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Future of Spyro Discussion and TLOS Discussion
Dreamweaver Blue Sparx Gems: 810
#51 Posted: 03:39:47 18/01/2019
Quote: Johnbonne
If there are to be any future games, I'd love to see Enter the Dragonfly see its full potential. The developers seemingly knew what they were doing but due to the time constraints and lack of game development experience, it was no wonder the game died on its backside and their reputation thrown to the hounds. Toys for Bob have done an outstanding job with the Reignited Trilogy, and I'd trust them to do any of the other games going forward just as well. However, ETD's reputation might set them back.

I wasn't a fan of the TLoS series but I'd give it a go if TfB or VV were behind it, but I'm not sure if we'll see that so soon. Wasn't a lot of the mainstream or marketing appeal generated by big-name actors doing the voices of the characters? Would it do as well without those names? Even then I still think that franchise, indeed Spyro needs to cool down. Alas, with CTR: Nitro-Fuelled being announced, it seems Activision has the momentum to run both franchises into the ground. Let's hope they learn some restraint, eh?

I'm also hoping that since CTR is being rebooted that EtD will get a redeeming little remaster too, but I hadn't quite thought about either series being milked (which is odd since (a) my first instinct is to assume anything popular will follow that route, and (b) it is Activision after all.)

I personally loved TLoS at the time it came out (admittedly I was 10), but I've often pondered on its lost potential since that trilogy was under a lot of pressure to have a game released each year. I wouldn't mind a remaster if it essentially recreated that universe in a way that brought it actual depth and if it brought better storytelling with it, but I don't see that happening.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4021
#52 Posted: 17:07:07 18/01/2019
Little remaster??

I think ETD should be built upon so that it's a complete game. That means adding at least two more homeworlds. ETD is like 1/3 of a Spyro game.
I AM ETERNAL! https://i.imgur.com/8H3ij0j.png (banner by skylandersfan60)
Skarlime Yellow Sparx Gems: 1117
#53 Posted: 21:50:29 18/01/2019
If they remake ETD, they should make everything from scratch (levels, gameplay, concept, etc.) and it shouldn't be called "Enter the Dragonfly", because I'm honestly affraid that title could affect the remake's sales due to the game's terrible reputation, even if said remake turns out to be something great.

In all honesty, although I would enjoy an ETD remake if they really improve it, I'd rather have a brand new game, and I really don't want them to use Ripto again. A proper Spyro 4 deserves to have it's own villain, just like the first 3 games. Not only that, but TFB proved that they can make amazing stuff with classic Spyro, especially when they don't just copy everything from the original games.

I know that some people don't like the character redesigns and level reinterpretations in Reignited (which is okay), but in my case, what I like the most about Reignited is the fact that it felt fresh thanks to the creative liberties they took (I LOVE those dragons, especially). And you know what? That's exactly why I want them to make a brand new game, because I think TFB are creative enough to make something new while still keeping the essence of Spyro, and I don't want that creativity to be limited by yet another remake/remaster. Even if they added more worlds to ETD, I think there would be creative limitations with the game (I could be wrong), unless they made everything from scratch like I mentioned. Plus, there's so much they could do with the adult dragons from Reignited 1, since they have so much potential to be interesting characters for a future game (maybe they can't do that with every dragon because there are so many, but you know what I mean), and personally, I would love to see what they could do with the dragons and also a new villain more than what ETD wanted to do even at it's full potential.

Also, although I love the original/Reignited trilogy to death and I find it really good even to this day, I think it's still possible to expand on the gameplay and story, and I wouldn't mind if TFB experimented with it. Yes, I know that later Spyro games had different gameplay, sometimes they only focused on story and that did not appeal to some people, but the Reignited developers are more than familiar with the original games, so I trust them (and I really hope TFB makes the next game).
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 22:09:57 18/01/2019 by Skarlime
BroGuy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1079
#54 Posted: 23:50:32 18/01/2019
Enter the Dragonfly would be better off having it's levels made as Spyro Reignited DLC instead of an entire game.

Also the plot of EtD was originally meant to involve Ripto and Gnasty Gnorc teaming up. While Spyro was off getting the dragonflies because of Ripto, Gnasty Gnorc would have taken over. This was referenced in the epilogue of Year of the Dragon.
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7896
#55 Posted: 10:27:33 19/01/2019
If they redo Enter The Dragonfly they should call it something else but stick to the story they originally planned (with Ripto and Gnasty teaming up). Dragonfly collected should be kept the same and they should keep the original levels but add in many more.
Johnbonne Yellow Sparx Gems: 1287
#56 Posted: 10:43:56 19/01/2019
I think ETD should be built upon so that it's a complete game. That means adding at least two more homeworlds. ETD is like 1/3 of a Spyro game.

If this were to happen I think people would be a lot more confident about a remaster, but not ever be able to shake the idea that the original was horrible and not even Toys for Bob can fix it. If it were left as is, such as BroGuy goes on to suggest, I'd be down with that too as a DLC (I wouldn't expect it to be free, £11.99 would be my sort of price).

I don't think it's any less of a Spyro game because it has less homeworlds. Truthfully, I like the idea of it having a single one with multiple unlocked doors that one requires the different breath attacks for. However, I do feel as though the level entry requirements could do with being reduced; it made no sense that I unlocked the final boss before two "ordinary" levels (which is to say, they're not like a super secret level or a bonus for 100% completion).

In all honesty, although I would enjoy an ETD remake if they really improve it, I'd rather have a brand new game, and I really don't want them to use Ripto again. A proper Spyro 4 deserves to have it's own villain, just like the first 3 games. Not only that, but TFB proved that they can make amazing stuff with classic Spyro, especially when they don't just copy everything from the original games.

I'd prefer if a potential EtD remaster was just that, rather than a remake, but on the whole I would like to see Toys for Bob sink their teeth into another original IP (perhaps one they have complete control over, but given they're a subsidiary to Activision that's going to be difficult). Failing that, if they were to make another Spyro game I'd rather it be wholly original than a remaster. I probably could've formed that sentence better.

All good ideas though! smilie
Skarlime Yellow Sparx Gems: 1117
#57 Posted: 20:13:47 19/01/2019

Oh no, it's okay! Even if you actually preferred an EtD remake over a completely new game, that would be okay too. I was just sharing my point of view. smilie

But whatever they do, remake or not, I'm sure they'll do something great. And yeah, I could be interested in an original IP (depending on what it is about, of course).
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:14:30 19/01/2019 by Skarlime
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4021
#58 Posted: 16:09:54 22/01/2019
I just hope they can roll with the original version of the Spyro IP and take it slow with coming up with new versions of him. Don't get me wrong, I love TLOS and Skylanders Spyro to pieces, but our OG dragon hasn't gotten this much attention for a while, and I'm LOVING it.
I AM ETERNAL! https://i.imgur.com/8H3ij0j.png (banner by skylandersfan60)
KingMed Gold Sparx Gems: 2456
#59 Posted: 01:24:09 23/01/2019
I never really liked the idea of every dragon having their own dragon fly...we don’t see that with ember and flame whom are around spyro’s age and we don’t see that with dragon elders so do they abandon them or something idk. It feels kind of special when it’s exclusive to Spyro.
Johnbonne Yellow Sparx Gems: 1287
#60 Posted: 08:29:33 23/01/2019
Quote: KingMed
I never really liked the idea of every dragon having their own dragon fly...we don’t see that with ember and flame whom are around spyro’s age and we don’t see that with dragon elders so do they abandon them or something idk. It feels kind of special when it’s exclusive to Spyro.

I haven't thought of this before but I quite like it, though I do see your point. I think it creates inconsistency in what the dragonfly's purpose is; is it a health monitor, or a character and part of dragon culture? One thing I have to give to TLoS is how Spyro was adopted by dragonflies, causing him great confusion. Unless there's going to be a level where the dragonflies have lost their dragon masters (or slaves.... the back of the Gateway to Glimmer manual seems to suggest Sparx the Dragonfly is the protagonist all along), I'd rather Sparx be the only "character" dragonfly. smilie
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#61 Posted: 08:42:22 23/01/2019
Quote: KingMed
I never really liked the idea of every dragon having their own dragon fly...we don’t see that with ember and flame whom are around spyro’s age and we don’t see that with dragon elders so do they abandon them or something idk. It feels kind of special when it’s exclusive to Spyro.

You know... I never thought about that, but now that I am I absolutely agree.
I’ve always accepted Enter the Dragonfly’s premise because the dragonflies themselves were unique enough to be a nice new collectable compared to the ones in previous games, yet each time Sparx is mentioned they always talk about how special his relation to Spyro really is.

Besides, have they ever talked about what happens when a dragon reaches adulthood?
I assume his/her dragonfly remains as a form of protections through both childhood and perhaps a bit of adolescence since none of the Elders seen in the first and third games have one.
Sure, some explain how Sparx works to Spyro (who seems to not know it) but I think that’s just a 90’s habit of trying to incorporate gameplay aspects in “normal” dialogues.

They could have at least said that idea was inspired by the protagonists themselves, but I’m pretty sure the Elders call it a tradition.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Johnbonne Yellow Sparx Gems: 1287
#62 Posted: 09:26:01 23/01/2019
Quote: Drek95
Quote: KingMed
I never really liked the idea of every dragon having their own dragon fly...we don’t see that with ember and flame whom are around spyro’s age and we don’t see that with dragon elders so do they abandon them or something idk. It feels kind of special when it’s exclusive to Spyro.

You know... I never thought about that, but now that I am I absolutely agree.
I’ve always accepted Enter the Dragonfly’s premise because the dragonflies themselves were unique enough to be a nice new collectable compared to the ones in previous games, yet each time Sparx is mentioned they always talk about how special his relation to Spyro really is.

Besides, have they ever talked about what happens when a dragon reaches adulthood?
I assume his/her dragonfly remains as a form of protections through both childhood and perhaps a bit of adolescence since none of the Elders seen in the first and third games have one.
Sure, some explain how Sparx works to Spyro (who seems to not know it) but I think that’s just a 90’s habit of trying to incorporate gameplay aspects in “normal” dialogues.

They could have at least said that idea was inspired by the protagonists themselves, but I’m pretty sure the Elders call it a tradition.

I'd mentioned in A Bit Of: Spyro Reignited Trilogy that my guess was that - because Spyro starts his adventures in the Artisans - he would've been destined to become one. I wonder if there's some kind of caste system within the Dragon Lands? Not that that's got to do with the dragonfly, but I was referring more about what happens when he becomes an adult (which I believe the cancelled Spyro's Kingdom was supposed to depict him as).
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4021
#63 Posted: 18:21:52 23/01/2019
I mean, we have Nicholas Kole's art of him as an adult, the purple dragon in the Spyro 1 manual, and even some of Jared Pullen's art to pull from for ideas about fully grown Spyro.

Kole seems to think he would become a balloonist and an adventurer (while still keeping Sparx)
[User Posted Image]

If you think the dragon in the Spyro 1 manual is the purple firebreather himself, we can assume that he'd become some kind of respected authority. (He does have a metal, after all).
[User Posted Image]

And for TLOS, we can assume that Spyro also becomes some sort of guardian. The dragon statue is supposed to be a prediction of the nobility of a purple dragon, while other art depicts him as sitting looking far off in the distance, like a protector.
[User Posted Image]
(Link to Pullen's thoughts on the matter https://www.deviantart.com/tha...tatue-608536668)
[User Posted Image]
I AM ETERNAL! https://i.imgur.com/8H3ij0j.png (banner by skylandersfan60)
Johnbonne Yellow Sparx Gems: 1287
#64 Posted: 18:24:44 23/01/2019
Very interesting stuff, thanks for sharing ThunderEgg! Not sure I'd want to play an adult Spyro with any of those designs, but still very interesting to imagine what happens after happily after after!
Dreamweaver Blue Sparx Gems: 810
#65 Posted: 02:39:55 25/01/2019
After reading his description of that statue piece, all I can imagine is how that bad boy would look in a TLoS remaster. I bet the "rose-gold treatment" he mentioned with next-gen graphics really would make that statue look as dope as it was meant to!
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4021
#66 Posted: 16:01:20 25/01/2019
I love how Pullen gushes TLOS lore
I AM ETERNAL! https://i.imgur.com/8H3ij0j.png (banner by skylandersfan60)
danyq94 Gold Sparx Gems: 2847
#67 Posted: 06:14:51 29/01/2019
Remake of the GBA trilogy or ETD, AHT & SL.

But I wish a new game
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