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Spyro Reignited Trilogy General Discussion Topic (NON-SPOILER VERSION) [STICKY]
sans Gold Sparx Gems: 2283
#5301 Posted: 23:26:07 06/06/2021
too bad we got sexism.
JCW555 Hunter Gems: 8635
#5302 Posted: 23:42:18 06/06/2021
That's a way better design than the bee-waisted, "I'm obviously a girl with a bow and bright red hair" design Sanzaru gave us.
You gotta believe! Heh heh.
sans Gold Sparx Gems: 2283
#5303 Posted: 23:47:11 06/06/2021
sanzaru is known for sexism. source: sly tit. what they did to two major women characters in that game.

i don't mind sheila's hair too much, but i'd rather she didn't have it. i much prefer the design nicholas was going to give us. it's just much better. they didn't have to make her obviously anthro. she's just a funny kangaroo.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#5304 Posted: 01:17:08 07/06/2021
this design would make a cool mod if someone with the know-how feels like figuring it out
I AM ETERNAL! https://i.imgur.com/8H3ij0j.png (banner by skylandersfan60)
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#5305 Posted: 13:03:43 18/08/2021
Quote: Drawdler
spyro is currently more dead than skylanders which feels really weird in context

i ****ing hate reignited but 4 should have been made and spyro should have died immediately after that **** you activision

So what makes you hate Reignited so much? One of the things I'm not too keen on is the VAs for the NPCs in Spyro 2 and 3.
And I do agree, Spyro 4 should be made, and hopefully, it still will be, cos, I'm curious what they can do with it.
People have been asking for a Crash/Spyro crossover, so I wouldn't mind that happening, but after Spyro 4.
fyra Platinum Sparx Gems: 6471
#5306 Posted: 15:33:24 21/11/2023 | Topic Creator
just got reignited and I prefer it visually and controls wise to the originals
Life may be harsh in such a dark year, happy new year we said an eternity ago it seem now, but it's far from over, we will survive.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#5307 Posted: 23:38:26 21/11/2023
Quote: fyra
just got reignited and I prefer it visually and controls wise to the originals

i can somewhat agree with that; i got it on sale recently and i have no idea what people were thinking with some criticisms, it's a great remake
(What I need is never what I want)
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