Chapter 1~
"Ugh... why?"
Avatari was lucky enough to have one of the most god damn annoying alarm clocks ever. Although it was Thursday, thus being Avatari's day off, her alarm still went off at 6 A.M. Angry and tired, she flailed her arm towards the clock, hoping to snooze it. However, all she did was knock it off of the nightstand, making it seem to be even louder. Whoop-de-doo. As she got out of bed to go turn her alarm off, she realized something. It was October 1st! That woke her up a bit, but not enough. That was, until, she heard someone downstairs, She scuffled towards the stairway and then ran down the stairs into the kitchen, where she grabbed a frying pan. Ready to slap a *****, she walked into her living room. However all she saw was mega spyro rummaging through boxes and boxes of Halloween decorations. She had forgotten that while mega spyro's parents were on a fancy vacation, (thank god this isn't a Disney Movie..." he was going to stay with her. She quietly scuffled into the kitchen, still wearing her cute little bunny slippers, when mega spyro came in with handfuls of spiders, plastic jack-o-lanterns, and other miscellaneous spooky things. He told Avatari, way too loud for 6:30 A.M., "Good, you're up! Come on, we have to decorate! We have to make this place extra scary!" Avatari just turned the hit water on, saying, "You wanna see something scary? Keep talking and getting in the way of my coffee, that's sure to spook you."
Chapter 2 should be coming soon!