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After playing Spyro Reignited, the PS1 originals look like puke. [CLOSED]
MiketheLegend Red Sparx Gems: 26
#1 Posted: 16:08:17 31/12/2018 | Topic Creator
I can't express enough of how hyped I've been waiting for Spyro Reignited since it's announcement, and since it arrived to my house, I've platinumed all three games. I figured I would go back and see how the original games compared and OH MY GOD UUUUUUGHH

The flat low-res textures, the blobby ugly models, the janky controls, all of first trilogy are terrible in comparison. I can't thank Toys for Bob enough for redeeming those games and making them worthwile.

If you are one of those nostalgia blind purists- I just want to say; you have bad taste.

Thank god for Spyro Reignited
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:08:38 31/12/2018 by MiketheLegend
Project_Unnamed Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10422
#2 Posted: 16:59:55 31/12/2018
Well then I have bad taste, in your world of values. Controls are actually worse in many regards (flight, charge, skateboarding, YotD's other playable characteres). And in YoTD some levels were poorly designed physically (looking at you Haunted Tomb's cobra slide). Visually games were nice to look at and it is mostly subjective little details that divide my opinion (some unique dragons were too frail-looking to fit in Beast Makers and Peace Keepers), brightness of the Beast Makers worlds and voice acting. And to my taste the overall presentation was too cartoony. The only superb improvement I found was camera controls and being able to control the camera using R3 stick.

All 3 Reignited games were great and I appreciate them for introducing new generation of gamers to Spyro and reignite (poor pun intended) the flame of the franchise. But maybe I am an old fossill who has grown accustomed to the PS1 versions' controls and will for the future playthroughs choose the originals over new ones.
I might give you more opinions... for a small fee of course.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#3 Posted: 20:21:45 31/12/2018
Quote: Project_Unnamed
Well then I have bad taste, in your world of values. Controls are actually worse in many regards (flight, charge, skateboarding, YotD's other playable characteres). And in YoTD some levels were poorly designed physically (looking at you Haunted Tomb's cobra slide). Visually games were nice to look at and it is mostly subjective little details that divide my opinion (some unique dragons were too frail-looking to fit in Beast Makers and Peace Keepers), brightness of the Beast Makers worlds and voice acting. And to my taste the overall presentation was too cartoony. The only superb improvement I found was camera controls and being able to control the camera using R3 stick.

All 3 Reignited games were great and I appreciate them for introducing new generation of gamers to Spyro and reignite (poor pun intended) the flame of the franchise. But maybe I am an old fossill who has grown accustomed to the PS1 versions' controls and will for the future playthroughs choose the originals over new ones.

I have honestly not noticed the poor controls that people are whining about. In fact, at the very least, Sheila controls much better, with her at double hop having plenty of time to execute in comparison to the original. Or at least how I remember the original, though. I don't have the original third game, and it's been a long time since I've played at, so my memory could be wrong.
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#4 Posted: 21:27:05 31/12/2018
Quote: MiketheLegend
I can't express enough of how hyped I've been waiting for Spyro Reignited since it's announcement, and since it arrived to my house, I've platinumed all three games. I figured I would go back and see how the original games compared and OH MY GOD UUUUUUGHH

The flat low-res textures, the blobby ugly models, the janky controls, all of first trilogy are terrible in comparison. I can't thank Toys for Bob enough for redeeming those games and making them worthwile.

If you are one of those nostalgia blind purists- I just want to say; you have bad taste.

Thank god for Spyro Reignited


bear in mind that you should try to respect people's opinion instead of straight up insulting their tastes. please remember to keep discussions civil.
looks like ive got some things to do...
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 21:28:33 31/12/2018 by parisruelz12
JCW555 Hunter Gems: 8673
#5 Posted: 22:20:32 31/12/2018
Quote: MiketheLegend
I can't express enough of how hyped I've been waiting for Spyro Reignited since it's announcement, and since it arrived to my house, I've platinumed all three games. I figured I would go back and see how the original games compared and OH MY GOD UUUUUUGHH

The flat low-res textures, the blobby ugly models, the janky controls, all of first trilogy are terrible in comparison. I can't thank Toys for Bob enough for redeeming those games and making them worthwile.

If you are one of those nostalgia blind purists- I just want to say; you have bad taste.

Thank god for Spyro Reignited

Whenever I see posts like this, I just sit back and say....of course it's going to look better. The originals were on hardware that is way inferior to what we have now. That's just a given. Even then, the PS1 graphics have a certain charm to them, and the originals do have their advantages as well. For example:

Spyro the Dragon:

I know there is a small segment of people out there who do prefer Carlos Alazraqui as Spyro in comparison to Tom Kenny, and people have expressed disappointment in how Tom delivered some lines, e.g. the iconic "You gotta believe! Heh heh." in Gnorc Cove.
Uncensored Twilight Harbor.

Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!

Uncensored Scorch.
I know there's a sizeable segment of people who do not like the NPC's new voice acting in comparison to the originals, especially Hunter not being voiced by Gregg Berger anymore.
Unaltered dialogue (refer to my post about the "flirtatious fauns" joke being cut).

Spyro: Year of the Dragon

I think this point has been made enough, but the skateboarding in Reignited is generally considered janky and glitchy in comparison to the original (especially in Lost Fleet and Super Bonus Round).
Like Spyro 2, there's a sizeable segment of people who don't like the new voice acting for the NPC's, especially The Sorceress.
Weird camera angle choices in certain minigames (e.g. the escort mission in Spooky Swamp, the whack a mole minigame in Crystal Islands).
Unaltered dialogue.
General glitchiness of Year of the Dragon in Reignited in comparison to the original (speedway bug notwithstanding in the black label version).

In general across the trilogy:

Like Project_Unnamed said, the controls for flying (weird drifting effect), supercharging (weird momentum system), swimming (weird inertia), and the aforementioned skateboarding feel "off" in comparison to the original.
The original soundtrack looping weirdly/disappointingly for certain tracks (i.e. Artisans, Blowhard, Colossus, Sparx levels, Evening Lake).
Gems not spawning at all, causing people to restart the game.
The whole trilogy feeling too easy in comparison to the originals, with particular attention to Spike (although they made Gulp harder randomly).
Certain redesigns people aren't a fan of (Tiki people in Molten Crater being a notable one).
I know this is likely a console limitation, but the motion blur in Reginited is pretty bad at times.
Certain animations/sound effects/voices being gone.

Now with all that said, Reignited has it's advantages, for example, Spyro 1 controlling like 2/3, the other playable characters generally controlling better in 3 (Sgt. Byrd's weird camera angles notwithstanding, and for some people, Sheila). Obviously the improved graphics. Spyro 3 having the Greatest Hits soundtrack in all versions finally is good. I could list more, but I do think the originals still do have something to offer, even if the graphics are four generations old.
You gotta believe! Heh heh.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#6 Posted: 04:45:14 01/01/2019
I legit don't know what people are talking about with Sheila feeling better in Reignited. Her turning is almost tank-like in Reignited, and her run speed halves whenever she kicks in Reignited.

They seem like small things but they go a long way towards making her feel heavy and slow compared to the original, where she felt nimble and agile.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#7 Posted: 06:02:15 01/01/2019
A lot of the problems people have I just outright do not notice. I don't know if Nostalgia is coming into play somewhere, but of me wonders how this game is going to age, as it feels like people are already turning on this game, and it's kind of sad.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:02:58 01/01/2019 by MugoUrth
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9303
#8 Posted: 13:13:33 01/01/2019
I think both the PS1 and PS4 versions have their good and bad points. We need a new game so we can stop comparing. One thing they need to do is to fix Spyro's flying mechanics, he was way easier to control in the PS1 games.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4021
#9 Posted: 18:55:26 01/01/2019
(I'm venting, so PLEASE do not take this as me being preachy or judgmental/passive aggressive)

I agree with SuperSpyroFan. The originals and RT both have strong and weak points. In my opinion, both games are beautiful in their own regards. The originals did great on technical aspects, while RT does great on artistic aspects. There was a lot of revolutionary stuff going on for the originals: not relying on fog for rendering objects, and serious focus on color theory in environment designs. RT translates the originals pretty smoothly into the modern style of gaming: models look smooth and clay-like, and environments/characters have an increased level of design diversity (as far as I've gotten).

I think what we need to remember is that many people playing RT as their first Spyro game aren't going to have the context other long-time fans have had for comparison. Many casual players have no idea that Spyro's been around since 1998 -- or that this forum exists! As a person who's been super into Spyro for most of my life, I have no context to really understand someone else's point of view in that regard.

I think what I'm getting at here is that it's important to recognize that other people have different experiences that inform their thoughts and opinions. What I think is going to be different from what you think because I've lived a different life than you. This is honestly something I've been learning outside of smilie for a long time now, so it's kind of on my mind constantly as I go through my day. I'm really writing this comment for myself as a way to process all of the stuff that's been going on for me IRL.

Not all Spyro games are perfect (I mean, we have ETD: a game I both love for the memories I have of it and hate for the way it reveals the that companies are often rushed to complete something for financial gain). All are great and terrible in their own right. But I think its our own interactions with them that really inform what our opinions on them are; not that any one game is inherently superior to another.
I AM ETERNAL! https://i.imgur.com/8H3ij0j.png (banner by skylandersfan60)
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#10 Posted: 04:29:03 02/01/2019
Maybe you just threw up on your tv after motion sickness caused by the Reignited Trilogy? :D

I couldn't resist.
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7896
#11 Posted: 20:03:28 02/01/2019
I mean obviously the game looks A LOT better on the PS4 compared to the PS1.

But control wise I think it's down to personal preference.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#12 Posted: 20:14:27 02/01/2019
Quote: Ice Dragoness
I mean obviously the game looks A LOT better on the PS4 compared to the PS1.

But control wise I think it's down to personal preference.

In my opinion, I do it feel like the original versions handled it a little better, but so far I have not had a problem with any of the controls, not even the skateboarding that much.
StevemacQ Platinum Sparx Gems: 6533
#13 Posted: 13:19:56 05/01/2019
The original Spyro trilogy was as good as 3D polygonal graphics were gonna get on the 1994 Sony PlayStation hardware thanks to replacing fog effects with low detail scenery in distant areas and good use of colour. It's why I've always said Spyro needs a true remake with widescreen high definition graphics that would put Final Fantasy to shame.

Reignited Trilogy's art direction is a lot more stylistic than raw graphical power but I still like it anyway. I like both versions. One of the old games still deserved to be on the PlayStation Classic than effing Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six. Now that's a game that looks like puke.

P.S. The skateboarding (in the remake) isn't too bad but the one in Super Bonus Round is really bad.
Needz more eh-mo-shuns.
Buuzer Hunter Gems: 6546
#14 Posted: 14:26:23 05/01/2019
I prefer the originals over the remake tho.
smilie smilie smilie youtube.com/user/GOWBuuzer smilie smilie smilie
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4021
#15 Posted: 16:43:21 05/01/2019
Quote: Sesshomaru75
I'd argue that in some areas Reignited controls better, whereas in others the originals do.

Oh my gosh: yes! Didn't even think to bring this up. Being able to move the camera around is helpful so far for some minigames in Spyro 2.
Like the one where you have to keep the turtles from getting cooked.
Reignited: 1 Originals: 0

However, gliding's been messed up a bit (especially only being able to hover near ledges).
Reignited: 1 Originals: 1

I honestly prefer the originals on a control standpoint, though. That's what I'm used to.
I AM ETERNAL! https://i.imgur.com/8H3ij0j.png (banner by skylandersfan60)
EmperorKaos Emerald Sparx Gems: 4399
#16 Posted: 22:05:09 07/01/2019
am the only one that liked crash bandicoot originals more ?

on spyro i agree was a huge improvement
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9303
#17 Posted: 22:31:20 08/01/2019
You want to take a look at Bubsy 3D, now that's puke compared to the PS1 Spyro games.
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#18 Posted: 19:13:47 22/04/2019
Please don’t bump dead topics, no matter how bothered you are by them.
looks like ive got some things to do...
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