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Custom Imaginator Figures Are Being Delivered --- Post Yours!
Corn_Hornet Yellow Sparx Gems: 1982
#101 Posted: 20:20:48 15/11/2016
Quote: newkill
Quote: fairyland
[...] And the end animation is choppy where it just zooms to her face and sticks there for a moment. Doesn't seem right.

This happens each time you load an Imaginator, the game takes a picture for the portrait, it's normal.

Oh I was wondering why the heck that happened. I thought it was an Xbox 360 glitch or something (like the processor couldn't keep up).
fairyland Emerald Sparx Gems: 3800
#102 Posted: 21:46:24 15/11/2016
Seems the website is open for business again. I put in for my replacement Skylander. My order is #1828. My last one was #1100 something, so that's not really a lot of orders for a month for a big company. I assume that includes cards and whatever else on the site. I know they were down for several days and not taking orders on figures, but their numbers are on par for a small mom and pop company rather than a huge one.

Anyway, I went with Serpent Karai for the replacement. I lost all my Imaginators app data last month (phone broke) and I didn't feel like spending two hours to unlock everything again to create a better Imaginator. And there isn't much point to fuss a lot with it as they are really too fragile to use anyway. I'm going with cards from now on.

On a side note, they let me pick out a free Imaginator for my troubles. I went with Barbella as I couldn't see myself ever paying real money for her as she's just so ulgy. LOL I couldn't care if they send me a badly painted one of her, where as others I tend to look them over and pick the best ones.
Stay Cool!
TrapShadowFan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3511
#103 Posted: 22:04:22 15/11/2016
Quote: fairyland
Seems the website is open for business again. I put in for my replacement Skylander. My order is #1828. My last one was #1100 something, so that's not really a lot of orders for a month for a big company. I assume that includes cards and whatever else on the site. I know they were down for several days and not taking orders on figures, but their numbers are on par for a small mom and pop company rather than a huge one.

Anyway, I went with Serpent Karai for the replacement. I lost all my Imaginators app data last month (phone broke) and I didn't feel like spending two hours to unlock everything again to create a better Imaginator. And there isn't much point to fuss a lot with it as they are really too fragile to use anyway. I'm going with cards from now on.

On a side note, they let me pick out a free Imaginator for my troubles. I went with Barbella as I couldn't see myself ever paying real money for her as she's just so ulgy. LOL I couldn't care if they send me a badly painted one of her, where as others I tend to look them over and pick the best ones.

That was quite nice of them to offer a replacement AND a Sensei!
Street50 Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#104 Posted: 22:14:28 15/11/2016
Quote: fairyland
Seems the website is open for business again. I put in for my replacement Skylander. My order is #1828. My last one was #1100 something, so that's not really a lot of orders for a month for a big company. I assume that includes cards and whatever else on the site. I know they were down for several days and not taking orders on figures, but their numbers are on par for a small mom and pop company rather than a huge one.

Anyway, I went with Serpent Karai for the replacement. I lost all my Imaginators app data last month (phone broke) and I didn't feel like spending two hours to unlock everything again to create a better Imaginator. And there isn't much point to fuss a lot with it as they are really too fragile to use anyway. I'm going with cards from now on.

On a side note, they let me pick out a free Imaginator for my troubles. I went with Barbella as I couldn't see myself ever paying real money for her as she's just so ulgy. LOL I couldn't care if they send me a badly painted one of her, where as others I tend to look them over and pick the best ones.

When I placed my order earlier today first one was 1804 and 2nd one which was right after of course 1805 so that means there were 22 orders since my post and yours now.
But you probably should also consider that these printed figures seem to rarely be in stock. They were out of stock for me since yesterday at 4am and till 5am today for me.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#105 Posted: 23:00:33 15/11/2016
My two figures arrived! They made the wings small to fit inside the container, and the Sorcerers apparently stand up! smilie

My Air Sorcerer's arms are skinny though, I guess because the shoulder guards hid her muscles and the workers couldn't see them.

[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 05:03:46 16/11/2016 by Aura24
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#106 Posted: 23:15:07 15/11/2016
My 2 of 3 came today. Sir Hoodington is the last one to be coming my way soon. Fried PorkChop is on top and Myst Understood she is on the bottom enjoy. They are both neat Myst looks better because of fewer details, Fried PorkChop looks great but he has to much going on. I like them both. Here is a look below. Thanks Toys for BoB and Activision and Shapeways and the whole skylanders crew and team for just granting wishes to all of us portal masters. You guy's just rock... So happy with everything.
[User Posted Image]
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AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#107 Posted: 01:59:59 16/11/2016
Still waiting for my Doomlander figure and praying to Eon it comes in one piece.

[User Posted Image]
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:00:12 16/11/2016 by AdamGregory03
4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#108 Posted: 04:12:22 16/11/2016
Quote: Aura24
My Air Sorcerer's arms are tiny though, I guess because the shoulder guards hid her muscles and the workers couldn't see them.

Do you have a picture from the app to compare?
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#109 Posted: 04:31:09 16/11/2016
Yeah, here she is. The muscles are skinny compared to the game/app version.

[User Posted Image]

Quote: Aura24
[User Posted Image]
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 04:46:31 16/11/2016 by Aura24
4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#110 Posted: 06:43:21 16/11/2016
Quote: Aura24
Yeah, here she is. The muscles are skinny compared to the game/app version.

It seems like they usually thicken up details, but not this time...

I wonder if it has something to do with how close the arm guard is to the shoulder guard? Still looks good as a whole. Thanks for sharing!
angelg Gold Sparx Gems: 2791
#111 Posted: 08:15:21 16/11/2016
I like four figures, they look good overall. I wil be satisfied if mine looks as good as these. Things I noticed:

- Insect wings look far better than the feathered ones. The latter just look horrible. If I ever order another 3d printed figure I will add dragon or insect wings.

- The tiny arms of that sorcerer is a weird mistake. I thought the prinitng process would be an automatic one, I mean, loading the data of the imaginator and select printing, that simple. But it seems there's some kind of "human" influence in the process afterall., otherwise that mistake is unexplanaible.

- The tails tend to look oversized

- The eagle pauldrons look superb imo. The dragons one, are less detailed than expected.
Life sucks...and then you die.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#112 Posted: 08:23:07 16/11/2016
Thanks, guys. smilie All I know is that I set my Sorcerer's muscles at 50% and they look 0 or 10% on the figure. But I still love her~ X3 Check your Imaginator sizes carefully pff
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 08:52:57 16/11/2016 by Aura24
Meximanly Red Sparx Gems: 37
#113 Posted: 21:40:46 16/11/2016
I got mine about a week ago! It love it!
[User Posted Image] [User Posted Image] [User Posted Image]
angelg Gold Sparx Gems: 2791
#114 Posted: 08:14:34 17/11/2016
^Looks good! Specially the chest.

There are a lot parts which have't been showed yet and I'm really curious to know how they will end looking, like the lion breastplate.
Life sucks...and then you die.
Meximanly Red Sparx Gems: 37
#115 Posted: 14:55:46 17/11/2016
Thanks! I was afraid that it would come out as a painted texture so I'm glad that it's actually a 3D piece that juts out. There is even a tiny zipper that sticks out of the back of the mask. So it's a nice detail.

I kinda wish the chest and legs were a bit more textured like in the card, but I'm sure that's harder to print out. Overall I give my figure a 8.5/10 !
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:56:32 17/11/2016 by Meximanly
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#116 Posted: 15:10:05 17/11/2016
Okay, I have two questions, and I don't know if anyone can answer them but it's worth a shot.

1. Do they send you like an email or something letting you know if your figure is on the way?

2. I had to delete the app and re-install it because there was a glitch where it closed out of the app before loading the Imaginators screen... Do you think that hindered the figure delivery in any way? Because I deleted the app sometime after I ordered it.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
Kat-Kun Green Sparx Gems: 415
#117 Posted: 21:07:27 17/11/2016
In a few months I'm gonna get a 3D print of Sans as a Bazooker.
There's a skull bazooka that looks similar to a Gaster Blaster, so that's what I'm gonna put as his weapon.
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the waaaaaay!
fairyland Emerald Sparx Gems: 3800
#118 Posted: 21:10:39 17/11/2016
WOW! Now I have some idea how my replacement figure will be like. Aura's Naga is basically what I had ordered with my Karai but mine looks very differently. Aura's faun was very close to what I was going to do for my "real" second figure but as a fire Skylander. I just didn't feel like collecting all the parts again on the app to make her (I broke my phone and lost all my data), the Karai parts were all there already.

Good choices all really! Best of luck with them. I got a PM today from someone who had issues with theirs so sadly they are not all turning out well for everyone. T_T;;; They are still very hit or miss.

Anyway, Adam, they do not send any emails out to you. They arrive when they arrive. If you got charged for it, then the order went though fine. Obviously, if you didn't get charged, then the order never went though. Whatever happens with the app really wouldn't effect the order. They charge immediately, so you should know by the next day on your account if the order is in or not as some cards takes a day or two to process.
Stay Cool!
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#119 Posted: 21:17:46 17/11/2016
Quote: fairyland
Anyway, Adam, they do not send any emails out to you. They arrive when they arrive. If you got charged for it, then the order went though fine. Obviously, if you didn't get charged, then the order never went though. Whatever happens with the app really wouldn't effect the order. They charge immediately, so you should know by the next day on your account if the order is in or not as some cards takes a day or two to process.

I'm guessing by charging you mean pay for it? In that case I'll have to check later. Thanks!
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#120 Posted: 21:58:45 17/11/2016
Wow these look great! Still undecided if I'm going to get a 3D Print, and who it would be of. I was thinking Monarchery or Blastbright, though I'm unsure on Blastbright since he has the star tail so I'm unsure of how they will pull that off. Do they allow the star parts anyway?
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#121 Posted: 23:20:40 17/11/2016
I'm ordering figures of my RP characters Sage and Sol so hopefully once I order them and they arrive they won't be broken
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Street50 Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#122 Posted: 00:00:36 18/11/2016
Mine still have a status of "image downloaded". What are the statuses?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:54:36 18/11/2016 by Street50
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#123 Posted: 00:01:55 18/11/2016
Gonna order Banana Guy really soon.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
sinkillerj Green Sparx Gems: 489
#124 Posted: 00:35:49 18/11/2016
Quote: Street50
Mine still have a status of "imagine downloaded". What are the statuses?

The status is unreliable, mine arrived and it still showed that.
4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#125 Posted: 01:01:03 18/11/2016
[User Posted Image]
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#126 Posted: 12:24:59 18/11/2016
My dad said I can order my Magic Imaginator, Monarchery! However, when we tried last night, it says the item is temporarily sold out, so I have to wait until the orders go back up. I live in Canada, so it miight be because they don't send to Canada.
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
fairyland Emerald Sparx Gems: 3800
#127 Posted: 20:17:39 19/11/2016
I was thinking that a lot of people here doesn't really know how these things are made. I thought I would share a video that I was watching today showing an interesting printing process. I'm betting that this video below is very similar to what Shapeway uses to make their Skylanders, other than the taking photos of people part of course.

If you rather not watch the video, basically a machine layers very sandy powder into a tray and does this many, many times. With some tech wizardry the figure is formed very slowly in the center of the tray. At the end of the process you get a box of dust which they recycle, but in the center of it all is your figure. Then they clean and process it and you're good to go.

I am rather envious that these guys are printing out WAY better looking 3D character figures than what we've been getting. I checked online for a price range and it's not that bad. Seems to be $95 for a figure the size of a Skylander. Honestly I would gladly pay $100ish for a figure which manages to get glasses to look like glasses rather than huge eye obscuring goggles, wings to their proper size and other things which makes them more like what we see on the TV screen instead of fuzzy chibis.

Something I picked up from the video is that it takes a day for them to print a figure. I'm using a bit of logic here to assume that Safeway probably has the ability to print out only "X" figures a week. They surely only have so many machines and staff on hand to attend to these things, right? After that magic number, the website shuts down orders until the queue clears up and then they open the website again for more orders.

I got my order in on a Tuesday, so it's possible that Monday or Tuesday is when the queue is freed up and orders are accepted once again. And they probably sell out pretty quickly within 24 hours. Just a hunch for anyone wanting to buy one to check back on those two days.
Stay Cool!
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#128 Posted: 13:15:38 21/11/2016
Has anyone in australia received theirs yet?
I got my order through on the second day the app was online, but haven't got the figure yet.
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TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#129 Posted: 13:23:13 21/11/2016
Look at the post above yours... Drawdler is an Aussie!
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#130 Posted: 13:29:14 21/11/2016
She had hers sent to LordElohim first though, and he's in the US. I don't think we have any sent directly to Australia yet, aside from cards.
(What I need is never what I want)
Street50 Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#131 Posted: 09:57:27 23/11/2016
curious but it seems that the only way people knew that theirs was shipped was because the UPS tracking alerted them?
Is it possible some figures get shipped out postal?
optimall Yellow Sparx Gems: 1377
#132 Posted: 21:34:19 23/11/2016
Thank you, bifrost.
Hope I, get mine soon.
Do we know how many actual Australian orders got through before the block got put on?
Join me on line chat.
Search for line ID: skylanderschat
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#133 Posted: 23:11:43 23/11/2016
My third and last order I made back in October hasn't arrived yet. Hm, I wonder if it's got to do with the gear I put on my Water Knight.

[User Posted Image]
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#134 Posted: 04:49:48 24/11/2016
Got the code for my contest figure via email today, so i ordered Scubazooker.

Now to wait.
4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#135 Posted: 09:23:31 25/11/2016
I ordered Dr Bee Syntax!
Tried to order earlier today, but it didn't let me. Around midnight it went through just fine though.
If you're having trouble ordering, maybe try late at night. The card images load better for me at night too.

Quote: Drawdler
My only major problems are that the silver on the guns seems a lot lighter than it looks ingame or on the app and I wish she had dark foot claws on her feet, like in the app/game.

The issue is reflection. The sand colors are just the base colors. The guns have a lot of reflection that make them look darker, but the base color is similar to or the same as a lighter swatch. The claws are probably the same base color as the pants, but the reflection makes them look darker. It reflects the light source to make things shiny, but also reflects a dark background at other angles. It looks pretty, but makes it difficult to design a good looking figure in both the game/app and as a 3D print. I think your colors look good either way!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:55:06 25/11/2016 by 4inCreation
TrapShadowFan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3511
#136 Posted: 15:12:35 01/12/2016
Just curious, does anyone know what the... stranger parts look like on the figures such as the Lightbulb head and Spark body parts?
4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#137 Posted: 00:38:26 02/12/2016
^Cool Pic!
[User Posted Image]
angelg Gold Sparx Gems: 2791
#138 Posted: 08:12:16 02/12/2016
^What about the scarf? I can't see it in the pictures.

The shirt color beneath the jacket can't be changed right?
Life sucks...and then you die.
angelg Gold Sparx Gems: 2791
#139 Posted: 09:06:51 02/12/2016
Yeah, I kinda see it now. I'm gonna use the pilot jacket for my next imaginator, it's one of the chests that are better printed imo.

My figure... it's a long story... happily it has ended well, and I got a new code for another imaginator. Lordelohim as been super helpful with all this matter, as usual.
Life sucks...and then you die.
LordElohim Yellow Sparx Gems: 1811
#140 Posted: 11:57:26 02/12/2016
Could someone tell me how to apply a code to order an Imaginator? I can find no field during checkout to use a code, but the figure should be free as a replacement.

Good to see that you got your figure safely and securely, Drawdler, though I would have expected to find out via email before seeing pictures here.

angelg, we will get yours figured out as quickly as I am able to. I am certainly not going to pay for it, so I have to find out how to use the code.

If anyone else outside the US wants one, I don't mind being the intermediary, and apparently, I have cred.
Hail Sithis
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#141 Posted: 12:11:38 02/12/2016
I remember somewhere in the page having a space for redemption codes, but I uninstalled the app now that the contest is done so haven't gone there in a while.
(What I need is never what I want)
angelg Gold Sparx Gems: 2791
#142 Posted: 12:17:26 02/12/2016
@Lordelohim: I just sent an email with a pic of where the code box can be found, I believe.

In the European version of the app, the code box is in the screen where you get the option to add the print to the basket. It's a small blue box in the lower part.

Do not have access to imgur right now, but will post the picture in a few hours in case anybody needs to know this as well.
Life sucks...and then you die.
4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#143 Posted: 14:19:04 02/12/2016
Thanks Drawdler, I hope it gets here for Christmas too!

US figure page with redemption code button:
[User Posted Image]

Redeem page with redemption code space:
[User Posted Image]
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 14:31:33 02/12/2016 by 4inCreation
angelg Gold Sparx Gems: 2791
#144 Posted: 15:09:08 02/12/2016
I was just thinking that I've only seen like 25-30 printed imaginators on the internet (including darkspyro, youtube, instagram, reddit, deviantart and different press articles). It feels like a really small number compared to the order numbers which are already well above #2000. (even if this includes cards and shirts as well).

There are a lot of parts which I'm looking forward to see like the angel, dragon and eagle chests, and now I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever get a glimpse at these, consdering how few of them have been shared.

Will there be a boom at christmas?hopefully
Life sucks...and then you die.
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