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Custom Imaginator Figures Are Being Delivered --- Post Yours!
spoons10696 Gold Sparx Gems: 2525
#301 Posted: 15:30:57 03/02/2017
Finally received my Skylander I won in the Creator Contest. Took 8 weeks but overall I think he looks awesome. The sword is kinda weird right next to his head and isnt as smoothly finished as I had hoped but the rest of the figure looks great, good size and everything looks in proportion! General Tigera is his name!

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fairyland Emerald Sparx Gems: 3800
#302 Posted: 18:08:08 03/02/2017
Quote: optimall
Well, of the 5 figures to arrive, only 1 survived.

I am gutted.

Nearly ready to give up.

I knew that would happen as they are far too fragile to be mailed. I was hoping it wouldn't though.... T_T ..... There there. A few pages ago you can read about how my first one came loose and she broke. I got a free one out of it but being in Australia and the fight you had, who knows what could happen. I mean you're lucky they even sent them to you because they probably took a great hit on the shipping cost which is why they were dragging their feet on them. I doubt they'll want to send another set to you for any reason. I say don't open them yet, contact the company and see what they will have to say about it. They really SHOULD refund you by now in a fair world. If they tell you to get bent, then open and fix them as you have nothing to loose. Just hope this won't keep you from enjoying Sky 7 if they do release one.
Stay Cool!
4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#303 Posted: 18:18:19 03/02/2017
^Also, if you do end up taking them apart, you can use the chip in other creative ways.
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#304 Posted: 22:21:48 03/02/2017
Quote: fairyland
Quote: optimall
Well, of the 5 figures to arrive, only 1 survived.

I am gutted.

Nearly ready to give up.

I knew that would happen as they are far too fragile to be mailed. I was hoping it wouldn't though.... T_T ..... There there. A few pages ago you can read about how my first one came loose and she broke. I got a free one out of it but being in Australia and the fight you had, who knows what could happen. I mean you're lucky they even sent them to you because they probably took a great hit on the shipping cost which is why they were dragging their feet on them. I doubt they'll want to send another set to you for any reason. I say don't open them yet, contact the company and see what they will have to say about it. They really SHOULD refund you by now in a fair world. If they tell you to get bent, then open and fix them as you have nothing to loose. Just hope this won't keep you from enjoying Sky 7 if they do release one.

My biggest problem is, they never shipped them to me, they shipped them to the mail forwarding company, so they didn't take a hit on postage to Australia…….. But, if they want to they can say that it isn't their problem because of that same reason.

As for pulling them apart and fixing them, 2 are salvageable, 2 are just pebbles of undistinguishable parts in the bottom of an incredibly scratched dome.

After work I will he taking photos, but its painful to look at the 2 that were so badly ruined as those are the 2 we wanted most of the 5.
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optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#305 Posted: 22:24:32 03/02/2017
Spoons 10696

I really love that design.
The tiger legs are awesome.
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Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#306 Posted: 03:56:51 04/02/2017
I'm thinking about ordering on of these, but I need advice - should I make a figure of an original character or an Imaginator of myself, complete with a Chompy backpack and a hotdog sword.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#307 Posted: 08:50:28 04/02/2017
So this is the train wreck........
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optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#308 Posted: 09:01:18 04/02/2017
I pulled apart the containers, spent a lot of time figuring out what went where...........
and presto.

[User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image]

One of them is just plain destroyed, so I won't even bother with that one.
the domes on the 3 remaining broken ones are too scratched to use so I will just display them out of the dome. I have fixed the nfc tab to the base of the figures, so they still work like a regular skylander.
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4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#309 Posted: 09:04:59 04/02/2017
That's insane.

I like how the Smasher was smash proof.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:09:51 04/02/2017 by 4inCreation
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#310 Posted: 09:05:41 04/02/2017
Quote: Chompy-King257
I'm thinking about ordering on of these, but I need advice - should I make a figure of an original character or an Imaginator of myself, complete with a Chompy backpack and a hotdog sword.

Personally, I love characters based on an existing character, but I still think there is nothing like one you made out of your own imagination.
pun intended.
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trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#311 Posted: 09:13:38 04/02/2017
Great job on fixing them up! You like did an Amazing feat there. WoWzers is all I have to say after seeing your train wreck. Thanks for sharing.
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#312 Posted: 13:33:03 04/02/2017
Thanks trixter68,
Wowsers is right.
So happy to at least have some customs now, even if they are a little tougher up.
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Dahvoo Emerald Sparx Gems: 3914
#313 Posted: 15:22:48 04/02/2017
Great job optimall. It's amazing you were able to salvage the sentinel!
SSA: 37/37; SG: 99/99; SSF: 174/174; STT: 254/254 & 59/59 Traps; SSC: 294/294 & 32/32 Vehicles; SI: 338/339 & 29/34 Crystals. MAX Imaginator Level: 59
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#314 Posted: 16:20:53 04/02/2017
Quote: optimall
I pulled apart the containers, spent a lot of time figuring out what went where...........
and presto.

One of them is just plain destroyed, so I won't even bother with that one.
the domes on the 3 remaining broken ones are too scratched to use so I will just display them out of the dome. I have fixed the nfc tab to the base of the figures, so they still work like a regular skylander.

How do they feel? Are they really delicate?
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:37:48 04/02/2017 by Dahvoo
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#315 Posted: 18:50:16 04/02/2017
decided i'll get one more figure around my birthday. trying to decide between these 3 to get the figure treatment though- thoughts?

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ToonLink04 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1384
#316 Posted: 18:59:12 04/02/2017
Brain drain!!
He's going to kill me the first chance he gets, Turtle realized. I'm going to die.
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#317 Posted: 19:30:15 04/02/2017
Brain drain ftw.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10616
#318 Posted: 19:36:43 04/02/2017
Excuse me

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Kidding. I think Slick is the better one, mostly because its thin parts are few and would leave less room for it to break during shipping.
(What I need is never what I want)
Halvmorke Emerald Sparx Gems: 4767
#319 Posted: 21:27:00 04/02/2017
Brain Drain!
Elite: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Senseis: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#320 Posted: 22:41:47 04/02/2017
Quote: Chompy-King257
Quote: optimall
I pulled apart the containers, spent a lot of time figuring out what went where...........
and presto.

One of them is just plain destroyed, so I won't even bother with that one.
the domes on the 3 remaining broken ones are too scratched to use so I will just display them out of the dome. I have fixed the nfc tab to the base of the figures, so they still work like a regular skylander.

How do they feel? Are they really delicate?

You would not believe how strong they really feel.
I intentionally tried to snap the leg of the sentinel just to see how strong he was and all i can say is wow, they are really strong.
The postal service must treat these parcels like total crap to be able to do what they did to them.
i wouldn't hesitate to display my figures outside the dome, bar dropping them from a height I reckon these guys could easily be handled on a day to day basis.
I fully intend to crack harley from her dome today, and will be doing that to any others i get in future.
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trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#321 Posted: 22:49:50 04/02/2017
They are sealed with glue after they come out of the mold to make them stronger.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#322 Posted: 00:28:12 05/02/2017
I decided that I'm going to make a character called Professor Peculiar for a figure. He's a Tech Sorcerer with the Dummy head, the snake arms, the Spyro horns, the top hat, the eyeball chest, the yeti legs, the eyeball tail, the ice cream staff and the pizza arm armor.

Instead of getting a figure of myself as an Imaginator, I'm gonna make Professor Peculiar.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#323 Posted: 00:37:02 05/02/2017
Careful with that eyeball tail, they might make it pretty big.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#324 Posted: 00:39:29 05/02/2017
Quote: 4inCreation
Careful with that eyeball tail, they might make it pretty big.

Yeah, think I might change it to the skeleton tail looking at what happened to Mega Spyro's eyeball tail.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3957
#325 Posted: 04:22:51 05/02/2017
Quote: Chompy-King257
Quote: 4inCreation
Careful with that eyeball tail, they might make it pretty big.

Yeah, think I might change it to the skeleton tail looking at what happened to Mega Spyro's eyeball tail.

If you want to risk printing a figure with the eyeball tail, I'd recommend making it a thin as possible so it might actually look the size you're hoping for.
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#326 Posted: 10:43:20 05/02/2017
Activision just requested pics of all the ruined creations.

hopefully they code me up.
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Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#327 Posted: 14:43:11 05/02/2017
I'm gonna change Pro. Peculiar a bit. Now he's gonna have the Neo Cortex ears, the lava leg armor and the lemur tail.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#328 Posted: 15:16:03 05/02/2017
Quote: optimall
Activision just requested pics of all the ruined creations.

hopefully they code me up.

If they code you up. Won't the figures get broken in transit? I mean it could be a train wreck again?
fairyland Emerald Sparx Gems: 3800
#329 Posted: 19:30:03 05/02/2017
Quote: optimall
Activision just requested pics of all the ruined creations.

hopefully they code me up.

Do not send them any images of them outside of their domes. That'll surely invalidate any claim you have, especially the ones you fixed up. The trouble is that you already took them apart and fixed them. They asked me for the number on a sheet of paper next to the damaged figure, so the ones you took prior may not work even if you put numbers over them.
Stay Cool!
Halvmorke Emerald Sparx Gems: 4767
#330 Posted: 20:13:32 05/02/2017
Quote: fairyland
Quote: optimall
Activision just requested pics of all the ruined creations.

hopefully they code me up.

Do not send them any images of them outside of their domes. That'll surely invalidate any claim you have, especially the ones you fixed up. The trouble is that you already took them apart and fixed them. They asked me for the number on a sheet of paper next to the damaged figure, so the ones you took prior may not work even if you put numbers over them.

So, better to send only a pic of the totally broken one. Altough it sucks that the rest arrive broken, you could at least fix them, but the only way to get the things properly done with the ruined one is to follow fairyland tip.
Elite: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Senseis: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:14:02 05/02/2017 by Halvmorke
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#331 Posted: 22:10:55 05/02/2017
Now I don't know who to make for the 3d Print. I mean, I really like Professor Peculiar, but today I came up with Mr. Doom, who's basically the reincarnation of the Darkness made from it's last surviving particles. He has the Painted Skull head, the tuxedo chest and legs, and the tree arms. He also has the Space Staff. Who should get it a figure, do you think?

Also, Zap, you've got picture of your characters on cards. Are they no longer sample images?
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#332 Posted: 22:15:54 05/02/2017
Looks like they killed that feature on the store site...
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#333 Posted: 11:04:15 08/02/2017
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This one arrived today.
Her name is Jinx
Happy Day.
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Wishblade Emerald Sparx Gems: 3262
#334 Posted: 11:13:31 08/02/2017
Whoa! She's maybe the best I've seen. Jinx is a good name, too. Makes me want to get one.
Any last wishes?
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#335 Posted: 18:46:19 08/02/2017
Right out of avatar huh? Very cool.
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#336 Posted: 13:58:42 09/02/2017
Wasn't thinking avatar at the time. But later it made sense.
I do love it though. Funny thing was I made and purchased it the day the app came out. The game wasn't even released at the time, and I only just got it now…….
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trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#337 Posted: 15:38:10 09/02/2017
She is awesome
spyrocrash Platinum Sparx Gems: 5012
#338 Posted: 22:08:22 09/02/2017
Here's my Imaginator, Amethyst:
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I was one of the winners of the Skyland Academy twitter contest and I almost forgot about my order.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#339 Posted: 22:16:53 09/02/2017
trying to decide which one of these guys gets a figure.

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majority will probably still go with Brain Drain
ToonLink04 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1384
#340 Posted: 23:29:48 09/02/2017
Brain drain!!!
He's going to kill me the first chance he gets, Turtle realized. I'm going to die.
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3957
#341 Posted: 02:19:08 10/02/2017
Spillgore is amazing
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#342 Posted: 03:41:26 10/02/2017
Spillgore, Slick, or Blacklight. Couldn't decide xD
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#343 Posted: 09:06:38 10/02/2017
I would say blacklight, but when you get the figure printed it would be greylight.
So spillgore it is.
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CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#344 Posted: 12:49:56 10/02/2017
i would pick spillgore outta that bunch.
Ha! HA, sage ich.
RetroDeath Red Sparx Gems: 13
#345 Posted: 02:26:45 12/02/2017
Hey everyone!

I am not really a member of this site, I have been following this thread ever since I ordered my own 3D printed Skylander on November 30th 2016. I have lived with all of your pains, the disfigured limbs, broken figures, unshipped figures etc... But mostly I was just really curious to see what others ordered.

I just wanted to thank you all for somehow having accompanied me during my own waiting time, haha! I had some issues with my shipment and it ended up taking about 3 months for my dude to arrive, I thought the very LEAST I could do is post him here.

I show him in pretty good detail in my Youtube video =>

But here are some pictures for those that prefer the quick fix, the horns are a tad smaller than they should have been and for some reason there is this white piece of dust or whatever it is stuck on the INSIDE of my dome. Either way, I definitely count myself among the lucky ones when it comes to the end result.

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Stay Real!
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#346 Posted: 06:26:47 12/02/2017
That is one sick puppy! He is so freaking Awesome....
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#347 Posted: 06:52:10 12/02/2017
decided on Fire Ant
Flame58 Blue Sparx Gems: 528
#348 Posted: 08:13:09 14/02/2017
Hi, this is my Imaginator, a female version of Flameslinger but she is also inspired by Stealth Elf design smilie I'm really satisfied with the quality. After seeing some people figures arrive damaged I was worried but my figure has zero damage.

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"Let the flames begin!"
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#349 Posted: 11:56:47 14/02/2017
Quite nice
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#350 Posted: 17:48:22 14/02/2017
Oh my. I think I'm in love.
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