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Skylanders 5 contest: returning skylanders
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5580
#1 Posted: 19:53:21 22/04/2015 | Topic Creator
I know there are probably tons of topics like that, but I hope this one won't be forgotten. However it's simple; just vote for two skylanders of each element that you think/want in skylanders 5.



my votes:

Life: S4 smilie & S2 smilie
Air: S2 smilie & S2 smilie
Undead: S3 smilie & S2 smilie
Magic: S2 smilie & S4 smilie
Tech: S4 smilie & S2 smilie
Water: S2 smilie & S3 smilie
Fire: S2 smilie & S2 smilie
Earth: S2 smilie & S4 smilie
ninja9351 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4924
#2 Posted: 20:23:37 22/04/2015
Here's my wish list;










... Yep, that's my wish list
I make Skylanders videos-Go Check em' out! youtube.com/portalmaster9351
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:25:41 22/04/2015 by ninja9351
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#3 Posted: 20:28:54 22/04/2015
Life: S2 smilie & S2 smilie
Air: S2 smilie & S2 smilie
Undead: S2 smilie & S2 smilie
Magic: S2 smilie & S2 smilie
Tech: S2 smilie & S2 smilie
Water: S2 smilie & S2 smilie (we WILL get a S5 smilie )
Fire: S2 smilie & S2 smilie
Earth: S2 smilie & S2 smilie

Honorable mentions goes to Star Strike, Rocky Roll and Punk Shock which I love but find already complete.

Also I would like to point out that I would prefer if there wasn't any repose in Skylanders 5.
However if they have to create some then give priority to the S1 and the ones that would make for more creative figures (deflated Pop Thorn, Rider next to Fright instead of being on him, Rip Tide using the whale, Dune Bug flying).
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:37:55 22/04/2015 by Drek95
wild_defender Green Sparx Gems: 465
#4 Posted: 21:55:32 22/04/2015
I think we are past the stage or reposing 2 of each element now ( in the normal way, they might try and mini or EE or something a bit Still. So I'll just post the important ones from sA and a Giants.

Wham shell
Dino rang

Fright rider

Some of these guys , warnado especially need a repose so they can have their strength re adjusted, warnado has gotten weaker and slower with SF and TT.
Anyone else think Short Cut should be making jokes about running with scissors?
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#5 Posted: 22:08:24 22/04/2015
I wish they will not make any as well, but if forced to choose, I would definitely focus on ones not already reposed before....and especially from Swap Force since its the same company....

Magic - Dune Bug
Earth - Scorp
Water - Echo
Fire - Torch
Tech - Tread Head
Undead - Roller Brawl and Bat Spin
Air - Scratch
Life - Stink Bomb

please no Gill Grunt, sick to death of more Gill Grunts.
skylandsfan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5657
#6 Posted: 22:10:32 22/04/2015
Life: High Five and Camo
Air: Warnado and Fling Kong
Undead: Bat Spin and Ghost Roaster
Magic: Voodood and Dune Bug
Tech: Tread Head and Boomer
Water: Echo and Rip Tide
Fire: Trail Blazer and Sunburn
Earth: Rocky Roll and Bash
My life will not be complete until I own Sun Dragon
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#7 Posted: 23:01:36 22/04/2015
Magic: S3 Double Trouble and S2 Deja Vu
Tech: S3 Sprocket and S2 Countdown
Life: S2 Zoo Lou and S2 Food Fight
Water: S3 Chill and S2 Rip Tide
Fire: S3 Flameslinger and S2 Torch
Earth: S4 Prism Break and S2 Slobber Tooth
Air: S3 Lightning Rod and S2 Blades
Undead: S4 Cynder and S2 Roller Brawl
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
kaosmumishot Emerald Sparx Gems: 3271
#8 Posted: 23:53:22 22/04/2015
Quote: ninja9351
Here's my wish list;










... Yep, that's my wish list

Looks perfect to me.
wavesorcerer14 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5229
#9 Posted: 01:23:36 23/04/2015
I don't buy any duplicates even if it's a Series 2, 3, or 4. Once I have a Skylander I don't buy another of it. Although I suppose if they made a Series 2 smilie, for some odd reason, I would buy it. But I guess these ones deserve to get a repose:

smilie - forgotten 7
smilie - forgotten 7 (I don't think Lightcores should count as a repose)
smilie -forgotten 7
smilie - forgotten 7 (I don't think Lightcores should count as a repose)
smilie - forgotten 7
smilie - forgotten 7
smilie - forgotten 7
smilie - was really popular in SSF, I was really surprised she didn't get one
smilie - if it weren't for him, Skylanders wouldn't be here and Gill Grunt has one and it wouldn't be fair to have a S4 Gill Grunt but not Spyro
smilie - Gill Grunt has one and it wouldn't be fair to have a S4 Gill Grunt but not Trigger Happy
smilie - pretty popular and I think a lot of people would like having a repose of him

Sorry I can't think of any Life ones and that I didn't really follow the original idea for this topic.
"altissima quaeque flumina minimo sono labi."
LameLime Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
#10 Posted: 01:35:57 23/04/2015
Quote: ninja9351
Here's my wish list;










... Yep, that's my wish list

Ditto. I was going to post the same thing until I saw this as the first reply smilie
30/32 Skylanders -- 4/4 Levels -- 8/9 Items (Includes VV)
Missing: smilie smilie + Ghost Swords
wild_defender Green Sparx Gems: 465
#11 Posted: 02:18:17 23/04/2015
Quote: wavesorcerer14
I don't buy any duplicates even if it's a Series 2, 3, or 4. Once I have a Skylander I don't buy another of it. Although I suppose if they made a Series 2 smilie, for some odd reason, I would buy it. But I guess these ones deserve to get a repose:

smilie - forgotten 7
smilie - forgotten 7 (I don't think Lightcores should count as a repose)
smilie -forgotten 7
smilie - forgotten 7 (I don't think Lightcores should count as a repose)
smilie - forgotten 7
smilie - forgotten 7
smilie - forgotten 7
smilie - was really popular in SSF, I was really surprised she didn't get one
smilie - if it weren't for him, Skylanders wouldn't be here and Gill Grunt has one and it wouldn't be fair to have a S4 Gill Grunt but not Spyro
smilie - Gill Grunt has one and it wouldn't be fair to have a S4 Gill Grunt but not Trigger Happy
smilie - pretty popular and I think a lot of people would like having a repose of him

Sorry I can't think of any Life ones and that I didn't really follow the original idea for this topic.

i agree, i dont think lightcores should count iether, niether should minis really. the main draw i think reposes have is path switching and lightcores dont do it. The way character strengths differ between games now, being able to test the effects of both paths in a game without reseting is really important now.

i wouldnt worry about Life characters, they seem to be really popular and have so far had all their cores reposed except the most recent in SF and TT. Life is the only element they have managed the reposes well, if they managed the other elements like them, there would be no problem. i think the worst off elements are undead and earth. having only 3 different characters in total reposed, in various designs. undead i spose got an eye-brawl mini, but that barely counts.
Anyone else think Short Cut should be making jokes about running with scissors?
TheShadowDragon Ripto Gems: 2886
#12 Posted: 02:31:46 23/04/2015
Magic: S4 Spyro / S2 Star Strike
Tech: S2 Chopper / S3 Drobot
Earth: S2 Flashwing / S2 Dino-Rang
Air: S3 Sonic Boom / S2 Warnado
Fire: S2 Sunburn / S2 Smolderdash
Water: S2 Echo / S3 Zap
Life: S3 Zook / S2 High Five
Undead: S4 Cynder / S2 Roller Brawl

As for Blackout and Spotlight, they should also return as either S2 figures or Eon's Elites.
Phoenix_Lord Gold Sparx Gems: 2061
#13 Posted: 02:35:44 23/04/2015
Realy?!? i agree with ninja9351....

By The WAY....all the old Skylanders will beable to be played in the new game. ....remember?
Theres no SuperChargers Cards. So I'm making my own... smilie
Avatar made by...ME smilie
Portal___Master Emerald Sparx Gems: 3718
#14 Posted: 02:37:51 23/04/2015
Guinness Book of World Records holder for Largest SkyLanders Collection.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#15 Posted: 04:06:21 23/04/2015
I think what Activision needs to do from now, in terms of Series 2/3/4, is follow the pattern they did with Trap Team.

2 Series 2
2 Series 3
1 Series 4

They should not even consider a Series 5 until they get quite a few Series 2's, 3's, and 4's on the market. This also helps with shelf warming.

So, here are my pics for Series 2, 3, and 4.

Series 2 Ghost Roaster
Series 2 Boomer
Series 3 Flameslinger
Series 3 Sonic Boom
Series 4 Prism Break
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#16 Posted: 04:31:48 23/04/2015

They seem like the best candidates for an updated sculpt style. Voodood more so color than sculpt. Boomer and Ghost Roaster are kind of untouchable in my opinion.
SREDNALYKS Green Sparx Gems: 361
#17 Posted: 06:33:29 23/04/2015
Plordigian Blue Sparx Gems: 626
#18 Posted: 06:36:17 23/04/2015
Can only think of two that actually need it: Fist Bump needs a little extra something, he's right on the verge of super-cool; and Grim Creeper desperately needs a strong dash wow-pow.
moamahrimatoro Green Sparx Gems: 393
#19 Posted: 10:50:10 23/04/2015
I think a S5 Gill Grunt is pretty much confirmed. lol

But seriously the only thing confirmed is an S5 Spyro.
Blink182Bouncer Yellow Sparx Gems: 1659
#20 Posted: 12:34:44 23/04/2015
I'm sorry
I don't want anymore repses
They reduce the value of the original figure (both monetarily, and the surprise they still work) and aren't much more than a cheap way to get more money on Acti's side...
AND they take up shelf space where new characters, (the ones series verterans actually care about) could be.
Still Waiting For Legendary Tom DeLonge To Come In The Blink-182 Triple Pack.
angelg Gold Sparx Gems: 2802
#21 Posted: 13:38:24 23/04/2015
Knight Light, that's all the reposes I want for the next one.
Life sucks...and then you die.
Skylander3112 Gold Sparx Gems: 2128
#22 Posted: 17:38:04 23/04/2015
I only need a Series 4 Spyro
CookieCutter Green Sparx Gems: 295
#23 Posted: 19:15:55 23/04/2015
I want a cooler-looking Sunburn. In game, he's beautiful; as a figure, he's just ok. For a wow-pow, he needs to set surrounding objects and baddies on fire when dashing. He's phreaking phoenix! He should be awesome.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#24 Posted: 21:43:04 23/04/2015
Let's say they pull another TT and give us 1 returner.

skylandersspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3872
#25 Posted: 21:46:28 23/04/2015

S5 smilie admit it, its going to happen if you like it or not.

S4 smilie

S2 smilie

S2 smilie

S2 smilie
Uh Uh Uh! You didn't say the magic word!
Sworn2Skylands Yellow Sparx Gems: 1353
#26 Posted: 02:04:18 26/04/2015
Oof... Only two... still an interesting idea for a topic though, Deja Vu.

Anyways, the following Skylanders are ones that I really want to see return. I don't care if they come in as a later series figurine or not:

Undead: Cynder and Chop Chop
Air: Sonic Boom and Blades
Magic: Star Strike and Spyro
Life: Stealth Elf and Bushwhack
Fire: Ignitor and Sunburn
Earth: Wallop and Flashwing
Water: Gill Grunt and Freeze Blade
Tech: Drobot and [position open]
Light: Knight Light(Don't have Spotlight, so I can't speak for her position yet)

Dark isn't listed, because I thought Knight Mare was able to be described as: "meh", and Blackout was no good, especially since he causes weird bugs in my game.
TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350
#27 Posted: 02:13:35 26/04/2015
Only want 5 to return in Series 2 poses: Ghost Roaster, Sunburn, Boomer, Voodood and Dino Rang. Given this is VV's game would not be surprised if we see a S2 Dune Bug, Pop Thorn, Countdown, Smolderdash, or Bumbleblast.
Edited 8 times - Last edited at 02:25:31 26/04/2015 by TakeYourLemons
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