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Custom Imaginator Figures Are Being Delivered --- Post Yours!
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#401 Posted: 09:37:14 08/04/2017

So keen to see your guy. I pray he turns up in better condition than mine usually do.

Does anyone else have any on the way???
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4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#402 Posted: 09:45:39 08/04/2017
Wow! That's quite a set you've got. I bet you're the glue master after all that fixing. Looks pretty awesome though.
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#403 Posted: 17:16:18 08/04/2017
Quote: 4inCreation
Wow! That's quite a set you've got. I bet you're the glue master after all that fixing. Looks pretty awesome though.

Thanks, hope they reopen the store to 3d prints again soon, I want to see more of you guys getting prints in here.

Feels like they have finished catching up on back orders, me and trixter must be the last ones out there waiting.

I was always told that when they completed catching u they would look into ways to make them stronger, and start taking orders again.
here's hoping.
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trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#404 Posted: 20:05:35 08/04/2017
When mine gets here I will post the pictures it should be soon I am on week 2 now and when I ordered it said 2 to 2 and 1/2 weeks we will soon see.
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#405 Posted: 21:45:22 10/04/2017
My box is at home waiting for me. I am at work wont be home until 10pm but so excited to see how he turned out. I will post pics tonight.
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#406 Posted: 02:35:44 11/04/2017
The time has Come everyone please welcome Lester the Fire Ninja. Here is what he is based on the only thing I forgot to do was color in the backpack but oh well it is all great but that part.
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Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:47:54 11/04/2017 by trixster68
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#407 Posted: 09:38:48 11/04/2017
Wow, I love him.

Really changes my mind on ninjas. I thought they would look funny but that really works.
And he's not broken….. YAAAAAYYY!!!!!!!!

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trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#408 Posted: 10:21:29 11/04/2017
Thanks he is small in the case but it looks 95 % the actual figure. I am very happy with him.
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#409 Posted: 11:01:10 12/04/2017
Waspinator, my final creation.
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trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#410 Posted: 11:24:41 12/04/2017
It not broken. Congrats it's way cool n the wing size is stellar. Nice
4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#411 Posted: 15:04:49 12/04/2017
Waspinator looks really good!
McMurderpaws Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#412 Posted: 02:55:03 19/05/2017
I've been checking back regularly, trying to order a 3D figure for my roommate. Checked tonight, and it looks like 3D figures have been removed from the online store. Just cards and teeshirts now. smilie
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#413 Posted: 03:13:58 19/05/2017
Well Paul Richie said they were limited and would not be around for ever. Congrats to everyone that got one and I feel bad that not everybody that wanted one got the chance to get one.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#414 Posted: 03:18:52 19/05/2017
rip figures

at least scubazooka happened
Wishblade Emerald Sparx Gems: 3262
#415 Posted: 03:20:39 19/05/2017
Sad I never got one. Perhaps if they didn't break so much in shipping they could still could be offering. Maybe they can fix that and bring this back someday, I hope.

Trixster, Lester looks awesome! Somehow, you made the body-less figure look good. Most ninjas I tried to create look ridiculous without a body.
Any last wishes?
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#416 Posted: 03:32:18 19/05/2017
It is the size and what head you use and tail combo, It took me a few weeks to get lester looking the way he does, Thanks for the coment he turned out spiffy.

Quote: Wishblade
Sad I never got one. Perhaps if they didn't break so much in shipping they could still could be offering. Maybe they can fix that and bring this back someday, I hope.

Trixster, Lester looks awesome! Somehow, you made the body-less figure look good. Most ninjas I tried to create look ridiculous without a body.
kczportalmaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#417 Posted: 07:58:23 19/05/2017
is it in uk or is just in usa and i have to spend £100 for the shippings the boxings the deliverys and the figures
because im not spending on that.

i from uk
go home villains your all drunk off for your G()D DVWN @5535
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:37:55 19/05/2017 by Dahvoo
MagnaSurge Yellow Sparx Gems: 1045
#418 Posted: 02:07:24 21/05/2017
My custom just arrived!! It's the best custom Imaginator!!

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Come on mods, don't delete this. This is a joke/parody post, but also sort of on topic. xD
- I want Tara Strong to voice my waifu.
- Ashi will forever remain in my heart. :'c
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#419 Posted: 07:41:36 21/05/2017
Wow, that's amazing! It must have taken awhile to create.
McMurderpaws Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#420 Posted: 16:29:42 21/05/2017
As noticed by ZapNorris in the main info thread, the store has updated so the new parts that came with the patch earlier this year are now showing up instead of just being stars.

3D figures are back again as well!!! ... But are unfortunately still sold out.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10616
#421 Posted: 16:57:01 21/05/2017
Also the store is super glitchy. Had to clear data on my mobile browser several times to get the card to change to the current Imaginator.
(What I need is never what I want)
McMurderpaws Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#422 Posted: 17:33:18 21/05/2017
That's been the case with me for the last couple months as well. :/
MagnaSurge Yellow Sparx Gems: 1045
#423 Posted: 20:11:21 21/05/2017
Quote: emeraldzoroark
Wow, that's amazing! It must have taken awhile to create.

It was pretty difficult getting everything accurate, but it was worth it!

Oh and how much USD were the custom figures, cards and shirt? Maybe I missed out. But I was afraid to order a custom figure because it might have broke someday.
- I want Tara Strong to voice my waifu.
- Ashi will forever remain in my heart. :'c
McMurderpaws Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#424 Posted: 21:30:50 21/05/2017
3D figure = US$50
Card = US $15
Teeshirt (not playable) = US$25

The figures are sold out everytime I've checked for the last few months, but the cards and teeshirts are still available.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#425 Posted: 01:48:26 22/05/2017
if 3D prints do come back, I'm getting one for Kraken Khan without a doubt.
MagnaSurge Yellow Sparx Gems: 1045
#426 Posted: 05:27:16 22/05/2017
Quote: McMurderpaws
3D figure = US$50
Card = US $15
Teeshirt (not playable) = US$25

The figures are sold out everytime I've checked for the last few months, but the cards and teeshirts are still available.

Hmm, so it was 50 dollars. Expensive. And being me, if I got one custom Imaginator, I'd have to get most of mine due to an OCD. It would've drove me to bankruptcy.

Are the cards and shirts still available? I do find the shirts cringy, though. I might find it acceptable wearing it to Pax or an anime convention, haha.
- I want Tara Strong to voice my waifu.
- Ashi will forever remain in my heart. :'c
McMurderpaws Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#427 Posted: 15:28:30 22/05/2017
I mean, I literally said they are still available in the post you quoted... smilie

But yeah, the cards have a chip in them that works just the same as a 3D printed character, with almost zero chance of breaking in the mail, and they look exactly like they're shown on the website. (They're also supposed to ship quicker, but I've been waiting for one that I ordered for my roommate for 3 weeks now and my first-wave 3D figure only took about 5 weeks...)

The shirts are just shirts. They seem pricey for just a fabric printing. I don't know anyone here who got one.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10616
#428 Posted: 16:17:46 22/05/2017
The youtubers did bit it was for free. Still pointless and they're pretty silly looking when they're worth almost two cards and you can get better gaming shirts elsewhere.
(What I need is never what I want)
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#429 Posted: 20:01:53 22/05/2017
Shame I missed them. Oh well, they were a lot of money after all.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#430 Posted: 20:08:31 22/05/2017
>tfw you find a chris chan video of her custom figure she ordered
MagnaSurge Yellow Sparx Gems: 1045
#431 Posted: 01:28:14 23/05/2017
Quote: McMurderpaws
I mean, I literally said they are still available in the post you quoted... smilie

But yeah, the cards have a chip in them that works just the same as a 3D printed character, with almost zero chance of breaking in the mail, and they look exactly like they're shown on the website. (They're also supposed to ship quicker, but I've been waiting for one that I ordered for my roommate for 3 weeks now and my first-wave 3D figure only took about 5 weeks...)

The shirts are just shirts. They seem pricey for just a fabric printing. I don't know anyone here who got one.

It was late. I guess I didn't notice. d:

The shipping wait time is decent it seems. And that's great about the cards. I thought they were just plain cards.

Yeah, the shirts are not too interesting.
- I want Tara Strong to voice my waifu.
- Ashi will forever remain in my heart. :'c
McMurderpaws Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#432 Posted: 04:23:31 23/05/2017
My roommate's card arrived tonight! Not really worth taking a pic of since it looks exactly like the image I've already shown in the contest thread, but she's super happy to have it. smilie

EDIT: Found the image on her Facebook feed since I couldn't find the contest thread and then uploaded it to Photobucket. Here it is:

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Edited 2 times - Last edited at 20:49:28 23/05/2017 by McMurderpaws
MagnaSurge Yellow Sparx Gems: 1045
#433 Posted: 05:15:23 23/05/2017
Oh that's nice. Glad she's happy. I'll have to look it up sometime. (:
- I want Tara Strong to voice my waifu.
- Ashi will forever remain in my heart. :'c
Coxula Blue Sparx Gems: 689
#434 Posted: 15:41:39 19/06/2017
Sorry for waking a dead thread but I thought it would be better then open a new:

Do you think it makes sense to order a Custom Figure now in terms of if I'll ever get it?

It seems everyone got his figure when ordered. On the other side: The good times of Imaginators seems over now. I'm not shure if they still print and ship the figures... What do you think?
SI: collection complete! :-)))
McMurderpaws Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#435 Posted: 16:35:14 19/06/2017
the 3D printed figures have been "Sold Out" for months. You can only get them now if you win a contest to get a redemption code.
TrapShadowFan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3511
#436 Posted: 18:17:46 19/06/2017
I managed to get a redemption code after my original figurine broke. As long as you provide proof, they'll still send you a new one if it ever breaks.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:18:04 19/06/2017 by TrapShadowFan
Coxula Blue Sparx Gems: 689
#437 Posted: 20:11:37 19/06/2017
Ah, ok. Thanx.
I thought they was available for order as I looked at it three weeks ago or so.
Is it the same with the cards?
SI: collection complete! :-)))
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:08:33 20/06/2017 by Coxula
McMurderpaws Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#438 Posted: 01:21:37 20/06/2017
Cards should still be available, yes. I just got one a month ago.
Halvmorke Emerald Sparx Gems: 4767
#439 Posted: 01:34:05 20/06/2017
Yes, they are. I just checked it.
Elite: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Senseis: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#440 Posted: 13:13:00 23/06/2017
Made a custom skylander myself.
Has a light up base as well.

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McMurderpaws Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#441 Posted: 14:15:32 23/06/2017
Is that a Battle Beast stuck to an Imaginite Crystal base? That's a pretty damn good idea.
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#442 Posted: 14:19:46 23/06/2017
Why yes it is. I am a battle beast nut.

After removing the clear tube, crystal and the top, I 3d printed a clear base that clicks in to where the tube went so that the light up feature will still work. Then just stick the figure to the new base.

Will have another one up tomorrow.
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Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:23:49 23/06/2017 by optimall
fairyland Emerald Sparx Gems: 3800
#443 Posted: 14:21:32 23/06/2017
Heeeeeeey! That's a Battle Beast! I'm one of the few here that is old enough to know one when they see one. smilie How did you make the base though?

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Stay Cool!
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#444 Posted: 14:26:33 23/06/2017
3d printed a new clear base to add to a creation crystal.
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optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#445 Posted: 14:30:01 23/06/2017
Tomorrow's custom beast.
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Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:32:21 23/06/2017 by optimall
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#446 Posted: 08:26:55 24/06/2017
First lot of battle beast customs
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optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#447 Posted: 08:31:29 24/06/2017
Second lot
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optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#448 Posted: 08:36:13 24/06/2017
Group shot.
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Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#449 Posted: 12:15:14 24/06/2017
These are amazing customs! Fantastic job!
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
fairyland Emerald Sparx Gems: 3800
#450 Posted: 17:01:18 24/06/2017
WOW! I never realized that Skylanders totally ripped off Battle Beasts! Seems you can make anyone from that series. LOL
Stay Cool!
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