I've just acquired a second-hand copy of the game (xBox 360) with a portal and a hanful of figures (Spyro, Fish Face, Trigger Happy, Drobot and a glow in the dark Cynder with orange base).
Now, first of all, I haven't tryed Cynder as the web is somewhat unclear on the subject if it will work with Spyro Adventure (being a Giants figure). Some sources say yes, some say no. Other say yes but with limited functionality.
Also, I've read that Giants figures can be leveled up to lvl15. If this figure is of a level higer than 10, and I put it on the Portal linked to the first game, what will happen? The only thing that bothers me is getting a dead toy (the internet is very scary on the matter

Other questions: are the toys waterproof? I plan to repaint some of them, and I would likely wash them with soapy water before painting (to remove dirt/grease).
Out of curiosity: the alt paint figures (Dark, Legendary, Punch Popfizz, and so on) have the alt paint scheme showed in game, too, or it's just the toy to be different?
Thanks in advance