Quote: McMurderpawsQuote: HalvmorkeQuote: UnreallysticI just want more content, don't need new figures, there are already hundreds of them.
- Unreall
Right, from your standpoint as a consumer, this is clearly the best option. But as producers, they're in the business to make money... and they still make more money on the figures than they do the games, so it's in their best interest to come up with another new gimmick to force you to buy all-new characters if you want to experience the full game.
You have me slightly misunderstood. You aren't wrong, first and foremost, but I'm just saying that all the comments and excitement over possible new figures, but if this is just new figures to play the CURRENT Imaginators with? I'm not interested. Hell, if they try more of the Row Bow or Wildstorm crap, I'm not interested. The buisness model is already too expensive to maintain, especially in the current climate...paying $30 for ONE BLOODY LEVEL of content? Its not enough for me to care. I'm not even on the look out for LIM because the idea of dropping 30 for it does not entice me.
While this is Activision so we can predict what will happen (just bleed the current format till dry, wait for it to re hydrate, bleed again), content can EASILY net them substantial chunks of money. No it won't ever approach what it did in the Trap Team days, but that doesn't mean they can't still make money hands over fist. Why did SuperChargers not live as long as it could have? Because of content. People such as myself, completionist, didn't even force ourselves to get everything last time, I definitely didn't this time. If they just want to pump out toys, release posable figures and link them to the TV show like everyone else. In a couple years do a video game based on the TV show.
If they want Skylanders to succeed - financially, they have to earn back consumer trust that's been lost with the money grabs and to some of us, poor content. I'm "tired" of spending $15 for a figure that I won't play on the next game, or a gimmick that won't transfer. It's why re-release could be so good if done right. Even beyond that, something like Imaginators was GREAT, very little in the way of flaws, but its missing expandable content. I'm not asking to go full on Disney Infinity, but even something as simple as Diablo-esque - randomized "dungeons", what the Brain missions SHOULD BE - would go a long ways towards a reason to keep playing.
There is this assumption that polishing current content or creating expandable content would be this massive undertaking, when its not. Pieces can be stolen from other places. the same way level packs from the first game worked on the next two games. The same way figures are transported from one game to the next, why not do that with some of the bad guys...why not mix in some of the old levels with the new in a Remix mode...I'd love to fight the rapping driller again.
Make my money worth something and I'll care more.
- Unreall