darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: SuperChargers > Would You Like the Level Cap to Go Up to 25?
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Would You Like the Level Cap to Go Up to 25?
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#1 Posted: 17:52:24 27/06/2015 | Topic Creator
I honestly would, it would give me something to do with my older characters that I've already perfected. What about you guys?
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10410
#2 Posted: 17:56:12 27/06/2015
30 would be the nicest place to stop in my opinion. It's take forever for any skylander to get there without any power grinding,and it would probably last for quite a few games, giving people a reason to keep going through their entire teams while playing.

But they already gave their reason (*cough* excuse *cough*) that it's too hard to balance the game to higher HP caps. When you could, you know, not have the HP cap be so high - some Skylanders seem to gain almost 100 HP in one level up sometimes. Without PVP there isn't much on tiers to worry about if you change everyone's HP to be consistent with enemy health.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:57:34 27/06/2015 by Bifrost
XSparxX Emerald Sparx Gems: 4752
#3 Posted: 17:56:15 27/06/2015
Yes! Yes! Yes!
"If I had any humanity left, I would have been crushed by the guilt by now."
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#4 Posted: 18:02:02 27/06/2015
Yes I would and I was expecting it to happen (even up to 30 to be honest).
No balance excuse, they simply have to stop increasing health and start boosting the other stats too.

It was one of the features I was expecting V.V. to pay attention to... But to be honest I wasn't expecting vehicles at all so everything is a surprise, this year...
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10410
#5 Posted: 18:18:22 27/06/2015
No they haven't, you're just assuming things as always.
(What I need is never what I want)
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#6 Posted: 18:27:13 27/06/2015
They have not been removed, they are just "not that important" in this game.
From what we know, of course.

I still think we are getting a distorted idea of what the final experience will be.
Just think if they focused on the vehicle sections in Trap Team instead of actual platforming gameplay, we would have thought there was too much of that and way less platforming.

I hope this is the case.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5073
#7 Posted: 18:40:37 27/06/2015
Quote: Drek95
They have not been removed, they are just "not that important" in this game.

they are just "not that important" in this game... exactly, and that is why i see it as removed. the rpg elements was very important to me. that was one of many thing that brought me into the skylanders games.
Ha! HA, sage ich.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10410
#8 Posted: 18:44:36 27/06/2015
Because this game is an RPG and not a hack-and-slash. Sure, sure.
(What I need is never what I want)
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511
#9 Posted: 18:53:51 27/06/2015
Quote: CountMoneyBone
Quote: Drek95
They have not been removed, they are just "not that important" in this game.

they are just "not that important" in this game... exactly, and that is why i see it as removed. the rpg elements was very important to me. that was one of many thing that brought me into the skylanders games.

The RPG elements are still there...

Vehicles are only used in Vehicle zones.. it's not like Skylanders is officially a racing game now, it's still the same Adventure/Fighting/RPG/Puzzle game that it used to be, and still is,
Even if this game was a "racing game", it's not like every game after it would be the same
Tigorus Emerald Sparx Gems: 3589
#10 Posted: 19:38:42 27/06/2015
Quote: Drek95
Yes I would and I was expecting it to happen (even up to 30 to be honest).
No balance excuse, they simply have to stop increasing health and start boosting the other stats too.

You beat me to it bro. This has bothered me since day 1 of Swap Force (actually SSA) since they got rid of Heroics. I've never cared about getting to the level max sine all it adds is HP. They need to have it increase ALL of your stats per level. Some stats more on some levels but something every level. OMG could you imagine if they put a stat system in Skylanders similar to Pokemon's E.V. system. If your focus is on faster enemies you gain more speed, sturdier enemies gain you more armor, etc. That would be awesome.
TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350
#11 Posted: 21:02:37 27/06/2015
If they really reduced the health or re-balanced tihngs, a number is just a number--but in my eyes 20 maybe 25 is good enough. Wouldn't want those kids to get hurt grinding for upgrades.
TheShadowDragon Ripto Gems: 2886
#12 Posted: 21:49:32 27/06/2015
If that happens, then it would become most tiresome to level up every single Skylander. I like it better ending at level 20. Plus, the Hats return to boosting their health meters.
moamahrimatoro Green Sparx Gems: 393
#13 Posted: 21:54:42 27/06/2015
The Wii version is a racing game.
Nightmoon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1760
#14 Posted: 22:16:33 27/06/2015
Quote: moamahrimatoro
The Wii version is a racing game.

Your point being...?

I really don't see how that has anything to do with level cap whatsoever.
Phoenix Crystal is the best unreleased Crystal.
Skylanders Academy Season 2 was an improvement.
I don't know what to think of Skylanders' future.
Skylander3112 Gold Sparx Gems: 2128
#15 Posted: 23:14:00 27/06/2015
I am pretty sure what he means is level cap doesn't matter in the Wii due to it being all racing.
Nightmoon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1760
#16 Posted: 00:04:56 28/06/2015
That's true, potentially (it might matter, we haven't seen gameplay or how the game is affected by levels). However, the comment doesn't actually say anything at all, it's just a short generic statement which is already commonly known to the people reading the topic. It's like saying "The 3DS version doesn't use traps" if the topic had been about the traps' storage capacity in Trap Team.

Anyway, would be nice with increased level cap, though not vitally important. Hopefully SuperChargers Racing makes use of the levels (possibly modifiers affecting the vehicles), and even have a way of leveling up (maybe earning XP in races).
Phoenix Crystal is the best unreleased Crystal.
Skylanders Academy Season 2 was an improvement.
I don't know what to think of Skylanders' future.
Sworn2Skylands Yellow Sparx Gems: 1353
#17 Posted: 00:49:15 28/06/2015
Please, no. It already takes a really long time to max out a Skylander. It doesn't need to take any longer. That and the extra health usually just kills the challenge in my experience. This was especially true in SWAP Force, where all of my best Skylanders had 1,000+ health and didn't even need half of it in most cases. Even in Nightmare mode, which--while easy--was a little anticlimactic.

Quote: Bifrost
Without PVP there isn't much on tiers to worry about if you change everyone's HP to be consistent with enemy health.

Could you explain this more, please? Because I don't understand this. Bosses (most namely on Nightmare difficulty) have thousands of points of health, while common enemies usually have a few hundred on the same difficulty setting. Even if Skylanders had health that was close to the total a boss has, that would destroy a great deal of the challenge associated with fighting that boss (or for that matter, other enemies) and make it boring.


Boss X has 10,000 health. But Enemy Y has 420 health. How would you make the Skylanders' health totals consistent so that both Boss X and Enemy Y are not pushovers??
Street50 Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#18 Posted: 09:49:22 28/06/2015
Just my opinion but i think even 15 was fine... So with that 20 is fine too.
However I think since Heroic Challenges are gone I think i'd like to see the stats increased on level not just HP. I'm tired of my skylanders being so slow.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:49:40 28/06/2015 by Street50
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10410
#19 Posted: 13:23:10 28/06/2015
Quote: Sworn2Skylands

If you read the entire post you'd understand easily. Just redo the health increase for each level - don't increase 100,50 every time,increase 30,20. That way, you slowly build up to the HP the skylanders already have,and there's a perfect way to get a bigger level cap. TT was the one to have ridiculous enemy health because because, and that was a dumb choice and most people agreed on that here(because fighting Traptanium Kaos in a difficulty over Medium is so much fun, right?).
Their reasoning to not increase is because the health increase would be too hard to balance. But if they had no issues with changing stats in SF for old characters, sometimes even making them almost unusable with a hitstun or cooldown change, what's the fear of changing health mechanics?

In leveling up too long, one round of a late Doom or Arena Challenge gives you like 5 levels in just a few waves or attempts. I leveled my team up a bit to beat the final Doom Challenge, now there's hardly anyone left to level up at all because many got to 20 in just a few hours.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 13:27:36 28/06/2015 by Bifrost
Phoenix_Lord Gold Sparx Gems: 2061
#20 Posted: 17:25:33 28/06/2015
Agreed with many of you...we don't need the Level to go to 25....what we need is the ability to raise the other stats. So if they do raise the cap to 25 or 30 in Skylanders 6 instead of just a lever up grafic poping up, points should be given for each level up starting at say level 15 ...in the character Stat screen we should be able to assign the points we get from each level up to witch ever stat we want to....and once you pick where they go you can't change it with out starting all over from level 1. Ofcorse the custom stats we make for each skylander only works in Skylanders 6...
Theres no SuperChargers Cards. So I'm making my own... smilie
Avatar made by...ME smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:28:04 28/06/2015 by Phoenix_Lord
Sworn2Skylands Yellow Sparx Gems: 1353
#21 Posted: 17:40:52 28/06/2015

Actually, I did read your entire post and it's really not as self-explanatory as you might think. Especially since (in your most recent post, which at the time of this posting was #19) there is so much content that you did not include in your original post.

In my opinion, Trap Team didn't have ridiculous enemy health, only ridiculous boss health (the availability of trap masters and villains and their powerful attacks make bulldozing 420 enemy health take short time frames), and that's if you were playing on Nightmare mode. Now Skylanders Giants... that had ridiculous health for both enemies and bosses. Now granted, if I'm understanding your current post correctly as saying that the Skylanders shouldn't have more health than they have now at a (theoretical) level of 25 by reducing the amount of health they gain leveling up so they work up to what their max health totals currently are at level 20 at a later level, I'd say that is a great idea and I wouldn't mind that at all.

Also, your second argument assumes that Kaos doom challenges will be in the next game, and that seems doubtful. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if arena challenges didn't make it either, due to the genre changing.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10410
#22 Posted: 17:54:02 28/06/2015
Yeah,but it's 200ish Skylanders that can be trained in TT, only 20(or even 10 if gimmick-landers work somehow in previous games) actually need grinding in SC and chances are the multiplayer will give XP as PVP used to do. Power grinding is in every game, the problem is leveling up skylanders without effort in story mode and not having much reason to go back to them if your collection is big.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:54:32 28/06/2015 by Bifrost
Vertalus Blue Sparx Gems: 547
#23 Posted: 04:59:55 29/06/2015
Maybe have a point system where you can use points to upgrade the Skylander how you want.
If you want a fast Skylander with high Atk, when playing one player games,
Just even out the stats when going pvp or have it so ones with similar stats can fight each other.
Not sure how well it would work, but would be interesting. ( in my opinion)
Favorite type Skylander: Feline and Dragon. Still need: Echo, Rocky Roll, the ever elusive dark element trap,and more
JPA13 Green Sparx Gems: 273
#24 Posted: 05:39:59 29/06/2015
Yes, I don't think it should stay at 20 for 3 years running
FlipWreck888 Blue Sparx Gems: 648
#25 Posted: 07:40:26 29/06/2015
Yeah I think it should increase, I hope it happens in the next game after Superchargers.
The Heaven's Call, The Earth Cries Out, The Crowd Roars! All Calling me to defeat evil! I am the warrior of justice! Kamen Rider Stronger!
angelg Gold Sparx Gems: 2791
#26 Posted: 08:54:41 29/06/2015
Yes, even beyond 25. I only buy half a dozen of skylanders per game, so I like to max them out, while it keeps me motivated to replay the game. In fact I would like to have no limit, as happens in other games like dark souls 2, where the limit is so hight tht is pretty unnatainable. The thing is, that if the put a very high limit they fear people wouldn't buy new skylanders. This has even been stated in a recent interview.
Life sucks...and then you die.
Insane01 Gold Sparx Gems: 2038
#27 Posted: 19:33:48 29/06/2015
Either 25 or 30. Both would be great, since all my 255 characters are already at level 20. That would give them something to do
" Am I the mad one or are you?"
then, again, "we're all mad here
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3193
#28 Posted: 19:40:37 29/06/2015
I feel like 25 will be more than enough.
Bring the Fanta
mastermc54 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3448
#29 Posted: 04:20:49 30/06/2015
There really is no reason why they can't raise the level cap by 5 with each new game. Subconsciously, it gives us with huge collections a reason to pick up our old Skylanders and grind them out to the new limit....and we should all be having this experience of playing all our old Skylanders with every new game...taking in the time to experience their new graphics and gauging their strengths/weaknesses against the new games' enemies. There are a bunch of us who fall into that category who have only picked up old characters to plop them on the portal so that they're registered to our collection screen. I don't think I've had any significant gameplay in Trap Team with the likes of Sunburn, Dino Rang, Prism Break, Sprocket, Warnado, Fright Rider, Riptide, and others I can't recall at this moment...my swappers and Giants have seen quite minimal play as well. I am 100% sure I would have brought them out to level them up to 25 if the cap was raised.
shadowfox Platinum Sparx Gems: 5084
#30 Posted: 05:12:30 30/06/2015
They say it would be too unbalanced in normal play. But what if the extra levels could only be used/activated in nightmare mode. Imo that would be balanced enough especially with some enemies being one hit ko and kaos' stupid amount of health from the last game
Hawksey128 Blue Sparx Gems: 994
#31 Posted: 10:01:32 30/06/2015
Level 20 is certainly the best place to stop. I have so many Skylanders and if they increase it, there probably won't be a good way to grind, like they did in SF
I'm going to tell you right now.
BUY smilie
TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350
#32 Posted: 15:11:33 30/06/2015
Quote: Hawksey128
Level 20 is certainly the best place to stop. I have so many Skylanders and if they increase it, there probably won't be a good way to grind, like they did in SF

Some REASONABLE grinding is necessary. It's what game me a lot of value in the SSA to SG era. Now there's nothing. No heroics/quests, and 20 feels reasonable to me, but I want something else to mod my character other than XP and hats.
Czar Mania Ripto Gems: 353
#33 Posted: 16:13:30 30/06/2015
I dont think a raise in the level is needed Some skylanders at level 20 in swap force had insane health like my series 2 stump smash 1200 hp that blew my mind then spyro 1020 hp crusher is at 1590 hp doom stone 1020 hp tree Rex 1470 hp eye brawl 1500 hp stink bomb 1015 hp boom jet 985 hp ghost roaster 1020 hp all in swap force going over to trap team the hp changes stump smash is down to 1058 hp spyro is 871 hp crusher is 1462 hp doom stone is 871 hp tree Rex is 1337 hp eye brawl is 1337 hp stink bomb is 840 hp boom jet is 809 hp ghost roaster 871 hp. Big changes in hp from one game to another with no level cap change not sure if toys for bob was trying to check vicarious visions for high hp and bring it down a notch, I wonder if in superchargers the hp gets re tooled again.
jesse217 Blue Sparx Gems: 696
#34 Posted: 02:04:42 01/07/2015
I don't see how it would unbalance the game, thats what difficulty settings are for, if they're so worried about unbalance then add a difficulty level above nightmare. We already have an unbalance with the elite's, nightmare mode was easy if you used elites, basically the main reason i didn't use them much.

Raise the level cap, gives me a reason to replay with older characters.
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