In my general opinion, some of the voice acting is better, some of the voice acting isn't as good, but there is rarely a moment where the voice acting as outright bad. That being said, Tom Kenny does a good job overall at voicing Spyro, but there are some instances where his voice acting just sounds wrong. Sometimes, it sounds really good.
"No thanks! See ya!"
"I'm sure it was."
"How about charge them and Flame them? I mean we are dragons after all."
In some cases, he voice acts with more passion than the original. Unfortunately, that doesn't often translate well, like when he's talking to one of the dragons in Misty Bog.
"Thanks for releasing me. Why, I feel like I've been trapped in there since I was your age."
"Oh no!"
In the original game, spiral talked as if he was worried that the dragon would start trying to tell him another story, which is exactly what happened and his Towing made sense. In the remake, he sounds like he is genuinely concerned about him being trapped in Crystal, which doesn't work with the tone of the whole scene. Another instance is in Terrace Village when he is talking to mr. Draw me like one of your fancy French dragons Cyprin.
"Sure, but what I'd really like to do is get out of this swamp."
In the original, he sounded natural. In this game, however, he sounds like he's reading off a cue card. I realize that Tom Kenny did not do voice acting for the original version of the first game, but as the voice actor for the second and third game in both the original versions and remakes, I would have thought his voice would be more consistent.
darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Spyro: Reignited Trilogy > Voice acting inconsistency
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MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234 |
#1 Posted: 12:07:18 10/12/2018 | Topic Creator
Emerald Sparx
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#2 Posted: 15:36:11 10/12/2018
Yes I totally agree about the voice acting! It's a bit annoying but doesn't ruin the game for me.
I wonder what was going on behind the scenes... Tom Kenney is a busy man, which might explain some of the poor voice acting, but it's a bit disappointing that it doesn't always sound quite right.
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60) |
Emerald Sparx
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#3 Posted: 15:58:19 10/12/2018
Tom Kenny sounds often a little bit strange in his lines yeah.
Matthew Mercer voiced Spyro in SI better imo.
"If I had any humanity left, I would have been crushed by the guilt by now." |
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234 |
#4 Posted: 19:38:00 10/12/2018 | Topic Creator
Quote: XSparxX
The thing is that he was more consistent compared to Tom Kenny timer who when he's good, he's good, but there's no denying that odd and questionable ways he says stuff. |
Emerald Sparx
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#5 Posted: 21:05:01 10/12/2018
Quote: Sesshomaru75
Yeah. He might not have gotten very good acting prompts, either. Kenney's not doing this because he loves Spyro, he's doing this for a paycheck. This is absolutely fair. Spyro is a blip in his voice acting career, nothing more, nothing less.
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60) |
Yellow Sparx
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#6 Posted: 06:07:13 11/12/2018
Honestly, I'm kinda biased because I LOVED Carlos Alazraqui as Spyro, and was super disappointed when I found out he wasn't returning for the remake, but I thought Tom Kenny did a pretty good job replacing him for 1 (and he was fine in 2 and 3, where he had always voiced him since the beginning). I thought his voice for Spyro had matured a ton, personally as a kid I always thought he sounded too serious and even sort of stiff as Spyro in 2 and 3, especially compared to Alazraqui's more "childish" voice for Spyro where he was whiny and impatient and excitable, I thought he was a lot more fun.
I didn't have that complaint with Kenny's Reignited acting though, I really did think his Spyro voice was super good. My onlyyyyyy moment where I really really missed the original dialogue was in High Caves, when Spyro goes "I hate those bugs!" I always thought the way Spyro said it was so FUNNY, he sounds so irritated, and I thought Tom Kenny's delivery was a little more... like, upset? I dunno, it's such a small difference but I just always remembered that being one of my favorite lines of dialogue from Spyro in the original. I'd quote it all the time lol.
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : ( |
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234 |
#7 Posted: 19:44:16 11/12/2018 | Topic Creator
Quote: Queen_Cynder
Don't get me wrong. For the most part, his voice acting is excellent. There are just a few parts that bugged me. I just thought of one more. "I was... BORN TO GLIDE!" I am not sure why he says it the way he did. At first it sounds like he's going to try and be a snob about things, but then he changes it to brimming excitement, and the tone between the two parts felt disconnected. |
Emerald Sparx
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#8 Posted: 22:03:19 11/12/2018
I think he's trying to say it like a joke. Like: "I was born to..." Born to what, Spyro? "BORN TO GLIDE!" (Apparently gliding is the punchline, here. I think maybe the elder dragon was supposed to seem doubtful of Spyro -- at least in my interpretation.)
My first Spyro game was Spyro 3, so I'm used to Kenney voicing the dragon; but I do have to say, he did have a very distinct voice in the first game. I haven't heard a lot of Alazraqui's other work, but I'd totally be able to pick Spyro out of a crowd of talking people with the voice he had in Spyro 1. I think this is a good thing, because it likely helped him to stand out from other platforming characters at the time. Honestly, I'm partial to Kenney's work -- at least in the originals because his voice was my first impression of SPyro. In RT so far, I'm not sure. I'm still playing through Spyro 1, so we'll just have to see; but it feels more like Kenney's doing it for a paycheck with what I've heard from RT.
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60) |
Emerald Sparx
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#9 Posted: 03:12:18 12/12/2018
Quote: ThunderEgg
Have you seen Rocko's Modern Life? He's Rocko.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer |
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234 |
#10 Posted: 01:39:11 13/12/2018 | Topic Creator
Let's get off Spyro for a moment and talk about the other voices. Let's talk about the monks in Colossus. Personally, I actually kind of like the approach they talk, it's just that the voice doesn't really fit for "the door is open! Leave me alone! I'm trying to meditate!
Yellow Sparx
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#11 Posted: 09:26:28 14/12/2018
Quote: fireball
He's also this guy from Phineas and Ferb, which made me lose my mind when I found out that was Spyro LOL
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : ( |
Hardback247 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1074 |
#12 Posted: 16:55:45 14/12/2018
Quote: Fireball
Tom Kenny also played Rocko's friend, Heffer. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:56:27 14/12/2018 by Hardback247
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234 |
#13 Posted: 00:49:24 19/12/2018 | Topic Creator
This one I don't mind that much. When he goes into the Jacques level and releases the dragon before the boss, he asks him if he had any advice before the battle, but without that hint of fear and nervousness that the original Spyro did. This one is not that big of a deal since it actually fits him the way he says it in reignited, and I noticed that in some cases, Tom Kenny puts his own spin on The Voice a acting that still comes off as Charming. In the intro and epilogue, Tom Kenny talks like he had just rehearsed and he's trying to act cool, which I actually kind of liked it. it gave him some decent personality in my opinion.
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577 |
#14 Posted: 23:11:41 19/12/2018
Quote: Sesshomaru75
to add on to this, i think tom himself said "you have do the role like you're pretending that 10 years didn't pass"
looks like ive got some things to do... |
Yellow Sparx
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#15 Posted: 00:25:16 20/12/2018
I really, really dislike the delivery of “You gotta believe!,” it sounds more... sarcastic and kinda forced, unlike the original where part of what made it so charming and fun was how genuine it sounded.
But on a more positive note I’ve LOVED Spyro’s voice acting in the cutscenes of 3 so far. It’s Tom Kenny’s strongest acting so far to me in the whole trilogy and he just sounds fantastic. Lots of character in his voice. It’s just great.
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : ( |
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234 |
#16 Posted: 00:33:40 20/12/2018 | Topic Creator
Quote: Queen_Cynder
I was just about to bring that line up to. From what everyone seems to believe, it's supposed to be a reference to PaRappa the Rapper. The original game clearly made an homage to that, where it felt like Tom Kenny had no idea what the source material was cam on so he basically went into it without knowing what the reference was. |
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234 |
#17 Posted: 01:52:57 17/01/2019 | Topic Creator
Now that I think about it... Wasn't that theme line referenced in the first SpongeBob movie? Something else Tom Kenny did voice acting for?
Yellow Sparx
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#18 Posted: 02:41:25 17/01/2019
Quote: MugoUrth
The movie came out after Spyro tho
NoUb |
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234 |
#19 Posted: 02:46:28 17/01/2019 | Topic Creator
Quote: BroGuy
Not after the reignited trilogy. I feel like if Tom Kenny did work on something that made that reference, I feel he might have an inkling over the reference, and he might have gotten it. |
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