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Enter the dragonfly ratings [CLOSED]
Firestar Yellow Sparx Gems: 1897
#1 Posted: 14:49:47 11/11/2008 | Topic Creator
I used to rate bad games on a scale of 1 to Enter the Dragonfly, but what do you guys think?

randomwarrior Yellow Sparx Gems: 1067
#2 Posted: 19:50:33 11/11/2008
I'd say 4/10 sure the game was buggy and slow but it was overall in my view not really really bad and I mean the game developers have a chance for a remake so why not go for it? Then go back on the LoS series but then that'd have a hard time working out.
"You have too many roads, demolish them and replace them with streets to save on maintenance.
Firestar Yellow Sparx Gems: 1897
#3 Posted: 20:36:39 11/11/2008 | Topic Creator
the only part that was truly fun to me was the flying even if its not at all as good as DotD.
Mewnaphy Gold Sparx Gems: 2750
#4 Posted: 01:26:54 12/11/2008

Flame me now.
"Hence nothing remains except for our regrets"
Firestar Yellow Sparx Gems: 1897
#5 Posted: 02:15:37 12/11/2008 | Topic Creator
flame you? why would i flame yo ... oh i get it lulz but im not gonna flame you. at least you didnt say 10/10 smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:16:40 12/11/2008 by Firestar
Mewnaphy Gold Sparx Gems: 2750
#6 Posted: 22:29:01 13/11/2008
Lol I feel that I'd get flamed if I liked EtD because of its reputation.XD Shortness and long loading times keep it from getting a 10/10.
"Hence nothing remains except for our regrets"
Samuel Ripto Gems: 607
#7 Posted: 22:32:39 13/11/2008
I would rate this game a 3/10. There are a couple of good points about this game and sometimes the glitches help a lot and sometimes they can be really annoying.
Firestar Yellow Sparx Gems: 1897
#8 Posted: 01:47:53 30/11/2008 | Topic Creator
yeah the only good thing i like about this game is the flying
crashpro Gold Sparx Gems: 2027
#9 Posted: 07:14:41 01/12/2008
GameCube 3/10
(B for charge? X for breath? PS2's Team in the credits? SELECT Button to go to the Atlas??? At least the Loading Times are shorter... even though loading times shouldn't be an issue with a game to begin with...)

PlayStation 2 (Original) 2/10 (10 minute loading times are not fun)

PlayStation 2 (Greatest Hits) 4/10 (GameCube Loading Times)
Firestar Yellow Sparx Gems: 1897
#10 Posted: 01:52:49 03/12/2008 | Topic Creator
Quote: crashpro
GameCube 3/10
(B for charge? X for breath? PS2's Team in the credits? SELECT Button to go to the Atlas??? At least the Loading Times are shorter... even though loading times shouldn't be an issue with a game to begin with...)

PlayStation 2 (Original) 2/10 (10 minute loading times are not fun)

PlayStation 2 (Greatest Hits) 4/10 (GameCube Loading Times)

Wait! I didnt know that the greatest hits ETD had Gamecube game loadings. Cool. Mabye thats why mine loads fast (okay not that fast) smilie
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#11 Posted: 12:32:02 06/12/2008

more errors.(the site, not the game)
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#12 Posted: 13:37:23 10/12/2008
Good points: graphics, music

Bad points: painfully long loading times, glitchy, frustrating, Spyro moves slowly, repetitive
okami12 Gold Sparx Gems: 2205
#13 Posted: 21:25:45 11/12/2008
0/10 THIS GAME IS CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


bad point: spyro slow when charging glitchy PAINFULLy long louding
Ratchet Blue Sparx Gems: 662
#14 Posted: 11:46:11 19/12/2008
bout 5/10, maybe 4?
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#15 Posted: 22:51:06 20/12/2008
Hmmm..... 5.6/10
The Doom Song
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Please read my story!
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#16 Posted: 00:27:28 29/12/2008
Well I agree with gamespots score but if we are doing scores like this then....2/10. Too many glitches....but not THAT bad.
Fire Legend Gold Sparx Gems: 2608
#17 Posted: 01:55:40 29/12/2008

Good: level design
bad: glitches smilie
Firestar Yellow Sparx Gems: 1897
#18 Posted: 23:44:33 31/12/2008 | Topic Creator
To sum it all up, ETD had little story so it just seemed kinda stupid
Leon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1532
#19 Posted: 04:51:03 03/01/2009
what up firestar?
Different Gear, Still Speeding
Firestar Yellow Sparx Gems: 1897
#20 Posted: 16:43:52 15/02/2009 | Topic Creator
what up Leon? smilie
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#21 Posted: 20:21:39 15/02/2009
Quote: Firestar
I used to rate bad games on a scale of 1 to Enter the Dragonfly, but what do you guys think?


The game had a lot of potential; the only issue was the gliches. I give it a 7.
Forgotten World Platinum Sparx Gems: 5164
#22 Posted: 13:51:32 16/02/2009
I'd give this game a 2.5 out of 10

Good points: sharp parts to the graphics, good music, fair controls, and a good feel.
Bad points: glitches everywhere, annoying voice work for some characters, evidently outrageously cheesy! mostly dull graphics, weird controls, stupid mini games, only one boss, but 3 or4 boss fights, not very fun, and most of all, some disks that are not even scratched will not let you get to the end of the game.
Life's a struggle, but when you die, it's how you handle life.
spyro fan 8 Ripto Gems: 2948
#23 Posted: 20:25:41 23/04/2009
ok...i can't believe im saying this but....this game was pretty good....i have the gamecube a big enough spyro fan to give this game a..............8.5/10. *dont kill me*
spyro fan 8 Ripto Gems: 2948
#24 Posted: 10:40:28 28/04/2009
Quote: Forgotten World
I'd give this game a 2.5 out of 10

Good points: sharp parts to the graphics, good music, fair controls, and a good feel.
Bad points: glitches everywhere, annoying voice work for some characters, evidently outrageously cheesy! mostly dull graphics, weird controls, stupid mini games, only one boss, but 3 or4 boss fights, not very fun, and most of all, some disks that are not even scratched will not let you get to the end of the game.

2.5!? smilie i give it a 8.5.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#25 Posted: 12:48:25 28/04/2009
0.5/10 - I'd give it less, but there's a single song that I enjoyed.
Dark Gaia999 Ripto Gems: 199
#26 Posted: 20:07:44 28/04/2009
spyro fan 8 Ripto Gems: 2948
#27 Posted: 20:27:43 28/04/2009
i liked this game..why does everyone hate it so much? (i had gamecube version...) ya know what? im gonna play it now. smilie
claw Blue Sparx Gems: 685
#28 Posted: 16:58:22 02/05/2009
No signature for you!
LordRattler Ripto Gems: 1058
#29 Posted: 08:45:36 24/05/2009
3/10 at first,but *slaps face* Since insomniac actually had worked on it 10% before Vivendi took over, which was before the ripto idea......and since it had the old stylings and last music of Stewart Copeland and voice of Tom kenny for Spyro,its slowly climbed back up to 6/10.

Its only bad reasons are being rushed,and ripto in it.....
DARK CINDER Ripto Gems: 1062
#30 Posted: 20:02:11 27/05/2009
a 7.5 it was gonna be 8 but the loading is too long as for the gliches only "sufferd" from one with was a swimming one wich i did my self smilie
IceStar Gold Sparx Gems: 2186
#31 Posted: 16:10:15 28/05/2009
10/10 for sure.
InsomDog Platinum Sparx Gems: 6974
#32 Posted: 22:49:49 28/05/2009
I give it a 5/10.
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#33 Posted: 03:45:21 02/06/2009
Dragonheart Red Sparx Gems: 68
#34 Posted: 02:44:39 25/10/2009
They will KILL, they will be DESTROYED, but they will not SURRRENDER.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6267
#35 Posted: 03:52:52 25/10/2009
I give it a 3/10
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
spyro_madgirl Blue Sparx Gems: 594
#36 Posted: 16:40:54 25/10/2009
3/10 for a couple of good mini levels, the start of the breath selection era, and some good level exploring.

But the game was very glitchy, the plot was mediocre and the voice acting was terrible.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6267
#37 Posted: 19:48:19 25/10/2009
I can't agree with you more...
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
Spyrobaby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4464
#38 Posted: 08:38:03 31/10/2009
9 3/4/10 9 and 3 quarters out of 10!
spyrathedragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#39 Posted: 23:06:29 25/01/2010
0/10 :B
Lovatic for life. <3
The Peace Keepers
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