Quote: JCW555Quote: Bifrostuuuhhh, techhhhhnically, the site was opened during Spyro: Fusion's time
All jokes aside, I do wonder if they'll try to change Tree Tops to make it less confusing and/or hard. They wouldn't dare to the change the entire level, but I wonder how much it would change to add extra paths or lower/raise some plataforms.
I'd hope not. I've come to love and appreciate Tree Tops' challenge over the years, and dumbing that down would just not feel right to me.
While Tree Tops definitely isn’t exactly clear in its design and purpose, I feel like trying to make it easier or more straightforward could potentially ruin its concept and turn it into a rather forgettable level; they could add some kind of general “easy mode” for new players in the form of fairies saving you from falling to death (just like in High Caves) but I think the structure should be left as it is.
Maybe a couple signs to help with the direction?
Speaking of changes and risks, I wonder how they’ll handle the soundtrack.
Not talking solely about Copeland’s collaboration, but also about the tracks themselves: will they use the Greatest Hits’ one or will they stick to the first soundtrack with its repetitions here and there?
Will there be regional differences?
Not sure what I’d prefer myself, guess the latter since it’s what I’m used to, but I feel like the music is a big part of what made Spyro so memorable.
Not going as far as other people and say that the games will be ruined if they won’t get it right, but they will indeed lose part of their charme.