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Skylanders General Discussion Topic - Spoiler Warning [STICKY]
Zekrom Prime Blue Sparx Gems: 816
#17351 Posted: 00:45:24 22/09/2016
How do we know it's US only
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:46:11 22/09/2016 by Zekrom Prime
Street50 Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#17352 Posted: 00:46:22 22/09/2016
I'm hoping for the price of at the most 20 but I am sure they will charge more.
But I really hope maybe they will have a buy this amount and get a discount or some sort of deal. But I'd say there are 2 that I for sure hope to do.
But we need a lot more information. I'd worry that maybe when sending the character in maybe some of the skills you applied to the character maybe permanent? Meaning if you want a Knight character you have to wait until wave 4 to get a good look at all the knight battle class senseis. I doubt it though.
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#17353 Posted: 00:48:48 22/09/2016
Quote: AdamGregory03
Also I'm wondering if these figures will actually have your Imaginator in them. Because if they did that'd kinda negate the purpose of the crystals.

This is how I see it.

Crystals let you change the look, abilities (and hopefully Battle Class) of your Imaginator any time you want, while those are all most likely final once you get a 3D print.
If I got it right, then there is no way I would prefer a limited even if cool Imaginator to a fully-customizable one still inside the Crystal.

But we still don't know enough to understand the process correctly.
Now, if they also added a proper number of customizable upgrades to really turn your Imaginator into a Skylander that would be outstanding but I'm pretty sure it will never happen.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#17354 Posted: 00:50:30 22/09/2016

Here are the two most important pictures from the video!

[User Posted Image]


Also, anyone who thinks that these will be less than $30 a pop actually knows nothing about 3D Printing.
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5378
#17355 Posted: 00:52:59 22/09/2016
I really hope that they allow you to choose custom poses, because having it stuck in a reference pose like that is just.. bland.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Zekrom Prime Blue Sparx Gems: 816
#17356 Posted: 01:02:25 22/09/2016
Quote: Drawdler
^ If they do, I imagine they'll have a handful of poses you can pick from?

And thanks again seriously *_*

I hope so
but knowing Toys For Bob take it with a grain of salt
Psychomancer Yellow Sparx Gems: 1374
#17357 Posted: 01:14:00 22/09/2016
Quote: Drek95
Quote: AdamGregory03
Also I'm wondering if these figures will actually have your Imaginator in them. Because if they did that'd kinda negate the purpose of the crystals.

This is how I see it.

Crystals let you change the look, abilities (and hopefully Battle Class) of your Imaginator any time you want, while those are all most likely final once you get a 3D print.
If I got it right, then there is no way I would prefer a limited even if cool Imaginator to a fully-customizable one still inside the Crystal.

But we still don't know enough to understand the process correctly.
Now, if they also added a proper number of customizable upgrades to really turn your Imaginator into a Skylander that would be outstanding but I'm pretty sure it will never happen.

I think it would be really interesting if your choices on the custom skylander were final (except for the gear, maybe). But I don't think they will trouble themselves with it. They will just put a creation crystal chip in it, and it will work exactly like any creation crystal.
Behold, my Catchphrase of Doom!
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#17358 Posted: 01:26:15 22/09/2016
Yeah, I guess it would be much easier but it would also be weird if you changed the Imaginator in-game.

I'm curious to see how they will deal with special Classes: I assume Swashbucklers will have a Ninjini-like pose but what about Sorcerers?
Will they stand on their feet or will they have transparent parts to make them look like they are floating?
I hope for the former, but I think it would be even better if the staff was attached to the base and the character was floating while holding it with one hand.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
juarmo Blue Sparx Gems: 749
#17359 Posted: 01:41:33 22/09/2016
I will exert my "American Advantage" to waste the potential of the app and just make the imaginator on the cover into a figure. smilie

I will call him "Fire Knight", and have whatever catchphrase/voice comes by default (unless its randomized or I hate said voice and/or catchphrase, then i'll stick to Yuri Lowenthal's voice and some catchphrase that sounds cool. "You can't handle Life" might be the perfect way to bait you people into flaming)

Then I will rub it in the face of everyone here NOT from the US that my totally unoriginal idea got made into a toy while your far more creative stuff doesn't get squat (unless someone in the US plagiarizes it, perhaps with the intent of shipping it to you.)

I actually plan to make the imaginator into a figure. I probably WON'T do everything else I said I would do
My dream in life is to steamroll Skylanders Imaginators on Nightmare difficulty with only a Level 60 Sir Hoodington with maximum Fire Elemental Power
isaac343018s Emerald Sparx Gems: 4478
#17360 Posted: 01:45:37 22/09/2016
I thought I was the only one who planned to make the Imaginator staple. We should all decide on a name
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#17361 Posted: 01:48:00 22/09/2016
Watch them create him in the app's reveal video. smilie
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#17362 Posted: 01:49:51 22/09/2016
Quote: isaac343018s
I thought I was the only one who planned to make the Imaginator staple. We should all decide on a name

I just call him the Defaultlander. Uncreative, I know...
diddy50 Gold Sparx Gems: 2554
#17363 Posted: 01:50:48 22/09/2016
I'm so sad I missed the video...
juarmo Blue Sparx Gems: 749
#17364 Posted: 02:31:46 22/09/2016
Quote: Drek95
Yeah, I guess it would be much easier but it would also be weird if you changed the Imaginator in-game.

I'm curious to see how they will deal with special Classes: I assume Swashbucklers will have a Ninjini-like pose but what about Sorcerers?
Will they stand on their feet or will they have transparent parts to make them look like they are floating?
I hope for the former, but I think it would be even better if the staff was attached to the base and the character was floating while holding it with one hand.

I think the idea is you settle on a look for the imaginator EVENTUALLY.
In fact, I think a big part of the reason you can switch out parts after settling in the first place, is because some of the parts might be improvised to fit your imaginator, and you might eventually unlock parts that work better for what you initially had in mind [or gear that makes existing parts work better]
In other words, I think they don't expect you to create spontaneously, and the only reason they let you change around the parts afterward is so if you find a say, a torso that looks better/more accurate, you can change the torso to that one.

Apart from being able to swap parts after making one: which I explained why that works to the advantage of existing ideas as much as it does to spontaneous creation, it's definitely evident that they expect you to have an idea for your skylander planned out in advance.
In other words, once you've had them make your character into a figure, they don't expect you to WANT to change it.
Because you've already commited to how it works.
Your idea has already been finalized by that point (presumably), and you're not planning to change it.
There are 3 steps to making a design:
Concept, Variation, and Finalization.
First you come up with a concept. Intended to be done in your head or on paper. (this most likely includes how you'd want/expect the skylander to fight.)
Second, you pick the concept you like best, and put in the crystal or generate it using the app, there will be improvisation at first, you come up with variations for that design.(cause there's gonna be a lot of improvisation at first, the inconsistencies might even inspire you to tweak the intended design a bit) These are meant to be rough sketches, not necessarily super detailed because you haven't commited to those details yet. Intended to be done in the app.
Third, after you pick the variation you like best, and fine tune it, add details here and there, until its been finalized, you use the creator app to have it 3D printed and give it physical form.

DISCLAIMER: I modified the wording of the steps a lil' to apply specifically to this context.

All those "suggestions" that were mailed to them, sketches, clay scultptures, digital pictures were clearly kids putting their idea to paper rather than creating spontaneously.
The theme is "bring your ideas to life", not "make a custom character with a hodgepodge of random parts, find a design that suits you, then stick with it... or don't, just keep redesigning til you're bored"
In other words, the Battle Classes being unresettable should be a moot point when you should already know how your character is supposed to fight beforehand.
Like, even if I don't like the way a knight fights, there's no chance in hades that I'm going to make a swordsman with one Sword ANYTHING but a knight.
Or someone who dual wields pistols be ANYTHING but a Quickshot
Or, if I wanted to make a brawler character (like luminous35's Landshark)
Otherwise the drawings would be less consistent.
You know they were inspired by how thought out some of those drawings were, despite being made by kids, right?
"Some of those fan designs even had catchphrases and ideas for how they might attack!" If that's not an exact quote, it's a paraphrasal, and I don't believe I took it out of context, either.
My dream in life is to steamroll Skylanders Imaginators on Nightmare difficulty with only a Level 60 Sir Hoodington with maximum Fire Elemental Power
TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350
#17365 Posted: 02:33:58 22/09/2016
Quote: B-BOB358
Just a quick screen shot of Instagram

I like the cool box, but yeah it just looks like old stock repackaged.
[User Posted Image]

Not sure if anyone has called this out (don't need the attitude if it has) but this also confirms for me that cards are not coming back this year. I guess the other box images didn't show it either. Not a huge loss since they started it last game.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:37:47 22/09/2016 by TakeYourLemons
isaac343018s Emerald Sparx Gems: 4478
#17366 Posted: 02:39:39 22/09/2016
The fact that it says Skylanders Champions makes me think they'll be more triple packs than we know of at the moment. Fingers crossed for a Blackout/Spotlight/Echo Triple Pack.
juarmo Blue Sparx Gems: 749
#17367 Posted: 02:40:21 22/09/2016
Quote: TheToyNerd
Quote: isaac343018s
I thought I was the only one who planned to make the Imaginator staple. We should all decide on a name

I just call him the Defaultlander. Uncreative, I know...

I call him "Fire Knight", because its the default for what he is? I think? Or was it "Fire Imaginator"?
I would call him "Default Imaginator", but unless they increased the character limit, there's four spaces too many.

EDIT: now that I think about it "Defaultlander" isn't accurate, because the default is the Starry constellation
Maybe "Mr. Stock Art"
or "Canon Imaginator" 2 spaces to many
or "Official Imaginator", but he's not the default version, so...
maybe Canonlander?
"Canon PC" (the npc's in the levels address you as an imaginator even if you're a sensei, so... [I mean that's just REALLY lazy when VV made special dialogue for Crash and Neo Cortex while TFB can't even record the same snippet of dialogue twice, but replace "Imaginator" with "Sensei"? Seriously TFB, I know its too much work to make special dialogue for EVERY CHARACTER, but you couldn't AT LEAST record NPC dialogue so that the NPCs call the Skylander you're using a "Sensei" if they aren't an Imaginator? [I mean, the main reason you aren't called "Skylander" in that context is because it wouldn't make sense for a Skylander to refer to another skylander as "Skylander", but if they aren't one you should call them "Sensei"])
(His primary color is red, the starter comes with a Fire Create a Crystal, I believe one of the demos showcased him with a fire crystal, and the leader of each team is the one that comes in the Starter Pack {Spyro leads the Cores, Tree Rex leads the Giants, Wash Buckler leads the SWAP Force, Snap Shot leads the Trap Team, Spitfire leads the Superchargers, King Pen is the Kingpin of the Senseis, and Golden Queen is the leader of the reformed villains [even before they were reformed lulz]. That leaves Fire Knight to be the leader of the imaginators smilie)
With normal skylanders i'm fine with the quotation marks as it is meant to be a nickname, not a way for you to rename them
That's how you'd write it out (Think Miles "Tails" Prower)
I call my EE Spyro "Spyro the Hero", as its more as a title to me.
I call my Trapped Kaos "Villain of Kaos", and I will likely call the Figure of him the same. (if not, then Klone of Kaos)
and my Spry "Sidekick Spry"
I will HATE it if the Imaginators get them though.
My dream in life is to steamroll Skylanders Imaginators on Nightmare difficulty with only a Level 60 Sir Hoodington with maximum Fire Elemental Power
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 03:00:13 22/09/2016 by juarmo
BoneGrunt Green Sparx Gems: 447
#17368 Posted: 02:41:50 22/09/2016
That triple pack still isn't worth $15. Seriously, you can a near identical triple pack (Zoo Lou for Riptide), brand new today, for $5. Zoo Lou isn't worth the extra charge...

I still don't understand these packs since they're readily available packaged Skylanders even today.
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#17369 Posted: 03:46:07 22/09/2016
I don't mean to change the subject, but just thought I'd bring this up since I'm surprised no one else has.

So does anyone remember that tech demo footage (I believe) where we caught a glimpse of the Knight Imaginator's Soul Gem? It was in the Sky Baron Fortress level. And which Doomlander is the boss of that level? The Knight Doomlander. So based on this, I'm betting that's going to be the case for every level, the class' Soul Gem is found in the same level in which you fight a Doomlander of that class. So for example, we know Sorcerer Imaginator's Soul Gem is in the first level, Cradle of Creation, so that to me means that the first boss is going to be the Sorcerer Doomlander.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#17370 Posted: 03:53:51 22/09/2016
let's hope for news tomorrow
B-BOB358 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1029
#17371 Posted: 04:32:49 22/09/2016
3D printing seems expensive, but I won't be able to resist lol.

Also because it's an app that's advertised on all countries Skylander sites and is linked to the game through the menu screen ( as we saw in a video a while back) , I'm pretty sure it won't be exclusive to the US.

Even if they tried to make it exclusive to the US , I'm guessing the only way to make 3D printing economically viable for fans would be to source the manufacturing to someplace like China and have them do it. And then ship them out from there in mass monthly shipments.
SA & Giants are the best skylanders games. I miss the old style.
Bloodmourn Green Sparx Gems: 238
#17372 Posted: 04:42:22 22/09/2016
I know my only experience with 3D prints is a figure my wife won at a con. They scanned and made her into a toy for winning a costume contest! She's on my shelf with my skylanders!

It took a few weeks to get and was supposed to cost about $200. Its a pretty large figure, so I'm guessing the skylanders would have to be pretty small to be affordable.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:58:55 22/09/2016 by Bloodmourn
Muffin Man Platinum Sparx Gems: 5511
#17373 Posted: 04:48:41 22/09/2016
Quote: juarmo
Quote: TheToyNerd
Quote: isaac343018s
I thought I was the only one who planned to make the Imaginator staple. We should all decide on a name

I just call him the Defaultlander. Uncreative, I know...

I call him "Fire Knight", because its the default for what he is? I think? Or was it "Fire Imaginator"?
I would call him "Default Imaginator", but unless they increased the character limit, there's four spaces too many.

EDIT: now that I think about it "Defaultlander" isn't accurate, because the default is the Starry constellation
Maybe "Mr. Stock Art"
or "Canon Imaginator" 2 spaces to many
or "Official Imaginator", but he's not the default version, so...
maybe Canonlander?
"Canon PC"

I say we should call him "Box Art Guy".
Boop me if you see this.
B-BOB358 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1029
#17374 Posted: 05:01:40 22/09/2016
Quote: AdamGregory03
Also I'm wondering if these figures will actually have your Imaginator in them. Because if they did that'd kinda negate the purpose of the crystals.

I think the 3D printed toys give more use to the crystals.

The crystals allow you to play as/customise your character completely to your best liking before you order it as a real figure

They're like a fully functional trial you can play with before ordering your final imaginator character.

And then once you've done that, you can design a completely new character with different looks/abilities on your crystal as well as possessing a fully functional figure of your last creation.

Even if battle classes remain locked to crystals, it's still appealing .
SA & Giants are the best skylanders games. I miss the old style.
Psychomancer Yellow Sparx Gems: 1374
#17375 Posted: 05:24:10 22/09/2016
Quote: Muffin Man
Quote: juarmo
Quote: TheToyNerd

I just call him the Defaultlander. Uncreative, I know...

I call him "Fire Knight", because its the default for what he is? I think? Or was it "Fire Imaginator"?
I would call him "Default Imaginator", but unless they increased the character limit, there's four spaces too many.

EDIT: now that I think about it "Defaultlander" isn't accurate, because the default is the Starry constellation
Maybe "Mr. Stock Art"
or "Canon Imaginator" 2 spaces to many
or "Official Imaginator", but he's not the default version, so...
maybe Canonlander?
"Canon PC"

I say we should call him "Box Art Guy".

I would call him "Imaginator"

And his catchphase should be "Portal Master, grant me life!"

Because that is basically the whole concept of the imaginators in one phrase.
Behold, my Catchphrase of Doom!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:27:50 22/09/2016 by Psychomancer
juarmo Blue Sparx Gems: 749
#17376 Posted: 05:43:39 22/09/2016
Quote: Psychomancer
Quote: Muffin Man
Quote: juarmo

I call him "Fire Knight", because its the default for what he is? I think? Or was it "Fire Imaginator"?
I would call him "Default Imaginator", but unless they increased the character limit, there's four spaces too many.

EDIT: now that I think about it "Defaultlander" isn't accurate, because the default is the Starry constellation
Maybe "Mr. Stock Art"
or "Canon Imaginator" 2 spaces to many
or "Official Imaginator", but he's not the default version, so...
maybe Canonlander?
"Canon PC"

I say we should call him "Box Art Guy".

I would call him "Imaginator"

And his catchphase should be "Portal Master, grant me life!"

Because that is basically whole concept of the imaginators in one phrase.

How'd I not think of that? Lol. Just call him Imaginator.
It's so uncreative that neither me nor TheToyCasualFan (I'm not calling you a nerd unless you start acting like one. I'll stop calling you filthy as long as your language stays clean and your head stays cool) could think of it while we were brainstorming actual ideas.
But what we really need for his name isn't an "idea", what we need is the most genetic thing possible!
You win! That's perfect!
My dream in life is to steamroll Skylanders Imaginators on Nightmare difficulty with only a Level 60 Sir Hoodington with maximum Fire Elemental Power
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:49:22 22/09/2016 by juarmo
myskylanders Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#17377 Posted: 07:13:30 22/09/2016
The "copy" of the Creator-App-Video has been taken down too, did anyone find another reupload somewhere yet?
- http://www.myskylanders.de All Skylanders related in German
angelg Gold Sparx Gems: 2791
#17378 Posted: 07:21:53 22/09/2016
Wow, being able to create your own designed figure is amazing, I though it would be limited to contest winners, but it seems it's not the case. A very pleasant surprise. Even if it's very expensive I'll go for one of two of them.

Hopefully they'll confirm soon that it's a feature avalaible for anyone (who's ready to pay the price) and not only some lucky kids.

Wondering if the quality of these figures will be as good as the rest of skylanders.
Life sucks...and then you die.
B-BOB358 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1029
#17379 Posted: 07:29:04 22/09/2016
Quote: myskylanders
The "copy" of the Creator-App-Video has been taken down too, did anyone find another reupload somewhere yet?

There's one on instagram atm if u search the most recent #skylandersimaginators
SA & Giants are the best skylanders games. I miss the old style.
myskylanders Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#17380 Posted: 07:55:47 22/09/2016
Quote: B-BOB358
Quote: myskylanders
The "copy" of the Creator-App-Video has been taken down too, did anyone find another reupload somewhere yet?

There's one on instagram atm if u search the most recent #skylandersimaginators

Thank you smilie
- http://www.myskylanders.de All Skylanders related in German
juarmo Blue Sparx Gems: 749
#17381 Posted: 07:56:44 22/09/2016
Quote: B-BOB358
Quote: myskylanders
The "copy" of the Creator-App-Video has been taken down too, did anyone find another reupload somewhere yet?

There's one on instagram atm if u search the most recent #skylandersimaginators

I saw the vid.
And then I saw an academy pic of smilie without her mask... Ew. Something's... off about her face with her mouth exposed. So that's why she didn't take it off during the hot dog/pie eating contest (I don't remember which), So that answers the "why", now all we need is the "how", as in "how did she win without taking it off?"
My dream in life is to steamroll Skylanders Imaginators on Nightmare difficulty with only a Level 60 Sir Hoodington with maximum Fire Elemental Power
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 07:59:15 22/09/2016 by juarmo
Takadox360 Gold Sparx Gems: 2852
#17382 Posted: 07:59:10 22/09/2016
This kinda seems a bit toooo good to be true. There has to be a downside to this.

I really hope it's true tho. Creating your own Skylanders and having a figure of them is beyond amazing.
i am trash
juarmo Blue Sparx Gems: 749
#17383 Posted: 08:00:00 22/09/2016
Quote: Takadox360
This kinda seems a bit toooo good to be true. There has to be a downside to this.

I really hope it's true tho. Creating your own Skylanders and having a figure of them is beyond amazing.

The cost? 3D printing isn't cheap, ya know.
My dream in life is to steamroll Skylanders Imaginators on Nightmare difficulty with only a Level 60 Sir Hoodington with maximum Fire Elemental Power
SkylandrPurists Emerald Sparx Gems: 3500
#17384 Posted: 12:11:30 22/09/2016
Why do I have a feeling that a lot of people on this forum are gonna make Crystal Gems in the Creation App.

My Midnight Marauders: smiliesmiliesmilie smiliesmilie
My Daylight Defenders: smiliesmiliesmilie smiliesmilie
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#17385 Posted: 12:15:34 22/09/2016
Quote: SkylandrPurists
Why do I have a feeling that a lot of people on this forum are gonna make Crystal Gems in the Creation App.


I don't see anything inherently wrong with that... You can make a Kirito or Asuna Skylander for all I care.
SkylandrPurists Emerald Sparx Gems: 3500
#17386 Posted: 12:30:09 22/09/2016
I'm actually not going to use the Creation App. Sorry folks! Like the cool idea though
My Midnight Marauders: smiliesmiliesmilie smiliesmilie
My Daylight Defenders: smiliesmiliesmilie smiliesmilie
Street50 Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#17387 Posted: 12:49:37 22/09/2016
Quote: SkylandrPurists
Why do I have a feeling that a lot of people on this forum are gonna make Crystal Gems in the Creation App.


also have a feeling a lot of people will make Mario and Sonic and DBZ characters and sell them on Ebay to people who aren't going to do their research or sit on the figures until the creator app is shut down. Then these characters will have a resell value.
Most of my characters will be my own original creation. I don't have anything against those who want to do such things as using characters from other franchises but I never really truly understand it.
But As when it comes to this apps and figures I only right now plan to do 2. Main Male and Main Female characters of mine.
But depending on the price and if maybe they can make package deals I may make a bunch more or aim to do one for each element.

But I'd also love to take a stab at making the most offensive character too..... Maybe we could put up a page devoted to the most offensive user created figured characters.
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#17388 Posted: 13:02:26 22/09/2016
Depending on how expensive it is, I'm going to probably make three. My OC, my brother's OC and Pat from Super Best Friends Play
TrapShadowFan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3511
#17389 Posted: 13:59:29 22/09/2016
I'm probably gonna make my three best OCs, and if I still have money later on (and if it looks good in-game), maaaaybe a Lapis figure. I'm only gonna pick the characters closest to the original design I had in mind, because the figures will look strange to me if I don't make them close to accurate in the game.
SSj3 Derek Gold Sparx Gems: 2061
#17390 Posted: 14:13:19 22/09/2016
For all those planning to get 3D printed figures from (x franchise), bear in mind they probably will not allow that due to potential legal issues.
Street50 Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#17391 Posted: 14:14:48 22/09/2016
wish amazon.com and bestbuy would start putting up the preorders besides Amazon's villain pack.
Them being the ones that offer 20% off are the most anticipated for me. Though amazon maybe waiting to get approval to put all including the crystals up. But amazon.de at least put most of the senseis up. But less the one month away from the release I'd like to start putting in my orders.
TrapShadowFan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3511
#17392 Posted: 14:16:21 22/09/2016
Quote: SSj3 Derek
For all those planning to get 3D printed figures from (x franchise), bear in mind they probably will not allow that due to potential legal issues.

They won't put the name on the figure itself, and the Imaginator is made from a number of pre-set body parts, so it will never exactly be that character.
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#17393 Posted: 14:30:37 22/09/2016
Quote: TrapShadowFan
Quote: SSj3 Derek
For all those planning to get 3D printed figures from (x franchise), bear in mind they probably will not allow that due to potential legal issues.

They won't put the name on the figure itself, and the Imaginator is made from a number of pre-set body parts, so it will never exactly be that character.

Plus, that seems like a waste of energy to limit 100-200 combinations out of the Googol possible combos. That's just silly!
SSj3 Derek Gold Sparx Gems: 2061
#17394 Posted: 14:34:49 22/09/2016
Quote: TheToyNerd
Quote: TrapShadowFan
Quote: SSj3 Derek
For all those planning to get 3D printed figures from (x franchise), bear in mind they probably will not allow that due to potential legal issues.

They won't put the name on the figure itself, and the Imaginator is made from a number of pre-set body parts, so it will never exactly be that character.

Plus, that seems like a waste of energy to limit 100-200 combinations out of the Googol possible combos. That's just silly!

We saw this all time in City of Heroes where when people would try to create characters that were meant to be copyrighted characters (despite never being able to get them exactly like said copyrighted characters) those characters were reset and the people who did it given a warning. For people who are going to try to say this is different, you are right. This would be even worse than CoH, because actual money is changing hands for a physical toy. You can try it, but don't be surprised if they say no.
McMurderpaws Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#17395 Posted: 14:41:51 22/09/2016
Quote: TheToyNerd
Quote: TrapShadowFan
They won't put the name on the figure itself, and the Imaginator is made from a number of pre-set body parts, so it will never exactly be that character.

Plus, that seems like a waste of energy to limit 100-200 combinations out of the Googol possible combos. That's just silly!

I think you're misunderstanding what TrapShadowFan was saying -- read it more like, "You can't REALLY have a Mario Imaginator because you're just approximating based on what's available in the game." As in, if you make something that looks vaguely Mario-ish, you can still have it printed, because it won't really be Mario and therefore shouldn't violate copyright laws.

Or at least, that's the hope. What it comes down to in practice is a bridge we'll have to cross once it's actually been built.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 14:44:07 22/09/2016 by McMurderpaws
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#17396 Posted: 14:48:45 22/09/2016
Quote: McMurderpaws
Quote: TheToyNerd
Quote: TrapShadowFan
They won't put the name on the figure itself, and the Imaginator is made from a number of pre-set body parts, so it will never exactly be that character.

Plus, that seems like a waste of energy to limit 100-200 combinations out of the Googol possible combos. That's just silly!

I think you're misunderstanding what TrapShadowFan was saying -- read it more like, "You can't REALLY have a Mario Imaginator because you're just approximating based on what's available in the game." As in, if you make something that looks vaguely Mario-ish, you can still have it printed, because it won't really be Mario and therefore shouldn't violate copyright laws.

Or at least, that's the hope. What it comes down to in practice is a bridge we'll have to cross once it's actually been built.

Oh sure. I'm just saying, it would be stupid to have a filter where "these combinations of parts that slightly resemble Freddy Fazbear is banned"!!! There would be no point.
pezskylander Gold Sparx Gems: 2496
#17397 Posted: 15:19:41 22/09/2016
Quote: TrapShadowFan
Quote: SSj3 Derek
For all those planning to get 3D printed figures from (x franchise), bear in mind they probably will not allow that due to potential legal issues.

They won't put the name on the figure itself, and the Imaginator is made from a number of pre-set body parts, so it will never exactly be that character.

That's exactly what I was thinking. I realize people have all of these ideas they are drawing, but isn't it based on the available parts? I can't just make anything I want can I? And don't the parts have to be unlocked also? I haven't done too much research on this, but that is what it seems like to me.
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