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Spyro Unpopular Opinions/Confessions [CLOSED]
KrazyKariana Yellow Sparx Gems: 1145
#1 Posted: 09:20:38 26/02/2015 | Topic Creator
So I'm pretty sure we have have those thoughts relating to Spyro in our mind, screaming, why doesn't anyone agree on this with me? Such as a few of mine for example:
-A Hero's Tail is incredibly underrated.
-Ember needs more love, she isn't annoying at all to me, personally.
And sometimes just memories and thoughts we can confess to, such as a few of mine here:
-I wish to someday get the world record of the most Spyro plushies owned.
-Every time I see a Bearded Dragon in a pet store, I name it Spyro. smilie
-I used to always take my Spyro toys in the bath with me for bath time.
Now it is your turn you guys, what about you?
Also, if you don't want to confess it under your name, you can submit them anonymously or not at my Spyro confession blog, here it is! And you don't even have to have an account to submit one! Also, I will be posting confessions from here too, so you have both choices, so keep in mind, yours might just make it to the blog! smilie
Visit for Spyro fan art, and
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 07:53:22 01/03/2015 by KrazyKariana
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12920
#2 Posted: 10:27:55 26/02/2015
Some of these may not be confessions or unpopular opinions, but here's some random Spyro facts about myself:

- I like some of the GBA Spyro games. In fact, Season of Flame is the first non-Insomniac Spyro game I ever played.

- When I was younger, I would check ebay every day for more Spyro merchandise.

- When Skylanders was first announced, I didn't react as much to Spyro's new design or the game in general as other Spyro fans did.

- I didn't really care about dragons until I played Spyro.

- I have nearly all the music from the Spyro games on my iPod.

- I never actually got into Spyro (or any video game for that matter) until 2002.

- I was actually looking forward to getting Enter the Dragonfly despite all the complaints it got about glitches.

- When I first discovered that the first game has hidden music in some of the levels, I used to stay around in levels for a long time so I could listen to all the hidden music that can be heard.

- The main reason I wanted a PS2 was for Enter the Dragonfly and the main reason I wanted a DS was for Shadow Legacy.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:49:45 26/02/2015 by alicecarp
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10259
#3 Posted: 11:46:11 26/02/2015
I hardly hide a lot of my opinions, but why not list some of the ones that get me arguing the quickest.

-I prefer the Skylanders designs to LOS, with the exception of Sparx(the colors and wings are fine,but... those teeth). They're a lot prettier and dragon-y than the previous designs,espcially DOTD's. The Krome ones aren't exactly ugly but they definately look more like dogs than what people say of Skyro.Classic is a bit less like a mammal but still a lot.
-Obligatory 'gameplay and story have the same importance come at be bro' though it doesn't apply to Classic.
-I got introduced to the series by AHT but before I saw my parents' friends' kids playing Gateway to Glimmer and thought that was the wackiest thing. Lucky me, the first game I played solo was Enter the Dragonfly.Fun times.
-Seconding staying around in levels to hear their songs for longer, though they weren't secret ones. At the time YT wasn't even that known and I wasn't allowed to dig around the internet for the soundtrack.
-I prefer Swap Force 3DS to console, said that a few times already. I also prefer GBA TEN to console TEN, not that I like the console any less. The handheld version is just too great.
-Trap Team made Flynn bearable and Cali enjoyable... At the expense of the other NPCs.
-Screw the cool factor, the best Skylanders to me are the ones that feel the most real. Hex's predictament of being an unrespected hero, Ghost Roaster for how opposite he is to the others' morals, Blades for being a total jerk before learning his lesson,Cynder for being no-nonsense to the bitter end. You don't get invested in the story by boring kind-hearted pure heroes.

And here it goes, flame shield up for possible jimmy rustling:

-DOTD's so edgy it damaged the CD on its own for me. "Morally ambiguous hero" that's actually just a big jerk; war plot; unstoppable apocalypse at the expense of logic; prophecy of destruction that NOT FOR ONE SECOND anyone thinks it's just made up so Malefor could justify himself. There is fanfiction that's better than this, I'm not even exaggerating.
(What I need is never what I want)
RadSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2007
#4 Posted: 16:02:44 26/02/2015
- I take one of my Spyro plushies, nicknamed 'Plushyro', along with me when I go on holiday. My goal is to get a picture of him in as many countries as possible.
- Spyro was the reason I got into art and web forums.
- I spend waaaaay too much of my time trying to glitch Spyro games.
-One of the rooms in our house is completely Spyro & Skylanders themed.

Unpopular opinions:
- Ember rocks.
- On a similar note, I don't believe Cynder and Ember would hate each other. I think they'd get along as friends, with possibly a little rivarly over Spyro.
- I prefer Cynder x Flame to any other pairing. Granted, they've never interacted, but then again neither have Ember and Flame (besides one time when Flame asked if Spyro had seen Ember, which doesn't mean much anyway).
- ANB is my least favorite LoS game.
- TEN is my favorite LoS game.
Visit me and stuff.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10259
#5 Posted: 22:23:21 26/02/2015
I don't really get why people love/hate her so much when we pretty much only ever saw her for less than five minutes in AHT?

Not sure if one can go offtopic for a sec,but this is from fanon. She really didn't ever appear after that,but shipping wars with some Cynder fans affected fans' opinions of her.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:23:34 26/02/2015 by Bifrost
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#6 Posted: 23:03:53 26/02/2015
Haha, like HIR, most of my opinions/confessions are probably fairly well known by now, but here are some off the top of my head anyway:

* Next to Enter the Dragonfly and Dragon Rage, pretty much all of Legend of Spyro is the worst set of games I've ever played.
* Elora was one of my first fictional character crushes and I'm still quite fond of her to this day.
* I consider Skylanders to be a true spiritual successor to the original Insomniac trilogy.
* Cynder x Sparx makes a lot more sense and has a lot more narrative/canon behind it than Cynder x Spyro
* Cynder's not actually that bad of a character if you pay attention to what's implied about her in the games
* the dragons of LoS are totally racist against other species (specist?)
* if LoS had just been about Cynder or any dragon unconnected to the Spyro franchise before it came out, it would have been a much better series
* Malefor is just garbage in every possible way; terrible villain, bad design, horrid voice, he's legitimately an idiot, etc.
* LoS Spyro is a terrible hero and only survives/accomplishes anything by sheer dumb luck (he's a nice fellow, but he's not very bright)
* the apes in LoS are not actually bad guys, we're just told they are by a bunch of old racist dragons
* Cyril 100% sucks

...Most of my confessions are about LoS, I guess. XD The rest of the Spyro games I just find fun or cute, and I do enjoy LoS, but not for any of the reasons it was meant to be enjoyable for. :D (I like it because it's so serious it's funny and, if DotD is ignored, one can easily construct a much better story for the setting just by reading between the lines. But, at face value alone, LoS is a mediocre and honestly kind of crappy series.)
spyrocrash Platinum Sparx Gems: 5012
#7 Posted: 02:03:48 27/02/2015
- The first time I ever saw Spyro, my half cousin and half sister were playing Enter The Dragonfly (they cut if off when I entered the room though).
-Spyro 2: Season of Flame was my first Spyro game.
-Year of the Dragon is my only PS1 Spyro game.
-I have a Season of Flame, Hero's Tail, and Cortex Conspiracy poster in my room.
-The Spyro games sparked my interest in video game design.
-Sometimes I feel a little nervous when I buy female Skylanders because of comments I received from cashiers and my half brothers.

-Legend of Spyro should stay a trilogy.
-I consider Skylander as part of the Spyro Franchise, but not a direct sequel to the two previous series.
-Dawn of the Dragon should have been made by Krome Studios.
-The console version of Trap Team is the worst Skylanders game.
-I wouldn't mind seeing classic Spyro return in conjunction to new Skylanders' games.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:05:49 27/02/2015 by spyrocrash
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#8 Posted: 03:37:01 27/02/2015
I think I just doubled the amount of confessions you can post to your blog, lol
Seakara Yellow Sparx Gems: 1143
#9 Posted: 04:28:45 27/02/2015

- I looked up how to get that blasted last crystal dragon in haunted towers so I can get 100%.
- I have every soundtrack from Spyro 2 on my iPod and have listened to it enough to where I can probably name each one.
- I lost my copy of Spyro adventure a long time ago and is the only Spyro game I don't have. *sad face*
- For some reason, I used to be scared of Blowhard, also the metal bugs in high cliffs because they where invincible unless you supercharged them.
- I honestly don't care for ember, She even got a new lover in shadow legacy so that takes care of that.
- Bushes... I hate em.
- Is it bad that I miss falling out of the world into the skies below, often times a bright light that I used to consider a sun?
- I loved hopping on the platforms in Enter the dragonfly just to watch them glitch out and go crazy.
- Hero's tail in my opinion is a really nice spyro game, my only complaint is the design and lines for Gnasty Gnork.

- I actually really like the legend series as a whole. A bit cliche but gave a fresh air.
- I wish I could've explored the temple abit more, it's too linear. I'm curious to see how it's built and where the sleeping quarters are, the hatching room, and what other rooms it might have.
- Eternal night is my favorite of the three. The plot was not as predictable as the first, had a really nice atmosphere, difficult so it prevented me from button mashing (unlike my first time playing it which made it my least favorite.), and had a few collectables.
- Am I the only one who can't get the last 4% to complete Dawn of the Dragon so I can get 100% and get the enemy art gallery? Cause it really annoys me.
- Probably not an uncommon opinion, but I don't like Dawn of the dragon. Although it fixed some things that I wish where in the previous games (like a chapter system to return to places most notably) It was waaaay to button mashy. On my second play through, I went all the way to avalar valley and stopped cause I was getting too bored.
- Also with many of the people above, I would like to see it made by Krome.
- Cynder and Malefor are both some of my favorite bosses of all time despite what I previously just said. Both were really fun and challenging.

- I do not consider skylanders to be at all related to the spyro franchise.
- Flashwing is the only skylander design that actually looks good enough for me to want. Then again it plays on both my bias of dragons and crystals.
- I hate the Skylanders series. I could go and explain that in depth, but that would be better off in a private chat.
- With the above, I tried VERY hard to like spyro's adventure when I played it. I even ignored Spyro's redesign but in the end, I just couldn't.
- I do wish that I can play the console version as I got the DS version just to see if there's much of a difference.
(quick edit) - Although he's not in any of the games, just an upcoming comic, I actually like the Skylander design for Malefor. He looks intimidating.

And finally...
- I look forward to the day that Activision sells the copyrights to Spyro. No matter how unlikely that seems.
(Please don't kill me)
Lurking, lurking, lurking- Oo~ Shiny! Lurking, lurking, lurking.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:36:30 27/02/2015 by Seakara
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#10 Posted: 06:10:13 27/02/2015

-I didn't know how to get to the Peace Keepers homeworld in Spyro 1, so I had my dad help me, and all I had to do was press the button I needed to proceed.
--Same applies in Spyro 2, when I didn't know how to push two buttons on my control at once when trying to learn how to Hover when following Hunter. I had my dad show me how to do the Hover command on the controller.
- Flame and Ember's debut was rushed, and I was sad that they didn't appear anywhere else in A Hero's Tail.

- I always wanted to play as young Krome Cynder as soon as I finished TEN.
- Malefor's normal voice sounded much more sinister without the thick voice distortion.
- The number of story plotholes changed my opinion of DotD as soon as I realized how they affected the story. Not to mention, the rushed development that never should've happened.
- Krome Studios should've been left alone while developing DotD instead of Sierra changing developers during the project.

- I was supportive about Spyro's redesign, mainly because I've seen all other dragons that have different designs than just looking cute 24/7.
- The addition of Cynder, Malefor, Avalar, and other previous Spyro references has me hoping that along the line the devs may add more characters into the Skylanders universe. And perhaps a solo Spyro game with his Skylanders incarnation.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:59:41 27/02/2015 by Aura24
Tynesider Yellow Sparx Gems: 1612
#11 Posted: 13:00:30 27/02/2015
- Shadow Legacy is a pretty decent game once you know what you're doing.
- Every character in A Hero's Tail is a monumental dick. Seriously, I find Sparx more insufferable than Red.
- I have an irrational hatred of Blink because he was mouthy towards Crash in Crash: Purple.
- Given their presence in the fandom I had no idea Ember and Flame were one-line characters until I played AHT a few weeks back.
- I believe that if studios caved to our demands and made a 'classic' Spyro game it would end up more like EtD than the original trilogy (with online multiplayer and microtransactions, of course).
- It baffles me why they only crowbarred Elora in at the end of YotD when they found a role for both Hunter and the Professor.
Hot Dog 542 Gold Sparx Gems: 2872
#12 Posted: 17:21:42 27/02/2015
- The mini games in Spyro 2 and 3 frustrate me. (although I still like the games)
Quote: Bimle
Why is it that so many people have hardons for dogs?
cowpowa23 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4833
#13 Posted: 18:13:36 27/02/2015
Originals: Not many opinions to be put here... :/

Legend: I actually enjoyed the TLOS games. Sure the storyline isn't as amazing or "awe-inspiring" as it could be, but I still find it to be entertaining enough. ^.^
DotD should have been made by krome, but with no plot holes...seriously.

Despite the plot-holes, I still find DotD (Gameplay wise) to be a fun game to play..

Skylanders: Skylanders is not a "Spyro-Game". I agree with what others have said: It's like calling Super Smash Bro's a Mario game because Mario is in it. Just no XD (Of course I am still a fan of the Skylanderps tho, it doesn't need to be Spyro to be fun...)
I am a Cow.

KrazyKariana Yellow Sparx Gems: 1145
#14 Posted: 00:45:30 22/03/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: Arc of Archives
I think I just doubled the amount of confessions you can post to your blog, lol

Aahaha, didn't expect this many responses, so more like x10ed it. smilie
These are great, you guys!
Visit for Spyro fan art, and
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7896
#15 Posted: 10:02:22 22/03/2015
I like DOTD Cynder better than TEN Cynder.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#16 Posted: 22:26:27 22/03/2015
^ That's a pretty popular opinion. Almost nobody likes TEN Cynder (well, I do; she's so adorable and it's canon that the little cutie pie is a trained and experienced killer XD).
Samius Hunter Gems: 9303
#17 Posted: 11:08:57 23/03/2015
DotD is the only Spyro game that I've ever played. There, I said it.
I kinda liked it too. At the time I had the great boon of not knowing anything about the universe beforehand, so I could treat the game as a separate story of it's own. I wasn't familiar with any of the characters, so it didn't really bother me that their designs had changed so dramatically, or that some important ones (like the Guardians) weren't included in the story more. DotD also introduced me to the fandom, so I tend to think of it fondly nowadays.
Also, I've never really bothered to take an objective look at the game. I'd rather just enjoy it like I did when I was 15. The soundtrack in particular is great.

I don't think the Spyro fandom would've ever grown to be so large if LoS hadn't been a thing. People liked the stunted characters, the fantasy-themed world, the clichés and the bleak romance.
I also get the feeling that the fans of the Originals that dislike LoS mostly do so because of it's success, along with "muh nostalgia", which I understand completely.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#18 Posted: 21:35:46 23/03/2015
I never actually played the Insomniac trilogy in full, and still haven't despite owning them on PS3. My first real experience with Spyro was, funny enough, EtD.

I also think the LoS trilogy (specifically DotD), while polarizing, still hold up and are solid games. That might not seem very unpopular but outside of the hardcore Spyro fanbase it's agreed that the games are mediocre at best and have been largely forgotten.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:37:00 23/03/2015 by CAV
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#19 Posted: 06:28:04 24/03/2015
- Skylanders franchise is better than Spyro franchise.
- Original Spyro games were kinda boring after a while.
- Skylanders Trap Team is boring.
- I like Spyro's look better in Skylanders.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#20 Posted: 17:31:45 01/04/2015
spyro is best waifu
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#21 Posted: 04:33:09 02/04/2015
I really don't have many confessions or opinions that are highly unpopular.

- Overall, I enjoyed Spyro 3 the least out of the first three games. I'm kind of least fond of Spyro 3's minigames, and the fact that they were very hard for me, for years, probably contributes to such. Spyro 3 was the first one I ever actually played.

- Spyro 1 had great worlds and levels, but I wish they developed some areas more. I would've liked to see the Dragon Homeworlds as shown in Spyro 1 in different games. "What could have been."

- Spyro 2 was great. Backtracking was an annoyance. I've never actually gotten the double jump thing to actually work. And, it's my favourite one of the first three.

- Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly could've been greater, and it, as it stands, isn't too awful. It didn't bring in too many new things, but if all the extra characters and skills could've been expanded on, and that the gameplay and story could've been given enough time, it would've been really enjoyable. It's a game I don't really hate. "What could have been."

- I enjoyed A Hero's Tail bit, but I kinda dislike the minigames supremely, and I'm still stuck on some parts of it to this day. There's that bitter defeat of "I may never actually 100%+ this game." The story is hardly memorable to me.

- I really enjoyed a lot of the early GBA games and I find the Eternal Night one especially pretty good.

- The Eternal Night was lacking a lot. It could've been better. It could've focused more on, say, Cynder's story without detracting from Spyro's at all. I did have fun collecting everything I could in them, and it's probably the TLoS game I've played the most. "What could have been."

- I like TEN's Spyro and Cynder designs, probably the MOST out of TLoS in general. Maybe Spyro in general.

- I miss Dragon Time... and the TEN dream sequences should have been far, far more lengthy.

- The Dawn of the Dragon armour collection thing was fun and good. I liked plenty of the options they threw in for collecting. The rest I could say about this game has likely already been said a million of times.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:36:28 02/04/2015 by Wild
spyrolvr96 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1214
#22 Posted: 14:33:21 02/04/2015
Spyro - Insomniac Trilogy:
  • Spyro the Dragon is the first video game I remember playing. It's not the first game I've ever played- I know from my older sisters that we had a SNES with at least Super Mario World and Aladdin, possibly some DKC game(s), but that was sold before I can remember. This is probably why I am so in love with dragons.
  • Spyro the Dragon used to be my least favorite out of the Insomniac games. I can't remember why, maybe to my younger self it just seemed harder and more cryptic than RR and YotD. I replayed it some years back and reevaluated, though, and now it's my second favorite.
  • Ripto's Rage is easily my favorite of the three. It has perfect platforming, fun minigames, likeable characters. It even has a lot of potential for speedruns - which I have been getting into lately - with the double jump glitch. There are runs of this game that beat Ripto in less than 10 minutes.
  • The trolley in Breeze Harbour and the lava lizards in Skelos Badlands are not hard. I have never had trouble with the trolley, even as a kid. The lava lizards at least I used to have a bit of trouble with, but not anymore. Both of them just involve staying aware of what's around you, and if you fail, remembering how you failed to not do it next time.
  • Year of the Dragon is my least favorite of the three. It is not a bad game, it just does not hold up to the first two. Spyro 3 has the same problem that Crash Bandicoot 3 has: too many gimmicks. Every single level has at least one egg that takes you out of the main level, just ruining the immersion entirely. It breaks the feeling that you are actually helping the characters in the level. Not to mention the fact that in so many of them you are not playing as Spyro, but a different, slower and more clunky character.

Spyro - Classic Series:
  • Yes, Enter the Dragonfly sucks. Yes, it is a terrible game. No, it is not worthless. It can be pretty fun to mess around in. I do give it merit as being the first main Spyro game to give Spyro permanent breaths other than flame breath, which I definitely like
  • A Hero's Tail is underrated. It's definitely not as good as the Insomniac trilogy, but it's definitely not bad either. I feel it has some of the same problems as YotD, having too many minigames that do not involve Spyro, but overall it's still pretty good.
  • I actually like Flame quite a bit. I hope he comes back as a fleshed out character someday.
  • I do own Shadow Legacy, and when I first got it I didn't think it was that bad. A few years ago I started to replay it, though, and I barely got through half an hour of playing before I had to stop. I really just do not like it at all. It's really slow and monotonous.
  • I don't have much experience with the GBA games. I own Spyro Orange, which I'm not really going to be able to say anything that hasn't already been said, and I used to own Season of Flame, but I lost it when I was seven or something, over ten years ago.

The Legend of Spyro:
  • It has been so long since I've played a LoS game that I really want to go back and play them soon. But it has also been so long that I don't really have an opinion on them any more.
  • I've completed ANB, but never got very far through TEN and never even played DotD. I never owned any of the games, just rented them.

  • Skylanders and Spyro are separate franchises. They are pretty much nothing alike, only sharing a few characters.
  • I do own Spyro's Adventure and played it a bit, but it just wasn't something I really got into. I don't hate it, I just don't bother with it.
  • I've never played any other Skylanders games.
The thing I never really wrapped my brain around until now was in order to be remembered, in order to leave something significant behind, you have to leave
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:34:01 02/04/2015 by spyrolvr96
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