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DarkSpyro: Character Catastrophe REDUX
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9550
#1 Posted: 16:09:44 15/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: prextail202
So you're browsing your favorite site (Or one of em), and that so happened to be the purple and yellow abyss of What was so different today than usual? Well, it just so happened that everyone's avatars, including yours, have been all reset to default no avatar. Great, glitches. You sigh, and go into your settings and put up a simple filler for now, of a favorite character of yours. Soon to realize, that Dark52 has added a feature for custom titles and a rotating random avatar selection! He has allowed slots for up to 6 avatars. Smiling with glee, you quickly fill up the 5 other spots. As you go back to your profile, you refresh the page a few times to see the change, and whaddaya know, it works! Though, your computer crashes as the last one loads, and before you know it, all you see is a flurry of colorful pixels, dragging you into the world of the internet!

Waking up, you dont feel normal, like you're not yourself...

Wait a gosh darn moment...

You're not yourself!

Thanks for summing it up, Prex. So, yeah, this is a sort of "revival" of the previous topic, and as such, works pretty much the same way, rules and all. Speaking of which...

Da Rulez:
You are limited to six forms for your character, and six forms only. If you change your mind on a character you want to use, I might let you switch if you haven't used that form yet.
As we progress, we will learn how to change forms, but you won't know how right off the bat. You'll gain new forms as the RP continues.
No overpowered characters. If your character is like this, try to make them less OP.
Only control your own characters
2-3 sentences per post please. If you don't feel like there's enough to write about, then speak up about it.
Try to have a good reason for when you switch to a new form for the first time, like an event or the environment, just don't have them all show up at once!
Like usual, I will allow swearing, but try to keep it to a minimum.
Censor or at least warn for graphic content.
Keep romance PG-13 at the most.

Alright, so with all that out of the way, here's your character sheet:
Your 6 avatars?: (Just link to images, if you could)
Character 1:
Character 2:
Character 3:
Character 4:
Character 5:
Character 6:

I think I did well enough explaining everything, but if there's anything I'm missing, here's the previous topic: //
And of course, if you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

With all that said and done, let's get this show on the road!
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9550
#2 Posted: 19:18:08 15/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Name: Evan (will mainly go by Skyhunter)
Gender: Male
Your 6 avatars?: (Just link to images, if you could)
Character 1: Foxtail Zerda
Character 2: Utahraptor prime
Character 3: Webber, the Indigestible
Character 4: Evan the Unicorn
Character 5: Young Link
Character 6: Withertail
Personality: Evan is a loyal, compassionate soul, free-spirited and determined. He's able to work in groups, though he prefers to be alone most of the time. Unfortunately, he's got some anger issues and has a tendency to hold grudges; he's not above ditching his friends if he's annoyed enough.
Other?: None
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#3 Posted: 19:23:05 15/05/2016
Name: Caesar
Gender: M
Character 1: [User Posted Image]
Character 2:[User Posted Image]
Character 3: [User Posted Image]
Character 4: [User Posted Image]
Character 5:[User Posted Image]
Character 6:[User Posted Image]
Personality: Caesar is either happy or angry or scared but is a nice person as well as long as you don't get on his bad side
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#4 Posted: 20:15:07 15/05/2016
Name: Ashley


1: [User Posted Image]
2: [User Posted Image]
3: [User Posted Image]
4: [User Posted Image]
5: [User Posted Image]
6: [User Posted Image]

Personality: Friendly, Nice, Down to Earth
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 20:53:31 15/05/2016 by Pokemon2
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#5 Posted: 22:05:37 15/05/2016
Name: Storm
Gender: Female
Avatar 2: Rayna (which apparently isn't a name?)img]
Avatar 1: Skyward (Credit and infinite thanks goes to SpyroBaro for drawing this amazing picture)
Avatar 3: Ryu
Avatar 4: Jet Hack
Avatar 5: Winterra
Avatar 6: T'sara
Other: Avatar 2 and Avatar 1 have their places switched around.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#6 Posted: 22:09:46 15/05/2016
Name: Shade
Gender: male
Your 6 avatars?: (Images please)
Character 1: Durza my primary oc (best charater discription can be best found on page one of Eevee88's Fantasy Plains. supply full picture and avatar could be extra)
Character 3: Frenkenrus ( also capabilaties can be found on page 11 of Spyroconvexaty's Clash of the Kiju: Galileo's revenge.
Character 2: Durza's human form (unfinshed ic by shiny. here's link
Character 4: Ryden http://vignette1.wikia.nocooki.../20130205223509
Character 5: Deadpool http://www.comicplanetculture....rns-liefeld.jpg
Character 6:
Personality: wild, out their, nocturnal(both metaphorically and literally) kind, caring, odtistac, fun loving, intelligent.
Other?: we'll see
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#7 Posted: 23:36:37 15/05/2016
[[Sorry all, I'm not joining this one for private reasons. I was hoping to do this, but... real life stuff.]]
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 20:42:29 16/05/2016 by BlackWing116
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#8 Posted: 01:27:47 16/05/2016
Name: Austin
Gender: Male
Character 1: Asriel (Child form)
Character 2: Kihei (My current avatar)
Character 3: Foxy the Pirate
Character 4: Dr. Alphys
Character 5: Miles "Tails" Prower
Character 6: Cl4ptrap
Personality: Caring, loyal to friends, pretty intelligent
Other: The link for Character 1 will be fixed soon
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9550
#9 Posted: 00:11:32 17/05/2016 | Topic Creator
[All accepted. I'll wait one more day to start to see if anyone else joins.]
[@BlackWing That's alright, I understand. If you ever change your mind, you're welcome to join.]
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100
#10 Posted: 17:29:41 17/05/2016
Gosh, I don't know how I didn't notice this already.

Welp, here's mine:

Name: Has a real name but goes by Starlight
Gender: Female

Character 1: Chrome Cynder (main) //
Character 2: Starlight Shine (Just my avatar)
Character 3: Alternate Spyro
Character 4: Midnight
Character 5: Flashwing http://vignette2.wikia.nocooki...=20131230190810
Character 6: Chrome Spyro http://images3.wikia.nocookie....e/Spyro_los.jpg

Personality: Lazy but nice and sometimes a bit overly nice. A little shy when meeting someone new. Hardheaded sometimes and somewhat determined.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:38:10 17/05/2016 by Starlight_Shine
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9550
#11 Posted: 22:12:14 17/05/2016 | Topic Creator
[Accepted Starlight.]
[If someone wants to start this they can, I'll be too busy to join in tonight.]
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8475
#12 Posted: 11:04:41 18/05/2016
Sorry guys. I'll try to be more active in this one and keep my big mouth shut...

Name: Shadmé
Gender: female
Your 6 avatars?:
Character 1: Shadmé (Kid Icarus OC) http://shadmetheangel.devianta...vatar-502612273
Character 2: Lightmé (Kid Icarus OC) http://shadmetheangel.devianta...-Pure-482160214
Character 3: Mew (Pokémon)émon)
Character 4: Ember (OC) http://shadmetheangel.devianta...-Fire-536443475
Character 5: Undyne (Undertale)
Character 6: Panne (Fire Emblem)
Personality: Shadmé, a shy yet artistic and reclusive teenager, feels a strong bond with those she's met on the Internet. Though most times she is quiet, her mind always thinking, she is loyal and will try to keep people together whether it's in her power or not. She doesn't have an aggressive bone in her body, and will often times appear more cheerful than she feels to maintain a positive and caring atmosphere for all.
Other?: Will be RPed in first person.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Blackfury96 Blue Sparx Gems: 686
#13 Posted: 17:19:15 18/05/2016
Name: Varedis (a.k.a Blackfury)
Gender: M
Your 6 avatars?:
Character 1: Varedis
Character 2: Varedis
Character 3: Cedrik
Character 4: Sylraeis
Character 5: Durotan
Character 6: Lil' Tarecgosa
Personality: Funny and quite active, very adventurous
Warcraft:The Beginning - I recommend (released May30 in UK and Jun10 in US)
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#14 Posted: 21:00:40 18/05/2016
[im going to start this now]

After the repeated swirl of pixels had ended I finally awoke 'ughhhh, what just happened...' I tried to lift a hand to my head only to find out that I had no hands, but blue arms with green slime 'Why do I have no hands? WHY DO I HAVE NO HANDS?!' I spun around in a panic and broke a rock with my tail. Why did I gave a tail? 'I'm a Brachydios!' I looked around and noticed that I was stood at the top of a volcano yet I felt no heat. I rushed down the side of the volcano to see if someone could pinch me ake as I had no hands.
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5849
#15 Posted: 21:26:29 18/05/2016
//Would you guys mind if I joined? I'm, trying to be active again. . .
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9550
#16 Posted: 22:00:31 18/05/2016 | Topic Creator
[Accepted Shadme and BlackFury. And sure, you can join, Derpy!]
[And say, Shadme, did you ever get my contact request on Skype?]

I knew I was in for a crazy day the second I opened my eyes.

Laid down low on the ground, I raised my head up, squinting as my eyes adjusted to the light. The serene ambiance of a silent forest greeted my senses as I stumbled to my feet. A light breeze rippled through the treetops and dappled sunlight beamed down lighting the forest floor. Aside from the occasional twitter of a bird, there were no signs of anyone else in my area. It seemed peaceful enough, but it was still jarring to wake up in the outdoors instead of my warm, soft bed. But that wasn't even the most bizarre thing about my situation.

The first thing I noticed- well, I noticed a lot of stuff, but this one stood out the most -was that I was having some difficulty standing up. It was so weird, I felt really off-balance. Now, you could blame that on me still being groggy from my slumber, but it doesn't usually take long for me to really wake up. Every time I tried to stand, I tipped over and fell back on my hands, and after several fruitless efforts, I eventually decided Screw it, I'm walking on all fours today. The next most apparent thing was that I felt oddly alert, aware of my surroundings, ready to take a fight-or-flight action. Especially weird, seeing how I just got up. My senses seemed much keener as well; I could hear something little rustle around beneath the forest litter carpeting the ground, presumably just a bug or something, and my normally nearsighted vision was suddenly remarkably clear. I noted that everything seemed very large, even by a forest's standards, but what really caught my attention was an unusual presence behind me.

As I whipped around to see what dared creep up behind me, there was a flash of fur, and the thing was gone. But I could still sense it behind me, so I continued to chase it around and around until I crashed into a tree, dazed and dizzy. "Ow, my head..." I muttered, not even noticing that my voice had adopted a distinct accent. Sitting, clutching the lump on my cranium, I finally saw my assailant clearly, laying down by my side, swaying contently. A tail, and a very familiar-looking, bushy tail at that. But that didn't make any sense. What was it attached to? It took me about ten seconds to figure it out, and I gasped as I did: It was attached to me. With that initial shock, I finally took a good look at myself, and found my body covered in a soft coat of sandy yellow fur. And speaking of my body, its structure was very petite, yet strong enough to put up a decent fight, and definitely not human by any stretch. "What the-" was all I managed to say before I silenced myself, noticing my new New York accent for the first time. I racked my troubled mind to put the pieces together, and I finally came to a conclusion.

The fur, the accent, the tail- it all made sense now!

I had become Foxtail.

[Reuse of my old intro post? Yes. I just really didn't feel like writing an entirely new one that'd be pretty much the same. Besides, I've done worse.]
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#17 Posted: 00:05:33 19/05/2016
Storm slid the last avatar into place and sat back, admiring her work. She had drawn new pictures of Rayna and Jet Hack, and modified some old pictures of Winterra, Skyward, Ryu, and T'sara. Her work was complete, but now to see it. She refreshed the page and felt a sinking feeling.

When she gained control of her thoughts, she was on the grass on all fours. She shook her head to clear it. Somehow it weighed more than before, but she ignored it. The main problem was than when she opened her eyes, there was something gray blocking the lower part of her vision. She pulled on it, but pain shot through her. Blood was welling up on the gray object. So I have a snout. And claws, apparently.

What else did she have? She ran her claws gently across her back and felt fur. She had a tail, and wings. She was a furry dragon. But what was her name? And who was she?
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100
#18 Posted: 00:08:08 19/05/2016
After being engulfed in pixels and light, I knew this wasn't going to end well.
I couldn't remember anything after that... It was weird, I could only remember falling and being the subject of a loud crash and that's it.
I had my eyes closed the whole time, hoping it would be a dream... It didn't feel like one now.
My everything just felt so... Hurt.
I couldn't even lift my head, I was so sore.
I tried to see where I was, but it even hurt to lift up my eyes, they felt so heavy.
I barely got them open, everything was in a haze. I couldn't even tell if it was day or night.
My eyes lazily closed again.
I didn't move at all, everything just didn't feel right. I felt everything fading away... I must've crashed harder than I though.
Everything was darkness, drowsy darkness... I had no clue where I was, but I supposed it would have to wait, as I was nearly passed out.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8475
#19 Posted: 00:31:25 19/05/2016
OoC: @Skyhunter I haven't been on Skype for a good couple of months. I'm gonna be getting back to it once I have free time in the summer, though! Is your username just Skyhunter? :3

My senses felt dulled as tingling radiated through my body. Something felt really, really wrong, but due to the darkness spreading everywhere I could detect, I couldn't figure out why.
Eventually, the darkness relented as my eyelids fluttered. In my grogginess, I tried to figure out why I would be so numb. I was too young to drink, I didn't like going to parties, I couldn't recall anything that would have required overexertion... despite this, it felt like something had changed.
I struggled to my feet, barely able to focus on anything around me except myself. And what I saw and felt was shocking.
My pajamas had been replaced with a blazing red t-shirt and black pants that covered red, black and white sneakers. I was adorned with shoulder pads that pressed a cape to my back, further supported by a gleaming gold phoenix medallion. My wrists sported silver rings; my hands, black fingerless gloves with red Xes. Reaching a trembling arm to my head revealed a hard piece. If I took an educated guess, I would say it was a silver laurel crown. Finally, with a twist of my head, I realized my hair was a permanent black and red ending in four points, a final point drifting in front of my face and blocking my vision.
Unfortunately, this investigation took mere moments as I stumbled forward and fell flat on my face. Something spilled out from my back, and feathers drifted to the ground. Red and black ones.
No... this could only mean one thing...
I struggled to rise and adjust to a new center of balance. I now had angel wings on my back, petite and fluttering, and if I didn't stand correctly I would topple onto my back. The wings were the source of the most tingling I could feel, and I could tell as soon as I saw them that they were worthless for flight, for I had become my self-OC: Shadmé the angel. I didn't know how. I didn't know why. But there had to be a reason for this, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to find out.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#20 Posted: 00:45:51 19/05/2016
I open my eyes to a raging headache. "ah my head." i don't even notice the small yet very noticable change in my voice. I get up but realize something was up. I was a quadrapod(a creature that walks on four legs) and i was covered in purple scales. I touch my face to feel claws rubbing against scaly skin. I look at my hand only to see a dragonic paw. I look around me and i see my wings which the membrain was golden color with maroon highlights along with his underbelly having the same coloration. I then see my dorsal spikes and unique tail blade. After putting it together i realize "i can't believe it. I'm a dragon. And not just any dragon, i'm my oc Durza! This is so awsome!"
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#21 Posted: 01:01:36 19/05/2016
Ashley opens her eyes and she said "Are we out of the woods yet?" and realized her voice changed. She stands up and recognized she was Falco and she said "Damn, I'm Falco from Star Fox". She walked around in circles for 2 hours.
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#22 Posted: 01:13:07 19/05/2016
Storm got up again. She was used to walking on four feet, like she has done it before. Maybe she had, before she landed here. But what was she doing here? Storm rolled to the side and felt something metal. Maybe it could help her find out.

The metal was a chestplate of armor. It was in two pieces, her size, and it had holes for her legs and wings. A yellow orb lay next to it. Skyward tried using her paws to put it on. When that didn't work, she tried her wings, and then her tail, but she couldn't get it to work.

Maybe it's the kind of armor that you need an assistant to help with, she thought. The closest person was a human, with black and red hair and wings. "Excuse me?" she asked.

Shadmé, she thought unconsciously.

"Shadme? Is that your name? Somehow I woke up here and somehow this armor appeared next to me and somehow I can't get it on. Could you help?"
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#23 Posted: 02:19:32 19/05/2016
Name: Felicity
Gender: Female
Your 6 avatars?: (Just link to images, if you could)
Character 1: Gundam Tanaka (Danganronpa 2)
Character 2: Leon Kuwata (Danganronpa)
Character 3: Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa 2)
Character 4: Chihiro Fujisaki (Danganronpa)
Character 5: Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Danganronpa)
Character 6: Spoofy (My Fursona)
Personality: Slightly shy, kind, though is easily affected by the things around her, easily manipulated
Other?: I hope this is alright smilie

For Darx's alternatives, as in what form Darx takes when I change avatar, here ya go!
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 23:56:58 12/08/2016 by prextail202
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8475
#24 Posted: 02:20:48 19/05/2016
...Alright, I totally lied. I really had to know what was going on here!
I paced back and forth, each step helping me adjust to my new stance. Let's see... I stroked my chin in thought. I actually couldn't remember if I'd gone to bed... or passed out last night. That was slightly disconcerting. Something had happened.
Okay, okay, I tried to backtrack. What was I doing before that?
Yesterday had been a weekend... or was it a weekday? I couldn't recall. Hopefully that wasn't important. I tilted my head. Or... was it a school day I had off? Either way, I had spent most of the day on my favorite forum, DarkSpyro. I wasn't really obsessed with the purple dragon as much anymore, but it was the first forum I'd joined, so it held a special place in my heart.
Get back on topic, me! Suddenly, I recalled something else. It wasn't just a normal day, after all. I didn't typically log off the site, and most times left the page wide open. As I result, I'd been quite surprised after I discovered my avatar had gone missing. Had someone broken into my account? No, no. After further investigation, I'd found that dark52, the administrator, had added some new avatar features. Randomized avatars along with something else trivial. At first I thought that it was a weird update. Wouldn't that mix everyone up? But it was so intriguing that I had to take advantage of it anyway, which I did. I had moved my former avatar, a mix-up of a bunch of my favorite characters, into some obscure location on my computer, thinking there was no reason to have it out in the open. Though I was annoyed I'd have to start fresh, I was interested in making some new, more open collage of my favorite characters. And so I'd done it. Strangely enough, that was also where my memories left me...
Suddenly, somebody spoke my name. I jumped in shock, whirling around to find the source. Just act casual, just act casual... pretend that's NOT your name! Yeah...
To my surprise, it was a dragon. She wasn't too much bigger than me, but a dragon nonetheless. Angels and dragons and missing memories, oh my!
Shaking my scattered, sarcastic thoughts away, I realized that I did indeed recognize this dragon even though she was, y'know, a dragon, a creature we don't see in our daily lives.
...Unless someone would happen to use one as an avatar.
...An avatar on a particular purple dragon forum...
"S-Skyward?" I gasped, kneeling down to meet her eyes. "Did you say my name? Is it really you?"
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#25 Posted: 02:24:53 19/05/2016
((I'm not sure if I'm auto accepted or not, due to me creating the last RP... smilie))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8475
#26 Posted: 02:29:04 19/05/2016
OoC: I don't know why you wouldn't be accepted, and you do have a good point about being in control of the other RP... smilie Skyhunter, wherefore art thouuuuu?
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#27 Posted: 02:35:22 19/05/2016
((Skyyyyyyy where are youuuuu smilie

I just have a really good way to start out, I really wanna RP Gundam Tanaka lol))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9550
#28 Posted: 03:03:20 19/05/2016 | Topic Creator
[@Shadme My Skype username is foxtailzerda, and my picture's one of my old Foxtail avatars (the one where he's winking) smilie]
[Accepted Prex.]

I was still speechless with shock as I examined my new furry foxy form. How was this possible? I had spontaneously transformed into a fennec fox. That's not something that just happens! And not only had I become an entirely different species, somehow I got dumped out in the middle of nowhere, when the last place I remembered being was in my bed. Again I implore you, how was this possible? The only conclusions I could draw were:

A. I'm dreaming
2. This was part of an extremely elaborate prank at my expense, or
D. I had somehow tapped into some kind of supernatural phenomenon

But even as I thought those over, none seemed to work out. I had hit my head on a tree, and it hurt, so I couldn't be dreaming. I can't think of anyone on Earth with the resources needed to creating this convincing of a setup, not to mention genetically modify my body without me noticing. And I knew there was no such thing as ghosts or magic or anything like that... right? A part of me wanted to get to the bottom of this, but another part was saying Who cares? You've just turned into your favorite animal with all the capabilities of a human! Just shut up and enjoy it while it lasts!

And I did just that! I felt an undeniable sense of joy growing inside me as I quickly adjusted to my quadrupedal stance and fully embraced my new vulpine form. I noticed something shiny laying in the grass at my paws, a six-chambered revolver with ivory grips, and immediately recognized it as Foxtail's favorite pistol, the one he kept on him at all times when cuteness or sneakiness wouldn't cut it. Why not? I scooped the gun up and began to jog, then run, then all out sprint through the woods, shouting and barking with happiness the whole time. The wind in my fur felt great, and I felt like I was on top of the world. I didn't know if this would wear off, but I didn't care! This was just too awesome! In fact, I was so caught up in my bliss that I barely had time to register that I was scampering towards two figures: One was an average person with wings, the other was... a dragon?
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#29 Posted: 07:08:44 19/05/2016
I fell down the hill hitting everything and landed in a forest at the bottom 'ooowwww, that hurt' I realised that that meant I couldn't be dreaming I tried to scream for help but it came out as a ferocious roar. I kept walking and three things caught my sight, an angel, a dragon and a fennec fox. I kept walking and despite my size, I tried to hide behind a tree, I stuck out a lot but I remained there.
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#30 Posted: 10:16:59 19/05/2016
I woke up suddenly and strangely. The area around me was definitely not my home. I got up and saw that I was shorter than I am supposed to be. I looked at my hands for a second and was scared. They weren't my normal hands! I looked at myself and saw that I was Asriel! "Someone... Anyone! Help!" I yelled
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#31 Posted: 11:09:08 19/05/2016
I had already been awake, and was in a odd situation to say the very least. Before all of this I was just a quiet, short teenage girl. After this whole catastrophic event, I was MUCH different. I had now become the opposite gender, and had gotten much taller. My voice had gotten much more deeper and I didn't want to believe this was reality, so what did I do? I convinced myself that this was only a dream, and began my way with exploring this dream world as Gundam Tanaka. Upon my way, I saw a group in the distance, should I go or should I continue on my way...?
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#32 Posted: 12:10:10 19/05/2016
"Yeah, it's me!" Storm grinned. "Well, actually I'm Storm, and I've somehow been turned into Skyward...I hope that doesn't diminish your thoughts of me. But, like I said, I can't get into this armor. This orb," she picked it up and her tail crackled with electricity, "seems to boost my powers, but the armor is the only way to get it to stay close without holding it, and holding something is hard for a quadruped. I don't even have a prehensile tail." Well, there was a friendly face here, even if Storm barely recognized her.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#33 Posted: 13:44:08 19/05/2016
I hear the roar and see a dragon and an angel. I approach even though my size didn't make me to discreet.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5849
#34 Posted: 14:02:34 19/05/2016
Name: Levi (WIP_
Gender: Male
Your 6 avatars?: (Just link to images, if you could)
Character 1: Grell Sutcliff
Character 2: Atoli
Character 3: Shizuo Heiwajima
Character 4: Yukio Okumura
Character 5: Sakaki
Character 6: Mettaton EX
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#35 Posted: 14:52:41 19/05/2016
I walked up to the angel and the dragon trying not to be threatening which is difficult when you look like this 'H-Hello? I come in peace?' I quietly hoped that it didn't come out as a big roar like before.
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#36 Posted: 17:24:00 19/05/2016
[[Okay, fine, I am back, but only for minimum amounts. Please don't rush up without me guys...

My sheet:

Name: BlackWing
Gender: Female
Your 6 avatars?:
Character 1: Greninja
Character 2: Neira
Character 3: BlackWing
Character 4: Lunaala
Character 5: Pit
Character 6: Zygarde
Personality: I guess it depens on character. smilie
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 13:32:51 08/09/2016 by BlackWing116
Blackfury96 Blue Sparx Gems: 686
#37 Posted: 18:03:09 19/05/2016
Varedis swiveled around in his chair and admired his work, "Hah! Perfect," he clicked the refresh button when suddenly he felt the blur of pixels and a rush of motion. A feeling of weightlessness possessed him and he felt like he was falling, before everything went blank. When he got back to consciousness he glanced around and found himself lying belly down on what appeared to be grass But i was at my computer before... he then attempted to stand up but couldn't find the strength in his hind legs to support him well enough and so just squatted on all fours. He felt a sense of nausea build up inside him and then seemed to cough and roar simultaneously. But what shocked him the most was the jet of fire that spewed out along with it, knocking him backwards and onto his back.

He felt some sort of appendage of his being crushed beneath his own weight, that felt like a pair of arms protruding from his spine, but he knew he didn't have more than two arms. And then when he rose his arms to try and roll over, he saw his paws. Thick, scaly and red, paws.

What am I...

And then he realised, the back-appendages were wings, and he was a dragon. "Cool..." he said as he rolled over, but then he looked around again, "But where am I? And how do I get back?"
Warcraft:The Beginning - I recommend (released May30 in UK and Jun10 in US)
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8475
#38 Posted: 18:07:12 19/05/2016
OoC: YAY NINJAsk! Yay Prex! Yay derpy! ^D^

"Storm..." I tried out the user-turned dragoness' name. Seemed fitting enough. With any other person, I would be withdrawn. Quiet. I would try to figure out what was happening on my own. But knowing that it was indeed StormDragon- a friend from DarkSpyro- meant that I could feel comfortable skipping the shy introduction phase and getting into the more friendly side I showed to comrades.
As she showed me her electricity powers, I felt a small shock lick at my fingers. This was real. She was a dragon, and she had powers beyond human form. Shaking my hands to disperse the shock, I moved to the armor. "Don't worry, I won't think any less of you. You're a friend- I believe you. Let me just help you into this armor and then we can figure out-"
My statement was interrupted by a loud roar. A gasp escaped my mouth as I quickly checked over both shoulders. I realized my eyesight was much better than before when I started to pick up shapes a far distance away. My shoulders trembled. "Storm." My mouth barely moved as I spoke the words. "We're being surrounded."
Coming up to us was some sort of monster that looked to come straight out of a video game. Scrambling to my feet, I grabbed my bow, knowing quite well I had no idea to use it, but intending to try it if this creature attacked. I stood in front of Storm as some means of defending her. Strangely enough, it spoke: he came in peace?
I couldn't tell who or what he was, but I decided to be civil. What if we lost this chance? "Um, hi?" I tried lamely. "Who are you?"
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#39 Posted: 18:14:43 19/05/2016
'I come in peace', As I walked towards them I slipped on the slime trailing behind me, fell on my face and the slime exploded, yet I didn't feel a thing, odd. 'Can you help me up please?'
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#40 Posted: 20:11:21 19/05/2016
[Toungless Greninja]

Why is my mouth so dry?

I sat up on the leafy surface I had been resting on. I couldn't remember anything anymore that had happened beforehand. I felt dizzy, but right now, the fact that my mouth was dry bothered me more. Instinctifely, I got up and was planning to walk out of the tent I normaly... slept in.... Wait... this isn't my place!

I bounced up, hitting a tree branch just above me. "YOW!" I cried out in annoyance as I rubbed my head, which felt rather smooth, actually. I then looked at my hands, but those weren't hands, heck, they were flippers... Blue flippers.

"Yo what?" I blurted out as I noticed my voice had changed in a way I thought it never could. I felt around my body for a bit. I had no clothes. Just a smooth body, like that of a frog. I felt my tongue being wrapped around my neck. In fact, it annoyed me, so I instinctively pull my long toungue back into my mouth. Suddenly, it snapped.

"Greninja!?" I cried out, checking everything once again, but I wasn't wrong. I was a real life Greninja, and one that could pull their tongue into their mouth. I felt a surge of glee in my body, but also a shiver of fear. What was going on? Why was I a Greninja...? I sat down, thinking deeply, crossing my arms and legs....
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9550
#41 Posted: 20:45:39 19/05/2016 | Topic Creator
[Accepted Derpy and BlackWing]

As I was running along, my big fox ears picked up the sound of a cry for help. Were there other people here? If there were, maybe I could get some information on what's going on, why I had suddenly become my own OC. And being the good Samaritan I was, I decided to help this person any way I could. After covering a bit of distance scampering across the forest floor, I had reached the source of the cry, ready to save the person in peril- oof!

I didn't think it'd be that easy to trip over a branch in this stance, but apparently it is, as I tumbled head-over-heels, face-first into the dirt. Ouch. As I got up, shaking myself off, I looked at the entity that had called out, and discovered that the voice belong to- some sort of goat-man kid? Huh? Even though I've never played Undertale and only have minimal knowledge of it, I still recognized the kid as Asriel Dreemur. I also knew I probably just made myself look pretty stupid there. "Uh... I meant to do that" I said with a chuckle and a nervous grin.
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#42 Posted: 21:30:52 19/05/2016
After seeing the humungous beast I really didn't want to run into anything like that at the moment, so I tried to carefully yet swiftly sneak away. Though, someone from that group probably saw the slightly shady individual dash off from the group, probably looking suspicious, like some sort of spy. Though, as I ran further into the woods, I stopped in my tracks, and glanced ahead of me. What I saw was...A fox and a... Wait, is that Asriel?!?

I kept my distance, being Gundam Tanaka probably wasn't the best person to be in this situation, he looks a little scary to some, even though he'd never want to hurt anything cute and fluffy.
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8475
#43 Posted: 21:46:47 19/05/2016
Seeing as the creature was moving closer and closer to us, saying the same thing and not answering my question, I felt a surge of panic. I was sure that defending myself had never been something I had been cut out for, and I just didn't have time to learn the ins and outs of my new form before I surely perished. Holding my hands up in an attempt to make him stop, I cringed the moment his feet slipped out from under him.
I didn't anticipate the explosion.
Near-instinctively, I tumbled to the ground, wings flexing forward as a means of protecting my face. Thankfully, I was still too far away for any debris to pelt myself or Storm. Tentatively peering out from behind my feathered shield, I realized the creature did not seem to have taken any damage. Sending a glance at Storm, I considered making the dumb choice to walk over and help him up. But I quickly decided against it, and cleared my throat. "Um... I may or may not help you if you could just answer my question. Who are you?" The shadow of a person in a dark overcoat flitted past my peripheral, but I resisted the urge to look, disregarding it as unimportant- for now, at least. I had to focus on the eminent threat and figure out what to do, for my safety and Storm's.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5849
#44 Posted: 21:52:57 19/05/2016
I feel a shooting pain in my head as I wake up from previously passing out at my computer screen at home. I open my eyes and look around before looking down. Black pants? I never recalled wearing them, though I wore a lot of black pants. But.. wasn't I wearing my grey jeans today? Blinking, I decide to get up, wobbling and looking down even more, finding that I was in red and black healed boots. Odd...and strangely familliar. I decide to clear my throat, a 'hello'coming out of my mouth as I screech, falling over again. That voice...Was I reallymy waifu?!

Suddenly, it gets to me that I have been sucked into a universe where I was my favorite character... perhaps a dream? This causes me to fill with determination, getting back up and trying to see if I could find anything or anyone else. I seemed to be wandering aimlessly, heels pushing into the field I roamed.

You know, a guy could get used to being so feminine... if it were a dream...
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#45 Posted: 22:09:29 19/05/2016
Storm reflexively put her wings up against the creature's explosion. She stepped forward and grabbed her lightning orb. "You're saying you come in peace, and then you explode in our faces. Are you..." Storm unconsciously tried to walk on the paw holding her orb, and she slipped. Her orb fell out of her paw and began to roll off, leaving a trail of scorched vegetation. She growled and stopped the orb's roll with her paw. "So that started off awkwardly. How about a conversation instead? Who are you?"
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#46 Posted: 22:11:30 19/05/2016
'My name? My name is Caesar, I don't know why I'm a brachydios and I want my hands back please!' I tried lifting myself up but it's more difficult than you'd think without hands. Man I want those back.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#47 Posted: 22:27:08 19/05/2016
I walk closer to them my foot steps making loud thuds as I approach being very heavy.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8475
#48 Posted: 22:45:37 19/05/2016
I watched carefully as the brachydios- Caesar- introduced himself. "You... want your hands back?" I confirmed, gears turning in my mind. I had turned into an angel. Storm had become Skyward. Surely it wasn't too far a stretch to believe that Caesar had once been human like us, too...
Deciding to take that risk, I approached slowly and tried to push him back up to what I assumed was a normal stance. "I'm Shadmé," I told him, holding my wings out for balance. I'd have to admit, I was starting to get the hang of using the extra appendages. "I haven't a clue about how I got here. Do you?"
As soon as I'd rightened the brachydios enough, I felt the ground tremble slightly. The hairs on the back of my neck were rising. This wasn't any normal earthquake. (But then again, what did I know about earthquakes?) It was almost as if something huge were getting closer...
I tried to convince myself otherwise in the span of a couple seconds. But I soon realized that I didn't know what was real and what was false here. I didn't know where I was. Anything could happen. And that was downright terrifying.
Fearing the worst, I slowly turned around, and was dazzled by the sight of an enormous dragon, much bigger than Storm. I froze, praying that he hadn't seen me move. I swear I'm a statue! Just turn around and keep going! I thought, heartbeat escalating.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#49 Posted: 22:51:11 19/05/2016
being bigger then Malefor it wasn't hard to be intimidating. I saw them and said "I'm a dragon not a t-rex. that isn't going to work."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#50 Posted: 23:22:18 19/05/2016
'Not a clue how I'm here, I just woke up at the top of that volcano!' I also heard the footsteps and decided to spread slime in its way seeming as its explosive 'come a step closer and you'll blow up, I hope' I knew it wasn't going to work but it was worth a shot
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