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what do you guy's think? [CLOSED]
spyro22 Green Sparx Gems: 300
#1 Posted: 02:23:58 18/03/2009 | Topic Creator
should spyro enter the dragonfly be considered for a newplay and maby redem some dignity of this horrible game?
Young dragon all our hope now lies with you When you wake up it will be a different world But know this you are not alone you have allies
cynder21 Gold Sparx Gems: 2214
#2 Posted: 22:08:27 18/03/2009
they should have a remake
This old place has changed too much
Vulpix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3088
#3 Posted: 03:39:46 06/04/2009
I bought the game couple of sundays ago and so far think game is better than what I have been hearing about it. Then again I'm not that far into the game I think only got 14 or so dragonflys.
Riverclan is Bestsmilie And Princess Luna is best
Somehow made it to Gold Sparx :/
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#4 Posted: 14:45:59 06/04/2009
People just dump on it because they hear others dissing it. It really isn't as bad as these people make it out to be. It's better than Dawn of the Dragon, anyway.
katkerrykat Platinum Sparx Gems: 6033
#5 Posted: 15:20:39 06/04/2009
remake it.

i didnt like it one bit. smilie
Gotta deal with many farts and many burps. ~ Tenaman
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#6 Posted: 02:14:37 07/04/2009
No point in remaking a game that wasn't well-liked, especially since it's many years old, it was made by a no-name developer team with little experience and making it again is pointless.
cynder21 Gold Sparx Gems: 2214
#7 Posted: 15:27:29 07/04/2009
Quote: dingodile555
People just dump on it because they hear others dissing it. It really isn't as bad as these people make it out to be. It's better than Dawn of the Dragon, anyway.

uh uh i have played it, worse spyro game ever, and WTF? DAwn of the dragon was way better oops off topic smilie
This old place has changed too much
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#8 Posted: 20:15:27 07/04/2009
Eh no, DOTD is a much more sloppy game and I even admit that when it was made by one of my favourite developer teams. I'd continue but all you LOS fanboys and fangirls will flame me again. Shenzi Six-axis, HIR, get in here!
cynder21 Gold Sparx Gems: 2214
#9 Posted: 21:40:38 09/04/2009
haha i am not a fangirl like the way you put it. all those obseesed people do annoy me but this game was truly worse than dawn of the dragon, oh feel free to say whatever if i bash you futher i would be a hypocrite fot bashing your opinion
This old place has changed too much
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#10 Posted: 09:31:04 10/04/2009
Don't do it! You will regret every second! Unless by "play it" you mean "throw it around like a frisbee". EtD did make a fun frisbee... smilie
cynder21 Gold Sparx Gems: 2214
#11 Posted: 15:25:32 10/04/2009
i bet it would have smilie i should try it, maybe my dog can chew this disc instead of my hero's tail ( which is slightly better) and my YOTD
This old place has changed too much
DARK CINDER Ripto Gems: 1062
#12 Posted: 20:59:56 13/04/2009
ETD was mint i loved it the graphics are honistly good ther are no gliches and the voice acting is brilliant
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#13 Posted: 05:37:10 14/04/2009
You must have gotten the copy that fell out of another universe. Mine was glitchy as sin and not even Stewart Copeland seemed to be able to bring any life to it.
crashpro Gold Sparx Gems: 2027
#14 Posted: 20:24:51 14/04/2009
New Play Control it? Nah, never will happen. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!

The studio that made (Check 6 Studios) no longer exists- at least, from what I have heard.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6267
#15 Posted: 22:07:26 13/01/2010
Quote: cynder21
they should have a remake

you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#16 Posted: 00:00:35 14/01/2010
i have a gamecube version and mine has like no glitche, but like all other copys, terrible voice acting smilie and i kept it for the sake of the collection smilie
Spyrobaby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4464
#17 Posted: 09:44:43 14/01/2010
The should remake it again, I think it's good, but let's see how much better they can do.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6267
#18 Posted: 22:09:28 14/01/2010
Yeah, how much better?...
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
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