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Alternate Soundtracks
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#1 Posted: 08:16:45 09/06/2018 | Topic Creator
What do you think Toys For Bob will do about the alternate soundtracks in Spyro 1? I personally think that they will have the alternate music play when you enter the level more than once.
Clank Emerald Sparx Gems: 4865
#2 Posted: 13:14:13 09/06/2018
For the most part I agree, as I really can't see them doing it any other way if they plan to make the music loop. However, since they are presumably going to have dynamic music for at least bosses, I could see them using the alternative themes for them when out of combat since the alt themes generally seem to be more calm.
"*runs around like a headless gnorc*" ~Jaggedstar©
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#3 Posted: 13:49:13 09/06/2018
I'd like to see them make it in as an Easter egg, but I'm not holding my breath.
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