

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Total Drama Skyland Reunion
Gengar Guy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1448
#1 Posted: 12:57:00 19/07/2023 | Topic Creator
Hello! It's once again time for my perennial return to this site.

I mostly returned after remembering an RP I participated in many years ago hosted by Swap Force Fan, Total Drama Skyland:

At the time, I was known as Night Bomb Guy, and I legitimately believe it was the one of the only RPs on this site I had actual engagement with. I see it as a true shame it never truly finished, though the canon amongst myself and TimDrake is that Dark Spyro ended up winning it.

I mostly made this topic for others who have nostalgia for this old RP (Idk if it's in right category and will move if asked) from... 7 years ago?!
ok now i just feel old. All in all this was probably one of the best RPs on the site and I'm looking to one day make a spiritual successor to it.
I always come back. Discord: .spectrespecs
sans Gold Sparx Gems: 2283
#2 Posted: 03:03:01 20/07/2023
heya, welcome back.
that sounds like the best rp this site could've hosted.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#3 Posted: 23:24:30 20/07/2023
ooooh i love the concept!

the rp forum has been so quiet recently. it'd be cool to see some more activity there!
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Gengar Guy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1448
#4 Posted: 15:50:21 21/07/2023 | Topic Creator
Mhm. My current plans are 16-20 contestants with a similar format of one person submitting 2 Skylanders to RP as, meaning about 8-10 total participants.

Some ideas for changes:
-All types of Skylanders can participate. The original was limited by cores only, especially since SC and IM didn't introduce any new cores. So all Skylanders will be allowed into the RP so that you aren't limited to only the first 4 games.
-If both of your participants are eliminated, you may still partake in the RP by controlling interns of the show and such. The main flaw of the OG RP was people who lost both characters could only spectate. It's an issue this potential successor will 100% address through this method.
-More twists. The original RP suffered from playing its format straight and not having any cool gimmicks like in, for example, later Survivor seasons. This is something I will be amending. How? Well, it wouldn't be fun if I told you ahead of time...
I always come back. Discord: .spectrespecs
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