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Skylanders General Discussion Topic - Spoiler Warning [STICKY]
Nightmoon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1760
#14501 Posted: 07:31:51 01/09/2016
@Juarmo (still spoilering, because it's off-topic)
Are you seriously still on about that? I just pointed out that the phrase originated as "couldn't care less", which is still the most widely used internationally, including in the US. The part about it originating in Britain was an insignificant side note, if it had originated in the US and was butchered by UK, it would still be butchering of an expression.

As for "tantrum", I'm not the one writing paragraph upon paragraph about a tiny little detail. You really do love going off on massive rants about insignificant little things.

P.S. I'm not British.

"Inconveniences people"? You get it a single day later. What a tragedy. Europe often has to wait a month or two for wave 4-5 after its NA release. That is a hell lot more inconvenient.
Phoenix Crystal is the best unreleased Crystal.
Skylanders Academy Season 2 was an improvement.
I don't know what to think of Skylanders' future.
juarmo Blue Sparx Gems: 749
#14502 Posted: 09:16:04 01/09/2016
[quote=[url=http://forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=127451&post=6092917]Nightmoon[/url]]@Juarmo (still spoilering, because it's off-topic)
[spoiler]Are you seriously still on about that? I just pointed out that the phrase originated as "couldn't care less", which is still the most widely used internationally, including in the US. The part about it originating in Britain was an insignificant side note, if it had originated in the US and was butchered by UK, it would still be butchering of an expression.

As for "tantrum", I'm not the one writing paragraph upon paragraph about a tiny little detail. You really do love going off on massive rants about insignificant little things.

P.S. I'm not British.[/spoiler]

"Inconveniences people"? You get it a single [i]day[/i] later. What a [i]tragedy[/i]. Europe often has to wait a [i]month[/i] or two for wave 4-5 after its NA release. [i]That[/i] is a hell lot more inconvenient.[/quote]

I'm still on about it, but I wouldn't be if you didn't ignore me to begin with.
I had to paraphrase the previous post on the subject because I assumed you didn't see it, and I needed to give it context.
You're not British?
That's even worse, at least the British has an excuse, however flimsy, to complain about American's "butchering" the language, and the part where it's their language gives them the right to take it personally.
You're throwing a tantrum over someone ELSE's freaking languages, insulting one and praising the other... Why? Do you have a reason to rant on and on about a British term?
Do I need to tell you where the term "OK" originates? It's a British term that stands for Oll Korrect or Oll Klear.
The British butcher their own language far worse than any American ever did.

You know that your rant about that expression wasn't any larger than my average rant, right? Some of mine are a bit shorter, in fact.
Yeah, I get caught up in it all, but I realize it about myself, yet if you look back at your own posts, your "off-topic" spoiler blocks are over 10 lines of text, and comprise 80-90% of your posts and wouldn't be much of a stretch to say you're not much different in that regard, sweetheart!

And No, in this case, we wait 3 days longer than Europe, and 4 days longer than Auatralia.
Not to mention that the game takes a week or two longer to develop because they're developing for 6 languages, or the part where an American made game is likely being pushed back JUST so Europe can get it first for whatever reason.
I mean, it should be easy to release the American version, it probably starts in English, so why would America take longer?

And I'm sorry, but while I'm waiting those 4 days for Imaginators, I'll have nothing better to do than spend my time here, and I can't even do that whilst you're playing the game because some of you Europeans/Australians will end up spoiling the plot.
You have to wait 3 months for a playable character to release? One that comprises less than 1% of the potential roster? One that the game works perfectly fine without? It's three months you can spend playing one of over 100 other characters, or even an OPC made by you.
Not only that, but I'm jealous of your delayed releases, I'd have more time to save for everything after the Starter Packs if it was spread out a bit more. Not easy living on a budget!
That's not "a hell of a lot more inconvenient", it's not even inconvenient! It's just convenient!
The figures are worthless without the game, the game doesn't need all the figures!
So naturally, the Starter Pack is one thing, but being sold late sounds like it gives me more time to work the waves that are already released!
But the game is necessary to use the figures, as a starter pack, it's kinda a given that it's the starting point to the collection, so it cannot be seen as anything BUT an inconvenience.
My dream in life is to steamroll Skylanders Imaginators on Nightmare difficulty with only a Level 60 Sir Hoodington with maximum Fire Elemental Power
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 09:26:05 01/09/2016 by juarmo
Dark Sonic Boom Gold Sparx Gems: 2841
#14503 Posted: 09:39:39 01/09/2016
Take a chill pill Juarmo. It's one or two days later. How big of an issue is it. At least you get a complete wave 5. Sometimes in Australia we don't even get a wave 5. It's just a few days if you don't want to get the plot spoiled just don't visit the site.
yelvy Gold Sparx Gems: 2450
#14504 Posted: 09:47:28 01/09/2016
Juarmo, you're making this discussion a really unpleasant place to be. I haven't bothered to read through the whole of your reply/rant, but it seems you have something against British people. Over something someone said about language or release dates? Are you kidding me?

P.S. I'm British.

Anyway, back on topic - I can Imagine them doing double packs of Senseis, like they did with the SWAP Force back in 2013. Ooh, I'd love an Aurora/Starcast double pack! <3 Maybe that's what 'assorted' means?
Punch_Potion_X Blue Sparx Gems: 894
#14505 Posted: 10:05:06 01/09/2016
Quote: yelvy

Anyway, back on topic - I can Imagine them doing double packs of Senseis, like they did with the SWAP Force back in 2013. Ooh, I'd love an Aurora/Starcast double pack! <3 Maybe that's what 'assorted' means?

That would be amazing. I still remember the Christmas Day when I unboxed the Grilla Drilla and Fire Kraken Double Pack. Ah the good old days of my childhood...
Skylanders Ring of Heroes.
Will (hopefully) only require pockets half as deep
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#14506 Posted: 10:35:24 01/09/2016
Quote: Dark Sonic Boom
Take a chill pill Juarmo. It's one or two days later. How big of an issue is it. At least you get a complete wave 5. Sometimes in Australia we don't even get a wave 5. It's just a few days if you don't want to get the plot spoiled just don't visit the site.

No one gets wave 5 anymore -.-

(Except Australia)
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#14507 Posted: 10:39:10 01/09/2016
It's weird not to call it "Double" or "Triple", though.
Unless it turns out to be a placeholder name "Assorted" makes me think of 5 or 6 figures.

Kinda like the trap or Creation Crystals' 8 Pack.
I cannot remember right now, but maybe we've had similar packs for Cores in the past.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5468
#14508 Posted: 12:23:09 01/09/2016
Or it could be just a thing on amazon itself where all Senseis are on the same site and you just click a name to get to the one you want instead of searching for it.
Basically like here:
Buuzer Hunter Gems: 6546
#14509 Posted: 13:00:14 01/09/2016
Quote: juarmo
@nightmoon "Hi kettle, my name is pot, you're black!" You JUST threw a tantrum for a lot less regarding cultural differences. Cough*Butchered*cough*

This actually inconveniences people, whereas American English only spoils your mood because you allow it to bug you. You allow it to spoil your mood, and as such, any inconvenience it causes is self-inflicted.
But getting things a day late can be disastrous for anything with online PvP, for instance, where you become a day behind the curve just cause.
Or if you're trying to avoid story spoilers, it's a lot harder to do when everyone in Europe finds out about it first.
I mean, people who find out about it early MOSTLY know how to use tags, but when people find out about it firsthand, and post about it whilst your still twiddling your thumbs on dark Spyro waiting for it to come out, well...
It's an American company, and we all (Europeans, Australians, and Americans alike) wait weeks to months for Japanese-made games to come stateside, but America doesn't even get the satisfaction of having the first worldwide release with an American made game, man! What's up with that!

We're not butchering the language any more than the British are! Neither dialect, American OR British, are the same as they were when they were one and the same 400 years ago.
(no, not 240 years ago, sure, we declared independence in 1776, but the cultural divide existed beforehand, and in fact, was a major underlying motive for the revolutionary war [the Boston Tea Party happened because we were being required to partake in tea time, and then pay high tariffs for tea, we did not feel such a tradition was even necessary, so we threw them into the sea in protest])
Language evolves, and saying either way of speaking is proper or butchered is bigoted.

You might as well say Australia is the one butchering English, it barely resembles American or British English.

They both evolved independently, but neither is the "original", because both started out as the same thing, and neither are the same as they were back then, so neither can truly say they are the "original"
And by the logic that Britain is English's ancestral home, German is the "proper" English, because English is a Germanic in origin.

Can we stop please?
smilie smilie smilie youtube.com/user/GOWBuuzer smilie smilie smilie
Bloxz Green Sparx Gems: 390
#14510 Posted: 13:27:19 01/09/2016
This is a friendly discussion on a fun game lets keep it like that
Mysticat = Shrek
Flarewolf = Is Love
Starcast = Is Life
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#14511 Posted: 13:29:05 01/09/2016
Daily prayer for Grave Clobber to not be Brawler
(What I need is never what I want)
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8457
#14512 Posted: 13:33:48 01/09/2016
Quote: Bifrost
Daily prayer for Grave Clobber is a Brawler

Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#14513 Posted: 13:40:44 01/09/2016
Quote: Buuzer
Quote: juarmo

Can we stop please?

Yeah, I'm on Buuzer's side here. at least the other "derailings" were somewhat related to Skylanders. Nobody really cares if it's "could" or "couldn't".
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#14514 Posted: 13:52:52 01/09/2016
Ignoring the mods is fun!

Quote: HeyitsHotDog
Quote: Bifrost
Daily prayer for Grave Clobber is a Brawler


The boy doesn't need to be fated to be a shelf warmer,c'mon.
(What I need is never what I want)
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#14515 Posted: 14:04:00 01/09/2016
I still have hope for him not being a Brawler, but Blaster Tron's blurry picture really seems to depict him holding a sword.

If only did they planned out Battle Classes better and finally let Light and Dark have as many new Skylanders as the classic Elements...
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Portal___Master Emerald Sparx Gems: 3718
#14516 Posted: 14:11:03 01/09/2016
Quote: Drek95
I still have hope for him not being a Brawler, but Blaster Tron's blurry picture really seems to depict him holding a sword.

If only did they planned out Battle Classes better and finally let Light and Dark have as many new Skylanders as the classic Elements...

This, this so much.
Guinness Book of World Records holder for Largest SkyLanders Collection.
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#14517 Posted: 14:28:43 01/09/2016
I mean, I'm personally fine with it because of the whole "they are special and rare" thing, but even if they started releasing characters evenly Light and Dark would still have less Skylanders than the other Elements.

But this year is especially annoying, because not only did they added their symbols to the logo but they also had 10 Classes to manage.
SWAP Force had 8 movement types but only the 8 original Elements and they never had two types in the same Element.
Why couldn't they do the same here...?
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Nightmoon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1760
#14518 Posted: 15:20:21 01/09/2016
Dude, if I knew you'd flip out this much about British/American, I wouldn't have bothered including that in my original post, and it would change absolutely nothing from my point of view. I really don't care enough to elaborate further, you just ignore every point I bring up anyway.

So please, stop kicking the dead horse. I had already stopped caring after my single post about it, (as opposed to... how many was it you posted again? 8? 10? Including your replies to other people who talked about it) until you brought it back with your massive derailment at the end of the last page.

As for the release date, yeah that was my bad, I went off of your Friday/Saturday/Sunday comparison, instead of the actual release dates. Still, it's just 2 days (and 6-ish hours) after Europe, which get it 1 day (and 8-ish hours) after Australia. Not much of a wait. We've had to wait our turns too, so you don't have any reason to be salty now that the tables have turned.

Quote: Drek95
If only did they planned out Battle Classes better and finally let Light and Dark have as many new Skylanders as the classic Elements...

Yeah... it really did look like it was going to be balanced, since the Bowslingers looked like Light and Dark Skylanders, leaving 2 spots for a Magic Quickshot (which would have been interesting) and a Tech Bazooker (which would have been a perfect combination). Oh well :/
Phoenix Crystal is the best unreleased Crystal.
Skylanders Academy Season 2 was an improvement.
I don't know what to think of Skylanders' future.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 15:52:22 01/09/2016 by Nightmoon
myskylanders Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#14519 Posted: 15:56:06 01/09/2016
Just got news from a friend who went to gamestop here in Germany today. They have a new variant in their system called "Steel Hood Sickle", unfortunately no pictures available. He was able to preorder him smilie

I'm really looking forward to see the figure
- http://www.myskylanders.de All Skylanders related in German
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:00:12 01/09/2016 by myskylanders
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#14520 Posted: 15:58:10 01/09/2016
A standard variant? That sounds like a chase variant name. Either way can't wait to see it.
(What I need is never what I want)
myskylanders Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#14521 Posted: 16:02:28 01/09/2016
Must be standard, Gamestop here in Germany does not sell chase variants seperately
- http://www.myskylanders.de All Skylanders related in German
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#14522 Posted: 16:03:49 01/09/2016
It wouldn't have its own name so soon if it were; unless someone misnamed Steel Plated instead of just Steel.
(What I need is never what I want)
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8457
#14523 Posted: 16:04:41 01/09/2016
Quote: myskylanders
Just got news from a friend who went to gamestop here in Germany today. They have a new variant in their system called "Steel Hood Sickle", unfortunately no pictures available. He was able to preorder him smilie

I'm really looking forward to see the figure

Maybe he's kind of like Steel Plated Smash Hit?
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
juarmo Blue Sparx Gems: 749
#14524 Posted: 16:14:37 01/09/2016
I disagree, having less light and dark Skylanders is part of what makes them special. Also, really cool designs, and I fear that a big part of that is due to having to make less of them...

@Nightmoon, you stopped mentioning it after your second post
Also, you don't normally come off as a jerk, what the heck happened to you in the past couple of days?
You're being almost as abrasive as I am!
That's not a healthy disposition, I'd know.

@Buuzer. Ok, I'm done.
Oh cool, another Best Buy Variant?
Guys, I'm pretty sure Nitro was Target's thing, not Walmart's. For those of you who have TESCO (going off memory, is that name right?) instead of either of those. Mystic(?) was Walmart's thing. Idr which one did Jade tho.
My dream in life is to steamroll Skylanders Imaginators on Nightmare difficulty with only a Level 60 Sir Hoodington with maximum Fire Elemental Power
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:21:57 01/09/2016 by juarmo
BatWolf Blue Sparx Gems: 517
#14525 Posted: 16:17:10 01/09/2016
On day 1 of release of the waves im going to try and get kaos and starcast as quickly as possible because im guessing EVERYONE is going to try get those then probably going to get tae kwon crow and another random skylander smilie
smilie smilie smilie smilie
: http://steamcommunity.com/id/BatWolfGaming
~DEFENDER OF TRI-TIP!~ One does not simply zoo tycoon machinima
DeadPortal Blue Sparx Gems: 612
#14526 Posted: 16:19:37 01/09/2016
Guys just saying, instead of arguing in the forum so Buuzer has to go on a moderating spree, why don't you two PM? Seems like a better idea.

Anyway, on topic, does anyone else think Hood Sickle's a bit... slow? In both move speed and attack?
My FanFiction

Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#14527 Posted: 16:20:40 01/09/2016
Yay! I really wanted to see a Hood Sickle variant!
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
juarmo Blue Sparx Gems: 749
#14528 Posted: 16:24:12 01/09/2016
Quote: DeadPortal
Guys just saying, instead of arguing in the forum so Buuzer has to go on a moderating spree, why don't you two PM? Seems like a better idea.

Anyway, on topic, does anyone else think Hood Sickle's a bit... slow? In both move speed and attack?

Because I'm done! I'll just block her if she tries to continue it over a PM.

Anyway, on topic, he's still WAAY better than he was in Trap Team.
My dream in life is to steamroll Skylanders Imaginators on Nightmare difficulty with only a Level 60 Sir Hoodington with maximum Fire Elemental Power
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5468
#14529 Posted: 16:39:27 01/09/2016
A Variant for a Darklander? Take my money!
SkylandrPurists Emerald Sparx Gems: 3500
#14530 Posted: 16:43:31 01/09/2016
Have you guys noticed it's three months since we first saw Imaginators info

but it feels like something is still missing

[User Posted Image]

AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#14531 Posted: 16:48:50 01/09/2016
Quote: SkylandrPurists
Have you guys noticed it's three months since we first saw Imaginators info

but it feels like something is still missing


Yeah, it's weird. They haven't revealed the Air Knight's name either (I know he's probably Wild Storm, but that hasn't been officially revealed). And since both of them were in the reveal trailer it's just kind of odd how we still don't know their names.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
omer1698 Gold Sparx Gems: 2258
#14532 Posted: 16:50:45 01/09/2016
Have you guys noticed it's three months since we first saw Imaginators info

but it feels like something is still missing


how do i post an image from other post?
i think that she might be buckshot
" i am thou, thou art i"
Edited 7 times - Last edited at 16:53:18 01/09/2016 by omer1698
DreamTeam Yellow Sparx Gems: 1503
#14533 Posted: 16:57:14 01/09/2016
I think she is buckshot! Judging by the meaning of the word!

"Large lead shot for shotgun shells, used especially in hunting big game."

Shotgun = Like Quickshot Guns

Shells = Do i really need to explain?
i dont know what else to say, xox
Also i dont really care for skylanders anymore
DeadPortal Blue Sparx Gems: 612
#14534 Posted: 16:59:43 01/09/2016
Correct me if i'm wrong, but no Skylander has ever had an actual shotgun of "assault rifle"-esque weapons, have they?
My FanFiction

DreamTeam Yellow Sparx Gems: 1503
#14535 Posted: 17:01:28 01/09/2016
Quote: DeadPortal
Correct me if i'm wrong, but no Skylander has ever had an actual shotgun of "assault rifle"-esque weapons, have they?

[User Posted Image]

Triggs! (Closest we got!)
i dont know what else to say, xox
Also i dont really care for skylanders anymore
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:01:57 01/09/2016 by DreamTeam
juarmo Blue Sparx Gems: 749
#14536 Posted: 17:24:28 01/09/2016
I would like to apologize for my earlier behavior.
It was completely uncalled for. I'm sorry.
My dream in life is to steamroll Skylanders Imaginators on Nightmare difficulty with only a Level 60 Sir Hoodington with maximum Fire Elemental Power
Nightmoon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1760
#14537 Posted: 17:38:16 01/09/2016
It'll be forgotten by the next page, I'm sure ;3
Sorry I got a bit too aggressive towards you, though. Normally, I don't get that bothered.

As for Imaginators... the lack of news is pretty boring. At least there's just 6 weeks and a few days to release.

I really hope we get a full overview of all the different Crystal variations, so people can start planning for Crystal/Casing combos. At this point, I'm pretty sure we had a much better overview of the Trap designs. Would also really like to know which Crystal is included with Boom Bloom's Adventure Pack...
Phoenix Crystal is the best unreleased Crystal.
Skylanders Academy Season 2 was an improvement.
I don't know what to think of Skylanders' future.
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#14538 Posted: 18:14:07 01/09/2016
Steel Hood Sickle?

Already sounding like Steel Plated Smash Hit. I'm gonna pass...
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
BatWolf Blue Sparx Gems: 517
#14539 Posted: 18:29:39 01/09/2016
Quote: Luminous35
Steel Hood Sickle?

Already sounding like Steel Plated Smash Hit. I'm gonna pass...

same, unless the variant is somehow the best variant in the world im not getting it
besides i like the original but i will probably get pumpkin chopscotch and santa chompy mage....and maaaaybe that variant of starcast
smilie smilie smilie smilie
: http://steamcommunity.com/id/BatWolfGaming
~DEFENDER OF TRI-TIP!~ One does not simply zoo tycoon machinima
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5468
#14540 Posted: 18:32:30 01/09/2016
Quote: BatWolf
Quote: Luminous35
Steel Hood Sickle?

Already sounding like Steel Plated Smash Hit. I'm gonna pass...

same, unless the variant is somehow the best variant in the world im not getting it
besides i like the original but i will probably get pumpkin chopscotch and santa chompy mage....and maaaaybe that variant of starcast

That's not a variant, it's just an upgrade.
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#14541 Posted: 18:46:49 01/09/2016
Wait, if it listed Steel Hood Sickle, do you think the Halloween Chopscotch was listed too? Wonder what her name is...
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
Skygrounders Green Sparx Gems: 187
#14542 Posted: 19:06:47 01/09/2016
Maybe a GameStop Exclusive? Depends If Chopscotch Is There.
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#14543 Posted: 19:07:07 01/09/2016
Quote: Deja Vu
Quote: BatWolf
Quote: Luminous35
Steel Hood Sickle?

Already sounding like Steel Plated Smash Hit. I'm gonna pass...

same, unless the variant is somehow the best variant in the world im not getting it
besides i like the original but i will probably get pumpkin chopscotch and santa chompy mage....and maaaaybe that variant of starcast

That's not a variant, it's just an upgrade.

I don't think that was ever confirmed, at least as far as I know.
If anything I'd say it is likely to be a variant, looking at Halloween Chopscotch: the black Sensei dress, belt and weapon remained the same and only his body and armor changed.

Am I saying this because I don't want him to change?
Yep, also. smilie
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#14544 Posted: 19:14:33 01/09/2016
But why was the "Variant" on regular Starcast's page?
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
yelvy Gold Sparx Gems: 2450
#14545 Posted: 19:15:56 01/09/2016
Maybe it's just how he looks when he uses a certain attack? Sorry, I'm overthinking this.
myskylanders Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#14546 Posted: 19:16:47 01/09/2016
Quote: Luminous35
Wait, if it listed Steel Hood Sickle, do you think the Halloween Chopscotch was listed too? Wonder what her name is...

She is also available for preorder, release will be in november... because we actually don't need halloween figures for halloween obviously. Frightful Fiesta was available after Halloween last year too -.-

Dunno who planned that nonsense ...
- http://www.myskylanders.de All Skylanders related in German
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#14547 Posted: 19:17:34 01/09/2016
Is her name just Halloween Chopscotch or is it something else?
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#14548 Posted: 19:20:45 01/09/2016
Quote: Luminous35
But why was the "Variant" on regular Starcast's page?

Was it?
I thought it was found on instagram.

Well, we've had LightCore images on regular character's pages, they might have made a small mistake because the variant's page isn't ready.
I wouldn't immediately exclude a weird lighting either, at least for the body: there is a picture where his body is a white tint fading to grey.

Guess they wanted to reflect his figure form's transparency.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#14549 Posted: 19:23:39 01/09/2016
The Starcast with appearance change is from his website page. It looks like an upgrade to me, if you watch the b-roll and the gameplay Myskylanders posted lighting acts weird on his textures.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:23:53 01/09/2016 by Bifrost
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