darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: SuperChargers > In Memoriam, Dark Spyro SuperChargers Section 5/30/15 - 5/22/2016
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In Memoriam, Dark Spyro SuperChargers Section 5/30/15 - 5/22/2016
fairyland Emerald Sparx Gems: 3800
#1 Posted: 21:55:00 23/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Some of us here may have excellent memories and will remember my doing a tread just like this for Trap Team last year. If you cannot, then you will find it here. //forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=118273 Basically we reflect upon the happy and not so happy stuff about the old game, giving it a final goodbye while we all drift away from here and leave it to rot.

Honestly, I would like to post a lot of happy thoughts and remember SuperChargers, but there really wasn't a whole I care to remember about this year.

  • The Mexican Prototype Three...how they were obtained is fishy as all hell but it was a fun spoiler to give us our first taste of the game.
  • That silly motobiker posting a twitter about his filming a promo for the game when he shouldn't have.
  • Actually watching that horrible promo...and wishing you could unwatch it.
  • That strange confectionary/chip promo for excutives from some country which shown us a lot more about the game than we were supposed to know about.
  • Really, "Hot Steak" Amazon? Actually that probably would have made a better vehicle than the actual Hot Streak.
  • How cool was it that we got an in game card of Hot Steak! The board is sizzling!
  • How uncool is it that our villian traped crystals were nerfed in this game?
  • How ugly is that Astroblast anyway?
  • Yep, all the character figures (other than Gill Grunt and what's his name) has had a variant. Way to go, just what we fans wanted!
  • And several of those variants were probably faked, but Activision won't confirm it either way so YAY, they are all official!
  • Damn, those jerks are getting just too good at faking images to make variant characters.
  • But at least we have an excellent hacker to unlock characters so we know what to expect...like blue characters...say wot!?
  • Austism blue figures assisting a well hated charity. Brilliant work there!
  • Walmart...Target...Best Buy...will you ever get figures in that are NOT wave one?
  • Splat, the bubblegum scented princess has made her grand appearance. Just how many of us went and sniffed her? And doesn't that seem a bit pervy to you?
  • NightFAIL, the figure that wouldn't work. And when we finally did get ones that worked, everyone had already lost interest in the game.
  • Thillipede...where are you? Not here yet? Tomorrow perhaps? The same day the Yawn Traps are released?
  • Gotta collect them all...by buying 5 starter sets? Did you really pay day one prices to get all those variant figures?
  • And how about those starter prices now?
  • Bowser and DK?
  • Vehicles...well enough sald about that for me...
  • The Collector in the game too much like us all than we care to admit.
  • Sales sucked. They really REALLY sucked.
  • Fire Sales galore...and people yawned in response.
  • When will they start paying people to take these sets and figures?
  • No more Bala Brothers. "But we are not here to discuss that today, let's talk about how great we are at bringing these toys to life!"
  • Waiting and waiting and waiting since November for any hint of a new game because SuperChargers was just that damned good!

Please do share your memories of the year that was! Wish I could have said more about the game itself, but honestly I'm trying rather hard to forget it. LOL!
Stay Cool!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:07:37 23/05/2016 by fairyland
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5580
#2 Posted: 22:00:01 23/05/2016
Yeah, Nightfail was probably the worst. Now I have a broken figure that does work in SC but won't in the next game, I love you Superchargers and I wish you a great time in the depths of bad sales.
However I also remember that one week where we got a new variant every day (Nitro Stealth Stinger, Legendary H Jet-Vac, Steel plated Smash Hit etc.) and the website update which didn't include all of the characters for an unexplainable reason. And of course the poster with Splat, Nightfall, Astroblast & Thrillipede, similair to TT last year. The pre-release time was great, but after I finished the game... oh dear.
R.I.P Skylanders Superchargers, I will miss you the least.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 22:10:26 23/05/2016 by Deja Vu
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10663
#3 Posted: 22:25:32 23/05/2016
Quote: Deja Vu
Yeah, Nightfail was probably the worst. Now I have a broken figure that does work in SC but won't in the next game, I love you Superchargers and I wish you a great time in the depths of bad sales.

You so sure? They could simply add that skylander code for the wave 1 Nightfalls to future games. It won't work on Racing ever, at the most, but it'd take someone forgetting about it for this to happen and even then patches exist.

Hot Steak as a skystone hates me. I think I lost 3 games to it because it just goes HEY I'LL CHANGE NOTHING BUT MOVE TO THE OTHER SIDE.

It was a fun time when it wasn't a horrible PR or endless bickering, even when I had to search through Skyfamily videos for like 5 seconds of new footage. But I'll welcome TFB's much more open way of talking about their games for sure. And hey, the community makes the hype.
(What I need is never what I want)
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#4 Posted: 22:49:23 23/05/2016
The Hot Steak was the skystone that everyone thought would be amazing, then turned out to ruin your entire game.
It can jump out a window now.

Now that I got that out of my system.... YOU WILL NOT BE MISSED.
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
fairyland Emerald Sparx Gems: 3800
#5 Posted: 22:58:50 23/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: Bifrost
You so sure? They could simply add that skylander code for the wave 1 Nightfalls to future games. It won't work on Racing ever, at the most, but it'd take someone forgetting about it for this to happen and even then patches exist.

Hot Steak as a skystone hates me. I think I lost 3 games to it because it just goes HEY I'LL CHANGE NOTHING BUT MOVE TO THE OTHER SIDE.

It was a fun time when it wasn't a horrible PR or endless bickering, even when I had to search through Skyfamily videos for like 5 seconds of new footage. But I'll welcome TFB's much more open way of talking about their games for sure. And hey, the community makes the hype.

You know, in my eyes, you have the most dedication to the forum and you are among the quickest to reply to everything Skylanderish. I really respect that. I just hope you find time to play the games every now and then between your posts. smilie
Stay Cool!
newkill Emerald Sparx Gems: 4095
#6 Posted: 23:05:48 23/05/2016
Nice recap but too soon. This kind of topic is done when the next game releases, not when the forum section is created months before the release.
TrapShadowFan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3511
#7 Posted: 23:13:02 23/05/2016
The collector elf perfectly described Activision and their variant obsession this year: "You're really taking these chase variants to new levels, skylander!"
Echo2VX Gold Sparx Gems: 2918
#8 Posted: 00:42:41 24/05/2016
It's been a good year of frustration, standing up all the skylanders that roll over on their bases whenever something bumped the table or touched one of them. Yep, I'm definitely talking to you, Hurricane Jet-Vac.
Oh, and how about that awesome portal design? I loved the awesome lights, and the stone runes, and the transparent design, and...oh, whoops, wrong portal.
Together, we can stop sheep abuse!
Top 10: smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565
#9 Posted: 01:03:18 24/05/2016
Quote: Bifrost
Quote: Deja Vu
Yeah, Nightfail was probably the worst. Now I have a broken figure that does work in SC but won't in the next game, I love you Superchargers and I wish you a great time in the depths of bad sales.

You so sure? They could simply add that skylander code for the wave 1 Nightfalls to future games. It won't work on Racing ever, at the most, but it'd take someone forgetting about it for this to happen and even then patches exist.

Yeah, I suspect the "Night Fall" error figures will work just fine in future games, even 3DS and Wii versions, should they exist. There's really no reason for it not to - this isn't an error like the Platinum Treasure Chest, where the error was specifically with the toy's coding.

Essentially, each figure has a number - and when you set it on the portal, the game checks the number and pulls the character that corresponds with it.

So, like 001=Spyro, 002=Trigger Happy, 003=Gill Grunt.

What happened with "Night Fall" is they put the number on the figure that said it was something like #365. But, in the game, 365=Nothing and 364=Nightfall. So, initially, putting the "broken" Night Fall onto the portal tells the game to load slot 365 and the game to respond with "Wha....?". The patch, essentially, added in code that said 365=364=Nightfall, so loading either an error figure or the corrected figure will load Night Fall. Future games should be able to do the same from the start.

(Yes, I greatly oversimplified things, but that's essentially what is going on...)

With Platinum Treasure Chest, the game had something like 777=Hidden Treasure, 778=Platinum Treasure Chest. Except *all* the Platinum Treasure Chest toys had 777 written to the toys - so, the only options Activision had were to either A.) Patch the game to remove Platinum Treasure Chest from the collection menu (which wasn't really an option at the time... not saying it'd be impossible...) B.) Recall all the Platinum Treasure Chests and replace them with chips that have 778 written on them (not really cost effective, even more so since the Platinum Treasure Chest did nothing special in the game) or C.) Ignore it and make sure future games don't have the Platinum Treasure Chest in the menu going forward. There was no options for patching in the PTC to work with SWAP Force or to include it in future games as the figure was.

As for your error "Night Fall" - you can call Activision (844HELPEON) and they'll replace it for you *or* you could always sell it. I think there are some collectors still interested in her.
TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350
#10 Posted: 01:50:46 24/05/2016
My year in bullet review:
  • Nightfallgate
  • The collector was directed amusingly at us dedicated fans; it was funny but I also found it a bit of a slap
  • GM's yearly rant on missing figures
  • Skymibos causing some collectors to buy many more starter packs ONLY TO SHIP figures in sepearate packaging in December as sales show epic fail. This probably helped to contribute to the demise of miniKaboom's channel.
  • The first skylanders game where we saw continued improvements / enhancements in the months to follow; no doubt to attempt to show value in a great game that had very little replay value
  • Never being able to find players online to play despite the first few weeks of the game; tremendously disappointing.
  • Despite realistic figure counts for this game, the variant count easily increases purchase count 50% more. The game that kills my interest in any kind of variant moving forward.
  • No stat cards anymore but wants us to shell out money for a new card game. Ironic much?
Edited 8 times - Last edited at 16:24:24 29/05/2016 by TakeYourLemons
DAWNOFWAR Gold Sparx Gems: 2061
#11 Posted: 04:37:32 24/05/2016
Feel same as lemons...just add no stat cards...no dragon's... yawn traps selective Giveaway....and chase variant counts so high...no real rares anymore
Portal___Master Emerald Sparx Gems: 3718
#12 Posted: 20:21:21 24/05/2016
also for the negative notes...activision totally missed out on 2 elements for the 2nd groups of elites; there is 0 reasoning behind that, more like poor planning.
Guinness Book of World Records holder for Largest SkyLanders Collection.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#13 Posted: 00:09:43 29/05/2016

the holy mexican proto trinity
the car memes
sexy bird waifu
the first canonical sibling skylander
fiesta, AKA my life
science going too far with the skymiibo
egg-satan thrillipede
my first (of many) midnight launch
the power blues striking a cool and personal chord with me (i've got a PBTH in his box. smilie)
the gummy worms

goodnight(fall), sweet prince. may you ride into the sunset peacefully.

Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5580
#14 Posted: 17:29:24 29/05/2016
Quote: UncleBob
Quote: Bifrost
Quote: Deja Vu
Yeah, Nightfail was probably the worst. Now I have a broken figure that does work in SC but won't in the next game, I love you Superchargers and I wish you a great time in the depths of bad sales.

You so sure? They could simply add that skylander code for the wave 1 Nightfalls to future games. It won't work on Racing ever, at the most, but it'd take someone forgetting about it for this to happen and even then patches exist.

Yeah, I suspect the "Night Fall" error figures will work just fine in future games, even 3DS and Wii versions, should they exist. There's really no reason for it not to - this isn't an error like the Platinum Treasure Chest, where the error was specifically with the toy's coding.

Essentially, each figure has a number - and when you set it on the portal, the game checks the number and pulls the character that corresponds with it.

So, like 001=Spyro, 002=Trigger Happy, 003=Gill Grunt.

What happened with "Night Fall" is they put the number on the figure that said it was something like #365. But, in the game, 365=Nothing and 364=Nightfall. So, initially, putting the "broken" Night Fall onto the portal tells the game to load slot 365 and the game to respond with "Wha....?". The patch, essentially, added in code that said 365=364=Nightfall, so loading either an error figure or the corrected figure will load Night Fall. Future games should be able to do the same from the start.

(Yes, I greatly oversimplified things, but that's essentially what is going on...)

With Platinum Treasure Chest, the game had something like 777=Hidden Treasure, 778=Platinum Treasure Chest. Except *all* the Platinum Treasure Chest toys had 777 written to the toys - so, the only options Activision had were to either A.) Patch the game to remove Platinum Treasure Chest from the collection menu (which wasn't really an option at the time... not saying it'd be impossible...) B.) Recall all the Platinum Treasure Chests and replace them with chips that have 778 written on them (not really cost effective, even more so since the Platinum Treasure Chest did nothing special in the game) or C.) Ignore it and make sure future games don't have the Platinum Treasure Chest in the menu going forward. There was no options for patching in the PTC to work with SWAP Force or to include it in future games as the figure was.

As for your error "Night Fall" - you can call Activision (844HELPEON) and they'll replace it for you *or* you could always sell it. I think there are some collectors still interested in her.

That's not the problem, she can work if they want to... if. I don't think they'd care for Nightfail since there are only very few people that have her and a fixed one's available in stores too.
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