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The only playstaion game I haven't played.................... [CLOSED]
EternalSpyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#1 Posted: 05:54:12 30/09/2007 | Topic Creator
Is it worth playing if you haven't played it yet????

I am tempted to play this game but just want to hear from you guys.
As the Night of Eternal Darkness apporaches, Spyro is haunted by .... Maps of the U.S. and Canada, and traffic capability for just $216.76 from Amazon.com
ThatsSoRaven Yellow Sparx Gems: 1166
#2 Posted: 13:21:30 30/09/2007
"We'll be right back after these messages from Binford Tools." Tim "the Toolman Taylor" or Al "Insert insulting middle name here" Borland
Michael Yellow Sparx Gems: 1326
#3 Posted: 18:42:53 30/09/2007
Don't buy it. It's terrible.
EternalSpyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#4 Posted: 21:16:00 30/09/2007 | Topic Creator
Not buy, just rent it.
As the Night of Eternal Darkness apporaches, Spyro is haunted by .... Maps of the U.S. and Canada, and traffic capability for just $216.76 from Amazon.com
Pyro girl Yellow Sparx Gems: 1752
#5 Posted: 11:49:59 01/10/2007
Yeah coz it's just a waste of money, buying ETD.
Kakarot, I think I'm going to puke ~Vegeta
Live Long and Prosper ~ Mr. Spock
I'm stupid, I'm Stupid ~ Starscream
Ross Gold Sparx Gems: 2159
#6 Posted: 12:39:44 02/10/2007
I disagree.
"My life is meaningless now that my blue line is incomplete" - Quoting Me. It's not random, there is a story behind saying that.
ignitus Ripto Gems: 311
#7 Posted: 15:14:09 11/10/2007
Buy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zerodius Yellow Sparx Gems: 1194
#8 Posted: 22:11:06 12/10/2007
Spyro Enter The Dragonfly is about on-par with Shadow Legacy:

Ill-conceived, buggy, short, unimiginative, boring.

In short, it's terrible.

Did I mention that it's very buggy and full of glitches?

If you're a collector of bad games or just insist on owning every freakin' Spyro game in the world, go ahead and buy it.

But don't come back and whine you weren't warned!

All in all:

This game is atrocious and painful. Superman 64-level garbage.
dragonlover Yellow Sparx Gems: 1122
#9 Posted: 08:14:37 07/10/2008
If you haven't played it I suggest you don't. It's so glitchy it's not fun!
Supernatural is the key to the world of hot guys......
spyro22 Green Sparx Gems: 300
#10 Posted: 14:57:06 07/10/2008
if you wana try it rent it i made the mistake of buying it actualy my parents got it for me for christmas but i didn't like it u only get to fight one boss the whole time and you only get two cut scense the one in the begining and the one in like the middle actualy three if u count the end scene
Young dragon all our hope now lies with you When you wake up it will be a different world But know this you are not alone you have allies
claw Blue Sparx Gems: 685
#11 Posted: 16:45:07 03/05/2009
buy it. its good.
No signature for you!
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#12 Posted: 02:33:23 05/05/2009
Quote: claw
buy it. its good.

Way to dig far in the heep. You just bumped a year old topic and broke a rule.
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#13 Posted: 03:14:24 05/05/2009
Ignore everyone who says no; besides the glitches, it's worth it. I actually don't encouter glitches, so meh. I'd get it if you are a TRUE Spyro fan.
SpyroCrazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1648
#14 Posted: 20:01:58 20/08/2009
Quote: Shrazer320
Ignore everyone who says no; besides the glitches, it's worth it. I actually don't encouter glitches, so meh. I'd get it if you are a TRUE Spyro fan.

You don't need to like everything about Spyro to be 'true' a Spyro fan. I think you're more of a fan if you can find the faults as well as the good points.

What do you mean 'besides the glitches???' the glitches are the game, man smilie For instance, I can no longer complete the game because Jurassic Jungle is half missing.

I'm not saying don't get it, but you won't miss much if you don't.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#15 Posted: 01:58:01 25/08/2009
Play it, but DON'T pay for it. It's not worth your money. But if you want to see just how much horrible gaming you can endure, yeah, it's worth playing just for bragging rights. It's so horrible...
SpyroCrazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1648
#16 Posted: 08:56:36 27/08/2009
I went on it yesterday. *shudders* I wasted a valuable half-hour of my life going on that, I probably spent fifteen minutes of the wretched time waiting for the freaking thing to load.
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