Story:In skylands long ago there was a group of creatures named the elites. They were the heroes of skylands untill a dragon named Mago banished only 10 of them to a wasteland named earth the only one left was Eon so now they have returned to skylands and because they were so SPACIAL they can swap weapons to save skylands from the rise of the wich Litch skyland's evilest dragon but they teamed up with their SkyVillans and the tall tales don't foget about the heroes too!
Lis-Mic: Elite master catch frase ''Anything you miss''
sticky licky wreaking ball [series 3]
Super black hole Deja-vu [series 2]
Potion fluffy pop fizz [series 4]
Big pop [pop fizz tall tale]
Rage-Mage [Skyvillan]
Pain-Yatta [skyvillan]
Lightcore Hi-laugh
breaking slug [mini wreaking ball]
Mother-Brew [New core] catchfrase ''Can i brew your soul''
hi-laugh [new core] catchfrase ''laugh out loud'' [frito lay skylander]
Eon's elite double trouble
Feather-Gone: Elite master catchfrase ''whirl the feathers''
4 times vacum Jet-Vac [series 4]
cute pop pop thron [series 2]
Sharper blades [series 2]
Whirl mongus [whirlwind tall tale]
Dream-Catcher [skyvillan]
Buzzer-Beak [skyvillan]
Bad juju [skyvillan]
lightcore Blades
Sharp[blade mini]
Telelop[New core] catchfrase ''Did you see me''
Sprax[newcore] catchfrase ''have you seen spyro around here?''
Eon's elite sonic boom
Aron:Elite master catchfrase ''Let's Mine''
Bunga-Lunga Dino-Rang [series 2]
Rock-throw Rocky-roll [series 2]
Scorpy scprp [series 2]
Prision broken [prison break tall tale]
Chomp Chest [Skyvillan]
Golden queen [skyvillan]
Tussle Sprout[skyvillan]
Grave Clobber[skyvillan]
Lightcore Mud-stone
Wocky-ball[rocky roll mini]
Tall-Tod[new core] catchfrase ''Give me my gold''
Mud-Stone[new core] catchfrase ''Not the best idea''
Eon's elite Prison break
Boing-long[elite master chatchfrase ''You own me a fish''
Queen Chill [series 3]
Singing Echo [series 2]
Go fish rip tide [series 2]
Gill guge [gill grunt tall tale]
Brawl and Chain [skyvillan]
Chill Bill [skyvillan]
Slobber Trap [skyvillan]
Cross Crow[skyvillan]
Lightcore flip-wreck
Cool[Chill mini]
Toad[new core] catchfrase ''Water''
Aqua[new core] catchfrase ''Fear the wave''
Eon's elite zap
Robo 9,000,789[Elite master catchfrase ''beep destroy''
Rocket gun trigger-happy[series 4]
double rockets chooper [series 2]
Flying attack drobot [series 3]
DroBig [drobot tall tale]
Trolling Thunder [skyvillan]
Dr Krankcase [skyvillan]
Mab Lob [skyvillan]
shrednaugh [skyvillan]
Bruiser Cruiser [skyvillan]
Lightcore Flybot
Cdown[mini countdown]
Roblot[new core] catch frase ''Dance to the Robot''
Flytot[new core] catchfrase ''Fly away''
Eon's elite drobot
Donkhot[Elite master catchfrase ''How hot''
Gymastic hotdog [series 3]
power hog fryno [series 3]
Super trail trail blazer [series 2]
Volcano [eruptor tall tale]
Chef Pepper Jack [skyvillan]
smoke scream [skyvillan]
Scrap Shooter [skyvillan]
Lightcore sunburn
Hotpuppy[hot dog mini]
molten[new core]catch frase ''I'm burning''
Dhot [newcore] catchfrase ''I'm a dino''
Eon's elite ignitor
Bansherx[elite master catchfrase ''Boo!''
Trapping tail Funnybone [series 2]
Baby summoning cynder [series 4]
Rolling rollar brawl [series 2]
Chopdone [chop chop tall tale]
Wolfgang [skyvillan]
Masker Mind [skyvillan]
Hood Sickle [skyvillan]
Bone Chompy [skyvillan]
Lightcore Bat-spin
Halarious nuxle[mini funnybone]
Plash[new core] catch frase ''You can't fear the plash!''
Deno[new core] catchfrase ''Roar!''
Eon's elite Cynder
Flower-Power[Elite master catch frase ''It's a flower with power!''
Super shot shroomboom [series 3]
banana throwing food fight [series 2]
Buzz off Highfive [series 2]
Dragon fruit[camo tall tail]
Chompy Mage [skyvillan]
Broccoli Guy [skyvillan]
Shield Shredder [skyvillan]
Sheep Creep [skyvillan]
Cuckoo Clocker [skyvillan]
Lightcore camo
Shroomcute [mini shroomboom]
Crash[new core] catchfrase ''I'm in!''
Hunter [newcore] catchfrase ''i've got the bow''
Eon's elite stump smash
Bye night [elite master catchfrase ''Bye bye''
lighting spotlight [series 2]
Knight giant [knight light tall tale]
Eye Scream [skyvillan]
Fisticuffs [skyvillan]
Tae Kwon Crow [skyvillan]
Lightcore Lightbite
light cute [mini knight light]
Lightbite[newcore] catchfrase ''i'm going to bite you!''
Agent 9[newcore] catchfrase ''Agent 9 here''
Shadow[elite master catchfrase ''say bye to the light''
balck-hole Black-out [series 2]
Night mare [knight mare tall tale]
Eye Five [skyvillan]
Blaster-Tron [skyvillan]
Lob Goblin[skyvillan]
Lightcore Night-away
Knight fun[Knight mare mini]
Night-away[new core] catchfrase ''Lights off''
Darks-Time [new core] catchfrase ''Say hi to the knight!''
Kaos [skyvillan]
Eon [elite master catchfrase ''hello portal master!''
Flynn[Hero]Catchfrase ''Boom''
Cali[Hero] Catchfrase ''Heroric challenges''
Buzz[Hero]Catchfrase ''Say hi to the comando''
Mags[Hero]Catchfrase ''Is that my infomation squid?''
pershonie[hero]Catchfrase''Ready for another magical upgrade''
T-bone[Hero]Catchfrase ''Bones and Bones''
Masked mabu[Hero]''Welcome to the Lost islands''
Tessa[hero] catchfrase ''Hey flynn''
Do you like my Idea
Jade hi-laugh
Jolly Flynn
Legendary Eon
Nitro Dark-time
Dark Deno
Dark Nightaway
Starter pack comes with series 2 black out and lis-mic
No 3ds version But there would be an adventure game like battle grounds app that you trap 10 more villans and you use your 3ds trap team portal
darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Fandom > [Skylanders the Elite year of the dragon] sky 5 idea
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funnybone Gold Sparx Gems: 2598 |
#1 Posted: 05:43:28 21/10/2014 | Topic Creator
Edited 9 times - Last edited at 02:55:44 13/12/2014 by funnybone
funnybone Gold Sparx Gems: 2598 |
#2 Posted: 04:15:33 08/11/2014 | Topic Creator
The waves are..
WAVE 1 spetember s2 blackout and lismic [starter pack skylanders] Dark Deno and Dark Nightaway [dark skylanders from starter pack] s3 hotdog, s2 spotlight, hunter, Deno and Nightaway for the cores Hi-laugh, Mud-stone and Nightaway for the lightcores Fethergone, Aron and boing long for the Elite master Hot puppy,Shroomcute and Hilarious nuxle for the Minis Dragon fruit, Knight giant and Night mare for the tall tales Chompy Mage, Broccoli Guy, Shield Shredder, Sheep Creep, Cuckoo Clocker, Chompy,Eye Five, Blaster-Tron, Lob Goblin, Rage-Mage, Pain-Yatta and Bombshell for the skyvillans WAVE 2 october-november s2 dejavu, s3 chill, s2 popthorn, s3 wreaking ball, s4 trigger happy, lightbite, mudstone, darks time, plash, Dhot, Hilaugh and mother brew for the cores Flybot and sunburn for the lightcores Shadow and Donkhot for the elite masters Flynn, Tessa, T-bones, Mags and Buzz for the heroes Cynder and Zap for the Eon's elite Cdown,Knight fun and Cool for the minis Gill guge and prison broken for the tall tales Chomp Chest, Golden queen, Tussle Sprout, Grave Clobber, Dream-Catcher, Buzzer-BeakBad juju and Krankenstein for the skyvillans WAVE 3 janurary-febaruary s4 jetvac,s4 popfizz,s2 echo, s2 funnybone,bolt and molten for the cores Batspin and camo for the lightcores Bansherx and bye night for the elite masters Sonic boom, Drobot, prision break, ignitor and stump smash for the eon's elite Wocky-ball and sharp for the minis Chopdone, Volcano, Drobig and big pop for the tall tales Gulper, Brawl and Chain, Chill Bill, Slobber Trap,Threatpack,Cross Crow, Eye Scream,Fisticuffs and Tae Kwon Crow for the skyvillans Cali for the heroes WAVE 3 1/2 april Jolly flynn and jade hi laugh for the variants Double trouble for the eon's elite Aqua for the cores Masked mabu for the heroes WAVE 4 May-march Skylanders battle elite aka 3ds the elite year of the dragon game [Eon and s3 fryno come in the pack] s3 fryno, s2 chopper, flytot and toad for the cores Flipwreck and blades for the lightcores Eon and Robo 9,000,789 for the elite masters Breaking slug and lightcute for the minis Whirlmoungs for the tale tales Eye Scream, Fisticuffs, Tae Kwon Crow,Chef Pepper Jack, Grinnade, smoke scream and Scrap Shooter for the skyvillans Nitro darktime for the variants WAVE 4 1/2 aka core wave july-agust s3 shroomboom s2 foodfight s2 highfive s4 cynder s2 rollerbrawl s2 trailblazer s2 dinorang s2 blades lightcore lightbite Talltod sprax telelop roblot agent 9 WAVE 5 s3 drobot s2 riptide s2 scorp and flower power for the cores and elites pershonie for the heroes TrollingThunder DrKrankcase MabLob shrednaugh Brawlrus BruiserCruiser Wolfgang MaskerMind HoodSickle BoneChompy for the skyvillans EXTRA WAVE s2 rockyroll kaos skyvillan and legendary eon. Now on to the huge packs, triple packs, adventure packs, buddie packs, battlepacks and elite double packs WAVE 1 PACKS s3 hotdog and hotpuppy buddie pack s2 spotlight+ Deno+ nightaway triple pack Deno+ hunter+s3 hotdog triple pack s3 hotdog in Burning empire adventure pack Dogs forever mini pack with hotpuppy and hailarious nuxle WAVE 2 PACKS S3 chill and cool buddy pack Plash+Nightaway+s3 chill triplepack s2 dejavu+s2 popthron+dhot triplepack S3 chill in Ice queen adventure pack Shadow and Aron elite doubles pack shroomcute and cool we are giants cores minis mini pack WAVE 3 PACKS Molten+s2echo+plash triple pack s2 Funnybone and hailarious buddy pack Funnybone in grave house adventure pack Bolt+ s4 jetvac+ s4 popfizz triple pack Bansherx and Aron elite doubles pack WAVE 4 PACKS Flytot in Tech hunted mansion we're the myths minis pack lightcute+knight fun s3fryno+toad+mudstone triple pack Hilaugh+flytot+motherbrew triplepack Eon+Donkhot elite doubles pack WAVE 5 PACKS Agent 9 in forest wonders adventure pack sprax+s2highfive+agent9 triple pack s4popfizz+talltod+s3drobot triple pack EXTRA WAVE PACKS Wockyroll + rockyroll buddy pack |
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 19:09:31 15/11/2014 by funnybone
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457 |
#3 Posted: 14:46:59 08/11/2014
Its not The Night Element it's the dark element
STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. |
funnybone Gold Sparx Gems: 2598 |
#4 Posted: 05:04:31 16/11/2014 | Topic Creator
Frito-lay skylanders
WATER: Boom lam [didn't make it into the game] MAGIC: Hi-laugh [WON and he's in the game + he got a lightcore!] AIR: Windy [didn't make it into the game] |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:53:06 13/12/2014 by funnybone
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