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Skylanders General Discussion Topic - Spoiler Warning [STICKY]
Zekrom Prime Blue Sparx Gems: 816
#15001 Posted: 01:48:34 07/09/2016
Quote: Chompy-King257
Quote: Crash10
Tough in Skylanders you can die in the hub... At least with Ghost Roaster...

In SuperChargers, the Zen rake treasure hurts you if you step on it.

It looks it like but you take 0 damage
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#15002 Posted: 01:48:49 07/09/2016
Quote: Psychomancer
Quote: Drek95
Don't know, I already know the name of the first level I think, thanks to whoever wrote it down on the Imaginators game section.

I read just a bit of it and I think I got the point.
Sounds interesting, TfB might be up to some SuperChargers-like plot.

I think we've never heard of Academy Books before; maybe they are this year's Story Scrolls or Legendary Treasures?

Elemental Realms accessible by any Skylander...?
If they are what I think, and we've seen at least one, it was already pretty clear they weren't locked to Elements but this is even better!

What do you think the elemental realms are?

Just an educated guess, but I'll spoiler it in case someone doesn't want to know:

I think they'll be elmental-themed areas inside the M.A.P., where you either have to complete missions or simply explore and find treasures or collectables.
Maybe they could even be those Adventures mentioned in the Achievements.
We might have taken a peek at them with the Undead dungeon featured in some Cortex, Kaos and Dr. Krankcase's b-rolls.

I think the guy meant "each Sensei unlocks the Realm from his/her specific Element", not that each one unlocks a unique Realm (but that would be amazing): kinda how Secret Tecniques are unlocked only the first time.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:50:39 07/09/2016 by Drek95
Psychomancer Yellow Sparx Gems: 1374
#15003 Posted: 02:30:37 07/09/2016
Quote: Drek95
Quote: Psychomancer
Quote: Drek95
Don't know, I already know the name of the first level I think, thanks to whoever wrote it down on the Imaginators game section.

I read just a bit of it and I think I got the point.
Sounds interesting, TfB might be up to some SuperChargers-like plot.

I think we've never heard of Academy Books before; maybe they are this year's Story Scrolls or Legendary Treasures?

Elemental Realms accessible by any Skylander...?
If they are what I think, and we've seen at least one, it was already pretty clear they weren't locked to Elements but this is even better!

What do you think the elemental realms are?

Just an educated guess, but I'll spoiler it in case someone doesn't want to know:

I think they'll be elmental-themed areas inside the M.A.P., where you either have to complete missions or simply explore and find treasures or collectables.
Maybe they could even be those Adventures mentioned in the Achievements.
We might have taken a peek at them with the Undead dungeon featured in some Cortex, Kaos and Dr. Krankcase's b-rolls.

I think the guy meant "each Sensei unlocks the Realm from his/her specific Element", not that each one unlocks a unique Realm (but that would be amazing): kinda how Secret Tecniques are unlocked only the first time.

Is a really good guess, and I think you are right about it being one realm per element.
Behold, my Catchphrase of Doom!
B-BOB358 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1029
#15004 Posted: 05:12:50 07/09/2016
Quote: Luminous35
Quote: Bloxz
Quote: B-BOB358
you can make that many levels last a pretty long time if they send you on quests etc inbetween the levels to do Hub stuff. If anything , theyve just gotten rid of those intermediate levels in past skylanders game(e.g. go complete this level to get this thing that'll point the way to the next boss etc). I'd definately prefer decent continuous hub content over a few extra levels that are just their to stretch the plot.

If anyones played PVZ2 garden warfare on consoles, im kinda thinking the Hub will be similar to that. The PVZ2 hub area was really huge so im not expecting something that big for skylanders but it can still be amazing.

e.g. you go outside the Academy gates and then theres a decent sized level area where you can find npc's and do quests to destroy ## enemies, find items , find secret areas, play mini games, tower defense etc...

this type of system does seem to compliment the Skylanders Academy theme theyre going for (stealth elf etc giving quests and going with you on missions).
i know this off topic but i loved PVZGW2 for my life its 2nd fav game before trap team


But yes that'd be great because it's friggin huge, AND we could always battle anytime in the hub, take damage, but not actually die.

Super agree. Even if skylanders does half the job pvz2 did on the hub it'd still be amazing smilie hopefully skylanders took some pointers from it last year. It would suit skylanders incredibly well.
SA & Giants are the best skylanders games. I miss the old style.
SilverWolf2308 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1148
#15005 Posted: 08:14:56 07/09/2016
Quote: Bionichute
I actually think that the Magic Bowslinger is gonna be Buckshot, and is gonna be a centaur of some kind.

My theory is that originally they were gonna have a centaur body type, back when every class could have every body type, but they ended up getting cut.

EDIT: Also, Dandy Lion is a bad name that doesn't work at all with Magic or Bowslinger.

Yes because names totally make sense in Skylanders.... Are you just trying to think of excuses of why it wouldn't be? Cause that's what it looks like. Stink Bomb was a Life Ninja... the only thing remotely related to his name was the fact stink bomb, could've been a pun for smoke bomb which is what ninjas use. There's loads more Skylanders names that don't correlate with their element. Why does something have to sound like something to fit in a certain category?
Instagram: SilverWolf2308 https://instagram.com/silverwolf2308
YouTube: SilverWolf2308 https://www.youtube.com/user/SilverWolf2308
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5580
#15006 Posted: 13:35:52 07/09/2016
This had to be updated.

[User Posted Image]
BatWolf Blue Sparx Gems: 517
#15007 Posted: 13:56:19 07/09/2016
what in the world smilie
smilie smilie smilie smilie
: http://steamcommunity.com/id/BatWolfGaming
~DEFENDER OF TRI-TIP!~ One does not simply zoo tycoon machinima
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#15008 Posted: 13:59:10 07/09/2016
[User Posted Image]

my try
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#15009 Posted: 14:05:21 07/09/2016
I'm looking through the villain articles for some music stuff and has to watch Grave Clobber's intro again. Uhhh... Why does he have an organic mouth+ uvula if he's a rock person?
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:05:38 07/09/2016 by Bifrost
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 13085
#15010 Posted: 16:00:07 07/09/2016
I just remembered that the game will be out just over a month from now. How close to the game's release do you reckon we'll get the poster leaked online in higher quality?
deadpool_98 Green Sparx Gems: 441
#15011 Posted: 16:13:37 07/09/2016
With this giant lack of news, never ;(
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#15012 Posted: 16:22:03 07/09/2016
Actually, next week looks promising - Skylanders Universe Magazine coming out, the Gamestop Event, a small appearance in some competition I forget, some news(NX, some remasters and friends, even if rumors it's a very specific week) from other parts of the industry being teased. Seems like a good time as any to slip in more B-rolls for youtubers.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:22:42 07/09/2016 by Bifrost
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#15013 Posted: 16:25:35 07/09/2016
this something i defeinently think was interesting
you know when jet-vac said desperate guacamole monster times call for deperate measures in sky fortress
guess what you have to fight:0

Rise and Shine Ursine
TrapShadowFan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3511
#15014 Posted: 16:31:54 07/09/2016
Quote: Bifrost
Actually, next week looks promising - Skylanders Universe Magazine coming out, the Gamestop Event, a small appearance in some competition I forget, some news(NX, some remasters and friends, even if rumors it's a very specific week) from other parts of the industry being teased. Seems like a good time as any to slip in more B-rolls for youtubers.

Gamestop event?
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#15015 Posted: 16:32:53 07/09/2016
It does place that event as before Sky Fortress, nice observation. I wrote off that sentence as Academy!Jet-Vac using weird expressions.

Insane01 is going to a Gamestop event showcasing Acti titles, including SI, next weekish.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:33:31 07/09/2016 by Bifrost
omer1698 Gold Sparx Gems: 2258
#15016 Posted: 17:07:52 07/09/2016
So there will be a chunce to fight that giant guacamole monster?
Man im gonna enjoy this game so much smilie

Sorry i forgot to put quate
" i am thou, thou art i"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:08:35 07/09/2016 by omer1698
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#15017 Posted: 17:25:52 07/09/2016
Wait, remember that Jet-Vac said about a Annual Chilli Cook-Off by the vultures? This might mean something, but I think not...
Insane01 Gold Sparx Gems: 2038
#15018 Posted: 18:12:09 07/09/2016
The GameStop event Bifrost is referring to is the event I'm going to.......Expo 2016
It's GameStop's convention where they've got the newest games coming out, from SI to Injustice 2, latest COD and so on.
It's on 9/14 from 11-6, unless you get VIP ticket (which I did at $110) then you get in 90 minutes early.
there will be free goodies, giveaways, celebs (WWE's The Miz and his wife, Maryse, will be at the 2K booth for WWE 2K17)
For more, go to gamestop.com/expo for details
" Am I the mad one or are you?"
then, again, "we're all mad here
yelvy Gold Sparx Gems: 2450
#15019 Posted: 18:13:20 07/09/2016
Huh, the hub sounds like everything I wanted it to be! smilie
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#15020 Posted: 18:48:17 07/09/2016
Quote: Crash10
Wait, remember that Jet-Vac said about a Annual Chilli Cook-Off by the vultures? This might mean something, but I think not...

That part I think might just be intended as a joke, since Lou said in that let's play that there's "nothing scarier than vulture chili" or something. Considering the vulture's diet... I'd believe him on that.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#15021 Posted: 19:34:49 07/09/2016
Quote: yelvy
Huh, the hub sounds like everything I wanted it to be! smilie

Yeah! I can't wait until this game comes out

WAIT I JUST RELIZED SOMETHING! could the the places you find the adventures(Trouble Town, Operation: More War,etc) be there own seperate overworlds.


Rise and Shine Ursine
omer1698 Gold Sparx Gems: 2258
#15022 Posted: 19:37:22 07/09/2016
Maney the game will be more like openworld
" i am thou, thou art i"
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#15023 Posted: 19:38:30 07/09/2016

New trailer, mostly stuff from the overview trailer, aside from Flarewolf's Sky-Chi move.
//forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=129460 Check out my Skylanders game idea!
Takadox360 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3021
#15024 Posted: 19:43:58 07/09/2016
Really digging this double edged buzzsaw staff

[User Posted Image]
i am trash
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5580
#15025 Posted: 19:44:13 07/09/2016
[User Posted Image]

TTD Hunter Gems: 6621
#15026 Posted: 19:45:36 07/09/2016 | Topic Creator
Skylanders Creator app.
omer1698 Gold Sparx Gems: 2258
#15027 Posted: 19:46:10 07/09/2016
Deja vu how did you get this picture?
" i am thou, thou art i"
juarmo Blue Sparx Gems: 749
#15028 Posted: 19:46:27 07/09/2016
Bionichute, they also showed a snippet or two of Griffon Park Observatory. That's 2 noteworthy things

My dream in life is to steamroll Skylanders Imaginators on Nightmare difficulty with only a Level 60 Sir Hoodington with maximum Fire Elemental Power
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:48:19 07/09/2016 by juarmo
DreamTeam Yellow Sparx Gems: 1503
#15029 Posted: 19:47:41 07/09/2016
Save me?


i dont know what else to say, xox
Also i dont really care for skylanders anymore
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#15030 Posted: 19:49:25 07/09/2016
Quote: Deja Vu
[User Posted Image]



Rise and Shine Ursine
juarmo Blue Sparx Gems: 749
#15031 Posted: 19:49:50 07/09/2016
Quote: DreamTeam
Save me?



What's wrong?
My dream in life is to steamroll Skylanders Imaginators on Nightmare difficulty with only a Level 60 Sir Hoodington with maximum Fire Elemental Power
omer1698 Gold Sparx Gems: 2258
#15032 Posted: 19:51:47 07/09/2016
From this image i realise that i really want to have flarewolf if he can do that
" i am thou, thou art i"
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#15033 Posted: 19:54:01 07/09/2016
Welp, Flare Wolf is officially awesome! No doubt about it.

I still really want to know what that Creator App does! They really should have announced that today as well, but whatever...
Buuzer Hunter Gems: 6546
#15034 Posted: 19:54:06 07/09/2016
Oh well...
smilie smilie smilie youtube.com/user/GOWBuuzer smilie smilie smilie
DreamTeam Yellow Sparx Gems: 1503
#15035 Posted: 19:55:27 07/09/2016
Nobodys gonna care about that last picture? CREATOR APP!
i dont know what else to say, xox
Also i dont really care for skylanders anymore
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#15036 Posted: 19:55:50 07/09/2016

Flarewolf's Sky-Chi looks amazing.

Air Strike looks fun but looks somewhat odd in game... oh well.

Creator App?

smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#15037 Posted: 19:56:23 07/09/2016
So the Skylandes Creator is an App.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Buuzer Hunter Gems: 6546
#15038 Posted: 19:56:28 07/09/2016
Quote: Deja Vu
[User Posted Image]


Cap'n Cluck Speaker in the background!
smilie smilie smilie youtube.com/user/GOWBuuzer smilie smilie smilie
DreamTeam Yellow Sparx Gems: 1503
#15039 Posted: 19:57:48 07/09/2016
Quote: Buuzer
Quote: Deja Vu
[User Posted Image]


Cap'n Cluck Speaker in the background!

Nice Find! He should die though
i dont know what else to say, xox
Also i dont really care for skylanders anymore
omer1698 Gold Sparx Gems: 2258
#15040 Posted: 19:57:58 07/09/2016
You can coustomize your imagnitor even when you are not near the game
" i am thou, thou art i"
B-BOB358 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1029
#15041 Posted: 19:58:48 07/09/2016
Quote: TTD

Awesome!!! I wonder if they'll release it a few days before release to get people hyped about making characters
SA & Giants are the best skylanders games. I miss the old style.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#15042 Posted: 20:00:11 07/09/2016
Nothing in the page yet but seems interesting. Air Strike's bird is hueg in the trailer.


You also see a training dummy behind him. The assets and color indicate this is


However, and not the Academy.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:01:12 07/09/2016 by Bifrost
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#15043 Posted: 20:00:36 07/09/2016
Quote: TTD

TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#15044 Posted: 20:06:07 07/09/2016
Hey, the website updated... Maybe they put in more characters. Try finding artwork for Flarewolf or Bad Juju
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#15045 Posted: 20:09:17 07/09/2016
Nope, nothing here. Not even Mysticat and Aurora's catchphrases yet.
(What I need is never what I want)
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#15046 Posted: 20:11:33 07/09/2016
Ugh. I thought this would tease the website update. Maybe it still does, I just hate waiting now.
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
B-BOB358 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1029
#15047 Posted: 20:11:47 07/09/2016
Hmmm, I wonder if this gets attached to the side of the academy ....

[User Posted Image]
SA & Giants are the best skylanders games. I miss the old style.
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#15048 Posted: 20:12:11 07/09/2016
Okay... So Flarewolf looks like Ka-Boom, except kicked right up to eleven.

Also reeeeally wanna know what that Creator App is.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#15049 Posted: 20:13:44 07/09/2016
Quote: Luminous35
Ugh. I thought this would tease the website update. Maybe it still does, I just hate waiting now.

Yeah sucks

BUT, we now know that there is a gigantic overworld,you don't know how many times I see vultures in areas there arent supposed to be in trailers.
Rise and Shine Ursine
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