x post)

Also can we stop all the fight and GET A LIFE? I am sure that, if we all ignore beheamut, this simply stops? Just a suggestion?..../shrug

Uh, purposefully(?) misspelling his username in every post is not going to help diffuse the situation in any way. <.>

And just to put this argument to rest (even though I don't like commenting on suspensions), yes, dark overrode it because saying "Don't let the door hit you on the way out" is not justifiable for suspension and, in this specific case, you guys provoked Bahamut this time around with your responses to that comment. You have the power to ignore him just as he has the power to ignore you. Just because Bahamut doesn't always ignore you guys doesn't mean you have to respond. The universe won't explode if you choose to ignore him, or so I've been told. *shrug*
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:06:49 04/12/2013 by HIR
DummyZ Gold Sparx Gems: 2844
#4609 Posted: 15:04:13 04/12/2013
Quote: HIR
Quote: NINJAsk11
(Sorry 2x post)

Also can we stop all the fight and GET A LIFE? I am sure that, if we all ignore beheamut, this simply stops? Just a suggestion?....smilie

Uh, purposefully(?) misspelling his username in every post is not going to help diffuse the situation in any way. <.>

It's not intentionally, I think.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#4610 Posted: 15:11:13 04/12/2013
yeah, it turned out that way.... yay.....

Just ignore, like....IGNORE!
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#4611 Posted: 15:47:41 04/12/2013
Quote: BahamutBreaker
Quote: Aura24
He's un-gnorced. That was fast.

Yes, that's correct. I was unjustly suspended. I do not know who decided to suspend my account earlier today, but suffice it to say that person's decision was overruled and s/he was admonished by somebody in a higher position of authority on these forums for suspending my account without sufficient cause.

Listen, I'm not here to try to make friends and stroke egos. I think that's perhaps the biggest disconnect between myself and a cluster of regular users here. If you want to pretend that everyone out there in the world is always going to treat you with insincere kindness 24-7, with rainbow confetti, sugar sprinkles, and My Little Pony stickers attached to everything, then you go on living that fantasy ... just ignore me. I won't mind. But please don't pretend for even a second that I'm some sinister evil deviant ... if you believe that, then you have an extremely naive and unrealistic perspective about what the world is like. If you can't handle what I dish out, which is extremely mild in the grand scheme of things, then the real world is going to chew you up and spit you back out.

It's not my job to teach you about the world. But it sure as hell ain't my job to shield you from it, either. If you believe that I am "negative" or a "meanie", then I would propose that you really have no idea what it's like to be treated negatively or meanly. In short, drop your false illusions, grow some stones, stop pretending that the world owes you kindness, and if you can't do those things, then just ignore me .... but know that you can't ignore reality forever.

Hello there, I'm coming from reality, real life, where I spend most of my time. I'm sorry to say that the majority of people I see each day are not rude, nor assholes. In fact, assholes are a minority, they tend to end up in prison or have troubles anyway... I hope you can handle that too if you continue with your terrible attitude.

So please, stop acting like you do because you are hiding behind a screen, pretending real life is worse, while it's not. Not at all. INTERNET is worse.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:48:23 04/12/2013 by Reimu
BahamutBreaker Yellow Sparx Gems: 1191
#4612 Posted: 15:55:49 04/12/2013
Thanks for your commentary, Reimu. Your optimism is laudable, and reminds me of myself somewhat 10 years ago or so.

If you believe that all or most rude/mean/nasty people end up in prison, you are very sadly mistaken. I can assure you that I am no where even close to being a criminal. I'm also not hiding anything or feigning anything "behind a screen". And while there is plenty of bad stuff on the internet, you're more naive than you probably believe yourself to be (or you live in a very sheltered community) if you believe that my comments on this silly little chat board are anywhere near as depressing or negative as the real adult world is in real life.
"Who was harmed here---some six year olds who went to bed crying because there's no Enchanted Trap Shadow?"
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#4613 Posted: 15:59:28 04/12/2013
"or have troubles anyway", which means that nasty and arrogant people do not always end up in prison, but they are often sure to get their ass beaten. I hope you have a better attitude outside of the forum.

And I think you are the one living in a terrible place with weird friends, if you think it is ok to act like you do, and that the "real life" is worse. Having a ****ty life is no excuse to post ****ty comments.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:02:13 04/12/2013 by Reimu
BahamutBreaker Yellow Sparx Gems: 1191
#4614 Posted: 16:09:56 04/12/2013
I never said that you are living in a terrible place with weird friends, Reimu. I have no idea where you pulled that from.

In response to the rest of your post, without going into personal details, I can assure you that my life is far from "sh**ty" and that I do not consider my posts here (in general, with a few exceptions; nobody's perfect) to be "sh**ty", either.
There's an old tried and true saying: "if you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen". I'm not directing that at you personally, since you actually seem to be slightly more mature and rational than the large majority of the users here. I'm just saying that my commentary here on Dark Spyro (for the most part) is very mild and benign compared to what people routinely experience elsewhere, both on the internet and in "real life". In other words, if one thinks that my "kitchen" is too hot, then that person is in for an extremely rude awakening whenever s/he gets a prolonged dose of people's behavior and attitudes in the real adult world. You seem to believe that the real adult world is far less harsh than what I am depicting .... again, I personally find that optimism admirable and even heart-warming ... but in the end, you're just creating false illusions for our younger participants in this forum. And that's not something I am prepared to do.
"Who was harmed here---some six year olds who went to bed crying because there's no Enchanted Trap Shadow?"
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#4615 Posted: 16:18:30 04/12/2013
Seriously, I've seen your GB, I've seen your rude posts and I would never tolerate that a so-called adult insult or be rude toward kids. Most of the members on this forum are under 18 years old, and some are even under 10. Insulting teens will only get them upset, as if it wasn't hard enough already to be a teen, they don't need to have someone being rude towards them because they (you) think real life is worse. And kids? Why would you want to be rude towards kids seriously.

I've seen you being rude in the Thoughts on User topic multiple times, without jumping in because I didn't want to spread the fire, but now I'm tired.

If you think the world is so rude and bad, then why do you feel the need to spread it here as well? DarkSpyro is a sanctuary for many users with personal problems, are you aware of that? Are you aware that the comments you are spreading might hurt while they just need to relax here? I doubt you are because it would be heartless to keep on doing that...

Maybe you think life is hard, rude, but I tell you it's not. Life is unfair, but there are not so many assholes out there, I swear. I lived in multiple cities, small and big. I had a couple of different jobs, for many years or couple of months, it depends, and it wasn't that bad too. I don't live in a small community.
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#4616 Posted: 18:57:04 04/12/2013
Rude people don't always end up in jail.

I don't think that the real world is just MlP stickers with rainbow confetti and cakes raining out of the sky.

I've already realized long ago that the real world sucks.

There are indeed rude people out there.

They're not swarming the population or the equivalent of Congo's Forest Giraffe.

It's hard to say how many rude people are out there since we haven't talked to every single person walking the Earth currently. I would say it's somewhere in between.

I really think that the view on the amount of rudeness in the world depends on what experiences you have in the real world.

But there's no denying that you will meet up with someone rude someday.

Thanks for the reminder though that the real world sucks.
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6643
#4617 Posted: 21:41:39 04/12/2013
Da*** happen her .___.
Gay 4 GARcher
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8532
#4618 Posted: 22:50:07 04/12/2013
Too many tl;dr.
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#4619 Posted: 03:19:20 05/12/2013
I got my fight! MH, you could have given something not deadly...smilie

And I dun wan start fight.
Grimslinger91 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#4620 Posted: 15:58:50 05/12/2013
I might not be on that much anymore because I got zelda link between worlds on black friday and I want to get the red mail.
Ghakimx Emerald Sparx Gems: 4064
#4621 Posted: 20:26:16 08/12/2013
I don't think anyone who authentically leaves will announce it but those who return would because its rude not to do so.

somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8532
#4622 Posted: 20:35:32 08/12/2013
Quote: Ghakimx
I don't think anyone who authentically leaves will announce it but those who return would because its rude not to do so.


That avatar looks familiar.
Ghakimx Emerald Sparx Gems: 4064
#4623 Posted: 20:50:13 08/12/2013
What do you expect? Its been there since 2010
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#4624 Posted: 20:55:43 08/12/2013
Quote: Ghakimx
What do you expect? Its been there since 2010

Indeed it has! ^.^
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#4625 Posted: 21:00:38 08/12/2013

Quote: Ghakimx


Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#4626 Posted: 00:11:19 09/12/2013
Quote: Ghakimx
What do you expect? Its been there since 2010

Hi. I'm Green!
Ghakimx Emerald Sparx Gems: 4064
#4627 Posted: 05:37:15 09/12/2013
Hi I'm black.

Also, pikachu has been slapping pikachu for 3 years straight.
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5332
#4628 Posted: 05:51:22 09/12/2013
Quote: Ghakimx
Hi I'm black.

Also, pikachu has been slapping pikachu for 3 years straight.

Pikachu's face must be pretty sore. Same with Pikachu two's paws.
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#4629 Posted: 07:16:08 09/12/2013
Quote: Ghakimx
Hi I'm black.

Also, pikachu has been slapping pikachu for 3 years straight.

Make it stop!

NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#4630 Posted: 17:02:47 09/12/2013
NIIICE!!! Because of that stupid virus they might put me to sleep for like 3 days to research


Stupid virus >o<

Still they'll give me 2 days to heal, with is not gonna happen smilie
Ghakimx Emerald Sparx Gems: 4064
#4631 Posted: 19:20:47 09/12/2013
You're gone for 3 days and you *****. I'm gone for 3 years and I don't complain.
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#4632 Posted: 20:25:20 09/12/2013
I'm back, but barely. New house, new internet.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#4633 Posted: 20:43:48 09/12/2013
Everyones different sheez
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#4634 Posted: 21:34:22 09/12/2013
spyro and sonic left ;__;
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#4635 Posted: 21:42:56 09/12/2013
Quote: Ghakimx
Hi I'm black.

Also, pikachu has been slapping pikachu for 3 years straight.

What's funny about this is that this was one of my avatars during my first year on the site. :3
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#4636 Posted: 22:11:22 09/12/2013
Quote: crystalhero37
Quote: Ghakimx
Hi I'm black.

Also, pikachu has been slapping pikachu for 3 years straight.

Pikachu's face must be pretty sore. Same with Pikachu two's paws.

They would have both died of dehydration or starvation by now.

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8532
#4637 Posted: 23:34:00 09/12/2013
Quote: HIR
Quote: Ghakimx
Hi I'm black.

Also, pikachu has been slapping pikachu for 3 years straight.

What's funny about this is that this was one of my avatars during my first year on the site. :3

wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#4638 Posted: 23:35:28 09/12/2013
Quote: somePerson
Quote: HIR
Quote: Ghakimx
Hi I'm black.

Also, pikachu has been slapping pikachu for 3 years straight.

What's funny about this is that this was one of my avatars during my first year on the site. :3


Tell us what's on your mid sP?
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7365
#4639 Posted: 04:25:26 10/12/2013
For those of you who want to know, sorry for my lessened activity on here, haven't been really feeling like being too much on dS lately, though it will pass soon, for those who wanted to know.
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#4640 Posted: 04:38:09 10/12/2013
Quote: Dark Lord
For those of you who want to know, sorry for my lessened activity on here, haven't been really feeling like being too much on dS lately, though it will pass soon, for those who wanted to know.

I was wondering why I hardly see your posts anymore.
Hope you find reason to stick around more!
If you're ok with it that is.
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7365
#4641 Posted: 04:49:50 10/12/2013
Quote: wspyro
Quote: Dark Lord
For those of you who want to know, sorry for my lessened activity on here, haven't been really feeling like being too much on dS lately, though it will pass soon, for those who wanted to know.

I was wondering why I hardly see your posts anymore.
Hope you find reason to stick around more!
If you're ok with it that is.

I most likely will, just been kind of going through this phase where "Oh, I don;'t feel like being too active on dS, I really feel like just playing games or something" Also going through the phase where I don't feel like doing anything random at the moment or looking at all of the topics in Stuff and Nonsense like I've been usually doing, but it will most likely pass...Just need that eeeeeeeneeeergyyyyyy ahgain...Just need to recharge my fun batteries. xD
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
Gooby Green Sparx Gems: 277
#4642 Posted: 05:21:19 10/12/2013
I got into trouble with my parent bmi can come back on now and am happy because I missed this place smilie
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#4643 Posted: 13:55:25 10/12/2013
Quote: Gooby
I got into trouble with my parent bmi can come back on now and am happy because I missed this place smilie

I was already wondering where you went....

Welcome back

Pikachuslapavatarforgotusername@: I simply wine because I'm scared, what would you do when someone would put you to sleep?!

and don't use your Sparx Rank for getting respect, its the way you act!
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7790
#4644 Posted: 14:13:33 10/12/2013
Quote: Ghakimx
You're gone for 3 days and you *****. I'm gone for 3 years and I don't complain.

That's unescassary.
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#4645 Posted: 14:27:19 10/12/2013
It hurts me wen people act like that

Just stop

You were gone for 3 years so I advise to try and get used to the new people around here BLAH!
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#4646 Posted: 18:07:05 10/12/2013
Quote: NINJAsk11
It hurts me wen people act like that

Just stop

You were gone for 3 years so I advise to try and get used to the new people around here BLAH!

Uhh, this was unecessary.

I really wouldn't say that to a person who came back after 3 years.
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#4647 Posted: 18:12:48 10/12/2013
LETS just stop, I've emptied my heart and that's all

over, dot, discussion closed
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#4648 Posted: 18:27:44 10/12/2013
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
thumpinator Gold Sparx Gems: 2419
#4649 Posted: 19:16:48 10/12/2013
Ghakimx, why did you leave?
And how in the world did you remember your password smilie
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#4650 Posted: 19:28:48 10/12/2013
Quote: crystalhero37
Quote: Ghakimx
Hi I'm black.

Also, pikachu has been slapping pikachu for 3 years straight.

Pikachu's face must be pretty sore. Same with Pikachu two's paws.

Now I know why Pikachu has red cheeks.
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
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