darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Spyro: Reignited Trilogy > What would you hope for in future games?
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What would you hope for in future games?
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6267
#1 Posted: 22:58:55 13/04/2018 | Topic Creator
Yes, I understand that I may be getting way ahead of myself for hoping for new instalments after this trilogy, but I think it's still nice to discuss! We already basically know how this remake trilogy will turn out because they're all older games, and we can't really expect many new things ... so it's not as fun to imagine what new things they can include for the series.
So, what would you hope to see in possible new games? I don't care if it's unrealistic!

Things I'd probably like to see ...

- Cynder reintroduced! I'd like to see her as a villain, so I'm kinda hoping for a betrayal story similar to Terra from Teen Titans. Instead of being corrupted at the beginning, she becomes corrupted later after betraying Spyro?
- Integrate characters/ideas from later games? I'd like to see Red, Ember, Flame, the Guardians (but their role would have to be changed to fit into the classic world). Perhaps the Chronicler, because I know Insomniac wanted to make a Spyro game that revolved around time travel ...
- New dragon races! Machinists (I imagine Red being one of them), water dragons, a new race for Cynder.
- More breath abilities. I'd like if each dragon race had a different elemental/magic ability (Artisans have fire, Peace Makers have earth, Magic Crafters have ...... magic lol, etc.) and they gift Spyro with their abilities after saving their Homeworld?

... there's probably a lot more that I can't think of right now lol.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
Bryman04 Gold Sparx Gems: 2116
#2 Posted: 23:30:35 13/04/2018
-I'd like to see the series continue to focus on the 3D Platforming of the original trilogy and build off of that as Mario has been doing succesfully all these years. no epic, cliche, story. No hack-and-slash. Just the good ole stuff that Spyro did so well originally.
-This next part may be controversial. So let's say Toys for Bob does a good Reimagining. But the moment this new Spyro comeback has sales go down in a future title, what's to say that Activision won't force in pay to play, lootbox, microtransaction bull****? okay i might be sounding like a conspiracy theorist, sure. But I say do what Sega has done with Sonic Mania, and give Spyro to the fans. they know best how to handle Spyro.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:31:20 13/04/2018 by Bryman04
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#3 Posted: 23:34:46 13/04/2018
Mostly I just hope they expand upon the Classic Spyro formula without relying too hard on nostalgia pandering.

A Hero's Tail was very cool and I thought it introduced some concepts that felt like natural evolutions to the Spyro formula, such as a mostly interconnected world that didn't have separate levels within portals. I think that could work really well on modern gaming hardware.

If not that, and they stick with the more traditional level format, then they need to greatly expand the scope of the worlds. Yooka-Laylee provides a good frame of reference for that.

Seeing more characters be incorporated would be great too. Continue using characters like Elora, Hunter, and Bianca. Introduce characters like Cynder and Ignitus into this new universe. Have multiple playable dragons such as Cynder and Ember with their own traits. There is a lot they could do there. I'd personally rather Cynder be a hero character so she can be playable, I liked her abilities in DotD and they could rework her elements from that into a new game's design. Though her alignment could be kept ambiguous for a while.

Other than that...good level design, good writing, lots of content, nice visuals and music...do that and it's good.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#4 Posted: 23:52:34 13/04/2018
Game Good
//forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=129460 Check out my Skylanders game idea!
Dragon Lover Emerald Sparx Gems: 4710
#5 Posted: 23:58:44 13/04/2018
Man, I just want the TLoS universe fleshed out a little more. With a little less pandering to younger audiences.
Radiance Emerald Sparx Gems: 3950
#6 Posted: 00:05:43 14/04/2018
I would love for Cynder to be a little antagonist. Malefor being her father (Skylanders Academy?), and she greatly admires him. Being a daddy's girl! Always wants to pounce Spyro whenever she's willing to be given the chance. :D Would like for her electric breath to remain as her element.

Ember and Flame being reintroduced, perhaps as siblings!

A game where you play can play as Elora and Bianca. STOMP ON THE ENEMIES WITH YOUR HOOVES! Kick! Thrash! Think of all of the radical enchantments Bianca could use just to crush those Rhynocs.
Love is a gift.. Cherish it!
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5350
#7 Posted: 00:55:59 14/04/2018
If Cynder got re-introduced, I'd like her her role to be like Elora's, the Professor's and Bianca's, where she appears to give the player advice (probably not for the first game she appears in though). And the playable characters in YOTD to continue to take the "other playable characters" role since I think they would offer an amazing experience if their controls would to get fixed, especially Sgt. Byrd and Agent 9. I liked AHT's approach in the speedways and having Sgt. Byrd being used for them. I just feel that since we already have Spyro playable, another playable dragon isn't necessary since their moveset would probably be the same other than a different breath. Also playing as Hunter with his moveset from AHT would be cool, and maybe he could learn how to use the bow and arrow.

Also on the topic of Cynder, I don't want her role to be Bianca 2.0 where she is evil and turns good. Like Bolt said her story being like Terra's would be pretty good, and when she goes bad she could turn into her corrupted self in ANB. I also don't want her to be introduced as the love interest since that was what killed my interest in her in the first place. Elora was Spyro's original love interest, and I can't even see classic Spyro liking anyone. I also don't want her to end up becoming the second main behind Spyro ether; that role goes to Sparx and Hunter always.

Also I like ETD's approach to reaching new worlds, and I'd love that to come into play in combination with the portals.

I also would like the whole multiple elements to be re-introduced from ETD, except have water/bubble be replaced with wind/air or earth.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8739
#8 Posted: 01:06:03 14/04/2018
Now, it's unlikely, but it would be pretty cool way to satisfy Skylander fans: Introduce a few Legacy characters from Skylanders, but have them fit the classic lore. Gill Grunt, Jet-Vac, Stealth Elf to name a few I'd love to see.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
XSparxX Emerald Sparx Gems: 4752
#9 Posted: 01:33:35 14/04/2018
I think they would fit really well in Spyros world.
"If I had any humanity left, I would have been crushed by the guilt by now."
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8739
#10 Posted: 01:34:54 14/04/2018
Quote: Sesshomaru75
Quote: HeyitsHotDog
Now, it's unlikely, but it would be pretty cool way to satisfy Skylander fans: Introduce a few Legacy characters from Skylanders, but have them fit the classic lore. Gill Grunt, Jet-Vac, Stealth Elf to name a few I'd love to see.

I'd honestly love that, ngl.

And long term, if they're playable characters, would be great idea. Maybe also add upgrades like in Skylanders and you get a great mix of Skylanders with Classic Spyro.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
spyroid101 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3793
#11 Posted: 01:46:26 14/04/2018
Ultimately, I'd love for them to conclude the Sorcerer cliffhanger they left us hanging on with Shadow's Legacy.

By them rebooting and reintroducing that plot point from the ground up, just picking up where they left off, or doing some big Sonic-generations style game with Malefor and all three versions of Spyro...

I just want SOME kind of conclusion to that gosh darn hanging plot thread dhsjkadhsjka
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torok Platinum Sparx Gems: 6123
#12 Posted: 02:01:06 14/04/2018
Explore other dragon families.

We've seen what an Artisan dragon can do, let the Peace Keepers, Magic Crafters, Beast Makers and Dream Weavers have their time in the spotlight.
JCW555 Hunter Gems: 8978
#13 Posted: 02:31:22 14/04/2018
Honestly, I'd like them to continue from where the epilogue of Spyro 3 left off with where Gnasty Gnorc and Ripto team up to solve the "Spyro Problem".

I don't know if we'd see Skylanders characters in classic Spyro (at least for now). Toys For Bob seems to be insisting that they're separate franchises.
You gotta believe! Heh heh.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 02:35:04 14/04/2018 by JCW555
XSparxX Emerald Sparx Gems: 4752
#14 Posted: 02:33:30 14/04/2018
I want Red back. Introducing Ignitus, Cyrill, Terrador, Volteer, Malefor and Cynder in classic/modern (?) Spyro universe.
Reintroduce Ember, Flame and Blink.

If I think about it I would prefer Skylander dragon characters like Whirlwind in classic Spyro universe and not Stealth Elf etc.
"If I had any humanity left, I would have been crushed by the guilt by now."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:49:42 14/04/2018 by XSparxX
Skarlime Yellow Sparx Gems: 1117
#15 Posted: 02:50:21 14/04/2018
Quote: Bolt

- Cynder reintroduced! I'd like to see her as a villain, so I'm kinda hoping for a betrayal story similar to Terra from Teen Titans. Instead of being corrupted at the beginning, she becomes corrupted later after betraying Spyro?
- Integrate characters/ideas from later games? I'd like to see Red, Ember, Flame, the Guardians (but their role would have to be changed to fit into the classic world). Perhaps the Chronicler, because I know Insomniac wanted to make a Spyro game that revolved around time travel ...
- New dragon races! Machinists (I imagine Red being one of them), water dragons, a new race for Cynder.

I LOVE these ideas. Also I think a new game brings the perfect opportunity to include the worlds that didn't make it to the first and second games.

Quote: DarkCynder_543
Also on the topic of Cynder, I don't want her role to be Bianca 2.0 where she is evil and turns good. Like Bolt said her story being like Terra's would be pretty good, and when she goes bad she could turn into her corrupted self in ANB. I also don't want her to be introduced as the love interest since that was what killed my interest in her in the first place. Elora was Spyro's original love interest, and I can't even see classic Spyro liking anyone. I also don't want her to end up becoming the second main behind Spyro ether; that role goes to Sparx and Hunter always.

Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#16 Posted: 07:50:17 14/04/2018
Quote: HeyitsHotDog
Now, it's unlikely, but it would be pretty cool way to satisfy Skylander fans: Introduce a few Legacy characters from Skylanders, but have them fit the classic lore. Gill Grunt, Jet-Vac, Stealth Elf to name a few I'd love to see.

Actually, seeing how they are taking artistic liberties with some of the enemies, I wouldn’t be surprised if they tweaked some of their designs or those of the NPCs to look more like Skylanders characters.

I could see the Earthshapers from Fracture Hills resembling either the Stone Golem from Spyro’s Adventure or Prism Break (minus the crystals), the Breezebuilders having Sky Barons features or even the trolls from Cloud Temples looking like Trigger Happy.
I’d be fine with some callbacks, as long as they aren’t the exact same model.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
danyq94 Gold Sparx Gems: 2972
#17 Posted: 13:54:15 14/04/2018
Many ideas recontextualized from old games.
Let's be clear, Spyro (as well as Crash) has a lot of past games:
Classic Series (10 games)
Legend Series (3 games + portable versions that are completely different games)
Mobile Games
Skylanders series

Using the different ideas that have characterized these games by modifying them to create new elements for future Spyro games in my opinion would be the obvious choice and certainly the most successful.

Re-introduce Cynder? Obviously yes, a Classic version of her would be fantastic.
Reintroduce events and characters from Seasons Games (the geniality of the stories, the elemental breath), Shadow Legacy (The Sorceror!) And Skylanders series? HELL YES.

Imagine having an aquatic level where Spyro goes to see Gill Grunt to help him or something like that!
I love Crash & Spyro! Visit my italian site:
ClassicSpyroLUV Yellow Sparx Gems: 1193
#18 Posted: 15:05:27 14/04/2018
A story that has villains teaming up and Spyro infiltrating the villains's operations to thwart them. They could introduce Cynder again, either as an existing ally who we play as in the infiltration levels or a villain Spyro converts to his side.
- Cynder reintroduced! I'd like to see her as a villain, so I'm kinda hoping for a betrayal story similar to Terra from Teen Titans. Instead of being corrupted at the beginning, she becomes corrupted later after betraying Spyro?
- Integrate characters/ideas from later games? I'd like to see Red, Ember, Flame, the Guardians (but their role would have to be changed to fit into the classic world). Perhaps the Chronicler, because I know Insomniac wanted to make a Spyro game that revolved around time travel ...
- New dragon races! Machinists (I imagine Red being one of them), water dragons, a new race for Cynder.
- More breath abilities. I'd like if each dragon race had a different elemental/magic ability (Artisans have fire, Peace Makers have earth, Magic Crafters have ...... magic lol, etc.) and they gift Spyro with their abilities after saving their Homeworld?

Now, it's unlikely, but it would be pretty cool way to satisfy Skylander fans: Introduce a few Legacy characters from Skylanders, but have them fit the classic lore. Gill Grunt, Jet-Vac, Stealth Elf to name a few I'd love to see.

Ultimately, I'd love for them to conclude the Sorcerer cliffhanger they left us hanging on with Shadow's Legacy.

By them rebooting and reintroducing that plot point from the ground up, just picking up where they left off, or doing some big Sonic-generations style game with Malefor and all three versions of Spyro...

I just want SOME kind of conclusion to that gosh darn hanging plot thread dhsjkadhsjka

I want Red back. Introducing Ignitus, Cyrill, Terrador, Volteer, Malefor and Cynder in classic/modern (?) Spyro universe.
Reintroduce Ember, Flame and Blink.

If I think about it I would prefer Skylander dragon characters like Whirlwind in classic Spyro universe and not Stealth Elf etc

TheDragonlord99 Red Sparx Gems: 90
#19 Posted: 19:59:16 14/04/2018
I would be happy with anything I see here right now, but ideally I would like Skylanders to maybe have the occasional cameo, and maybe reintroduce some TLOS characters and the like so that they can throw a bone to those of us who enjoyed it (since the story is basically done).
StevemacQ Platinum Sparx Gems: 6533
#20 Posted: 22:37:55 14/04/2018
My hope is for future Spyro games to explore new ideas without losing its identity as a Spyro game. Spyro: A Hero's Tail had some great ideas but I didn't like that much because of the little things like swapping the flame and charge buttons, Moneybag's Middle Eastern accent, the change in voice actors and making Bently a big dumb oaf without his accent and vocabulary.

Collectables can still be there but gems should operate more like currencies to buy some new elements. Instead of Spyro holding a gun, Sparx himself is the gun while Spyro doesn't die in a few hits. Instead of a hub world with portals, it should be more like one big cohesive world you explore with tunnels to help load in levels easier, pretty much like Spyro: A Hero's Tail but with more unique levels. It can't be ice worlds, fire worlds or anything like that without some interesting art direction like you see in Paper Mario 2, El Shaddai and NieR Automata.

[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]

Style of music is important too that's hauntingly beautiful songs and otherworldly catchy tunes. But despite all this, the story and characters aren't taken too seriously because it's still a game for kids and I don't want Spyro to end up like those Sonic games... again.
Needz more eh-mo-shuns.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:39:09 14/04/2018 by StevemacQ
yelvy Gold Sparx Gems: 2450
#21 Posted: 18:56:34 15/04/2018
Skylanders easter eggs in future Spyro games (if it is TFB that continues to make them, of course) would be nice but I don't like the idea of actually cameoing/introducing characters (especially the 'favourites' that show up everywhere). I love all three versions of Spyro, but instead of dwelling on the past by forcing stuff form LOS/Skylanders I'd like to see where 'classic' Spyro can go.

I am really torn on this, though, because at the same time I'd LOVE to see a 'classic' Cynder! (And everything else you've all mentioned.)

I think my compromise would be to take small snippets of past ideas, story threads, characters, etc. but spice them up a bit. So, with the Skylanders example, you could take a species from that universe (like Drek said) to include. I know we're all spitballing here, but in reality that might stop the 'classic' elitists from completely tearing a new game apart, because the reference would be a detail only a fan of Skylanders would notice.

Hopefully I've made a few points here, I feel a bit out of practice with this site!
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#22 Posted: 19:01:47 15/04/2018
I'd actually be excited to see what TfB can do when they don't have to develop 30 characters every game.
//forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=129460 Check out my Skylanders game idea!
yelvy Gold Sparx Gems: 2450
#23 Posted: 19:24:06 15/04/2018
30 playable characters, you mean! There's still NPCs to consider.

I wonder if (if TFB keep making new Spyro games) they will make any new playable characters, like in YOTD and AHT. I haven't played YOTD (unfortunately, yet) but I know they weren't the same characters you could play as in AHT.
JCW555 Hunter Gems: 8978
#24 Posted: 19:53:28 15/04/2018
The one thing that makes me think that Toys For Bob won't put Skylanders related things in classic Spyro is their insistence that they're separate entities. "We're bringing back the Spyro we all fell in love with 20 years ago." I could be proven wrong in the future, obviously, but TFB seems to treat Classic Spyro and Skylanders as separate entities for now.
You gotta believe! Heh heh.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 19:54:58 15/04/2018 by JCW555
XSparxX Emerald Sparx Gems: 4752
#25 Posted: 20:03:00 15/04/2018
^The only Skylanders related thing I want are some of the dragons like Zap, Whirlwind or Drobot because I think they would fit very well in Spyros world.
If each of them have their homeland as a level in Spyro it would be great imo.
Stealth Elf and the other main Skylanders get enough attention in Skylanders, the other dragons beside Spyro (and Cynder but I think the only reason why she gets some attention is because she is an popular Spyro character) not.
"If I had any humanity left, I would have been crushed by the guilt by now."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:03:23 15/04/2018 by XSparxX
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9659
#26 Posted: 11:51:19 16/04/2018
Quote: JCW555
The one thing that makes me think that Toys For Bob won't put Skylanders related things in classic Spyro is their insistence that they're separate entities. "We're bringing back the Spyro we all fell in love with 20 years ago." I could be proven wrong in the future, obviously, but TFB seems to treat Classic Spyro and Skylanders as separate entities for now.

Which is how I want it, I'm happy for Skylanders to continue, as long as they are treated seperately, I don't want any of this crossover stuff. I can understand it with Crash Bandicoot, there's potential there to make an interesting game. I wonder if one day Vicarious Visions and Toys for Bob would collaborate together to make a Spyro/Crash crossover game for consoles, would be cool, maybe they could take inspiration from Crash Twinsanity, where Crash & Spyro sort of work together, could be a two-player game, or you could choose which one you want to play as.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 11:52:41 16/04/2018 by SuperSpyroFan
Muffin Man Platinum Sparx Gems: 5764
#27 Posted: 15:44:42 28/06/2018
One thing I really liked about later entries in the Spyro series was the idea of evil dragons. I like when any fictional race is portrayed with both good and evil characters, so I think it would be neat if a later game reintroduced that idea (in a way that fit the classic series). I'm not sure if they should use Red or Malefor as the main villain, though. Maybe have Red as...no pun intended..."The Dragon" (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheDragon), while Malefor could be the "Big Bad" (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BigBad).
Just ate a time muffin and now I'm traveling through the time vortex.
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5350
#28 Posted: 09:20:00 04/07/2018
Another thing I want in a Spyro 4 is to reintroduce the four breaths thing again. I always thought that was pretty sweet. But unless water breath is like from Avatar and is useful, I'd rather have Air or Earth breath. I actually wouldn't mind the idea of collecting dragonflies again as well.

Quote: JCW555
Honestly, I'd like them to continue from where the epilogue of Spyro 3 left off with where Gnasty Gnorc and Ripto team up to solve the "Spyro Problem".

I don't know if we'd see Skylanders characters in classic Spyro (at least for now). Toys For Bob seems to be insisting that they're separate franchises.

That cliff hanger plot thread that never got solved was actually what ETD was meant to cover, but Gnasty got taken out the game due to running out of time. But yeah ETD was meant to have Spyro face off against both Ripto and Gnasty. So we would basically be getting a redone/proper version of ETD, which I would love to have honestly.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:24:20 04/07/2018 by DarkCynder_543
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#29 Posted: 16:44:47 04/07/2018
just remake enter the dragonfly basically
//forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=129460 Check out my Skylanders game idea!
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 8275
#30 Posted: 22:16:46 05/07/2018
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Mostly I just hope they expand upon the Classic Spyro formula without relying too hard on nostalgia pandering.

A Hero's Tail was very cool and I thought it introduced some concepts that felt like natural evolutions to the Spyro formula, such as a mostly interconnected world that didn't have separate levels within portals. I think that could work really well on modern gaming hardware.

If not that, and they stick with the more traditional level format, then they need to greatly expand the scope of the worlds. Yooka-Laylee provides a good frame of reference for that.

Seeing more characters be incorporated would be great too. Continue using characters like Elora, Hunter, and Bianca. Introduce characters like Cynder and Ignitus into this new universe. Have multiple playable dragons such as Cynder and Ember with their own traits. There is a lot they could do there. I'd personally rather Cynder be a hero character so she can be playable, I liked her abilities in DotD and they could rework her elements from that into a new game's design. Though her alignment could be kept ambiguous for a while.

Other than that...good level design, good writing, lots of content, nice visuals and music...do that and it's good.

Quote: Radiance
I would love for Cynder to be a little antagonist. Malefor being her father (Skylanders Academy?), and she greatly admires him. Being a daddy's girl! Always wants to pounce Spyro whenever she's willing to be given the chance. smilie Would like for her electric breath to remain as her element.

Ember and Flame being reintroduced, perhaps as siblings!

A game where you play can play as Elora and Bianca. STOMP ON THE ENEMIES WITH YOUR HOOVES! Kick! Thrash! Think of all of the radical enchantments Bianca could use just to crush those Rhynocs.

Quote: Bionichute
just remake enter the dragonfly basically

Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7911
#31 Posted: 21:11:58 08/07/2018
I think a complete remake of Enter the Dragonfly by adding in everything that was supposed to be included and modernising it would please fans.

There's nothing super wrong with a Hero's Tail, but it would be nice if they gave it a HD remaster fixing the odd glitch and sold it cheap on online stores.

Otherwise there was once an idea for an unreleased Spyro game that never got made. It didn't look too bad, they could revisit it.
JCW555 Hunter Gems: 8978
#32 Posted: 17:00:26 09/07/2018
Quote: TheJMAN184
The only thing I would want from Spyro now is if they could give it to someone who could do a better TLoS type game with story and lore that isn't complete rubbish and give the dev's time to put together instead of just a year between each game.

Unlike most Spyro Fans I don't think TLoS is a bad idea, it was just one that got super halfassed.

Unfortunately I don't see Activision revisiting TLOS or a TLOS-style Spyro game. There's just not enough money to be made in doing that. There's hardcore Legend fans, don't get me wrong, but they pale in comparison to classic Spyro fans and even Skylanders' fans.

I think if/when TFB makes a new Spyro game, it'll be set after the OG trilogy. I highly doubt Activision/TFB will touch anything after Year of the Dragon.
You gotta believe! Heh heh.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 17:07:06 09/07/2018 by JCW555
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7911
#33 Posted: 22:27:41 10/07/2018
Quote: JCW555
Quote: TheJMAN184
The only thing I would want from Spyro now is if they could give it to someone who could do a better TLoS type game with story and lore that isn't complete rubbish and give the dev's time to put together instead of just a year between each game.

Unlike most Spyro Fans I don't think TLoS is a bad idea, it was just one that got super halfassed.

Unfortunately I don't see Activision revisiting TLOS or a TLOS-style Spyro game. There's just not enough money to be made in doing that. There's hardcore Legend fans, don't get me wrong, but they pale in comparison to classic Spyro fans and even Skylanders' fans.

I think if/when TFB makes a new Spyro game, it'll be set after the OG trilogy. I highly doubt Activision/TFB will touch anything after Year of the Dragon.

There are TLoS figures on the way though.

Legend is fine as a trilogy, but it would be nice to see it re-released in the future.
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#34 Posted: 02:19:36 11/07/2018
In my perfect, ideal world, I'd love to see Classic/Reignited and Legend both being made (like how Metroid is split into the 2D games and the Prime games, or the different Legend of Zelda styles). Seeing TLoS remade with its potential realized is a pipe dream of mine.

Aside from that, while I don't want to see the any future Classic/Reignited games go the darker/edgier route (we've got TLoS for that), I do want to see TLoS characters like Cynder and the Guardians re-imagined in a future game.

Oh, and please bring back Flame and Ember! I love them...
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