In 2068, the earth cracked, unable to take the strain of human intervention any longer. After the soil and stone separated, there was a silence followed by a deathly fear as the vast rift suddenly screamed and squirmed with life. Grotesque creatures burst forth from the canyon, slaughtering all before them in a blind rage. Humanity attempted to fight back to no avail, quickly finding out that these creatures, these Chimeras, had no limitations. Something in their body allowed them to mutate at will, making them able to survive anything within minutes. We lost battles in hours, population plummeting until humanity as a whole was driven into hiding.
In our desperate struggle to survive, we found a weakness of these beasts;
We discovered that they saw through magnetic waves, and pulses of magnetism blinded and disoriented them, driving them away. Mankind found a foothold, and quickly started to rebuild, erecting massive Civilization Domes with electromagnetic plates that protected them from the underground as well. Finally, there was breathing room. More and more developments were made, giving us the upper hand, and we started killing them. A lot of them. We started dissecting them, finding out how they tick, how they can change themselves at will. A small but lively mutagen in their blood could effortlessly reconstruct their DNA, using whatever they have available to create further change. Science also discovered that it was extremely simple to duplicate this chemical. Soldiers were soon outfitted with abilities to fight against the Chimeras, and the commodity of splicing was born. Physically augmented warriors stormed the battlefield, almost wiping out entire groups of the creatures with only a few men. We thought we had them beat, thinking there was no way for them to combat their own abilities and power. Then, from the rift, emerged a Chimera over 1000 feet tall, as well as many other yet smaller giants leagued with it.
The creature, quickly called the Dome Breaker, roamed the ruined land, searching for Civilization Domes and leading its army to the slaughter. Again, mankind had to work quickly to protect themselves as countless cities were torn open. Genetic modification to grow a giant was nothing but a failure, so, as a last ditch effort, they created gigantic mechanical Vital Suits. Many different sizes were made, setting a class system in place, and only 3 1000 foot mechs were able to be made before the Dome Breaker confronted them. The battle destroyed two cities and the mechs that they built, but as the moon rose, humans were victorious. The remaining mech was also destroyed however.
It is now 2154, you are a militant splicer from one of the only Civilization Domes still in radio contact, the victor against the Dome Breaker, New Los Angeles. You have been outfitted with your own personal mechs and have been training for the last year for the harsh environment of the wastes. The Chimeras still run free outside of the Dome, but you have a hand in the oppression of the ones nearby. Recently, there have been rumors of a journey to another dome, their communications disappearing only 3 months ago. As you prepare alone and with your colleagues, you wonder if there is anyone even out there, if there are any survivor, because once a dome falls, hope is bleak.
-I AM GOD, ALPHA AND OMEGA, AND THE UNIVERSE ITSELF. Pretty much just dont argue with what the GM says aight?
-Gore and adult content is KINDA allowed. Nothing over like PG-16. Have your romance, but anything dirty belongs in PMS
-Splicing is pretty common in your faction of military, but splicing is also rooted in science. If I ask you to explain how it works and you cannot give a good answer or aren't willing to work out kinks, yer our
-All Mechs, unless otherwise permitted, are Class one and under. Here are the classes;
SubC: 10Ft or below
C1: 10ft-100ft
C2: 100ft-200ft
C3: 200ft-300ft
C4: 300ft-400ft
C5: 400ft-500ft
C6: 500ft-600ft
C7: 600ft-700ft
C8: 700ft-800ft
C9: 800ft-900ft
C10: 900ft-2000ft
There is no current Class 10 in existence that you know about
-Of course, no OP characters or mary-suing. No controlling characters or killing main characters, that kinda stuff
Mech Name:
Unique traits: