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[OFFICIAL TOPIC] Upgrade Path Recommendations! (Sensei + Imaginators) [STICKY]
Pickle Blue Sparx Gems: 779
#101 Posted: 04:28:49 29/12/2016
the patha i chose are:

Dr. Krankcase: hat bot path
Golden Queen: golden guard path
Bad Juju: Juju Junior Path
King Pen: Ice Ring Path
Boom Bloom: Spore Path
Wolfgang: arrow path
Aurora: sword path
Kaos: melee path
smilie "So what'll it be, you wan' da appetizer or da main course?!" -Chef Pepper Jack, 2014-2015: R.I.P. (Roast in Piece) smilie
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#102 Posted: 23:44:21 15/01/2017
Definitely go the Life of the Party Path for Pain-yatta. You simply can't miss out on the opportunity to have rampaging pinatas everywhere. Also, the new Rock Candy club you get is VERY OP and it increases your defense, and the candy laser is probably the best attack that any Skylander has ever had for a long time.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#103 Posted: 00:09:55 16/01/2017
okay, here it goes

Air Strike- Primal Elements
Barbella- Seismic Smasher
Ember- Samurai Combo Path
Buckshot- Escape Goat!
Chopscotch- Heavy Hitter (I CANNOT express how important this is)
King Pen- Penguin Combos
Dark King Pen- Ice Mastery
Ambush- Go Go Forest Ranger
Chain Reaction- Lightning Chainsaw Combos (X, X, Y is op)
Tri Tip- Paleolithic Pounder
Flarewolf- Fun With Flames
Mysticat- Paw-erful Painter
Pit Boss- Pit Prowess
Legendary Pit Boss- Snake Charmer
Boom Bloom- Spore Seed Specialist
Bad Juju- The Voodoo That You Do
Mystical Bad Juju- Mother Nature
Golden Queen- Ancient History
Dark Golden Queen- In My Defense
Tae Kwon Crow- Crow-mander
Mystical Tae Kwon Crow- Shuriken Slinger
Dark Wolfgang- Soundmeister
Dr. Krankcase- For The Greater Goo'd
Kaos- Up Close And Personal
Crash- Spin To Win!
Cortex- Wonderful Wizardry
Starcast- Megastart Me Up
Hood Sicke- Sick Sickles and Darker Dislocations
Aurora- Fastest Skylander Alive
Pain-Yatta- Life Of The Party!
Jingle Bell Chompy Mage- The Champ Of Chomp!
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#104 Posted: 01:31:23 16/01/2017
Quote: Drawdler
Why do so many people prefer Penguin Combos for King Pen? I've found it's super fast to charge ice levels with Ice Mastery and it does huge damage over a great area, all the ice paths you leave everywhere can lead to some fun tricks and I find it stronger. Penguin Combos is strong, especially in raw numbers, but (and I don't know if this is just me) pressing buttons for combos just doesn't register sometimes, his melee is slow so it leaves you more vulnerable than the dashing around and tossing out icebergs of Ice Mastery, and his dash has endlag that makes it harder for him to dash away without the ice trail of Ice Mastery. Also... Ice charge just becomes useless, the arena is too slow and unweildy to summon. In the end, Penguin Combos becomes a highly-damaging but kind of plain, kind of slow meleeist, with some neat KMs and ice breath being a nice draw but IMO, much less interesting than the frost and destruction Ice Mastery spreads.

I chose it personally because I prefer my Skylanders to be stronger and close-ranged. However, since I have both King-Pen and Dark King-Pen, I've gone both paths.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
ExcitonKnight Gold Sparx Gems: 2870
#105 Posted: 03:29:40 16/01/2017
Am I the only one who prefers the Master Puppeteer path for Chompy Mage? I def prefer those spores than bigger chompies
Merry Christmas ya filthy animal
Halvmorke Emerald Sparx Gems: 4774
#106 Posted: 14:44:49 16/01/2017
Quote: Drawdler
Why do so many people prefer Penguin Combos for King Pen? I've found it's super fast to charge ice levels with Ice Mastery and it does huge damage over a great area, all the ice paths you leave everywhere can lead to some fun tricks and I find it stronger. Penguin Combos is strong, especially in raw numbers, but (and I don't know if this is just me) pressing buttons for combos just doesn't register sometimes, his melee is slow so it leaves you more vulnerable than the dashing around and tossing out icebergs of Ice Mastery, and his dash has endlag that makes it harder for him to dash away without the ice trail of Ice Mastery. Also... Ice charge just becomes useless, the arena is too slow and unweildy to summon. In the end, Penguin Combos becomes a highly-damaging but kind of plain, kind of slow meleeist, with some neat KMs and ice breath being a nice draw but IMO, much less interesting than the frost and destruction Ice Mastery spreads.

smilie Absolutely agree. Penguin combos can't be that good compared to Ice Mastery. The iceberg does 1000 damage with a critical hit, and it clears half of the stage. The other half is cleared by the blizzard that comes later, this path is a beast. And as you said, ice charges turn useless without this path. And having another melee character based on combos and standard melee attacks... again... is absolutely boring for me. I think Ice Mastery is the way for King Pen to go, and is the essence of the character. A bit more of power is not worth of it, IMO. I don't like how the ice blades look either.

smilie Spin to Go: I know that everybody will take the crates path in order to get extra lifes and the "wumpa-zooka" more easily at first, and it's a safer path to attack. Throwing TNT crates is a nice homage and addition to the character, but basing his attacks on it... it's not the way to go for me, it doesn't feel really like playing with Crash. Spin to go is just a matter of getting used to it, and it works for me, I love it. You just spins without stopping, hiting everything in your path and avoiding as much attacks as you can. It's easy and effective, above all with the stage full of small-medium enemies. After a bit of combat, bazookas and extra lifes will pop almost automatically all over the first few crates you throw. And the Aku Aku protection shield does around 150 damage per second to any it touches while it lasts... it's absolutely amazing.

smilie Gadgets Galore: no explanation here. This path is delightfully destructive and fun. I really love how VV has build the character and his skills.

smilie I went for In My Defense path. The top one is better, easier and auto-play... that's whay I didn't choose it, is boring for me. Turrets are really good, and shooting at them in order to make them shoot in all directions is really good. You just summon the turrets, turn the surrounding enemies to gold, and the you shoot at the turrets to clear the stage. It works perfectly, and requires tactics.
Elite: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Senseis: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#107 Posted: 12:38:30 17/01/2017
Okay heres the paths I've chosen so far:

smilie Spell Slinger (I prefer the range attacks over the melee ones, and the three shots are really good)
smilie Penguin Combos (I know people are saying Ice Mastery is better, but I prefer combos in general)
smilie Ancient History
smilie Jurassic Justice (If I get regular Tri-Tip, I'm putting him on top. I prefer to give the worst paths to variants, but the armor and stuff looks sick on this path and it's fun blowing up your fossil traps)
smilie Seismic Smasher
smilie Go Go Forest Ranger!
smilie Spore Seed Specialist (Like I said before, there isn't a best path for Boom Bloom. Both are very good. It depends on what you use most, and I use the seeds and her whip)
smilie Crates a Plenty
smilie Lightning Chainsaw Combos
smilie For The Greater Goo'd
smilie Gadgets Galore

(Will post the rest later since I have to go to school now)
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
TechSkylander15 Green Sparx Gems: 276
#108 Posted: 01:12:53 19/01/2017
smilie Megastart Me Up That Mega Star is just too much fun for me, and while the decoy's quite useful, I think I've gotten all I want out of it.
smilie The Greatest Show in Skylands! That rocket's gotten me out of many a pinch, especially in Nightmare Mode.
smilie In My Defense Ancient History looked fun, but floating turrets is too good to pass up, especially when it still gives scarabs a boost.
smilie Up Close and Personal I was surprised that I ended up using his close-up attacks more often, but there it is.
smilie Soundmeister Crowd Pleaser seems to end up pretty similar to his Soul Gem, and Amp It Up is nice for area coverage.
smilie Builder of Bots Those hatbots are a lot of fun, and give me more windows to charge up his Soul Gem for more damage.
smilie Meow You See Me... It's four Mysticats at once! What's not to love?
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:13:31 19/01/2017 by TechSkylander15
Sworn2Skylands Yellow Sparx Gems: 1353
#109 Posted: 03:59:51 26/01/2017
Barbella/Seismic Smasher: This path is a sure bet out of the two, unlocking Barbella's true crowd controlling potential--and she wasn't bad at controlling crowds to begin with! With the upgrades that make her hit in a wider area (especially the cascading earthquakes one), Barbella can do high damage in a huge area and take down huge swarms of enemies in record time compared to any other sensei. With this path, being surrounded is nothing to fear!

Tri Tip/Paleolithic Pounder: The best upgrade on this path makes Tri Tip's Attack 1 mace smash create earthquake zones that rapidly damage enemies in a pointblank range area (much like a Smasher Imaginator). Couple that with his stronger mace smashes, and Tri Tip can actually make pretty short work of many enemies, especially the kind that have long periods of cooldown time or that have to rest after attacking.

Golden Queen/Ancient History: This path is good for players who enjoy mobility, because charging the scarabs doesn't just add damage, it has mobile applications. Golden Queen is free to move while charging a scarab, making it easy to get to full size and fire off, thereby doing big damage, knocking enemies down (if they can be knocked down) and temporarily slowing their movement speed! Golden Queen's regular uncharged scarab shots also get powered up, so it's not like you're doing the same thing all the time either, and she stays nice and flexible on this path! While the other path isn't bad, Ancient History is stronger and focuses on downing crowds before they arrive, rather than giving them time to close in by spending time creating gold winged relic helpers.

Flare Wolf/Fun With Flames: This path really helps with Flare Wolf's crowd control, which is really a problem if you go down the other path--the upgrade that makes Flare Wolf's HOLD Attack 1 rockets into a 3-way projectile makes it easier to get more done from further away and the upgrade that makes Flare Wolf spin around in circles quickly while using Attack 3 (if you hold it long enough) also gives Flare Wolf a practical way to deal with crowds as well, especially since he can move while spinning!

Ember/Samurai Combo: This path is definitely the better way to make the best out of a situation that is like a nightmare--the upgrade that increases Ember's damage output in proportion to how wounded she is is very helpful, because her Attack 1 dual-edged weapon swings normally are very fast, but lack any real damage output, now making them dangerous (and also because--rest assured--Ember will get hurt. A lot). The other 2 upgrades don't really help at all, but at least this path gives Ember a way to focus on enhancing her best attack, and to take advantage of her soul gem.

Tae Kwon Crow/Shuriken Slinger: Tae Kwon Crow is definitely best used for downing crowds before they will ever arrive, and that is only possible on Shuriken Slinger, which makes his shurikens hit in a larger area by making them into 3-way projectiles, and even 5-way projectiles if you charge it for a second! Also, the Momma Buzzer Beak from Tae Kwon Crow's soul gem already overshadows anything you get on the other path.

King Pen/Penguin Combos: The massive increase to King Pen's damage output on this path makes him truly dangerous to his enemies and focuses more on a dynamic style of exciting, close ranged, heart-pumping play between his Attack 1 wing slices and Attack 3 forward corkscrew-style charge that allows him to pass through enemies. On the other path he does have better crowd control capabilities... but also has to stand still more often to expend ice charges.

Tidepool/Aquamarine Raider: While this path may seem like a leap of faith at first, the squid pistol kata combo does huge damage and hits in an enormous area in front of Tidepool, either wiping enemies out entirely, or at least gunking them up with ink so they fight less effectively. Charging Tidepool's ink pistols also just takes a second and does 100 damage to anything unfortunate enough to be Tidepool's target--and you can even move while charging it!

Grave Clobber/Heavyweight Champion: Grave Clobber's lariats make using him in close range most effective, so this path is only a logical way to play off of that. Enhancing the damage output of his punches will make him as effective as he can be, and the combos can help sometimes too.

Mysticat/Paw-erful Painter: Both of Mysticat's paths are perfectly usable, but I like Paw-erful Painter more, because the wider laser spread every 4th Attack 1 press helps Mysticat spread the pain around, and how isn't a wider area of damage with Mysticat an awesome thing? And the upgrade that makes Mysticat's phantasmal clones created by his Attack 2 create a blast of magic every time they expire or are hit by Mysticat's lasers is great for doing more damage too, because--rest assured--it is easy to hit the phantasmal clones with Mysticat's lasers (even by accident!).
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:58:25 21/10/2017 by Sworn2Skylands
sky-dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3206
#110 Posted: 10:19:53 30/01/2017
I choose these paths

Gadget galore

Spin to win

Golden queen
Ancient history

Fun with flames

Akimbo master

Arrows away

King pen
Ice master
"ryuujin no ken wo kurae!"
Sworn2Skylands Yellow Sparx Gems: 1353
#111 Posted: 20:04:51 30/01/2017
Buckshot/Escape Goat!: I found that Buckshot's other path didn't really add enough to his damage output to justify using it. Meanwhile on Escape Goat!, his ability to shoot an Attack 3 vortex boomerang at a portal made it possible to do a lot of damage in a big area.

Pain-Yatta/Sweet And Smashy!: This path is for players who love well-timed, carefully placed counter attacks that go to maximum effect. The 2nd and 3rd upgrades are the ones that make Pain-Yatta into nearly an unstoppable juggernaut who is always attacking--the 3rd upgrade makes Pain-Yatta enter what is known as 'party mode', where he benefits from increased damage output, damage resistance and movement speed, allowing him to do staggering levels of damage really fast. Here's where it gets better: the 2nd upgrade makes Pain-Yatta's lollipops highly destructible and ready to break in 3 hits! This ensures that Pain-Yatta's attacks are ongoing and vicious and even though he still struggles with crowds, he is so productive this way! It's always a party with Pain-Yatta!

Chain Reaction/Manic Inventor: Both of Chain Reaction's paths are excellent, but I preferred Manic Inventor. The invention gains the ability to emit a ground level, screenwide shockwave on this path that does high damage to everything it hits. Not only is this great for crowd control, but it also interacts wonderfully when he takes to the sky with his Attack 3--it'll rip through enemy HP while they can't get him! This makes it so Chain Reaction's inventions have great synergy with his other attacks and are wonderfully useful in all situations.

Dr. Krankcase/For The Greater Goo'd: Another Skylander with 2 excellent paths... it was hard to choose one, but in the end I chose For The Greater Goo'd because the puddles of sludge that his pistols shoot gaining the ability to do reoccurring damage really helps on higher difficulty settings.

Cortex/Wonderful Wizardry: I prefer this path to the other one that uses the N. Tropy staff, mostly because it's easier to use and keeps Cortex in control. While the N. Tropy staff may have its advantages, in the heat of a dangerous battle, it's easy to panic and make a mistake when manually placing the staff (such as placing it behind a group of enemies instead of at their location) and this makes it unreliable. At least upgrading Uka Uka is an investment that will consistently help you--Uka Uka knocks enemies back and destroys projectiles and in combination with Cortex's mines that launch enemies, this combination will ensure Cortex will have an easier time holding his position and staying in control.

Aurora/Fastest Skylander Alive: While both of Aurora's paths are really, really bad, this one is the least bad of 2 losing options. Aurora gaining a damage output increase every time she uses her Attack 2 sliding attack makes a more dynamic, aggressive fighting style possible. Just don't expect her to do well on higher difficulty settings, no matter which path you pick.

Blaster-Tron/Supremacy Of Sabers: Between his charged Attack 1 broadsword swings and hologram fields, Blaster-Tron is clearly geared for close range combat and this path plays the best off of that theme. The hologram field is wonderfully useful and getting a damage output increase for going into it is a nice perk.

Starcast/Enhance The Decoy: The decoy is where most of Starcast's power comes from, and this path takes that power to a whole new level. The decoy effectively becomes stronger than Starcast himself, with powerful projectiles that penetrate enemies and keep going and it even makes enemies lose awareness of where Starcast is and grabs their attention! Starcast's critical hit rate going up whenever the decoy is present also helps make his shurikens much more useful.

Hood Sickle/Sick Sickles And Darker Dislocations: This path unlocks Hood Sickle's true potential as a close range combatant. By absorbing the shadowy blobs created by Hood Sickle's Attack 2 forward charge (which doubles as a pass through movement ability), Hood Sickle gains increased damage output, damage resistance, and increased movement speed while his war scythe gains increased duration and attack speed for the duration of the combo. Hood Sickle's war scythe can even deflect projectiles for as long as the blobs are absorbed! This overcomes Hood Sickle's big weakness to projectiles and makes it easy to fight some of the nastier ones in the game, including the sheep mages in the Dragon Temple, Kaos's Bazooker Doomlander and Kaos's Bowslinger Doomlander. Hood Sickle's attacks also do colossal damage in a string of scythe attacks if you've absorbed many shadowy blobs--it's really hard to track the total damage an enemy has taken since the damage numbers come up so fast, but I think I've seen him do around 800 damage total in a string of attacks, that how much damage we're looking at.

Kaos/Spell Slinger: Both of Kaos's paths are great, but I found I preferred Spell Slinger--the projectiles hitting more enemies at a time and the doomsharks covering a wider spread helped to prevent problems before they started. Plus, it was nice not having as much reason to use the phantasmal knight Doomlanders Kaos can summon with his Attack 3 (since that meant not having to take breaks to stand still and summon them).
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:05:43 25/10/2017 by Sworn2Skylands
Halvmorke Emerald Sparx Gems: 4774
#112 Posted: 19:25:57 15/02/2017
One question about Tae Kwon Crow:

- If you kick the Big Momma, does her become enraged like the regular Buzzer Beaks? If so, does the upgrade "Fury Beak" also apply to the Big Momma?
Elite: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Senseis: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Sworn2Skylands Yellow Sparx Gems: 1353
#113 Posted: 20:10:35 20/02/2017
Ro-Bow/Archery Mastery: Both of Ro-Bow's paths have their advantages, but I think Archery Mastery is better (if not only by a little bit), mostly because of the Attack 1, Attack 2 HOLD Attack 2 combo. On the last step of the combo, Ro-Bow will stop just for a second and shoot arrows up into the sky that come down in a massive volley, bombarding any enemy in a long range area all around Ro-Bow for several seconds. This effectively eliminates Ro-Bow's weakness to being surrounded. You'll still need to use all 3 of his attacks on this path, but it can work pretty well.

Water Sorcerer/Enlightened, Wave Push, Up, Up and Upheaval!, Sorcerer's Circle: This is a great mobile Imaginator. Enlightened works exactly like Double Trouble's eldritch beam, so longtime fans of the series will likely remember how it works quickly--it lets you move while zapping an enemy rapidly in any direction up to a mid range distance away. Up, Up and Upheaval! can launch enemies in a close range area all around your Sorcerer and Sorcerer's circle creates a circle of energy around your Sorcerer that rapidly damages any enemy nearby--and it stays active even if you use the Attack 2 sprint move, Wave Push!

Earth Brawler/Boxer, Knockout Clap (name might be wrong), Earth Fist, Derby Roll (name is likely wrong): I used to like Wave Fist for brawlers, but I prefer Knockout Clap more now, because wave fist took a long time to charge before it did sizable damage and weaker, more stubborn enemies would usually put their bodies in between the attack and your intended target, which made it a problem. I like how Knockout Clap is better for hindering enemies and setting up follow up attacks with Boxer, which is fast enough to really take advantage of it. Earth fist is great for doing rapidly reoccurring damage and knocking enemies down too, but I wouldn't recommend you use Derby Roll--once it's initiated, it can't be stopped by anything (including jumping!) and the safety risks really don't outweigh the benefit of doing big damage and stunning foes in a long, multi-step attack.

Fire Bazooker/Blaster (name might be wrong), Burning Dash, Artillery Strike, Imaginite Payload: Here's an Imaginator who can do big damage from afar, whether to an individual enemy or a big crowd! Blaster is spectacular for quickly racking up damage on a single enemy and Artillery Strike is great for hitting specific opponents you want to hit and not be at the mercy of close ranged assailants who try to get in the way. Imaginite Payload is great for spreading the pain around in a big area quickly and sending foes who are caught in it flying. If your foes do manage to close in, you can pass right through them and rocket off with Burning Dash, leaving them in the dust all over again.

Air Swashbuckler/Knife Thrower, Twisting Tornadoes, Bladenado, Steel Fans: While a quickshot is one of the best classes to match to the air element, a swashbuckler is almost as good--Knife Thrower throws cutlasses rapidly and may even stun foes, and if you set up a Twisting Tornado before then, the tornado will not only damage any enemy it touches, but will also discharge bursts of air all over the place when you use Attack 1, Attack 3 or the soul gem... and at the rate that you can attack with Knife Thrower, you'll be decimating crowds fast! If anything does reach you, Bladenado will send you through enemies far away so fast, they'll never know what happened. Steel Fans is more situational for this Imaginator and best used whenever you have a foe who is resting after an attack.

Dark Knight/Gladiator, Dark Mist, Spinning Slash, Excalibur Execution: This is a simple, but effective layout for close ranged destruction. Gladiator is for attacking a foe in front of you quickly, Spinning Slash is for attacking foes on all sides at once, Dark Mist lets you pass through enemies and Excalibur Execution lets you trade health for a temporary damage increase to Gladiator and Spinning Slash. Simple is good!

Life Ninja/Piercer, Poisonous Pestilence, Flurry of Knives (name is likely wrong), Stars Near and Far (name might be wrong): Ninjas are naturally versatile and good at mid range combat, and this one is no exception. Piercer is not only strong, but also penetrates enemies and keeps going, hitting enemies behind the target. Flurry of Knives is great for a mobile attack that will damage assailants who chase you and Poisonous Pestilence is good for area damage and I would not recommend using Stars Near and Far.

Light Smasher/Obliterator, Luminous Block, Seismic Stomp (name might be wrong), Smash, Smash, Rinse, Repeat: Obliterator is amazingly powerful, even on its own! Besides the mace smash itself (which is strong) it also leaves behind an "earthquake zone" on the ground which rapidly does damage in a pointblank area, much faster than Tri Tip does with his equivalent attack I'll point out. Seismic Stomp is good for bringing the fight to foes as they close in, sending some flying backward and doing good damage. If they surround your Imaginator, use Luminous Block--it will rapidly do damage to any enemies in close range and end with a shining blast that does massive damage and knocks them down (it also doubles as a defense, reducing damage you take if you're hit while using it)! Smash, Smash, Rinse, Repeat is great for doing damage on the run if you have enough time to start it up safely.

Tech Bowslinger/Long shot, the attack that creates turrets (name missing), Knockback Shot, Volley of Arrows (name is likely wrong): While pairing long range turret helpers with a Skylander who can already fight at long range may seem counter intuitive, I found the mechanical microbots took longer to set up, and the turrets last a long time and have great range. Besides that, the Bowslinger's arrows do a lot of damage if long shot is the Attack 1 of choice and you can always use Knockback Shot to leap over enemies and knock them down before you land behind them. Volley of Arrows is slow to start, but because the arrows launch enemies when they finally explode, they can help if you start it up at the right time.

Magic Quickshot/Marksman, Bewildering Blast, Death Blossom, Bounty Hunter: Here is a hindering, projectile-loving specialist. Marksman fires lasers that bounce off of things amazingly fast and Death Blossom deals damage in a very long range area in all directions around your Quickshot as they move. The one-two punch of these two attacks will usually be enough by themselves, but if they aren't you can use Bounty Hunter to slow the movement speed of all enemies onscreen (some are naturally immune to this) and bewildering blast to knock them down in a smaller area without as much start up time.

Undead Sentinel/Buster, Tombstone Timber, Grand Slam, Where Did That Come From?: This Imaginator is great for crowd control--Buster strikes enemies in a close range area all around your Sentinel, and speeds up naturally as it keeps hitting enemies. Tombstone Timber not only hinders enemies by petrifying them if they're unlucky enough to be caught beneath it and it spreads ghosts around that damage enemies all over in a big area. Where Did That Come From? works in a similar way, stunning the enemy hit by the attack at the top of the jump, then conjuring a massive, ground level ripple that expands outward and hits enemies in a very long range area. Grand slam is fast and the energy created when you land hits enemies behind the target you slammed.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:33:53 04/12/2017 by Sworn2Skylands
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#114 Posted: 01:49:51 09/03/2017
Will add the rest later...

Air Strike - Primal Elements
Egg Bomber Air Strike - What Goes Up
Barbella - Seismic Smasher
Buckshot - Arrow's Away!
Chopscotch - Heavy Hitter
Candy-Coated Chopscotch - Crazy Cutter
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Buuzer Hunter Gems: 6546
#115 Posted: 10:27:15 09/03/2017 | Topic Creator
Can someone say the name of Grave Clobber's paths?
smilie smilie smilie youtube.com/user/GOWBuuzer smilie smilie smilie
Dahvoo Emerald Sparx Gems: 3914
#116 Posted: 13:21:51 09/03/2017
Grave Clobber paths:

Heavyweight Champion (top)
Wave Maker (bottom)
SSA: 37/37; SG: 99/99; SSF: 174/174; STT: 254/254 & 59/59 Traps; SSC: 294/294 & 32/32 Vehicles; SI: 338/339 & 29/34 Crystals. MAX Imaginator Level: 59
Buuzer Hunter Gems: 6546
#117 Posted: 13:22:21 09/03/2017 | Topic Creator
Quote: Dahvoo
Grave Clobber paths:

Heavyweight Champion (top)
Wave Maker (bottom)

smilie smilie smilie youtube.com/user/GOWBuuzer smilie smilie smilie
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#118 Posted: 11:34:32 19/03/2017
Nice guide! It's hard to do serious testing with Imaginators when usually whatever works.
(What I need is never what I want)
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#119 Posted: 15:39:19 31/03/2017
Now that I've got me Bad Juju at last, I finally decided on the bottom path, The Voodoo that You Do, even if most people ignored it.
Snack Attack easily does most of the job of high damage and you can spam it endlessly, and since she's pretty slippery in movement, I prefer much more setting Junior down afar and using lightning to deal with everyone while the spin attack gets rid of who he missed.
(What I need is never what I want)
Halvmorke Emerald Sparx Gems: 4774
#120 Posted: 16:22:26 31/03/2017
For smilie I chose Crazy Cutter... and I love it. It's good against both bosses and enemy mobs, and Hopscotch + Axe Frenzy (with all the upgrades) is just SAVAGE. Plus, it improves Spin to Win damage output, although is not stated in the upgrades section.
Elite: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Senseis: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Coxula Blue Sparx Gems: 689
#121 Posted: 14:49:50 07/04/2017
I already have an Air Bazooker and a Life Ninja.
While Air Bazooker is a blast (I can't think that there is a more powerful combination in the game - it's just devastating! But I'm not very experienced and most of you most probably know it better.) and Life Ninja also seems very strong to me I have one unused Life Crystal and one unused Air Crystal.

Which Weapon Class would you recommend for the two Crystals I have left?
More in general: There's a lot of discussion for Senseis best paths here but less about crazy, overpowered or fun Imaginator combinations.
SI: collection complete! :-)))
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:56:12 07/04/2017 by Coxula
Insane01 Gold Sparx Gems: 2038
#122 Posted: 18:20:11 10/04/2017
actually, Bifrost, it's a wicked path. The damage output is OP
" Am I the mad one or are you?"
then, again, "we're all mad here
Dahvoo Emerald Sparx Gems: 3914
#123 Posted: 18:58:18 04/05/2017
Anyone have path recommendations for Tidepool and Blaster-Tron?

I went with Tidepool's top path to upgrade the squid guns. They are so weak without the top path, even though it meant leaving her secondary attacks underpowered. I have a feeling people are going to prefer the bottom path which upgrades the whales and tentacles to balance everything. I rarely use secondary attacks unless the primary attack is useless. The Squid Kata attack thing is super fun.

For Blaster-Tron, I also went with top path to upgrade his sword damage (plus new combos), damage increase when in dome, and random laser attack. The secondary attacks (slow missiles and dome) are kind of meh.
SSA: 37/37; SG: 99/99; SSF: 174/174; STT: 254/254 & 59/59 Traps; SSC: 294/294 & 32/32 Vehicles; SI: 338/339 & 29/34 Crystals. MAX Imaginator Level: 59
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5580
#124 Posted: 10:56:29 07/05/2017
I recently got Tidepool and I don't know which path to choose. I normally always upgrade the first attack (so the top path) and I really like the third upgrade from that, but the bottom upgrades also look really good.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 10:56:45 07/05/2017 by Deja Vu
Dahvoo Emerald Sparx Gems: 3914
#125 Posted: 14:22:13 07/05/2017
Quote: Deja Vu
I recently got Tidepool and I don't know which path to choose. I normally always upgrade the first attack (so the top path) and I really like the third upgrade from that, but the bottom upgrades also look really good.

I think it depends on what attack(s) you plan to use more often. For me, I rather blast away with the squid pistols than drop tentacles/release whales. The damage boosts to squid pistols from top path makes makes them much more fun/useful.

With top path you get poison damage to enemies with each shot, a powerful charged shot, and the charged shot can lead into a really fun combo attack where Tidepool does a front flip and finishes off with a dive off a whale's tale. Too fun to pass up.
SSA: 37/37; SG: 99/99; SSF: 174/174; STT: 254/254 & 59/59 Traps; SSC: 294/294 & 32/32 Vehicles; SI: 338/339 & 29/34 Crystals. MAX Imaginator Level: 59
Wishblade Emerald Sparx Gems: 3262
#126 Posted: 01:45:36 17/05/2017
So this is kinda random...
I didn't know where to post this and I looked for a fitting topic around the forum, but didn't find a good match. I didn't want to start a topic. So I chose this path guied topic because when I started playing Skylanders, he was my guru of path guides.

WDrumz and I went to the same college. Cool that Dark Spyro forum users chat form all around the world, and we shared the same college and live probably within an hour form each other. Funny because I watched so many of his videos and put so much thought into choosing a path as if they were major life decisions.

I've grown as a user: yellow sparks, more posts, PM with friends. Now this is just cool to find similarities with someone I respected as a figurehead of the Skylanders community.
Any last wishes?
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#127 Posted: 23:34:11 21/05/2017
Looking at Ro-Bow's upgrade paths, I'm honestly torn. I guess the top one, but the bottom one also looks really cool.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Slamzilla Blue Sparx Gems: 588
#128 Posted: 15:08:01 28/05/2017
For Blaster Tron - go bottom path.

I just got Blaster Tron and I first went the top path. But, like I thought, it's overall not much of an improvement for him. The bottom path is a LOT better. You throw down a field, then shoot 3 rockets then back up and reposition, rinse, and repeat. It's much safer, doesn't risk getting caught with something you can't see in combat. The sword play is just more for fun, but if you Blaster Tron to be viable, it's unwise to risk him on the front line because he's really slow.
Buuzer Hunter Gems: 6546
#129 Posted: 16:25:06 31/05/2017 | Topic Creator
RO-BOW added!
smilie smilie smilie youtube.com/user/GOWBuuzer smilie smilie smilie
Coxula Blue Sparx Gems: 689
#130 Posted: 10:57:08 26/06/2017
I also have both variants of Wolfgang and I agree that it's a hard choice. I'd say which path is better depends on the environment you are using Wolfgang in.
When you have some time to breath and build up the stereos properly then damage output is immense with top path.
In a small environment (usually Gong Battles for example) it's much more easy and effective to just slide, build barrier, slide, let the barrier explode and build a new one and so on.

Bottom path Wolfgang is my choice number one from all Senseis for Gong Battles.

Edit: I just noticed I answered an old posting, but yeah. My thoughts on Wolfgang - if anyone cares... ;-)
Interesting thoughts on both Wild Storm and Tidepool. Especially because I took the opposite paths on both and think both are sadly a bit underwhelming.
SI: collection complete! :-)))
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 11:09:19 26/06/2017 by Coxula
Coxula Blue Sparx Gems: 689
#131 Posted: 12:22:50 26/06/2017
Sea-cret Forces definitively is the cooler path compared to the lame ;-) squid pistol upgrade. I'm now thinking of buying a 2nd Tidepool - my local GameStop has it on stock for 6 €...
SI: collection complete! :-)))
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#132 Posted: 19:02:08 27/06/2017
I honestly don't know what path to choose for Bad Juju. Any advice?
Coxula Blue Sparx Gems: 689
#133 Posted: 19:43:19 27/06/2017
Pretty save to say: Bottom!
And then spam X-Button (Switch Controller - the one at the top) while always moving around your enemies.

Hups! Buuzer says top. So I'm not so shure anymore. All I can say is that I have both variants on two different paths. And I just use the one with the Bottom path because I think it's better.
SI: collection complete! :-)))
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 19:49:26 27/06/2017 by Coxula
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#134 Posted: 20:03:22 27/06/2017
I'll go with the bottom path, since I use the Lightning a lot.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#135 Posted: 20:45:24 27/06/2017
Top if you like mashing, Bottom if you want to have hijinks with some risks. You'll get Bad Juju in danger very frequently with bottom because her invincibility might go away when you most need it, but it's so more satisfying to set up the spinning attack after electrifying Junior and watching him wreck havoc while you take out anyone he missed.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:45:52 27/06/2017 by Bifrost
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#136 Posted: 20:50:42 27/06/2017
But you could just let Juju Junior do his thing, and just walk around and avoid attacks. Sure, Juju Junior is stationary but I feel the abilities are too good to pass up.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#137 Posted: 20:55:40 27/06/2017
Yeah, but he doesn't always suck in the enemies as he should. Sometimes I'll throw him into a crowd and they just walk right past, and in some areas you can't afford to wait until he's recalled.
(What I need is never what I want)
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#138 Posted: 05:18:23 22/07/2017
I got Tidepool and Blaster-Tron recently, and both were very tough choices.

Both of Tidepool's paths are amazingly fun, but I recommend choosing one that benefits *you*, as in choosing the path that upgrades the attacks you use most. I went with the bottom path because I use the whales and squids a lot, and their low damage output was bothering me. Definitely don't regret the decision.

Blaster-Tron was a bit easier, I chose the bottom as well, but the top does have some good upgrades.
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
Wishblade Emerald Sparx Gems: 3262
#139 Posted: 03:31:26 31/07/2017
So what are people's thoughts on Ro-Bow's path choices? After just reading about them, I'm think I'm leaning on Tech Mastery.
Any last wishes?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:33:34 31/07/2017 by Wishblade
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#140 Posted: 03:18:37 22/10/2017
Alright, updated path list since I've gotten a lot more Sensei's recently. Here they are:

smilie - Penguin Combos (I prefer this path since I'm a sucker for the combos. I also really like the ice blades.)
smilie - Sea-cret Forces (Super deadly. While the top path is fun, it makes her other two attacks useless, and I use the two frequently. Guess it depends on what is used most.)
smilie Heavyweight Champion (Like I said, sucker for combos. These ones are deadly. The explosion is also super helpful and is a great AOE attack.)

smilie - Samurai Combo Path (tba)
smilie - Fun with Flames (tba)
smilie - Shuriken Slinger (tba)

smilie - Jurassic Justice (tba)
smilie - Seismic Smasher (tba)
smilie - Ancient History (tba)

smilie - Primal Elements (tba)
smilie - Feral Beast (tba)
smilie - Mother Nature (tba)

smilie - Paw-erful Painter (tba)
smilie - Escape Goat (tba)
smilie - Life of the Party! (tba)

smilie - Heavy Hitter (tba)
smilie - Crazy Cutter (tba)
smilie - Snake Charmer (tba)

smilie - Fastest Skylander Alive (tba)
smilie - Brighter Light Show (tba)

smilie - Lightning Chainsaw Combos (tba)
smilie - For the Greater Goo'd (tba)
smilie - Gadgets Galore (tba)

smilie - Megastart Me Up (tba)
smilie - Sick Sickles and Dark Dislocations (tba)

smilie - Go Go Forest Ranger (tba)
smilie - Spore Seed Specialist (tba)
smilie - Crates a Plenty (tba)

smilie - Spell Slinger (tba)
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:47:34 22/10/2017 by Luminous35
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