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Spyro Reignited Trilogy General Discussion Topic (NON-SPOILER VERSION) [STICKY]
L Cynder Platinum Sparx Gems: 5744
#5251 Posted: 13:19:01 04/10/2019
Quote: sonicbrawler182
I actually imagine it would be theoretically possible to load these mods on console, but the problem is nobody is gonna research how to do that when the PC version is way more convenient to work with, plus it would almost definitely require you to have a hacked console to do so.

Console game modding is usually limited to people modding a big title that's exclusive to that system.

Ok, Thanks for answering my question. smilie
favs smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Johnbonne Yellow Sparx Gems: 1253
#5252 Posted: 12:05:19 06/10/2019
Spyro: Reignited Trilogy, along with Crash Bandicoot: N-Sane Trilogy and Call of Duty WW2 are available as Early Unlocks in November's Humble Monthly ($12 USD). *Cough* Here's my referral link if you'd prefer *cough*.

Sorry to spring this on you after being away for a while, it's nice to see the community as active as ever! Also, good job on the mods, looking forward to seeing what I can get for the PC version! smilie
3godzilla3 Green Sparx Gems: 185
#5253 Posted: 22:43:08 06/10/2019

Hey, guys! As some of you might know, I'm the uploader of the original Spyro trilogy music on YouTube!

It was brought to my attention that the Reignited Trilogy contained UNCOMPRESSED versions of the original Spyro trilogy soundtrack, which is NO where to be found on YouTube! So I took the time to record each and every song, and upload them on YT for all to listen to!

I have currently uploaded Spyro 1 and 2, with 3 coming first thing tomorrow afternoon! These are the definitive versions to listen to when going back to the original soundtrack, so please take a listen when you can! Uncompressed means no loss of sound quality and no compressed background noise of the original PS1 system. The instruments are crisp, clear, and the bass is no longer distorted!

Thank you guys! (: Click the link on top for Spyro 1!
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." - Philippians 4:13
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:45:04 06/10/2019 by 3godzilla3
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#5254 Posted: 01:18:31 07/10/2019
I AM ETERNAL! https://i.imgur.com/8H3ij0j.png (banner by skylandersfan60)
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7896
#5255 Posted: 09:19:28 07/10/2019
There is so much hype around the Cynder mod. Goes to show those claiming TLoS only has a tiny proportion of fans are incorrect. These fans have always been there in youtube comments and twitter if you looked.
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7896
#5256 Posted: 17:35:05 07/10/2019
Quote: Sesshomaru75
Quote: Ice Dragoness
There is so much hype around the Cynder mod. Goes to show those claiming TLoS only has a tiny proportion of fans are incorrect. These fans have always been there in youtube comments and twitter if you looked.

Liking a character from something =/= inherently liking that something that they are from. (i.e I like Cynder, but I've grown to not really care for The Legend of Spyro as a whole)

Regardless, Legend of Spyro's fanbase has gotten far smaller compared to its heyday, and is proportionally a lot smaller than the rest of the fanbase.

Most of the time it does. Not really a decent point.

Of course, but it has had a bit of a revival.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#5257 Posted: 20:30:56 07/10/2019
Regardless, Legend of Spyro's fanbase has gotten far smaller compared to its heyday, and is proportionally a lot smaller than the rest of the fanbase.

How do you prove that though? This implies that people who were fans of LoS actively stopped liking it on a wide scale, which I don't necessarily see how that could be the case. Reignited wasn't a magic switch that made anyone stop liking LoS simply because another Spyro game was on the market. Didn't happen to me, and I am SUPER nostalgic for the Classic trilogy.

Just because they stopped releasing more games in the series, doesn't mean people stopped liking it or wanting to see more from it. By that logic, Reignited Trilogy would not exist - nobody was talking about Spyro outside of the hardcore fandom until the rumours of the remake started surfacing, which was after N. Sane Trilogy ("whatever happens to Crash, happens to Spyro"). Most of the sales of the game came from people silently waiting on some sort of nostalgic comeback, not necessarily people who had been consistently playing these games or playing.

The same realistically applies to LoS - yes, very few people have been talking about LoS since 2008. But that's just because LoS hasn't had much in the way of new content at all. It was the same for Classic Spyro until Reignited Trilogy was happening - Skylanders was just THE relevant Spyro series for a while (if you could even say that).

But even then...it's not like Activision forgot the LoS series entirely. They recognised Cynder and Malefor as popular enough characters to integrate them into Skylanders. Cynder in particular was playable from launch IIRC in the first Skylanders game and has been playable in every game in that series, and she was included with the Starter Pack in Skylanders Giants, and continued to appear in the comics and Netflix show (as far as I know, Malefor isn't in the games but he is in the comics and Netflix show). It's not like her popularity is strictly limited to the "failed series" of the LoS games - she was also a big part of one of Activision's biggest money makers for the last half a decade, and was included in that series because she clearly had enough fandom from the LoS series alone anyway to be included in Skylanders in the first place. Hell, even her moveset in Skylanders pays homage to her LoS roots.

If anything, I would argue that there has been potential for the fanbases of these games to grow a bit. The existence of Skylanders means kids end up looking into the histories of those characters and naturally they will discover the origins of Spyro and Cynder respectively and may pick up their games pre-owned/digitally or watch them on YouTube.

I don't quite think a remake or even a remaster of the LoS games is in the cards at the moment, and I (personally) don't need one even as a fan of the series mainly because I can emulate them in 4K 60 FPS on my PC already (obviously not everyone can do this of course, so I still support the idea of a remaster if it were in the cards - plus I might pick up Switch ports of them anyway). But I feel people like to downplay the possibility of such a thing, as well as the fanbase of said series, more than they ought to.

I mean, you can't seriously look me in the eye and say LoS has "no chance" of getting some kind of collection when DEADLY PREMONITION got a Switch port in 2019, AND is getting a full-on sequel early next year. Like, that game is the definition of a game with a cult following. LoS is at LEAST on that level (and that's just me being overly cynical for the sake of the argument, LoS obviously has more people who know about it especially by association with Spyro AND Skylanders).
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 20:43:26 07/10/2019 by sonicbrawler182
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7896
#5258 Posted: 21:03:03 07/10/2019
People don't stop liking something just because it's ended, they just stop being active fans because there's no new content. Therefore, the active fan base has shrank, but it's not suddenly more disliked. If new content was released people would return. Which is what we've been seeing. LoS fans have become more active again with Reignited. There has also been a surge of new interest, have you seen how well the LoS games sell on ebay. Their prices in second hand stores are also really expensive.

But hey, use your own feelings as 'fact' instead of looking around and doing some observational research.

I do believe Cynder will be brought into the classic universe in a different way (no huge dark storyline) because of her popularity. It satisfies those who want an LoS comeback, keeps everyone happy (except idiots like Antdude).
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#5259 Posted: 21:03:19 07/10/2019
Here's the thing - Capcom, Nintendo, those companies don't mind bringing back old titles(with exceptions, but I mean they're not gonna call you old fashioned), they're aware that it's on people's minds and a port isn't going to be much trouble for them. For Activision, it's either gotta sell rivers or cash or it's good as dead. Getting that COD remaster seemed like pulling teeth for them and it was STILL horribly done, no doubt it'd be even worse for smaller franchises because they only think of huge profits and how to make people keep spending money on a game they already bought.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:16:08 07/10/2019 by Bifrost
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#5260 Posted: 21:15:28 07/10/2019
Antdude played all the post-classic games convinced they'd never be halfway decent because they weren't the classics and he got exactly what he wanted by making assumptions, let's not go offtopic. LoS fans or just people that like a dang good black and pink dragon. Or purple. Let's not bring up that conflict please.
(What I need is never what I want)
Clank Emerald Sparx Gems: 4434
#5261 Posted: 21:34:23 07/10/2019
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
"*runs around like a headless gnorc*" ~Jaggedstar©
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#5262 Posted: 21:44:15 07/10/2019
Quote: Sesshomaru75
Quote: Ice Dragoness
But hey, use your own feelings as 'fact' instead of looking around and doing some observational research.

Ironic that you're saying this when if anything it's you and SB that are doing exactly that. smilie But if you want to put words in my mouth, act overly defensive over a single sentence, and bring up things that I never said, then go off I guess. *shrug*

I'm not really here to argue with the two largest and most blind Legend of Spyro apologist that this website (Surprisingly) still has to offer, so I'll take my leave now because arguing with brick walls isn't my cup of tea. Ta-ta, my loves~! smilie

Hey dude, I made no personal shot at you. Just pointed out that your line of reasoning for thinking any sort of LoS content being impossible is flawed considering the Reignited Trilogy also wouldn't exist if things operated on that same logic. Rest of my post was just me elaborating on my thoughts on the Cynder situation specifically mostly.

Regardless, you haven't elaborated on the initial point I asked about, so trying to ride out on this high horse of yours while trying to rattle people (which isn't going to work - I've been a member of this site for almost a decade and know how certain users operate at this point) isn't going to change the fact that you aren't doing much for your initial point's credibility.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#5263 Posted: 22:03:08 07/10/2019
Quote: Sesshomaru75
I never said anything about Legend of Spyro content being "impossible", but continue putting words in my mouth. smilie I'm done talking to you beyond this point either way, as I just wanted to point that part out in specific.

You didn't say it literally (according to the post that's now been edited multiple times), but the quote I mentioned was a prompt response to Ice Dragoness' observation about the reception to the Cynder mod and how it makes her hopeful for anything LoS related, as if the "fact" you provided her with was supposed to shoot down that hope or be some kind of counter argument to an argument she wasn't even trying to have.

You call it putting words in your mouth. I call it reading basic context clues.

If it truly wasn't your intention to make such a point, then apologies, but also consider phrasing things a little better next time. Not being so brazenly passive aggressive from the word go would be a good start.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7896
#5264 Posted: 22:30:50 07/10/2019
All I'm going to say is Sess you are passive aggressive and say things in a way to try spark people off. I think you are here to argue.

I can post about the Cynder mod and the response to it if I want. You opened an argument in responding to it the way you did.
Hardback247 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1074
#5265 Posted: 02:29:16 14/10/2019
I shoudn't expect any more official patches, should I? Does it really matter if there are no more?
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7896
#5266 Posted: 19:25:02 14/10/2019
Another mod with positive reception smilie
Clank Emerald Sparx Gems: 4434
#5267 Posted: 23:28:15 14/10/2019
Yeah, the recreated Midnight Mountain is great! They did an awesome job with it.

Plus... (spoilers)

I love how they added back the lives on the secret island!
"*runs around like a headless gnorc*" ~Jaggedstar©
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#5268 Posted: 03:16:20 15/10/2019
Hey does anyone know if it's possible to download any of the RT fonts?

I've seen some people use them, but I can't seem to find them :/

feel free to dm or answer directly here
I AM ETERNAL! https://i.imgur.com/8H3ij0j.png (banner by skylandersfan60)
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#5269 Posted: 06:18:50 15/10/2019
Here's the font I use fren!
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#5270 Posted: 15:25:24 15/10/2019
Sweet! Thanks Bolt!!
I AM ETERNAL! https://i.imgur.com/8H3ij0j.png (banner by skylandersfan60)
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#5271 Posted: 01:04:41 16/10/2019
Quote: ThunderEgg
Hey does anyone know if it's possible to download any of the RT fonts?

I've seen some people use them, but I can't seem to find them :/

feel free to dm or answer directly here

If you're looking for the menu/UI font, it's called Xaltier.


I got it from here. Here's a meme I made with it.

[User Posted Image]
"My memories will be part of the sky."
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#5272 Posted: 03:22:38 17/10/2019

that's actually the meme I saw that made me want to find the RT fonts!

Thanks, too!
I AM ETERNAL! https://i.imgur.com/8H3ij0j.png (banner by skylandersfan60)
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#5273 Posted: 22:54:51 30/10/2019

It is truly coming, at last!
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#5274 Posted: 05:11:35 31/10/2019
Ah they have a cover now!
This is a definate buy, omg. How exciting.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#5275 Posted: 20:32:11 01/11/2019
*cries tears of joy*
I AM ETERNAL! https://i.imgur.com/8H3ij0j.png (banner by skylandersfan60)
NSane Bandicoot Emerald Sparx Gems: 3188
#5276 Posted: 11:33:26 05/11/2019
Looking forward to the art book releasing. It'll be great to get some more behind the scenes info on Reignited.
Just me in my world of Enemies! | NSane Bandicoot? Nah
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#5277 Posted: 16:12:01 19/02/2020
Another new skin for Spyro in the next Crash Team Racing Grand Prix. Space Spyro.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
sans Gold Sparx Gems: 2283
#5278 Posted: 07:25:54 22/02/2020
it's so cute!!
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#5279 Posted: 16:35:38 22/02/2020
i want to unlock him so badly
I AM ETERNAL! https://i.imgur.com/8H3ij0j.png (banner by skylandersfan60)
fyra Platinum Sparx Gems: 6471
#5280 Posted: 23:42:26 22/02/2020 | Topic Creator
I want a new game, not just skins...new material...sorry. Hope we will soon hear what’s planned next for Spyro.
Life may be harsh in such a dark year, happy new year we said an eternity ago it seem now, but it's far from over, we will survive.
fyra Platinum Sparx Gems: 6471
#5281 Posted: 00:16:43 23/02/2020 | Topic Creator
I chose my words carefully and said it as calmly as I could but I’m worried only hearing about skins, sorry if it bothered you also wrong gender. I know it can take a while, I had no intention to offend.
Life may be harsh in such a dark year, happy new year we said an eternity ago it seem now, but it's far from over, we will survive.
sans Gold Sparx Gems: 2283
#5282 Posted: 01:20:02 23/02/2020
Quote: fyra
I chose my words carefully and said it as calmly as I could but I’m worried only hearing about skins, sorry if it bothered you also wrong gender. I know it can take a while, I had no intention to offend.

dude we're gonna get a new game i'm sure, but for now getting any new spyro content is rad
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#5283 Posted: 16:15:45 23/02/2020
"dude" is generally for everyone

"In the early 1960s, dude became prominent in surfer culture as a synonym of guy or fella. The female equivalent was "dudette" or "dudess". but these have both fallen into disuse and "dude" is now also used as a unisex term."
I AM ETERNAL! https://i.imgur.com/8H3ij0j.png (banner by skylandersfan60)
sans Gold Sparx Gems: 2283
#5284 Posted: 10:31:42 24/02/2020
Quote: ThunderEgg
"dude" is generally for everyone

"In the early 1960s, dude became prominent in surfer culture as a synonym of guy or fella. The female equivalent was "dudette" or "dudess". but these have both fallen into disuse and "dude" is now also used as a unisex term."

this is true

but anyway, it's pretty cool we got another skin for spyro in ctr! i wasn't expecting him to get another, i think he'll be my main because it's so cute
Clank Emerald Sparx Gems: 4434
#5285 Posted: 22:39:46 06/06/2021
Nicholas Kole posted his original pitch for Sheila's redesign on Twitter the other day:

[User Posted Image]

I like this way more, not gonna lie.
"*runs around like a headless gnorc*" ~Jaggedstar©
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8364
#5286 Posted: 23:09:22 06/06/2021
Quote: Clank
Nicholas Kole posted his original pitch for Sheila's redesign on Twitter the other day:

[User Posted Image]

I like this way more, not gonna lie.

It's actually perfect. It's a great recreation of the original design while adding a little more to her so she's got slightly more personality.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
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