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Trap Painting Question [CLOSED]
LameLime Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
#1 Posted: 09:43:51 12/04/2015 | Topic Creator
Recently, aside from my many ideas of skylander repaints, I thought repainting traps would be cool after seeing several physical trap variants. Pretty useful for when I get traps of the same color and shape.

But I don't know if painting it would make it work again. A percentage of my mind says is could work, the rest it may not. Traps are still all wireless, right? Would painting the traps whole still make it work perfectly in-game? Only I can't see much of the light coming out of it?
30/32 Skylanders -- 4/4 Levels -- 8/9 Items (Includes VV)
Missing: smilie smilie + Ghost Swords
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#2 Posted: 09:45:40 12/04/2015
As long as you paint the outsie, notthing will damage the chip inside. I've done it myself with a special trap (There's a CrossCrow in there and he'll never get out smilie.)
LameLime Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
#3 Posted: 11:21:46 12/04/2015 | Topic Creator
Ah, so chips are used in traps also. Thanks for telling me. Really love this trap-repainting idea, but it will be a long while before I can do it. There is a series of characters and traps I want to get before unboxing it all and playing Trap Team.
30/32 Skylanders -- 4/4 Levels -- 8/9 Items (Includes VV)
Missing: smilie smilie + Ghost Swords
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#4 Posted: 15:25:39 12/04/2015
Yeah. I myself was suprised by the fact the ship is in the middle of the trap. Between the long part and the trap mold. It's hard to see in some traps, but you can see the chip clearly in any Air Trap.
Phoenix_Lord Gold Sparx Gems: 2061
#5 Posted: 16:23:36 12/04/2015
Yeah i have painted all of my In-Game Variant tell them apart from the standard versions. smilie I used a certain paint (my Pearlized paint) to match there Variant paint scheme.
First one i did...Outlaw Brawl & Chain...Gold..because his weapons are Gold not Silver.
[User Posted Image]

Riot Shield Shredder...Pearlized Red because his alt colors are red not blue.
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Steamed Broccoli Guy...he's not White.(he turns White after you evolve him)
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Rebel Lob Goblin...a lot of his colors where i just went with doing this to his Trap.
[User Posted Image]

Red Hot Tussle Sprout...he's beet red with green leafs...when with the green because i had already used the Pearlized Red on another...was thinking about accenting the mask with some Pearlized Red....but i don't know if i ever will.
[User Posted Image]

Most likly will used my Pearlized Blue on the Steampunked Shrednaught Trap.
Theres no SuperChargers Cards. So I'm making my own... smilie
Avatar made by...ME smilie
TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350
#6 Posted: 16:45:08 12/04/2015
Nice guys. I should definitely do this.
TheShadowDragon Ripto Gems: 2886
#7 Posted: 18:23:19 12/04/2015
Too bad Activision never thought of doing that for all the Traps with variant villains inside.
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