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Enemy Goal... [CLOSED]
LameLime Yellow Sparx Gems: 1200
#1 Posted: 19:53:36 16/08/2015 | Topic Creator
This type of Enemy Goal in my opinion is the worst in all of the four games. I don't even know what it is exactly. I'm going to assume I have to kill ALL enemies in the level? Why does it have to be all the enemies? Why isn't there a counter telling me which enemies are left to kill? I'm on the second level, played through the whole thing twice, and still didn't get the goal.
30/32 Skylanders -- 4/4 Levels -- 8/9 Items (Includes VV)
Missing: smilie smilie + Ghost Swords
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#2 Posted: 19:55:59 16/08/2015
My only advice is let Chompy Pods spawn multiple chompies before you kill the pod.

And for me I think level 3 was the hard one. Level two wasn't bad from my memory.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#3 Posted: 19:59:55 16/08/2015
It's probably as an incentive past Enemy Gates to actually stop and defeat everything in a level, because in time goals you'll usually figure out not all of them are blocking the path. As weebbby said, go for enemy spawners like chompy pods or Lava Kings and kill a good amount before destroying the source. If all else fails, Sonic Boom's babies count towards enemy goals whenever they're defeated so you can also let them fight on their own for a bit.
(What I need is never what I want)
LameLime Yellow Sparx Gems: 1200
#4 Posted: 22:49:43 16/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: weebbby
My only advice is let Chompy Pods spawn multiple chompies before you kill the pod.

And for me I think level 3 was the hard one. Level two wasn't bad from my memory.

I remember two years ago when I was attempting 100%, level 3 was a pain. It's been a long time since I got all stars in the game (Except bonus levels). I'm doing it again but with the bonus levels this time.
30/32 Skylanders -- 4/4 Levels -- 8/9 Items (Includes VV)
Missing: smilie smilie + Ghost Swords
Skylander3112 Gold Sparx Gems: 2128
#5 Posted: 02:17:13 17/08/2015
When Sonic Boom's babies expire, they actually count towards the enemy goal. Lucky for you that only works in SSA.
Wishblade Emerald Sparx Gems: 3262
#6 Posted: 09:59:24 19/05/2016
The third chapter was hard, I had to play it four times. There are two chompie pods in that earth element gate area. You also have to be careful to kill the witches without knocking them off that boardwalk.
Any last wishes?
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