Quote: Deja VuQuote: BionichuteOh yeah, also I was right about them only doing half the Doom Raiders this game. Next game we'll probably get the remaining 5.
I really hope they let the Reposes die already. Villains are far better than Reposes and even Minis, (tho I wouldn't have anything against Smallderdash) since they're technically like new characters that we already saw before.
(But secretly I only want Villains because of Mesmeralda and Dreamcatcher)
Your idea is terrible, the worst I've ever heard!
Just let the reformed villains die instead!
(tho I wouldn't mind reformed Spellslamzer, Dreadbeard, and Moneybone, but NOT Mesmerelda on her own... I HATE Spoders!)
Revamped Skylanders FTW!
(But secretly I only want Skylanders because of Spyro)
You're joking, right?