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Create Your Own Guest Star Senseis
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#1 Posted: 13:34:05 09/10/2016 | Topic Creator
Well, we've had another Guest Star duo this year, and that's great considering that they work on all consoles. However, I'm sure that there's all some Guest Stars that it would be awesome to see as Senseis or just Skylanders, so that's what this topic is for. Your Guest Star Sensei can be from anything, be it a TV show, a movie, another video game or whatever else you wish. They don't have to make sense. It's just meant to be fun. You can decide move-sets for them if you want, too.

Here's my list. I'll add movesets for them when I have the time.

Guest Star: Peridot
Franchise: Steven Universe
Element: Tech
Class: Ninja
Catchphrase: "Here comes Peridot, you clods!"

Attack 1: Peridot will use her ferrokinesis to throw forward metal ninja stars.
Attack 2: Peridot throws out a Robonoid minion that shoots enemies. She can have 3 Robonoids active at once.
Attack 3: Peridot creates a giant ball of metal around her, and rolls forward, crushing anything in her way.
Soul Gem: Hold Attack 2 and will summon Lapis, who will help Peridot by sending waves at enemies.
Sky-Chi: Peridot throws her hands up into the air, and it starts raining chunks of metal all around her, falling on top of enemies.

Sensei Intro: "Greetings, Portal Master! It's me, the great and lovable Peridot! Are you ready to show those clods the power of a Crystal Gem? And if your Ninja Imaginators want to learn something REALLY cool, just bring 'em to me!"

Imaginite Unlocks:
Metal Ninja Stars (VIA Shrine)
Limb Enhancers (Leg Guards)
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 18:30:58 09/10/2016 by Chompy-King257
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#2 Posted: 14:06:39 09/10/2016
ooooh cool idea
Guest Star:Deadpool
Franchise:Marvel(or more specifically, Deadpool)
Catchphrase:Look at me mom! I'm in a kids game!

Attack 1:Shoot enemies with his pistols
Attack 2:Slice through a bunch of enemies with your katana
Attack 3:Taunt your enemies, this makes them...... less agressive? Oh well.
Soul Gem:Sometimes, taunting enemies will make them your allies, for a little while
Sky-Chi:Deadpool throws a bunch of katanas, why does he have so many katanas, cause he's Deadpool

Sensei Intro:"Hey Portal Master, that's right, it's me Deadpool, and i'm gonna entertain some kids, because i'm in a kids game.Also, I just learned that I can teach you imaginators of the quickshot class a secret technique, man, I hope they aren't X-men.
Rise and Shine Ursine
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#3 Posted: 14:15:16 09/10/2016
Guest Star: Papyrus
Franchise: Undertale
Element: Undead
Class: Sorcerer
Catchphrase: "IT IS I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS!"

Attack 1: Papyrus summons a bone and it gets shot at an enemy.
Attack 2: Papyrus pulls some spaghetti from his pocket, when thrown at an enemy it stuns them for a few seconds.
Attack 3: Papyrus summons Toby Fox, which makes a healing aura around him while the dog jumps around playing the Dog Song.
Soul Gem: Papyrus can turn his enemies blue, lowering there attack power.
Sky-Chi Sans will appear beside Papyrus, throwing tons of puns at him and Papyrus will enter his Pun Rage form, stomping his foot on the ground over and over sending waves of blue and orange bones.


Imaginators Unlock:
The Great Papyrus's Scarf (Mythic Hat)
Magic Gloves of the Great Papyrus (Mythic Sorcerer Weapon) Unlocked by opening Sorcerer Shrine using Papyrus.
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 15:20:56 09/10/2016 by PwnageFTW
KingMed Gold Sparx Gems: 2456
#4 Posted: 14:37:11 09/10/2016
Guest star : Miley Cyrus
Pop Star
Class : Smasher
Element : Light
Attack 1 : Smashes enemies with her Hammer...when the enimes die they explode into rainbows and butterflies that heal her.
Attack 2 : Rainbow laser...She shoots rainbows from her mouth.
Attack 3 : She can summon up to 5 furries that would throw vegan food at enimes and barf glitter on them.
Soul gem : Holding the third attack will creat a giant rainbow whirlpool that would suck enimes in.
Skychi : Miley will ride her wrecking ball and destroy her enimes while rainbows fall from the sky and 10 furries will attack everything they see and colorful dolphins will heal her and her allies.
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#5 Posted: 14:44:03 09/10/2016
Guest Star: Bayonetta
Franchise: Bayonetta
Element: Magic
Class: Quickshot
Catchphrase: "Let's dance, boys!"

Attack 1: Love is Blue - Bayonetta shoots from her pistols.
Attack 2: Wicked Weaves - Bayonetta summons the arms and legs of Madama Butterfly to aid her in battle.
Attack 3: Witch Time - Bayonetta backflips. If she does so before an enemy strikes her, that enemy will crawl to a snail's pace for a short time.
Soul Gem: Madama Butterfly - Hold Attack 2 to actually become Madama Butterfly.
Sky-Chi: Poses and says "AUVAVORA!", causing the hair around her body to form into Gomorrah. This knocks all surrounding enemies into the air, and they land in Gomorrah's mouth. The demonic dragon chomps down multiple times before roaring and disappearing.

Sensei Intro:
"So you need someone to whip those little freaks of nature you call Imaginators into shape? Well, look no further."
"And here's something magical for fellow Quickshots. Just because I'm feeling nice."

Imaginator Unlocks:
-Umbran Earings (Ears; Ultimate) - Awarded by Bayonetta after putting her on the portal.
-Love is Blue (Quickshot Weapon; Ultimate) - Unlocked by opening a Quickshot Sensei Shrine with Bayonetta.


Guest Star: Charizard
Franchise: Pokemon
Element: Fire
Class: Brawler
Catchphrase: None, just roars.

Attack 1: Slashes at enemies with it's claws and wings.
Attack 2: Shoots a Fire Blast from it's mouth.
Attack 3: Uses Sky Drop to grab an enemy and take them into the air, then slam them into the ground.
Soul Gem: A Pikachu fights alongside Charizard, using Thundershock and Iron Tail.
Sky-Chi: Charizard transforms into Mega Charizard X. While in this form, Mega Charizard X has all the attacks, except made even more powerful, and has much more armor.

Sensei Intro:
"Hey, name's Red. Me and Charizard are ready to teach your Imaginators the ways of battling!"
"Here's a move that Charizard learned, maybe your Brawlers will find it pretty good."

Imaginator Unlocks:
-Red Cap (Head Gear, Ultimate) - Awarded by Charizard after putting him on the portal.
-Fire-Red Claws (Brawler Weapon, Ultimate) - Unlocked by opening a Brawler Sensei Shrine with Charizard.


Guest Star: Ganondorf (Going with Hyrule Warriors version here)
Franchise: The Legend of Zelda
Element: Dark
Class: Swashbuckler
Catchphrase: None, just lets out a sinister laugh.

Attack 1: Slashes with the Swords of Despair.
Attack 2: Creates an energy projectile that travels forward. Can be deflected back at you though, but you can deflect it back after it's deflected back.
Attack 3: Slams his swords into the ground and creates a burst of dark magic.
Soul Gem: Chance to curse enemies with your attacks, making them take damage overtime.
Sky-Chi: Transforms into Ganon. While in this form, he can slash his blades, stomp the ground, and charge forward, all of which deal massive damage.

Sensei Intro:
-"A king such as myself should not waste his time on your Imaginators... But seems I have no other choice."
-"The most I can do is educate them on this technique for Swashbucklers."

Imaginator Unlocks:
-Dark King Mane (Head Gear, Ultimate) - Awarded by Ganondorf after putting him on the portal.
-Swords of Despair (Swashbuckler Weapon, Ultimate) - Unlocked by opening a Swashbuckler Shrine with Ganondorf.


Guest Star: Po
Franchise: Kung Fu Panda
Element: Magic
Class: Brawler
Catchphrase: "Legends of awesomeness!"

Attack 1: Pulls off some sweet Kung Fu moves.
Attack 2: Performs a belly bash that bounces enemies away and deflects projectiles.
Attack 3: Forms a ball of Chi in his hands and throws it forward.
Soul Gem: Taps into Chi to boost the powers of his attacks.
Sky-Chi: Calls in the Furious Five, and all of them perform various strikes in all directions.

Sensei Intro:
-"Portal Master, I think you'll be proud to know that you've got a Dragon Warrior helping your Imaginators grow!"
-"If you need someone to teach your Brawlers some awesome Kung Fu techniques, then I'm your guy!"

Imaginator Unlocks:
-Panda Backpack (Backpack, Common) - Awarded by Po after putting him on the portal.
-Legendary Kung Fu Knockers (Brawler Weapon, Ultimate) - Unlocked by opening a Brawler Sensei Shrine with Po.


Guest Star: Undyne
Franchise: Undertale
Element: Water
Class: Knight
Catchphrase: "The spear of justice!"

Attack 1: Stabs at enemies with her spear.
Attack 2: Brings up a blue bar that acts as a shield, blocking enemy attacks.
Attack 3: Creates a wave of spears and sends it forward.
Soul Gem: Chance to turn enemies green, making them unable to move.
Sky-Chi: Becomes Undyne the Undying and has it rain spears from the sky, landing all over the place. Ends with a tidal wave bomb, finishing off remaining enemies.

Sensei Intro:
"You want me to make your Imaginators stronger? Well, let me at 'em, punk!"
"And I got a little something special for Knights. Trust me, it's awesome!"

Imaginator Unlocks:
-Fishy Eye Patch (Head Gear, Ultimate) - Awarded by Undyne after putting her on the portal.
-Spear of Justice (Knight Weapon, Ultimate) - Unlocked by opening a Knight Sensei Shrine with Undyne.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 17:09:12 19/10/2016 by AdamGregory03
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#6 Posted: 15:16:11 09/10/2016
Guest Star:Funtime Freddy
Franchise:Five Nights at Freddy's
Catchphrase:"It's Funtime!"

Attack 1:Press attack 1 to fire a microphone out of your bazooka.
Attack 2:Press attack 2 to summon throw the Bonnie Puppet at enemies and attacks them
Attack 3:Press attack 3 to open your face and chest cavity and reveal your endoskeleton, making you more aggresive, and your attacks stronger.
Soul Gem:Attack 3 can scare some enemies, freezing.
Sky-Chi:Funtime Freddy summons a ton of Bonnie Puppets which attack enemies.

Sensei Intro:Hello there portal master,I can help you get your imaginators get better and better. And if the imaginator is of the Bazooker battle class, I have a secret technique for them.

Imaginator Unlocks:
Funtime Tophat(Hat,Mythic)-Awarded by Funtime Freddy upon putting him on the portal
Funzooka-(Bazooker Weapon,Ultimate)-Unlocked by opening the Sensei Shrine in The Golden Arcade with Funtime Freddy

Guest Star:Ennard
Franchise:Five Nights at Freddy's
Element:Dark(cause he's evil)

Attack 1:Swipe at enemies with your tentacles
Attack 2:Charge at enemies and slam your fist in the ground.
Attack 3:Put you tentacles in the ground and make them spring up to attack enemies.
Soul Gem:Press Attack 1 and Attack 3 at the same time to take of your mask and become super agressive.
Sky-Chi:Spread out your tentacles and run around, damaging enemies with your jabbing tentacles.

Sensei Intro:Hello portal master, it is me, Baby, here to inform you that Ennard is here to help your imaginators grow stonger. and if you have a brawler imaginator, he can help them with a special technique.

Imaginator Unlocks:
Plastic Party Hat(Hat,Uncommon)-Awarded by Ennard upon putting him on the portal.
Endocuffs(Brawler Weapon,Mythic)-Unlocked by opening the Sensei Shrine in Cradle of Creation with Ennard.

Guest Star:The Puppet
Franchise:Five Nights at Freddy's

Attack 1:Shoot giftboxes
Attack 2:Throw a giftboxes that explode
Attack 3:Jump at enemies
Soul Gem:"Give Gifts Give Life":Giftboxes that defeat enemies will heal you
Sky-Chi:Jump into a music box and create damaging music waves

Sensei Intro:Uh, Hello, Hello Hello, Hey portal master, our Puppet friend here has come to train your imaginators. Also, if you have a sorcerer imaginator, she has a special technique for them, uh goodnight.

Imaginator Unlocks:
Giftbox Staff-(Sorcerer Weapon,Mythic)-Awarded by putting The Puppet on the portal.
Puppet Backpack-(Backpack,Legendary)-Unlocked by opening the Sensei Shrine in Scholarville with The Puppet

Guest Star:Batman
Franchise:DC Comic(More specifically, Batman)
Catchphrase:"The Dark Knight Rises"

Attack 1:Swing your Bat-Sword at enemies
Attack 2:Throw your Batarangs at enemies
Attack 3:Throw a Bat Bomb at enemies that will eventually explode.
Soul Gem:"Spotlight" A spotlight will appear near a spot were enemies will appear
Sky-Chi:Drive on enemies with the Batmobile

Sensei Intro:Hello portal master, it is I, Batman, here to save Skylands. Wait, I can give a special technique to created sidekicks of the knight class? Cool.

Imaginator Unlocks:
Bat Slash-(Knight Weapon,Uncommon)-Awarded by putting Batman on the portal.
Batpack-9Backpack,Mythic)-Unlocked by opening the Sensei Shrine in Shellomont Shores with Batman.

Guest Star:Bowser Jr.
Franchise:Super Mario Bros

Attack 1:Punch enemies with your fists
Attack 2:Spin into enemies, knocking them back
Attack 3:Throw Bob-ombs that will target enemies
Soul Gem:Spin is replaced with a Go Kart dash that does a ton of damage.
Sky-Chi:The clowncart repetedly bounces up and down.

Sensei Intro:None (BJ doesn't talk)

Imaginator Unlocks:
Koopa Mohawk-(Hat,Uncommon)-Awarded by putting Bowser Jr. on the portal
Clowncart Gloves-(Brawler Weapon, Mythic)-Awarded by opening the sensei shrine in Cradle of Creation with Bowser Jr.
Coming Soon:Bowser jr,Petey Pirahna, and Steve
Rise and Shine Ursine
Edited 7 times - Last edited at 20:15:24 10/10/2016 by King-Pen Krazy
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#7 Posted: 16:10:59 09/10/2016
Guest Star: Kamen Rider Fourze
Franchise: Kamen Rider
Element: Tech
Class: Brawler
Catchphrase: "IT'S SPACE TIME!"

Attack 1: A combo using a number of Fourze's Cosmic Switches. Most pronounced is the Rocket Switch.
Attack 2: Fourze transforms into one of his different states, Elek State, Fire State, and Magnet State. Each form gives him a different primary attack. Elek is a combo using Billy the Rod, Fire is a projectile attack from his blaster, and Magnet is a stronger, slower projectile shot.
Attack 3: An extra attack for each form. Normal States gets a combo primarily using switches attributed to his legs, Elek gets a mroe range based single strike, Fire gets a closer range water based attack, and Magnet gets a faster, weaker projectile attack.
Soul Gem: Gains access to Cosmic States. It's attacks are a melee combo, and a powerful energy blast.
Sky-Chi: Fourze turns into Rocket States, and flies through every enemy on the screen.

Sensei Intro:
"Yo, what's up, Portal Master? If you ever want to give your Imaginators a cosmic-level power-up, just call on me!"
"And if you want to impress your friends, here's a stellar secret technique for Brawlers!"

Imaginator Unlocks:
Friendly Pompadour (Hat)
Drill Knuckles (Brawler Weapon)


Guest Star: Jibanyan
Franchise: Yo-Kai Watch
Element: Fire
Class: Brawler
Catchphrase: "I'm pretty busy right meow."

Attack 1: Jibanyan's Paws of Fury, a rapid fire punching attack.
Attack 2: Jibanyan pulls out Whisper, and hurls him as a projectile.
Attack 3: Jibanyan spins around, creating a circular burst of fire from his tail.
Soul Gem: Idling will cause Jibanyan to fall asleep, where he can recover health.
Sky-Chi: Jibanyan and WHisper fuse into Buchinyan, who performs his Flurry of Furry attack against every enemy on screen.

Sensei Intro:
"What's up, Portal Master? I am Whisper, and I'll be teaching your Imaginator in lieu of that lazy cat."
"Hey! What do you Nyow!? I can totally teach Brawlers a secret technique!"

Imaginator Unlocks:
Nyan Ears (Hat)
Paws of Furry (Brawler Weapon)


Guest Star: Sagittarius
Franchise: Kamen Rider
Element: Fire
Class: Bowslinger
Catchphrase: "To rule the stars..."

Attack 1: Fires a volley of arrows from his crossbow.
Attack 2: A flaming roundhouse kick, which leaves a trail of fire behind it. The trail sticks around as a trap.
Attack 3: Absorbs objects (Enemies, gold, food) Into his crossbow, and then fires a larger shot.
Soul Gem: Holding down the primary attack button will summon a black hole, which absorbs enemies into it.
Sky-Chi: Turns into his Nova form, and performs a kick on the ground, destroying all enemies.

Sensei Intro:
"Greetings, Portal Master. I have come to you to grant your Imaginators limitless cosmic power."
"But, I can also teach Bowslingers a secret technique. I was a principal, you know."

Imaginators Unlocks:
Sagittarius Crest (Hat)
Gilgamesh Bow (Bowslinger Weapon)


Guest Star: Dame Dedtime
Franchise: Yo-kai Watch
Element: Undead
Class: Sorcerer
Catchphrase: "Your time has come! DUN DUN DUUUUUUN!"

Attack 1: Shoots a blast of magic energy from her cane.
Attack 2: Summons a Wicked Yo-Kai to attack enemies.
Attack 3: Creates a time vortex on the ground, which slows down and harms enemies.
Soul Gem: After dying once, Dame Dedtime creates a time portal to restore herself back to full health.
Sky-Chi: Transforms into Dame Demona, who absorbs every enemy's life force. Also heals her.

Sensei Intro:
"Greetings, Portal Master! I, the wonderful Dame Dedtime, have come in the nick of time to give your Imaginators a power-up!"
"I will also teach Sorcerers a truly Wicked secret technique! DUN DUN DUUUUUUN!"

Imaginator Unlocks:
Witch's Do (Hat)
Wicked Staff (Sorcerer Weapon)


Guest Star: ZyuohEagle
Franchise: Super Sentai
Element: Air
Class: Knight
Catchphrase: "Don't mess with this planet!"

Attack 1: A combo with his chain-sword, the Eagrizer.
Attack 2: Transforms into ZyuohGorilla, who's main attack is a powerful melee combo.
Attack 3: An extra ttack for both forms. ZyuohEagle gets a flying dash attack, and ZyuohGorilla gets a AoE ground smash attack.
Soul Gem: When paired up with another player, ZyuohEagle gets a big stat boost.
Sky-Chi: Transforms into ZyuohWHale, who shoots a large blast at enemies.

Sensei Intro:
"Hello, Portal Master! If me and your Imaginator can make a connection, I'm sure we can both protect this world."
"I've also studied this secret technique for Knights out in the wild!"

Imaginator Unlocks:
Eagle's Wings (Backpack)
Eagrizer (Knight Weapon)


Guest Star: Bangray
Franchise: Super Sentai
Element: Water
Class: Smasher
Catchphrase: "Let's get Crackin'."

Attack 1: Swings his anchor in a combo.
Attack 2: Fires a series of lasers at enemies.
Attack 3: Creates a monster to attack enemies.
Soul Gem: Can sometimes summon Kubar, who is more powerful than normal monsters.
Sky-Chi: Summons his ship to cover the area in poison gas.

Sensei Intro:
"Yo, Portal Master! You ready to have your Imaginators readied for the next big hunt?"
"Smashers will need this secret technique if they wanna get crackin'!"

Imaginator Unlocks:
Cosmic Hunter's Cap (Hat)
Mega Beast anchor (Smasher Weapon)
// Check out my Skylanders game idea!
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 01:48:40 10/10/2016 by Bionichute
SuperCharger95 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1071
#8 Posted: 18:02:31 09/10/2016
Guest Star: Mario [Fists o' Flame Mario]
Franchise: Super Mario
Element: Fire
Class: Brawler
Catchphrase: "Let's-a go!"

Attack 1: Throws a punch from afar that burns enemies, inflicting damage overtime.
Attack 2: Eats a Mega Mushroom and becomes Mega Mario for a short time, temporarily increasing power and defense
Attack 3: Throws a fireball that has a chance to deal multiple hits
Soul Gem: Calls Luigi to fight alongside him, each enemies defeated by Luigi restores your health
Sky-Chi: Mario grows to Mega Mario in rage, causing a massive explosion, inflicting damage to nearby enemies, has a slight chance to self destruct himself

SenseI Intro: "Hello-a Portal Master, it's-a me, Mario, Hoo-hoo, and I'm-a here all the way-a from the Mushroom Kingdom to assist in making your imaginators stronger than ever. And-a I have an effective power up for all imaginators of the brawler class!"

Imaginators Unlock:
Mario Set:
Mario's Face [Head]
Mario's Arms [Arms]
Mario's Body [Body]
Mario's Legs [Legs]
Plumber's Gloves [Brawler Weapon]
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#9 Posted: 18:27:07 09/10/2016
Guest Star: King Dedede
Franchise: Kirby
Element: Air
Class: Smasher
Catchphrase: "Dedede, Comin' At Ya!"

Attack 1: Smashes his hammer on the ground.
Attack 2: Summons a Waddle-Dee to fight for him. Can have up to 3 waddle dees active at a time.
Attack 3: Sucks in all the enemies in front of him. He doesn't get any powers or anything, but it kills em' ded!
Soul Gem: He can now charge the hammer into the jet hammer.
Sky-Chi: King Dedede dons his famous mask, and becomes Masked Dedede! His hammer turns into an axe, and he uses the axe to do massive damage for about 30 seconds.

Sensei Intro:
"Get ready portal master, because your Imaginators are about to get the royal treatment!"
"And for those smasher class guys of yours, I'll give em' a special power!"

Imaginator Unlocks:
Dedede Cap (Hat)
King's Hammer (Smasher Weapon)

- - -

Guest Star: Meta Knight
Franchise: Kirby
Element: Dark
Class: Knight
Catchphrase: "Know My Power!"

Attack 1: A quick sword combo, that goes pretty fast.
Attack 2: Meta Knight uses his cape to teleport directly in front of him.
Attack 3: Meta Knight spins around in a mach tornado, catching all enemies in it's way!
Soul Gem: Meta Knight can now charge his sword up, and perform an uppercut slash!
Sky-Chi: Meta Knight's cape turns into wings, and he can now fly around whilst slashing enemies for a short time.

Sensei Intro:
"Victory is My Destiny.. and I shall make it the destiny of your imaginators."
"I can also teach your knight class imaginators in a new technique."

Imaginator Unlocks:
Meta Cape (Backpack)
Galaxia (Knight Weapon)
omer1698 Gold Sparx Gems: 2258
#10 Posted: 18:55:11 09/10/2016
guest star: sora
Franchise: kingdom hearts
element: light
class: knight
Catchphrase: "by the power of the light!"

attack 1: sora is slashing enemies with the keyblade
attack 2: sora using sliding dash
attack 3: sora using firaga
soul gem: sora summons donald and goofy for temporary time and thye both aid him in battle
sky-chi: sora summons anthor keyblade and slashing all the enemies around

sensei intro:
"dont worry portal master, with the power of my keyblade i will help your imagnitor to become stronger then ever!"
"and i can teach your knight class imagnitors a technique the will be very usefull in the battle ageinst the darkness"

Imaginator Unlocks:
spiky hair (headgear)
keyblade (Knight Weapon)
" i am thou, thou art i"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:56:17 09/10/2016 by omer1698
Extreme_Kaos99 Blue Sparx Gems: 914
#11 Posted: 19:05:47 09/10/2016
Guest Star: Link
Franchise: Legend of Zelda
Element: Life
Class: Knight
Catchphrase: "Triforce Slash!"

Attack 1: Slash enemies with your sword.
Attack 2: Throw a bomb at enemies.
Attack 3: Shoot an arrow at an enemy.
Soul Gem: Hold attack 1 to do the ultimate Triforce Slash!
Sky-Chi: Fire an arrow into the air that makes many arrows shoot down on enemies, exploding as they hit.

Sensei Intro:
"I will train your Imaginators the powers of the Triforce"
"Check out this awesome technique that your imaginators can use to over power Gannondwar-I mean Kaos!"
Kat-Kun Green Sparx Gems: 415
#12 Posted: 19:08:20 09/10/2016
matil sanik
cechfraz: colect teh keus emrlds


whun: slisce enmyz wit thndr clows
too: crete rng spirk feild
thrii: absrb keus emrlds ind bcum sapuh matil sanik

skai chii: crete rbotec chli dawgs tu heel urslf
soll gim: smon rndom bdkin by howdling duwn attek whun
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the waaaaaay!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:11:05 09/10/2016 by Kat-Kun
omer1698 Gold Sparx Gems: 2258
#13 Posted: 19:09:10 09/10/2016
Man i wish i could put in this topic a character from a franchise i made.
" i am thou, thou art i"
Kat-Kun Green Sparx Gems: 415
#14 Posted: 19:10:00 09/10/2016

Metal Sonic
Catchphrase: Collect the Chaos Emeralds!


One: Slice enemies with thunder claws
Two: Create a Ring Spark Field
Three: Absorb Chaos Emeralds and become Super Metal Sonic

Sky Chi: Create robotic chili dogs to heal yourself
Soul Gem: Summon a random Badnik by holding down Attack 1
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the waaaaaay!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:10:31 09/10/2016 by Kat-Kun
ChopChopz Blue Sparx Gems: 752
#15 Posted: 20:27:34 09/10/2016
Guest Star: Genji
Franchise: Overwatch
Element: Tech
Class: Ninja
Catchphrase: Ryūjin no ken wo kurae!

Attack 1: Throws his ninja stars
Attack 2: Dashes forward with his katana, damaging enemies.
Attack 3: Can deflect enemy attacks
Soul Gem: Can now double jump. Damage will also double if he is in midair.
Sky-Chi: Genji's ult

Sensei Intro: Even if I sacrifice my body, I will never sacrifice my honor to train your Imaginators, Portal Master.

And I also have something helpful. How about a secret Ninja technique for your Imaginators?

Guest Star: Soldier
Franchise: TF2
Element: Tech
Class: Bazooker
Catchphrase: Maggots!

Attack 1: Shoots a rocket
Attack 2: Swings with a shovel, and then switches back to Rocket Launcher.
Attack 3: Shoots triple rockets
Soul Gem: Can now rocket jump across the map.
Sky-Chi: Jumps up and starts spinning around, shooting his shotgun. Then he jumps up again and shoots rockets in all directions.

Sensei Intro: I will personally teach your Imaginators on how to fight that crazy bald-headed MAGGOT! And other stuff, as well.

And I'll PERSONALLY teach your Imaginators a DOMINATING technique.
smilie In loving memory. Was rejected for Imaginators. smilie

"When your beard is getting weird, Beard Spray! For men!"
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 20:35:24 09/10/2016 by ChopChopz
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#16 Posted: 20:42:44 09/10/2016
Here's one.

Guest Star: Bayonetta
Franchise: Bayonetta
Element: Dark
Class: Quickshot
Catchphrase: "Tomorrow Is Mine!"

Attack 1: Shoots her guns, from her hands and heels.
Attack 2: Does a rushing kick forward, while sliding on the ground.
Attack 3: Summons the fist of Madama Butterfly to punch enemies in front of bayonetta.
Soul Gem: Jumping gives bayonetta butterfly wings while in the air, that heal her.
Sky-Chi: Bayonetta creates a rune on the ground, that puts enemies into witch time. Any enemies killed in the rune will give bayonetta more XP than normal.

Sensei Intro:
"Why don't we get those imaginators ready to dance, portal master...?"

"And for those quickshot imaginators, here's a special surprise.."


Madama's Wings (Backpack)
Love is Blue (Quickshot Weapon)
sprocketrocket Emerald Sparx Gems: 3689
#17 Posted: 03:01:55 10/10/2016
Things I hope to make as Imaginators:

Guest Star: Peridot
Franchise: Steven Universe
Element: Tech
Class: Bazooker
Catchphrase: "Prepare to face my wrath you clods!!!"

Attack 1: Shoot chunks of metal
Attack 2: Lift her bazooka with ferrokinesis and swings it in front of her
Attack 3: summons random pieces of metal (sinks, wrenches, etc.)
Soul Gem: Use Peridots tablet to summon Steven who then proceeds to block Peridot from attacks and occasionally launch his shield
Sky-Chi: Hops on top of a corrupted gem (from "The Kindergarten Kid") and tramples enemies

Sensei Intro: "Your Clods, I mean Imaginators can now grow an extra level thanks to the great and lovable Peridot!" "And to teach your Imaginators of the Bazooker class a secret technique, tell them to come see the new leader of the Crystal gems!"


Makeshift bazooka (Bazooker Weapon)
Limb Enhancers (arms)

Guest Star: Lapis Lazuli
Franchise: Steven Universe
Class: Ninja (sorcerer when I make her as an imaginator tho no heads only Lapis)
Catchphrase: "I'm nobody's prisoner now!"

Attack 1: Shoots water shurikens
Attack 2: Dashes forward with her wings
Attack 3: Crushes people with a giant water hand
Soul Gem: Circles around with her wings attack anyone she comes in contact with
Sky-Chi: Summons water clones of the Crystal gems who fight for her

Sensei Intro: "With the extra power I can give your Imaginators they won't be anyone's prisoners!" "And guess who has a special technique to help break them from anyone's prison? That's right, me!"


Water Wings (backpack)
Edgy Water (Ninja weapon)

And finally...

Guest Star: Leggy
Franchise: Steven Universe
Element: Fire
Class: Brawler
Catchphrase: "Prepare for- What was I saying?

Attack 1: Kicks with firey feet
Attack 2: Launches a fireball with her feet
Attack 3: Headbutts her enemies into as much confusion as her!
Soul Gem: Summons the roaming eye to shoot a giant laser
Sky-Chi: Spins around in firey confusion

Sensei Intro: "I'll make all your Imaginators... If I can ever remember how..." Oh yeah, if I can ever figure it out I'll teach your Imaginators of the brawler class a secret technique!"


Roaming eye (aura)
Fire fists (brawler weapon)
"When your beard is getting weird, Beard Spray! For men!"
CelesteInk Blue Sparx Gems: 595
#18 Posted: 03:35:29 10/10/2016
Guest Star: Megaman X
Franchise: Megaman X
Element: Tech
Class: Quickshot

Attack 1: As default, shoots basic yellow projectiles in a straight line. Hold down button for a charged shot. Attack 1 also changes based on how you use Attack 2.

Attack 2: Uses a single slash from the Z Saber. Defeating an enemy with Attack 2 will change Attack 1 to fit the element of said defeated enemy. For example, if you defeat a Fire element enemy, Megaman X will turn red, and his Attack 1 will be replaced with a short ranged flamethrower. Defeating an Earth element enemy will turn Megaman X brown, and his Attack 1 will be replaced with a ground pound. Or defeating a Tech element enemy will turn Megaman X back to his default color and attack.

Attack 3: Uses a quick dash that can used on ground or in air. If used on ground, and immediately jumping afterward, you will gain a super speed jump. If you use Attack 2 during a dash, you will do a quicker but weaker attack. If you use Attack 1 during a dash (regardless of element), you will cancel the dash.

No idea for Sky-Chi, catchphrase, or unlocks.
Spellslamzer75 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1333
#19 Posted: 04:00:21 10/10/2016
Guest Star: Riki
Franchise: Xenoblade Chronicles
Element: Magic
Battle Class: Smasher
Catchphrase: "Leave It To Heropon!"

Attack 1: Riki Tantrum - Riki attacks nearby enemies with his weapon.
Attack 2: Heropon Arts Combo - Can be used up to three times to have Riki launch an ice projectile ahead, then spin around with fire breath, then unleash a cloud of poison breath.
Attack 3: Yoink! - Riki steals something (gold, food, experience) from an enemy, while also doing some damage. Food obtained this way has reduced effects compared to standard food drops.
Soul Gem: Riki Grab Treasure! - Yoink! will now pull nearby gold and food to you, and can steal from multiple enemies at once.
Sky-Chi: It's Hero Time! - Riki gains a huge increase to a random stat (armor, speed, critical chance, or elemental power) and attacks faster for a limited time.

Sensei Intro: "Portal Masterpon! Heropon Riki train Imaginator good! Make very strong!"

"Riki let Imaginator use super secret technique!"

Imaginator Unlocks:
Heropon Hairstyle (Headgear)
Warrior Gnasher (Smasher Weapon)
Strength, courage, and evil
Skylander3112 Gold Sparx Gems: 2128
#20 Posted: 04:49:15 10/10/2016
Name: Ben Tennyson
Franchise: Ben 10
Element: Tech
Battle Class: All
Catchphrase: "It's Hero Time!"

Attack 1: Punch and kick combo, aliens do different attacks
Attack 2: Use the Omnitrix to transform into an alien
Attack 3: Perform a dash, if it's a winged alien then fly
Soul Gem: Master Control
Sky-Chi: Turns into Alien X (can only be accessed this way) and wipe out every enemy with a mind blast

Upgrades include adding specific aliens into the Omnitrix, Ben starts off with 5 but can be upgraded to a maximum of 20

Aliens include Four Arms, Heatblast, XLR8, Wildmutt, Stinkfly, Cannonbolt, Swampfire, Humungousaur, Big Chill, Rath, Bloxx, Shocksquatch, Gravattack, Atomix (feel free to comment any others)

Pretty stupid but works...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:50:40 10/10/2016 by Skylander3112
Kat-Kun Green Sparx Gems: 415
#21 Posted: 11:17:55 10/10/2016
Exotic Butters
Catchphrase: Exotic Butters.

Attacks: Exotic Butters

Soul Gem: Exotic Butters
Sky-Chi: Exotic Butters

Intro: Exotic Butters
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the waaaaaay!
KingMed Gold Sparx Gems: 2456
#22 Posted: 13:14:33 10/10/2016
Guest Star: Sonic
Element : Air
Class : Brawler
First Attack: Brawling attacks...Hold for spinning dash
( While jumping he can target enemies
Second Attack : Blasts a Blue laser from his hand
Third Attack : Turns into a tornado
Soul gem : When his health is low chao will heal him
Special move : He turns into super sonic

Guest Star : Dark Magician
Class : Sorcerer
First Attack : Blasts Magic from his staff
Second Attack : Swipes his staff to attack his enimes holding down the button would make his staff spin and deflect enimes attacks.
Third attack : Attack enimes with Thousands knives
Soul gem : When his health is low he would hide under a hat until he attacks agian
Special move : Blasts enimes very rapidly and if he missed his magic blasts will turn into dark holes that would pull enimes and drain their helath
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:57:51 10/10/2016 by KingMed
Kat-Kun Green Sparx Gems: 415
#23 Posted: 13:22:28 10/10/2016
Quote: KingMed
Guest Star: Sonic
Element : Air
Class : Brawler
First Attack: Brawling attacks...Hold for spinning dash
( While jumping he can target enemies
Second Attack : Blasts a Blue laser from his hand
Third Attack : Turns into a tornado
Soul gem : When his health is low chao will heal him
Special move : He turns into super sonic

It would be a little better if his secondary attack was spin dash. He never blasts blue lasers at all in any of the games.
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the waaaaaay!
KingMed Gold Sparx Gems: 2456
#24 Posted: 13:49:27 10/10/2016
Quote: Kat-Kun
Quote: KingMed
Guest Star: Sonic
Element : Air
Class : Brawler
First Attack: Brawling attacks...Hold for spinning dash
( While jumping he can target enemies
Second Attack : Blasts a Blue laser from his hand
Third Attack : Turns into a tornado
Soul gem : When his health is low chao will heal him
Special move : He turns into super sonic

It would be a little better if his secondary attack was spin dash. He never blasts blue lasers at all in any of the games.

I know that dude...what I was thinking of is making him a bit different and more fun to play as
Kat-Kun Green Sparx Gems: 415
#25 Posted: 13:50:07 10/10/2016
Quote: KingMed
Quote: Kat-Kun
Quote: KingMed
Guest Star: Sonic
Element : Air
Class : Brawler
First Attack: Brawling attacks...Hold for spinning dash
( While jumping he can target enemies
Second Attack : Blasts a Blue laser from his hand
Third Attack : Turns into a tornado
Soul gem : When his health is low chao will heal him
Special move : He turns into super sonic

It would be a little better if his secondary attack was spin dash. He never blasts blue lasers at all in any of the games.

I know that dude...what I was thinking of is making him a bit different and more fun to play as

k, boi ;3
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the waaaaaay!
PMTgaming150 Gold Sparx Gems: 2238
#26 Posted: 15:36:13 10/10/2016
Giorno Giovanna (Life Brawler)
"I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream!"
"Hello Portal master I am the Gang-Star of Passione"
"I guess me and Gold Experience can teach you a few things"

Attack 1: Giorno uses a simple "Muda, Muda, Muda!" combo (hold button for more punches)
Attack 2: He summons Gold Experience to make a tree barrier (like Zook)
Attack 3: He makes a small animal and it follows him as an ally
Soul Gem: Once in a while, Giorno can take a hit and reflect it back at the enemy
Sky-Chi: He stabs Gold Experience with the arrow and it becomes Gold Experience Reqiuem, boosting all attacks until the meter empties

Also Jotaro and Gyro maybe I'll type those up later,
But there are so many reasons why this would never happen smilie
MS paint DIO stares into your soul
TotalEclipsePro Green Sparx Gems: 469
#27 Posted: 17:36:52 10/10/2016
Guest: Ganondorf.
Original Game: Legend of Zelda.
Class: Sentinel.
Element: Dark.
Catchphrase: (None, he just has an evil laugh like Bowser and Cortex.)

Attack 1: Slash combos with his Trident.
Attack 2: He throws his Trident and causes an explosion of darkness upon impact.
Attack 3: Warlock Punch.
Soul Gem: He now has the Triforce of Power and all of his attacks do more damage. He also receives a boost in armor.
Sky-Chi: He transforms into Ganon and lays waste to everything around him.

Intro: "Greetings, I am Ganondorf, Bearer of the Triforce of Power. I will train your puny Imaginators until they are worthy enough soldiers for even my army. But be warned Portal Master, once Kaos has been dealt with... I will take this world for myself."

Unlocked Parts: Gerudo Crown. Trident of Demise.
Galactic. Rocket. Aqua. Magma. Plasma. Skull.

Team Flare never happened!
sprocketrocket Emerald Sparx Gems: 3689
#28 Posted: 20:42:49 10/10/2016
Gonna do some more Steven Universe characters!
Guest Star: Garnet
Franchise: Steven Universe
Class: Brawler
Element: Magic
Catchphrase: "Twice the gem that you are!"

Attack 1: Punch with your gauntlets
Attack 2: Shoot Gauntlets like missiles (doesn't work again until they hit something or go off the screen
Attack 3: Use Future vision to dodge an attack and cause the enemy to harm them self
Soul Gem: Using future vision without an enemy attacking will occasionally give you gold (similar to Chomp Chest)
Sky-Chi: Split into Ruby and Sapphire and unleash a fury of fire and ice upon your opponents

Intro: "I'm here to teach your Imaginators the true power of love!" "And if you have any of the brawler class I'll teach them an electric tactic"

Gauntlets (brawler weapon)
Sweet Shades: (Headgear)

Guest Star: Pearl
Franchise: SU
Element: Air
Class: Sorcerer
Catchphrase: "In the name of Rose Quartz!"

Attack 1: Shoot a blast from your spear
Attack 2: Slice and dice your enemies with your spear
Attack 3: Spin around creating a tornado
Soul Gem: Create a Holo-Pearl who will copy your movements
Sky-Chi: Do a dance that spouts tornados all over the screen

Intro: "Your Imaginators can become strong, in the real way!" "And if any of them are of the Sorcerer class I'll teach them a secret technique that'll let them know it won't ever be over for them!"

Stevens shirt

Next I'll do Anethyst, Jasper and Bismuth


Guest Star: Amethyst
Franchise: SU
Element: Earth
Class: Swashbuckler
Catchphrase: "The Purple Puma returns!"

Attack 1: Use your whips to whip enemies into shape
Attack 2: Perform a Quartz dash
Attack 3: Trandform into purple puma! Attack 1 turns into punches and Attack 2 to body slam

Intro: "I'll whip all your Imaginators into shape!" "And if any of them are in the Seashbuckler class, I'll teach them a secret technique they'll never forget!"

Unlocks: not gonnna do them right now
"When your beard is getting weird, Beard Spray! For men!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:13:49 11/10/2016 by sprocketrocket
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