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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Role Play > DarkSpyro: The Character Catastrophie (AVATAR MISSHAP SPIN-OFF)
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DarkSpyro: The Character Catastrophie (AVATAR MISSHAP SPIN-OFF) [CLOSED]
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#1 Posted: 01:05:32 11/12/2015 | Topic Creator
Ahahah yep
Guess who's back
And with a spin-off of one of the best RPs there ever was

So you're browsing your favorite site (Or one of em), and that so happened to be the purple and yellow abyss of What was so different today than usual? Well, it just so happened that everyone's avatars, including yours, have been all reset to default no avatar. Great, glitches. You sigh, and go into your settings and put up a simple filler for now, of a favorite character of yours. Soon to realize, that Dark52 has added a feature for custom titles and a rotating random avatar selection! He has allowed slots for up to 6 avatars. Smiling with glee, you quickly fill up the 5 other spots. As you go back to your profile, you refresh the page a few times to see the change, and whaddaya know, it works! Though, your computer crashes as the last one loads, and before you know it, all you see is a flurry of colorful pixels, dragging you into the world of the internet!

Waking up, you dont feel normal, like you're not yourself...

Wait a gosh darn moment...

You're not yourself!

This is basically the same as Avatar mishap, though with a twist! Dark52, once a friendly moderator, has shown his true face, setting up a world of survival for his chosen users. They must navigate through this twisted world, and reach to his castle in the center of this entire digital universe. Once he is defeated, or if even possible, the users will gain access to a portal to the real world. This was all intended to be fun and games, but a few viruses have gotten to the admin's head...

The reason there are 5 avatars, is, YOU MAY ONLY HAVE 6 FORMS, AND 6 FORMS ONLY
And also, as we progress, you will learn how to change form, YOU WILL NOT KNOW RIGHT AWAY. YOU WILL GAIN THOSE FORMS AS WE PROGRESS.

1. No over powered characters, if your avatar is overpowered, make them less overpowered.
2. Control only your characters
3. if your avatar changes, DONT CHANGE THE ONES IN RP. Stick with the 6 you start with!
4. Be able to at least post 2-3 sentences per post
5. Your form changes for the first time of being a new form must be for a reason, be it event or environment effects, just try not to make it all around the exact same time!

Your 6 avatars?: (Images please)
Character 1: (Please supply full picture and avatar could be extra)
Character 2:
Character 3:
Character 4:
Character 5:
Character 6:

Name: Felicity (Felis for short)
Gender: Female
Your 6 avatars?:
Character 1:

Character 2:
Kirito (SAO)

Character 3:
Death the Kid

Character 4:
[User Posted Image]
Rin Okumera

Character 5:

Character 6:

Personality: Kind, caring, very shy, though can be easily manipulated depending on the situation
Other?: Nope
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
Edited 10 times - Last edited at 22:52:09 21/03/2016 by prextail202
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9561
#2 Posted: 01:57:35 11/12/2015
[So, do they have to be avatars we've had before, or can they be anything?]
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#3 Posted: 03:55:31 11/12/2015
((My guess is anything based on the Undertale characters, that has been out since October))

Name: Austin
Gender: Male
Character 1: Asriel (Child form)
Character 2: Kihei (My current avatar)
Character 3: Foxy the Pirate
Character 4: Dr. Alphys
Character 5: Miles "Tails" Prower
Character 6: Cl4ptrap
Personality: Caring, loyal to friends, pretty intelligent
Other: The link for Character 1 will be fixed soon
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 02:01:25 26/12/2015 by EyeBrawler2014
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9561
#4 Posted: 04:33:20 11/12/2015
[I guess that answers my question]

Name: Evan (though, I'll probably go mainly by Skyhunter)
Gender: Male
Character 1: Foxtail Zerda (My OC)
Character 2: A Utahraptor
Character 3: Webber
Character 4: Evan the Unicorn
Character 5: An Enderman
Character 6: Withertail
Personality: Evan is a loyal, compassionate soul, free-spirited and determined. He's able to work in groups, though he prefers to be alone most of the time. Unfortunately, he's got some anger issues and has a tendency to hold grudges; he's not above ditching his friends if he's annoyed enough.
Other?: None
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 00:49:18 22/01/2016 by Skyhunter
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#5 Posted: 11:18:55 11/12/2015 | Topic Creator
(Sky hunter Accepted
And Eyebrawler, at least post some Wiki links please smilie

And the characters can be from anything)
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9229
#6 Posted: 22:22:22 11/12/2015
Name: Red (may go by Darin)
Gender: Male
Character 1: Darin [gryphon form]
Character 2: Darin [elven form]
Character 3: Caelan [werewolf form]
In Caelan's werewolf form, he's black(ish) and mostly covered with fur. He has bright yellow eyes and has extremely sharp claws.
Character 4: Caelan [human form]
Character 5: Raclaw the fur dragon
Character 6: n/a
Personality: He is kind, loyal, and determined. However, he can hold a grudge and does not easily forget such grudges.
Other?: Images credit to adoren, LotR Scene Maker, & shorty
Edited 8 times - Last edited at 23:12:28 17/12/2015 by redwes
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#7 Posted: 19:50:09 14/12/2015
ooc: i'm so joining I just need some time to make the character sheet.

Name: Shade
Gender: male
Your 6 avatars?: (Images please)
Character 1: Durza my primary oc (best charater discription can be best found on page one of Eevee88's Fantasy Plains. supply full picture and avatar could be extra)
Character 3: Frenkenrus ( also capabilaties can be found on page 11 of Spyroconvexaty's Clash of the Kiju: Galileo's revenge.
Character 2: Durza's human form (unfinshed ic by shiny. here's link
Character 4: Ryden http://vignette1.wikia.nocooki.../20130205223509
Character 5: Deadpool http://www.comicplanetculture....rns-liefeld.jpg
Character 6:
Personality: wild, out their, nocturnal(both metaphorically and literally) kind, caring, odtistac, fun loving, intelligent.
Other?: we'll see
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Edited 8 times - Last edited at 21:59:57 11/03/2016 by ShadeTheDragon
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5849
#8 Posted: 23:03:19 14/12/2015
Name: Chris Evans
Gender: Male

Character 2: Shizuo Hewajima- Durarara!!
Image: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pini...d13c1a00236.jpg

Character 1 [MAIN]: Cubia- .hack//XXXX

Character 3: Yukio Okumura- Blue Exorcist

Character 4: Azure Flame Pursuer- Guilty Dragon
Image: http://static2.wikia.nocookie...._GD_Concept.jpg

Character 5: Haseo (3rd and B-ST form) - .hack//G.U.

Character 6: Sephiroth- Final Fantasy

Personality: Chris is a bit shy at first, but once you get to know him, he is very sweet, extremely caring, and insanely awkward.
Other: Chris is transgender, so he was born a girl. His love interest also gravitates each way, but he needs to know a person before making that leap.

^.^ All credit goes to the corresponding artists of each piece!

Shizu will be my second. I just can't copy ans paste rn, sooo.
Edited 7 times - Last edited at 06:48:46 04/01/2016 by derpyhooves
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#9 Posted: 22:18:34 17/12/2015 | Topic Creator
((Accepted Eyebrawler, and ok Derpy! I'll accept once I have pictures! smilie ))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#10 Posted: 23:34:55 17/12/2015 | Topic Creator
((Accepted redwes))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#11 Posted: 03:05:59 19/12/2015
I would like to try, but it'll take a while. I only have my first two pictures ready. I'll be editing a lot.

Name: Storm
Gender: Female
Avatar 1: Rayna (which apparently isn't a name?)img]
Avatar 2: Skyward (Credit and infinite thanks goes to SpyroBaro for drawing this amazing picture)
Avatar 3: Ryu
Avatar 4: Jet Hack
Avatar 5: Winterra
Avatar 6: Tsara
Other: In terms of character, Storm always carries around her binder which has all of her drawings in it, plus some pencils, a calculator, and an eyepatch. (Don't ask.) I'm guessing it would be reasonable that it was with her when she was pulled into the internet. For the characters, all of them are my original creations, but Skyward was based off of a Storm Dragon from DragonVale, Winterra's design was based off of the arctic wolves from Animal Jam, and Sharpwing's appearance was based off of a dragon toy that I have. Jet Hack is a character from a project long-forgotten, Ryu is a tiny dragon who I really like, and Rayna is something.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 23:46:09 12/01/2016 by StormDragon21
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5849
#12 Posted: 14:39:46 20/12/2015
I have done itttttt lol smilie
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8487
#13 Posted: 04:25:42 22/12/2015
Azzy! <3
Is AM still a thing, by the way? I don't consider it dead. ^.^
We'll see if I can rope some characters in this thing. Hopefully you haven't taken all the good Undertale characters... smilie
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#14 Posted: 05:37:27 22/12/2015
((Don't worry buddy, the Great Papyrus, Toriel, Flowey, Undyne, Frisk, and Asgore are still open))
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#15 Posted: 02:51:31 24/12/2015 | Topic Creator
((Eyebrawler, do you want to claim Asriel? I was wondering if you wanted to do a swap, Asriel or Mettaton for Sans? If not that's ok, I perfectly understand smilie ))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9561
#16 Posted: 03:20:19 24/12/2015
[Yep, nothing like playing along with a bunch of characters I have zero context for. smilie]
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#17 Posted: 20:15:08 24/12/2015
((Shadmé! You're here!

Anyway, can I leave one of the avatars blank for now? There's no way that I can get a picture of Jet Hack or Starrz this quickly. I still haven't drawn a picture of Starrz, and I still don't know where I put the picture of Jet Hack.))
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#18 Posted: 20:35:54 24/12/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: StormDragon21
((Shadmé! You're here!

Anyway, can I leave one of the avatars blank for now? There's no way that I can get a picture of Jet Hack or Starrz this quickly. I still haven't drawn a picture of Starrz, and I still don't know where I put the picture of Jet Hack.))

((Yeah, sure! That's fine smilie))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#19 Posted: 04:09:15 25/12/2015
((Sounds good, I love Asriel! He is so cute, so I will edit my post so that instead of Sans, I have Asriel's cute child form))
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5849
#20 Posted: 07:23:19 25/12/2015
Quote: EyeBrawler2014
((Sounds good, I love Asriel! He is so cute, so I will edit my post so that instead of Sans, I have Asriel's cute child form))

Asriel is my second favorite character in Undertale. -u- hE IS JUST SO CUTE.

He is in an almost tie with Sans and Muffet, to be honest. .o.
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#21 Posted: 19:52:40 25/12/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: EyeBrawler2014
((Sounds good, I love Asriel! He is so cute, so I will edit my post so that instead of Sans, I have Asriel's cute child form))

((Awesome! Thanks! Sans has to be my personal favourite!))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9229
#22 Posted: 20:58:57 25/12/2015
OOC: Hey guys! Merry Christmas!
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#23 Posted: 21:18:37 25/12/2015 | Topic Creator
((Everyone's accepted who posted a sheet!
I'll wait for Shadme so then we can start :3
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#24 Posted: 09:34:27 27/12/2015
I hope it's not too late to join, this sounds interesting.

Name: Greeny or Strider, whichever you like best.
Gender: Genderfluid
Your 6 avatars?: (Also I organized these based off how you said we'll unlock them as we proceed. Sayaka is my weakest and Yang is my strongest, so I'll unlock the stronger ones as I go.)
Character 1: Sayaka Miki
Picture Wiki Link
Character 2: Spider-Gwen
Picture Wiki Link
Character 3: Star Lord
Picture Wiki Link
Character 4: Corrin (Female)
Picture Wiki Link
Character 5: Kylo Ren
Picture Wiki Link spoilered due to Force Awakens spoilers. Proceed with caution.

Character 6: Yang Xiao Long
Picture Wiki Link
Personality: Cold and antisocial when outside of their comfort zone, but extremely loyal once you know them. Can get very hot headed and jumps to conclusions often. They can also act cocky and they joke around a lot in serious situations, but it's usually a facade to hide their lack of confidence.
Other: Preferred pronouns are they/them.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 05:21:12 12/01/2016 by StriderSwag
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8487
#25 Posted: 01:29:38 03/01/2016
B-but Prex! There's no way I can be as great as the Great Papyrus! D:
Sorry to keep you waiting! *shot* For the sake of normalcy, I'm gonna try a round with all female characters. It's hard. I never realized how many of my favorites are male...
Also, since I'm on a phone, I can't provide all the pictures, so I put wiki links instead. I can fix them later.

Name: Shadmé
Gender: female
Your 6 avatars?:
Character 1: Shadmé (Kid Icarus OC) http://shadmetheangel.devianta...vatar-502612273
Character 2: Lightmé (Kid Icarus OC) http://shadmetheangel.devianta...-Pure-482160214
Character 3: Mew (Pokémon) http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden....Pokémon)
Character 4: Ember (OC) http://shadmetheangel.devianta...-Fire-536443475
Character 5: Undyne (Undertale)
Character 6: Panne (Fire Emblem)
Personality: Shadmé, a shy yet artistic and reclusive teenager, feels a strong bond with those she's met on the Internet. Though most times she is quiet, her mind always thinking, she is loyal and will try to keep people together whether it's in her power or not. She doesn't have an aggressive bone in her body, and will often times appear more cheerful than she feels to maintain a positive and caring atmosphere for all.
Other?: Will be RPed in first person.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:10:44 05/05/2016 by ShadowMewX
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#26 Posted: 02:20:46 03/01/2016 | Topic Creator
((All accepted, ready to start? smilie))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#27 Posted: 02:22:32 03/01/2016
Ooc: you bet! Bring it on baby! smilie
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#28 Posted: 02:45:27 03/01/2016

Now I'm ready to start. Except I still have no pictures.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9561
#29 Posted: 03:14:00 03/01/2016
[Quick question before we start: will there be doppelgangers in this one?]
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8487
#30 Posted: 04:03:58 03/01/2016
That'd be interesting. I'm actually using one of my doppelgängers, so... smilie
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#31 Posted: 06:34:50 03/01/2016
((I'm ready, and I think you would have done a great Papyrus buddy))
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9229
#32 Posted: 06:38:52 03/01/2016
OOC: I'm ready when you guys are. smilie
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5849
#33 Posted: 22:22:11 03/01/2016
//I have the weirdest idea if we use doppelgangers lol. One (technically 2) of my characters have canon ones smilie//
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#34 Posted: 01:23:43 04/01/2016
Ooc: I remember that one!
On a side note, should the not quite as active as I used to be me join? /or will I kill it like I do most RPs...
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#35 Posted: 01:28:30 04/01/2016 | Topic Creator
((I could arrange further in RP for dopplegangers smilie
And also, Fluffyhamster will be coming back
All I know is she will RP Papyrus,Asgore and Frisk, don't know what others yet))

All of what happened before was now a memory as I slowly awoke. "Ugghhh..." I groaned, holding a hand to my head. I slowly got up, not realizing that I was different, only feeling not human. What felt strange to me was, well, I couldn't feel the temperature outside, it didn't feel hot or cold. It was as if I lost the ability to feel hot or cold. Though, I was perfectly fine with the neutral temperature I felt. Getting up on my feet, I noticed something odd, and quickly pulled up the sleeve of the coat I was somehow now wearing. I stood there with shock. I could only see bone...

"W-What the hell?" I asked, holding a skeletal hand up to my mouth now, my voice was mush more deeper than usual. It took me a couple of minutes to realize...

I was Sans.

((If you can feel like you can keep up with the RP, go ahead and join :3))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:29:42 04/01/2016 by prextail202
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#36 Posted: 01:33:04 04/01/2016
Ooc: I can definitely keep up with it reading-wise, but I can't make posts good enough that frequently (hence my characters might not keep up), and RPs I am in have had a tendency to die.
The Misshap one was quite enjoyable, but that was a long time ago I was there.
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#37 Posted: 02:29:45 04/01/2016

I slowly woke up with a groan. "What happened?" I asked myself before noticing something odd. My voice was different, it was more like that of a small child. I looked around before seeing my feet. I jumped up in shock! "W-wha? H-how!" I said in shock and confusion as I look at my hands. Then it all hit me like a brick. "I'm Asriel!" I said as I staggered a little. "Ok, I'm an adorable goat child and I have no clue where I am, but its going to be ok."
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
FluffyHamster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1340
#38 Posted: 02:41:50 04/01/2016
(( The great FluffyHamster has returned!
Now I have to thank prex for saving those characters for me.

Name: Paige
Gender: female
Your 6 avatars?:
Character 1: Napstablook (undertale)
Character 2: Papyrus (undertale)
Character 3: Frisk (undertale)
Character 4: Flowey (undertale)
Character 5: Asgore (undertale)
Character 6: Dino Kid (undertale) will get wiki page asap
Personality: kind, caring, helpful yet can be quite clumsy
Other?: wip
Best animes ever,Hetalia,Black Butler,Blue Exorcist,The Devil is a Part-Timer! ,and Another.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 00:31:54 11/01/2016 by FluffyHamster
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#39 Posted: 02:45:42 04/01/2016 | Topic Creator
((Up to you if you wanna join or not :3
And I'll accept you Fluffy, those characters are pretty well know, so yeah smilie))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9561
#40 Posted: 03:14:07 04/01/2016
I knew I was in for a crazy day the second I opened my eyes.

Laid down low on the ground, I raised my head up, squinting as my eyes adjusted to the light. The serene ambiance of a silent forest greeted my senses as I stumbled to my feet. A light breeze rippled through the treetops and dappled sunlight beamed down lighting the forest floor. Aside from the occasional twitter of a bird, there were no signs of anyone else in my area. It seemed peaceful enough, but it was still jarring to wake up in the outdoors instead of my warm, soft bed. But that wasn't even the most bizarre thing about my situation.

The first thing I noticed- well, I noticed a lot of stuff, but this one stood out the most -was that I was having some difficulty standing up. It was so weird, I felt really off-balance. Now, you could blame that on me still being groggy from my slumber, but it doesn't usually take long for me to really wake up. Every time I tried to stand, I tipped over and fell back on my hands, and after several fruitless efforts, I eventually decided Screw it, I'm walking on all fours today. The next most apparent thing was that I felt oddly alert, aware of my surroundings, ready to take a fight-or-flight action. Especially weird, seeing how I just got up. My senses seemed much keener as well; I could hear something little rustle around beneath the forest litter carpeting the ground, presumably just a bug or something, and my normally nearsighted vision was suddenly remarkably clear. I noted that everything seemed very large, even by a forest's standards, but what really caught my attention was an unusual presence behind me.

As I whipped around to see what dared creep up behind me, there was a flash of fur, and the thing was gone. But I could still sense it behind me, so I continued to chase it around and around until I crashed into a tree, dazed and dizzy. "Ow, my head..." I muttered, not even noticing that my voice had adopted a distinct accent. Sitting, clutching the lump on my cranium, I finally saw my assailant clearly, laying down by my side, swaying contently. A tail, and a very familiar-looking, bushy tail at that. But that didn't make any sense. What was it attached to? It took me about ten seconds to figure it out, and I gasped as I did: It was attached to me. With that initial shock, I finally took a good look at myself, and found my body covered in a soft coat of sandy yellow fur. And speaking of my body, its structure was very petite, yet strong enough to put up a decent fight, and definitely not human by any stretch. "What the-" was all I managed to say before I silenced myself, noticing my new New York accent for the first time. I racked my troubled mind to put the pieces together, and I finally came to a conclusion.

The fur, the accent, the tail- it all made sense now!

I had become Foxtail.
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:14:49 04/01/2016 by Skyhunter
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8487
#41 Posted: 03:22:39 04/01/2016
OoC: Avatar Mishap's still there, and everyone in it can still participate! I believe we're waiting for derpyhooves before we can continue, though. ^.^
@Fluffy Nice characters! I was thinking of being Napsta or Flowey, but I wanted to keep an all-male roster, first off, and second, I recall Prex's ghost problems last time. X3

My senses felt dulled as tingling radiated through my body. Something felt really, really wrong, but due to the darkness spreading everywhere I could detect, I couldn't figure out why.
Eventually, the darkness relented as my eyelids fluttered. In my grogginess, I tried to figure out why I would be so numb. I was too young to drink, I didn't like going to parties, I couldn't recall anything that would have required overexertion... despite this, it felt like something had changed.
I struggled to my feet, barely able to focus on anything around me except myself. And what I saw and felt was shocking.
My pajamas had been replaced with a blazing red t-shirt and black pants that covered red, black and white sneakers. I was adorned with pads that pressed a cape to my back, further supported by a gleaming gold phoenix medallion. My wrists sported silver rings; my hands, black fingerless gloves with red Xes. Reaching a trembling arm to my head revealed a hard piece. If I took an educated guess, I would say it was a silver laurel crown. Finally, with a twist of my head, I realized my hair was a permanent black and red ending in four points, a final point drifting in front of my face and blocking my vision.
Unfortunately, this investigation took mere moments as I stumbled forward and fell flat on my face. Something spilled out from my back, and feathers drifted to the ground. Red and black ones. No... this could only mean one thing...
I struggled to rise and adjust to a new center of balance. I now had angel wings on my back, petite and fluttering, and if I didn't stand correctly I would topple onto my back. The wings were the source of the most tingling I could feel, and I could tell as soon as I saw them that they were worthless for flight, for I had become my self-OC: Shadmé the angel. I didn't know how. I didn't know why. But there had to be a reason for this, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to find out.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:24:40 04/01/2016 by ShadowMewX
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#42 Posted: 04:50:02 04/01/2016
I open my eyes to a raging headache. "ah my head." i don't even notice the small yet very noticable change in my voice. I get up but realize something was up. I was a quadrapod(a creature that walks on four legs) and i was covered in purple scales. I touch my face to feel claws rubbing against scaly skin. I look at my hand only to see a dragonic paw. I look around me and i see my wings which the membrain was golden color with maroon highlights along with his underbelly having the same coloration. I then see my dorsal spikes and unique tail blade. After putting it together i realize "i can't believe it. I'm a dragon. And not just any dragon, i'm my oc Durza! This is so awsome!"
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5849
#43 Posted: 05:14:20 04/01/2016
I was just about to log out of the site as my mind seemed to go elsewhere, resulting in me losing consciousness for quite some time. After seeing a few flashes of diverse colored rays, my eyes shoot open. I listen to my surroundings and tend to hear nothing but silence for awhile. I bring a hand up to rub my head, noting that my fingers were entangled in raven colored hair, my thumb grazing some sort of hair clip. With a bit of shock, I look at my hands, wrists covered in white warmers, a lemon yellow, glowing bracelet at the end of each one, that was very similar to a glowstick. "Huh...? What is going on here?" My voice, though heard reverberating in my skull as a small murmur, was that of a 14-year-old's who has not even seem the beginning of puberty. This was confusing... Was it a dream? I did seem to fall asleep on my bed before this happened, after all.

Now, I examine the rest of my outfit, which was purple with white designs. There was a belt connecting my pants and shirt together and a cylindrical backpack at my back. I wore cream colored boots that were folded, leaving some space to see bare skin. Then I look down, seeing... a scythe? And it was made of bones? Picking it up, I swing it around before deciding to test something. "Rip Duk!" And with those root words for magic, I feel my vertigo leave me. Cubia... that's who I seemed to be in this dream. It felt pretty cool, and I was sure lucky I remembered the spell sets from when I played through Infection, and part of Mutation. I wasn't done with the games or manga, XXXX, so I had no idea about my character's true abilities. I thought he was just a spin-off of Kite; the protagonist of the .hack//IMOQ series.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9229
#44 Posted: 06:31:36 04/01/2016
The moment he had clicked one-too-many times, he knew something was happening. "What is happening?!," he exclaimed as he began to see pixels and proceeded to pass out...

He slowly awoke up to the sounds and smells of... the forest? 'What the... how did I get here?,' he thought as he looked at his surroundings. He found he was having trouble seeing out of his left eye and felt somewhat distorted as a result, but figured it would pass with time. He could see the leaves blowing in the wind and feel the breeze as it touched his... fur? And feathers? He touched his face as he laid down on what seemed to be his side... feeling the "features" of his face. As he did this, he could see and feel that his "hands" has also changed and... "A beak?!," he exclaimed. He heard a screech as he spoke and wondered where it came from Not only did he have a break and a fur or feather- like skin-- but he could feel that he had no ears and that claws or talons protruded from the tips of his brown almost-scaly hands.

He tried to get up, but found himself falling as he tried to get up as a two-leg would. He tried again and felt the instinct to... walk on all fours? And yet... it found oddly natural but strange. He could feel a tail... and wings! It was a odd sensation as he flapped his wings hearing the wing as through a big bird had flapped it wings. His senses were enhanced... he could hear better than he ever could and his good eye could even see better than he could could before. He had his suspicions and had to find out... he saw a pond shortly ahead and slowly walked adjusting to his new legs. He almost tripped once or twice, but soon made it and got a good look at his reflection. That explained it! The eye, the beak, the wings, all of it... he had turned into Darin! That also explained the screech, as his last character development including something along the lines of Darin's gryphon form "being unable to speak the common tongue." He hoped this strange realm allowed for others to understand him otherwise he would have to learn to tap into Darin's telepathic communication ability-- if he even could.

He tried again to speak as he could before and another loud screech could be heard. 'Is this a dream?,' he thought.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 06:35:57 04/01/2016 by redwes
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#45 Posted: 16:47:24 04/01/2016
I stumble around for a minute until I get used to moving around in a dragons body. I also notice that even though theirs no one to compare myself to I'm very large, so I say to myself "great. I'll have brut strength but I'll have terrible maneuverability. hopefully I'll figure out how to use my elements before I have to fight." I then realize something, I can use the spirit element. I close my eyes and begin to focus. After a short while I begin to notice something, someone's aura. it was distant and weak but it was their. I open my eyes and start moving towards the source hoping that it was a friend and not a foe.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9561
#46 Posted: 18:03:18 04/01/2016
I didn't have long to assess the situation before a loud screech attacked my senses. What was that? It sounded like an eagle or something, except... bigger. My instant reaction was to duck for cover- looks like I got Foxtail's survival instincts too! A part of me wanted to hide, but a bigger part wanted to see what made that noise; it wasn't likely, but maybe it could lead to some clue for what was going on, why I was suddenly a fennec fox. Dusting myself off after picking myself off the ground, I noticed something glint in the light at my paws: a standard, six-chambered revolver with ivory grips. This is Foxtail's gun! This could come in handy. I scooped it up and started in the direction of the shriek, stumbling a few times as I adjusted to my quadrupedal stance, getting my tail snagged in some bushes on the way there.

Hoo boy. This is gonna take some getting used to...
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#47 Posted: 18:43:38 04/01/2016 | Topic Creator
Trying to get used to the whole scenario, I might as well find out where the hell I was. I knew for sure that I wasn't Underground, so I probably wasn't in the game Undertale. I soon however, got a startle from a bird's screech from afar. "...I'm not sure if I should go and investigate or not..." I said to myself, before shrugging it off and quietly walking towards the sound. I tried to go as quiet as possible, because, well, I wasn't sure how to use any attacking abilities yet. I could hurt myself with a Gaster Blaster if I even tried to use one. I didnt wanna risk anything yet. Getting closer, I soon heard someone walking in the direction I was going, so I tried to hide out of sight, which I did, and try to see who or what it was.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw. It was a very familiar fennec fox, too familiar...
It looked exactly like a OC a friend of mine had, Skyhunter's OC Foxtail.

I still kept my distance, but that doesn't mean that the fox would end up finding me anyways. Or someone else could find me too, I had no idea if I was safely hidden or not.
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8487
#48 Posted: 19:15:04 04/01/2016
Even though my last thoughts had been totally cliffhanger-y and ominous, I still wanted to know what had happened, in spite of myself. I paced back and forth, each step helping me adjust to my new stance. Let's see... I stroked my chin in thought. I actually couldn't remember if I'd gone to bed... or passed out last night. That was slightly disconcerting. Something had happened.
Okay, okay, I tried to backtrack. What was I doing before that?
Yesterday had been a weekend... or was it a weekday? I couldn't recall. Hopefully that wasn't important. I tilted my head. Or... was it a school day I had off? Either way, I had spent most of the day on my favorite forum, DarkSpyro. I wasn't really obsessed with the purple dragon as much anymore, but it was the first forum I'd joined, so it held a special place in my heart.
Get back on topic, me! Suddenly, I recalled something else. It wasn't just a normal day, after all. I didn't typically log off the site, and most times left the page wide open. As I result, I'd been quite surprised after I discovered my avatar had gone missing. Had someone broke into my account? No, no. After further investigation, I'd found that dark52, the administrator, had added some new avatar features. Randomized avatars along with something else trivial. At first I thought that it was a weird update. Wouldn't that mix everyone up? But it was so intriguing that I had to take advantage of it anyway, which I did. I had moved my former avatar, a mix-up of a bunch of my favorite characters, into some obscure location on my computer, thinking there was no reason to have it out in the open. Though I was annoyed I'd have to start fresh, I was interested in making some new, more open collage of my favorite characters. And so I'd done it. Strangely enough, that was also where my memories left me...
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#49 Posted: 20:25:35 04/01/2016
As I stumbled loudly along trying to get used to my new body I soon see a gryphon. I approach cautiously, but loudly, and say "hello their."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#50 Posted: 20:36:53 04/01/2016 | Topic Creator
Deciding to not interfere with the noise, I soon decide to explore around elsewhere. Though, that also left me to another very familiar encounter. I was thankful she didnt see me, yet anyways. I needed to make sure that it was who I thought it was.

The trees in the woods allowed me to stay hidden safely, and let me come to conclusions of who I saw. A female winged figure stood in the distance, pacing back and forth, as if she was pondering something. This looked way to similar to Shadme the angel, another OC belonging to a good friend on DarkSpyro, ShadowMewX. I didnt know how lightly a angel of darkness would take towards a skeleton, so, I still stood hidden. Though, blue and white didnt camouflage too well in the woods. She might catch a glimpse of me...
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
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