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Imaginator parts max stats?
Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#51 Posted: 20:26:11 06/11/2017
Just small levels like first one or undead realm for example...

Bust sometime i change because is boring xD
Android Kain Blue Sparx Gems: 558
#52 Posted: 07:21:38 29/11/2017 | Topic Creator
this seems utter ridiculous why would they allow you to be so OP'ed?
Skylanders: 312/338, Vehicles: 28/28, Traps: 64/64, Magic Items: 38/40 (Does Not Include Chase Varients)
Ps3 ID: Android_Kain
Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#53 Posted: 22:53:09 06/12/2017
Because when you play you can get double items. Double items give you more power. So many times you get them again, much power you will have. But for this you need to play and play and play...
Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#54 Posted: 10:16:26 05/02/2018
Quote: Peppins
I can confirm the limit for the "total" isn't even 99.999, i've exceeded 100.000!

Next target 1 million? But for reach this, if is possible (if parts don't have limit) serve several years...

New update: I can confirm single items (gears/parts) can go above 65535, so I think they can go above like for total power.
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#55 Posted: 18:25:39 05/02/2018
Oh god is there even a limit?
Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#56 Posted: 15:02:22 06/02/2018
Don't know but I don't think. I've found that limit for total power isn't 65535 like for gold, and neither 99999 (because i've got above 100k). Now for single items i've found that isn't 65535 and i'm sure I can go above like for total power, so above 100k, will see.

I want go for 7 digits number for total power, but for my target (single simple punch of 100k of damage) I just need around 285k of attack i think, but I want reach this with good parts that I like on my personal imaginator so not random part xD

ps. I know, i'm already OP vs anything in the game, but like sayans I can go even higher!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:43:30 08/02/2018 by Peppins
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#57 Posted: 23:32:48 09/02/2018
Quote: Peppins
Don't know but I don't think. I've found that limit for total power isn't 65535 like for gold, and neither 99999 (because i've got above 100k). Now for single items i've found that isn't 65535 and i'm sure I can go above like for total power, so above 100k, will see.

I want go for 7 digits number for total power, but for my target (single simple punch of 100k of damage) I just need around 285k of attack i think, but I want reach this with good parts that I like on my personal imaginator so not random part xD

ps. I know, i'm already OP vs anything in the game, but like sayans I can go even higher!

I'm sorry, but I just don't buy it. I spend a hell of a lot of time looping over and over the quickest way to get chests, and I haven't even got my common gear past 50 attack yet.
On top of that i have cracked hundreds of blind bag mystery chests that have multiple parts in each.
I can believe you found a hack, or even a glitch, but i just cant believe that you have these parts built up by looping, there isn't enough time in the world to build these up to the level you claim.
I don't mean to sound like an ass, but it just irks me to hell that I spend so much time looping and I look at what has been scored in a year, and I just find it mathematically impossible in that time to get where you have.
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Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#58 Posted: 23:25:50 10/02/2018
For one people you're right, but if you share account for coordinate the hours of play is possible ;-)
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#59 Posted: 07:36:44 11/02/2018
Quote: Peppins
For one people you're right, but if you share account for coordinate the hours of play is possible ;-)

Again you give me reason to doubt you, you admit that the level you obtained wasn't all just looping on your own, and that its not possible to do it solo, but you can't share your account for combined play with skylanders, it is a local save only, not a cloud save.

I wish there was a magic bullet for this, but I even checked with Activision support, you can not save your skylander game to your Activision account, only your console. If you have some way around this a tutorial would be appreciated and you will have the biggest apology from me, if not I can't help but feel you are conning us.

At the levels the stats would be at now, wouldn't the characters run as fast as the flash? every hit taken be shielded? one coin pickup be worth a million? Your videos show us very little, and again, I don't want to sound like an ass, I am just extremely skeptical.
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optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#60 Posted: 07:46:53 11/02/2018
And I can not express how much I want to be wrong. If you are right i will gladly eat humble pie. with no sauce. or trimmings.
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Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#61 Posted: 09:14:06 11/02/2018
Unfortunately you can't shield all attack and you can't run fast as you think. Even with this high score you aren't too op like you imagine (only with attack damage and rate of attack), the gameplay is the "same".

You can't notice difference in normal levels. Here we can do a speedrun just by killing with one hit anything (not final level boss), but when you walk the player play as normal (about chest when you get some in a level like first level, you can reload it and do it again without finish the entire level, just for example).

About the gold, I don't have it too high (the fortune), if i'm right is less then 40k because (for me) only one item give it (the hat, because i've selected gears to give attack/shield/speed), but you don't need it because it's money related only, and with 65535 limit already reached is useless.

About the save file we share them with drive, it's simple (because we don't use psplus, with psplus you can backup savegame on cloud if you don't know, and of course the account is only one).

edit. will show you a video of a level soon
edi2. just for clarification: about the activision support, it's not true. The save is playstation's account related, not console related. For example if you give me your account and your save i can use them on my ps4 and I can play as if you is here with me. Also I can do it offline so that you can continue play anything online at your home.
Edited 13 times - Last edited at 19:24:17 11/02/2018 by Peppins
Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#62 Posted: 17:03:08 12/02/2018
As requested:

emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#63 Posted: 21:02:48 12/02/2018
rip literally everything
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#64 Posted: 21:13:55 12/02/2018
Quote: Peppins
As requested: you think you could make a video of that guy vs the final boss?
Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#65 Posted: 10:28:58 13/02/2018
Final boss you mean super kaos? If I change parts and use the powerful attack (super punch from distance) I can kill him and end the level with one hit.

But i'm waiting to reach more power to kill him with one simple punch (simple attack like video above).
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 10:33:24 13/02/2018 by Peppins
newkill Emerald Sparx Gems: 4095
#66 Posted: 13:05:50 13/02/2018
@optimall I'm also skeptical of the whole thing. I believe the numbers and the effect they have in game, but I don't trust that they are reached simply by farming chests. I find it hard to believe there isn't some cheating/hacking involved.
Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#67 Posted: 14:19:21 13/02/2018
No cheating or hacking, simply farming chests but difference is 24/7 vs "normal gameplay time of few hours a day".
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#68 Posted: 12:49:04 14/02/2018
Hi again.
I'll be honest, so many things still don't sit right for me, but stuff it, I concede.

I genuinely, without sarcasm or insincerity, apologize for not taking you at your word.

If I may be so bold to ask a favor, I know its kind of a big ask….
But could you put up a tutorial on how to get a group of players going together?
Can they play at the same time? What problems do you encounter?
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optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#69 Posted: 13:14:16 14/02/2018
Also, I would have liked to see you open a chest in that video, you walked past all chests and never opened one?
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Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#70 Posted: 14:53:17 14/02/2018
Was useless, the video was just to show you that even with op imaginator the gameplay is still the same, and also for less time (and also because some people can have a hearth attack when see 5 digits stats, but one day I will do).

About the group of people, we are around 10 if i'm right and we can't play together of course (only one at a time). For example if it's my turn, I play but the others doesn't (also with different timezone some are sleeping). This because if we play together (and offline we can) we overwrite the "same" savegame file but with different stats of unlocking items (waste of time). We need to play one at a time and share the save to others, so next player will use my save then share, then another use this save etc...

Two of them are my local parents, others two are parents not from my country, others are friends from different country with much different timezone..

We worked around this tecnique for many months, found people/friends available, found the fastest way, think how to share the savegame (because you need to play with same ps account, but you don't need to be online), also we have a whatsapp private group where we can leave msg for coordination or for a problem, and we use drive for share the save file (so without psplus).

It's frustrating and I think we will continue for some months then we will stop gradually, cause school, work, various commitments, time and other games that we want play, and also because we've reached the op status.

ps. and also for reach lv64 i haven't buyed all figures myself, but we shared the cost by figures (each one of us have some figures etc). We focused on imaginators (I for example have 9 crystals, 8 from the pack, but with backup tool is like i have around 1000 different imaginators, but can be unlimited xD)
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 14:58:13 14/02/2018 by Peppins
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#71 Posted: 10:32:17 15/02/2018
Quote: Peppins

ps. and also for reach lv64 i haven't buyed all figures myself, but we shared the cost by figures (each one of us have some figures etc). We focused on imaginators (I for example have 9 crystals, 8 from the pack, but with backup tool is like i have around 1000 different imaginators, but can be unlimited xD)

Wait, What?
Back up tool? 1000's of imaginators?
What back up tool?
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Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#72 Posted: 11:25:07 15/02/2018
You have pm ;-)

ps. don't go ot please
Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#73 Posted: 22:01:30 03/08/2018
After some years from the start and some some months from last update, I can confirm you that also single gears can go above 100.000, like for total power.

I'm close to getting 100k damage with one single simple hit with my imaginator, I think by the end of the year we get it xD
Muffin Man Platinum Sparx Gems: 5741
#74 Posted: 18:37:05 04/08/2018
I truly admire your persistence in this endeavour.
Just ate a time muffin and now I'm traveling through the time vortex.
Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#75 Posted: 19:50:41 23/04/2019
Sorry for the late post, but i'm done. I have much more then 100k damage for single simple hit, in the weekend i will do a little video and maybe will start to play with dlcs, then restart the job to increase the new items stats to same level xD
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:51:19 23/04/2019 by Peppins
Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#76 Posted: 12:28:55 05/05/2019
Anyone know why with last update all stats are drastically lowered?
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8718
#77 Posted: 13:11:00 05/05/2019
Quote: Peppins
Anyone know why with last update all stats are drastically lowered?

when was the last update?
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#78 Posted: 13:40:29 05/05/2019
I mean the 1.02 (1.1) after the 1.01. I've played with this one to increase the gear's stats (with less parts), but now that i've updated the game i've lost all the work (lost more then 12x the actual stats).

I have two ps4, one with 1.01 and now one with 1.02. With first one i have impressive stats (190k for example), with second one, same savegame drop to 15k...

edit. proof:

[User Posted Image] [User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image] [User Posted Image]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:41:48 07/05/2019 by Peppins
Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#79 Posted: 10:23:19 19/12/2019
After updating the game and "restarting" the farming, i've noticed that new parts come out much more often than all the previous parts, ****!
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 21:25:12 19/12/2019 by Peppins
Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#80 Posted: 15:41:34 02/05/2020
All of my friends abandoned the project months ago, so i'm alone now, BUT i've found, after lot of searcing on the game, that there is another method for farming chest, and it's even better then before (sharing gamesave with same account). And i can do it also myself smilie

Now i can restart again from where we stopped it, due to the patch problem that lowered the stats.

Another thing, for who was interessed with money, I've found a way to share savegame between ps4 account (thx to latest tools released). I mean, normally you can't play another one savegame, but if someone have a ps4 with hen, he can export the savegame for you so you can play it normally like if was your one. I mean you can play with lv64.

Stay tuned for now, the farming started again and if you're interessed for above, contact me ;-)
Muffin Man Platinum Sparx Gems: 5741
#81 Posted: 18:28:31 04/05/2020
The fact that you're still working on this fills my heart with hope in these difficult times.
Just ate a time muffin and now I'm traveling through the time vortex.
Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#82 Posted: 11:34:47 05/05/2020
Yea, but it will require minimum 1 year from now to reach the high level we reached before the update, damn. I've update the game but now i haven't unlocked the new parts and never played the new levels, and it seems to work because i have latest version but i don't have all of new parts!!

For who was just interessed to have the savegame with lv64 (and items around 10k) i can sell it.

I will update you about the farming next months, but i'm sure i need to play for minimum 1 year like now, and more 1-2 years with all parts :/
Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#83 Posted: 08:51:50 20/06/2020

When you update the game to 1.02 version (ps4 1.1 in game) you lose all of your stats (images proof above and in the video). Now I've captured the video after i've restarted the farming and found that items will reset when they go above 49200 value (ultimate items). In the video below you can see the "QUEEN STAFF" that drop from 49200 to 60 (was found 4096+1 times), WTF!! And lot of other items have dropped, this was just an example. I will see in future if the items will reset again or can go higher than this value (like before). Damn update....

Edited 11 times - Last edited at 17:24:23 23/06/2020 by Peppins
Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#84 Posted: 22:08:30 20/06/2020
Thanks smilie

If the game will reset the stats again, i think they have fixed it to some "high" value like above, but haven't locked it as a maximum (like 65535 for gold). I will try this last way to see, but if items will don't go above and will reset again instead, I will cancel the update and continue the farming on dvd version from old save xD

EDIT: And you can see in the video, the game hasn't show the message of "stats increased" from the chest, but just only the value of original (60).
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 15:49:26 23/06/2020 by Peppins
Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#85 Posted: 09:20:41 07/11/2020

Hi all, now I can confirm that maximum value is 49200 (original 60), so maximum of 4096 times found. As told you before that items stats dropped on 1.1.0 version, and resetted when reached 49200 value, now i can confirm that after reached that again, it will reset again, so you will never go above this value.

So if you play a lot, you loose everything and will start from 0. Really great right? Thanks dev...

Best to play without patch 1.02..

Here video proof:

Edited 5 times - Last edited at 15:14:38 22/11/2020 by Peppins
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4307
#86 Posted: 20:36:11 08/11/2020

my best guess is that it's a result of some coding quirk. can't imagine it was intentional.
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Peppins Yellow Sparx Gems: 1933
#87 Posted: 23:04:25 11/11/2020
Ye maybe, who will know? About the video, just for clarification, my last one above is with 1.1, same savegame at distance of some days, that's why the others two items on the right have little high value (start from +60, add +12 each duplicate), because my brother played too and i haven't checked it. And also was best to check with this empty character because i've already used it for previous comparison (but it happen for all items).

Limit is 1 + 4095 duplicates, total 4096 times, if you get one more it will reset instead to increase at 4097 times total and 49212 value. This don't happen with 1.0 version and you can go up without problem (my last record was 180.000, i've lost it and i've started it again, and also i've lost this year just for testing the 1.1 with this glitch...).

I've reported everything to activision support, really hope they will send that to 'toys for bob' so they can fix this issue, even if the game have more than 4 years...
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 21:25:52 17/11/2020 by Peppins
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