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Crash10 Skylanders Reviews: Spyro's Adventure
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#1 Posted: 22:53:04 10/12/2015 | Topic Creator
I decided to create a topic to review my Skylanders from Spyro's Adventure. If it needs to be on a general review topic, it's okay. They will be ready soon.

If you like to give a suggestion or point a note, please post it.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 23:20:57 10/12/2015 by Crash10
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#2 Posted: 22:53:26 10/12/2015 | Topic Creator
Magic Element

Spyro/Dark Spyro/Legendary Spyro

The good thing about Spyro is that, when you play with him, you feel like you're playing a Spyro game, just without the platform part. Having tested both Upgrade Paths, I need to say that Sheep Burner Spyro is more of my style. Maybe because I prefer to use his flame balls. All Spyro attacks are good in some way. While you can attack enemies at distance with his flame balls, you can run over enemies with his horns. His fly is good when you need speed, but, for straightforward roads, you fully upgraded horn is better. While the Spyro's Earth Pound gives good damage, it's a little hard to pick enemies. I personally only found his Fire Shield a little useless. Overall, Spyro is a great character with very few flaws.

Wrecking Ball

Overall, Wrecking Ball is not the strongest character, but it's still fun to play as. His Tongue Whap is useful to get enemies and items at distance, mainly if you pick the Total Tongue Upgrade Path. I personally picked the Ultimate Spinner Path, that I found more useful and strong. Each Upgrade in this Path turn the attack much more powerful, making his Forcefield Ball attack explosive larger, and even combines it with the Power Belch attack. Speaking of which, it's somewhat useful, but only when you get the Enemy Slurp Soul Gem, that can make the burp stronger by eating enemies. Saying again, it's not the strongest Skylander, since his attacks are generally good, but are nothing special if you don't fully upgrade it. Tough his attacks are useful if well used enough.

Double Trouble

Double Trouble became well-known for being extremely overpowered, but I think he still keeps being enjoyable to use. His Eldritch Beam is the very reason he's so powerful. It homes on the enemy automatically (the [iExtended Eldritch Beam][/i] update even extends its range) and has no limit of use, plus it gives a big amount of damage. This will make you hold the Attack 1 button by almost every second he's on the Portal. The Conjure Exploding Double attack is not one I can touch upon, since I haven't followed the Conjuror Path, but, differently from Sonic Boom, this attack isn't remotely as useful if you follow his other Path. The Summon Magic Bomb is really powerful and helps if you have a bunch of enemies around you, since his main attack only homes at one enemy at a time. Overall, Double Trouble is a great choice if you want someone extremely powerful, and he still feels fun, even if the game gets so easy with him.


Coming soon.
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 19:04:02 17/06/2017 by Crash10
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#3 Posted: 22:53:41 10/12/2015 | Topic Creator
Water Element

Gill Grunt

Gill Grunt is a good character overall, but with it's flaws. His Harpoon Gun is good for basic damage. I decided to go into the Water Weaver Path, so you can assume that I like the Power Hose. It's a pretty good attack while fully upgraded. The explosive creatures adds for it, though it's not essential. Since Gill is slow, his Water Jetpack is very welcome, though it runs out fast. Fortunately, the Reserve Water Tank upgrade helps very much. At last, the Anchor Cannon is good, since it's powerful and recharges fast. All in all, Gill Grunt is a good character. It's not one of my favorites, but it receive my congratulations.

Slam Bam

Slam Bam has booth easy-to-play combat and a bit of strategy, giving him a good balance. His Yeti Fists are pretty much like the other simple combo attacks of other characters, but they can get pretty strong if you take the Blizzard Brawler Path, which gives him a damage boost, some really good combos and even more Armor to help you in close combat. His Ice Prison attack adds a strategic edge to him, which can make the character even more powerful when used well. However, I can't say much about the Glacier Yeti Path. His Yeti Ice Shoe Slide gives another strategic option to him, making attack dodging easier. His Yeti Cooling-Factor does not change anything on combat, but it's a nice thing for movement trough the stage and gives a nice look to the character. Overall, Slam Bam is a pretty standard brawler-style character, but has a good strategic side.


Coming soon.


Coming in the future.
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 23:51:48 12/08/2016 by Crash10
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#4 Posted: 22:53:54 10/12/2015 | Topic Creator
Tech Element

Trigger Happy/Legendary Trigger Happy

Good old Triggs. Great character, should I say. His Golden Pistols deals great damage pretty fast. In a good amount of times, you can succeed by simply crazily pressing Attack 1. Lob Golden Safe is also good if you need to give a good amount of damage in one single attack or pick enemies in the air. Golden Machine Gun is a great damage dealer, but only if you can find a good place to stay and shoot. Since you can't move anywhere, and the spin speed is slow, you can have some difficulties to use the full potential of the attack. I choose the Golden Frenzy Path, and, while it helps very much, it makes some Heroic Challenges much harder, so caution. The Golden Yamato Blast takes time to charge, but it's worth. The attack can even be the decisive moment in PVP battles, giving fatal damage even to Level 10 Skylanders. Overall, Trigger Happy is a great Skylander. I recommend.


I can definitely say that Boomer is, as you may think, explosive and destructive. His Dynamite Toss seems simple at first. But, when you actually pick the Demolition Troll Path, he becomes a big force. I always recommend you to keep him at some distance from enemies to have his maximum effect, since he's definitely better at distance than in close combat. His Troll Smash helps on this aspect, giving some good damage while keeping enemies distant. I have no idea how the attack can be at the Clobber Troll Path. His Troll Bomb is also a good choice, since you can escape from enemies while using it, or use it to create traps. The Troll Bomb Boot Soul Gem lets you kick the bombs, which is useful, but hard to aim. Overall, Boomer is a great Skylander. If you choose the right Path and use him wisely, his main attack can be destructive, and the others can be useful on the fight. Be strategic and he's a good choice. Just have caution on some Heroic Challenges.


Coming soon.

Drill Sergeant

Coming soon.
Edited 7 times - Last edited at 03:46:51 20/07/2016 by Crash10
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#5 Posted: 22:54:09 10/12/2015 | Topic Creator
Life Element

Stealth Elf

Stealth Elf is my personal favorite Skylander, tough she still have her flaws. The Blade Slash is probably the main reason I like her so much. She just runs into the arena, cuts all the enemies, and continue. Simple as that. Obviously this will happens only if you pick the Pook Blade Saint Path, that will greatly improve his blade attack, and add some very useful combos. Arboreal Acrobatics is also great since it gives some dash while helps very much in cases you need speed (like the time goal of the chapters). The only flaw I see in Stealth Elf is the lack of use in the Stealthier Decoy ability. Though it can be better in the Forest Ninja Path, it's a little useless in the path that I take. I only use it sometimes to go to the back of the enemies. At all, Stealth is a great character. I only find the game too easy while playing as her. She's very overpowered.

Stump Smash

Stump Smash has terrible speed, but surprisingly makes up for it. His Pulverize attack is simple, but effective, mainly if you choose the Smash 'n Bash Path, which gives him some good combos plus a good damage for the attacks. The fact that his hammer can be slammed infinitely is pretty good, considering his speed. When Acorns Attack is also a useful move considering his speed. It can roll for good distances and give some okay damage. The fact that it slows enemies is also a good bonus. The Meganut is a very useful move, since you can chose between exploding it or sending it in high speed (if you chose the Smash 'n Bash Path). I can't say much of the Nut Crafter Path. His Waterlogged Soul Gem is a nice bonus on stages with water, giving him a edge on fights. Overall, Stump Smash is a nice character. His lack of speed can be annoying, but the rest makes up for it, making a good choice for playing.


Coming soon.


Coming in the future.
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 00:31:50 26/07/2016 by Crash10
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#6 Posted: 22:54:23 10/12/2015 | Topic Creator
Undead Element

Chop Chop/Legendary Chop Chop

Chop Chop is very good. His Arkeyan Blade is what he's best with. It deals great damage, and, the healing abilities makes it even better, like Stealth Elf. I chose Vampiric Warrior Path, and I don't regret. It makes big damage, and the combos help very much. His Arkeyan Shield also helps, giving extra speed and protecting various attacks. At last, his Bone Brambler also helps, but you need to make the thing right in order to hit the enemies. Final word: Chop Chop is great. Play as him. Seriously.


Cynder is a good character overall, tough not my favorite of the dragons. Her Spectral Lightning is very useful and strong, if you go for the Nether Welder Path (the one that I picked). But, you need to be cautions, since this attack, even while not fully upgraded, can be a pain in certain Heroic Challenges, so caution. Her Haunted Ally Soul Gem at least gives a little help at that, damaging enemies for you. Just take caution too. Her Shadow Dash is useful, mainly for a more strategic style of fighting. The ghosts that appear while you use the Dash are also useful if well used. The Shadowdancer can be really helpful, for what I saw. Overall, Cynder is a very fun character to play as, tough not my favorite. Maybe I should have chosen another Path.


Coming soon.

Ghost Roaster

Coming soon.
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 03:48:20 20/07/2016 by Crash10
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#7 Posted: 22:54:48 10/12/2015 | Topic Creator
Fire Element


Eruptor is one of those characters who doesn't need much strategy to be used. His Lava Lob is simple, but effective, mainly if upgraded. I can't really say about the Magmantor Path, but you can guess that it turns his primary attack a strong force. His Eruption attack is my favorite part of him, mainly if you upgrade him on the Volcanor Path. The Quick Eruption alone is already a game changer, since he can pull of the powerful attack really fast, and with some extra bonuses in other upgrades. The Magma Ball attack (mainly if upgraded with the Mega Magma Balls Soul Gem) and the Fiery Remains upgrade are nice bonuses but didn't felt useful for me. Overall, Eruptor is one of those character where you can simply mash buttons with no strategy at all. Just use Eruption, then spam Lava Lob and you'll have some fun melting enemies.


Flameslinger is such a good character to play as. He's very fast and fun. Though I don't like the fact that he doesn't have any melee-like attack. This makes things a little bad when he needs attack with good proximity. About his Fire Arrow, it's the simple and good attack. Caution with some Heroic Challenges if you pick the Marksman Path. The Volley Shot helps with upper enemies or a bunch of enemies a little distant from you. The Column of Fire is also great, but it has a small using time, so it's hard to use it really well. Overall, Flameslinger is a good Skylander, while it has some flaws that can annoy some people.


Coming in the future.


Coming soon.
Edited 6 times - Last edited at 18:39:23 24/07/2016 by Crash10
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#8 Posted: 22:55:05 10/12/2015 | Topic Creator
Earth Element


Coming in the future.

Prism Break

Prism Break is a good character overall, but I think that I choose the wrong path for him. His Energy Beam is a very good, that's why I think that the best path for him is Prismancer. But I choose Crystaleer, so let's talk about it. The Crystal Eruption helps very much if there's a bunch of enemies around you. Also, the Summon Crystal Shard, together with the Triple Crystal Shard, helps to take out various enemies before reaching them. Lastly, the Crystalline Armor is helpful, and the Shard Soul Prison is good, but not much useful. Overall, Prism Break is a good character, but I think that I choose the wrong path for him.

Bash/Legendary Bash

Bash is a really powerful character, but I liked to balance his power. First, the Tail Swipe attack is a destroyer. And, even if I didn't came trough the Granite Dragon Path, I know that he can be one of the most powerful characters in the game just by one attack. I personally wanted to balance Bash and don't make him a one-hit-wonder. So I decided to go by the Pulver Dragon Path.The Path really balances him, but only at the end, when he's fully upgraded. It not only makes his Rock and Roll attack a big force, but also still keeps the Tail Swipe useful. The Summoning: Stone Projection is a nice bonus if you want a good projectile, even if it's not the best one out there. The Triceratops Honor Guard Soul Gem helps in combat, considering his style of fighting. Overall, Bash is a powerful Skylander, but he can turn into a one-hit-wonder depending of the Path you choose.


Coming soon.
Edited 6 times - Last edited at 00:11:06 13/08/2016 by Crash10
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#9 Posted: 22:55:28 10/12/2015 | Topic Creator
Air Element

Sonic Boom

Sonic Boom is a good character at all. Fun and powerful to play. The Roar attack is very powerful, if you chose the Siren Griffin Path. But it can be hard to beat some Heroic Challenges with it. So, caution. Since I not choose the Medea Griffin Path, the babies are not much useful for me, though it can help, mainly after you buy the Resonant Frequency Soul Gem. Her fly is standard, so, good. After all, I don't have much to say about Sonic Boom. She's a good character, but not complex.


Whirlwind is very similar to other dragons in theory, but she has some unique traits. Her Rainbow of Doom is very useful for attacking enemies on the air. With the upgrades of the Ultimate Rainbower Path, it becomes even better. The Double Dose of Doom and Atomic Rainbow are nice bonuses, and the Rainbow Singularity upgrade is a very useful attack, since it charges fast enough, give good damage and sucks enemies, making it a destructive move. Her Tempest Cloud attack serves as a great complement to her main attack. It can hit enemies on ground that are close to her, and, with the Rainbow Chain attack, it also helps creating good strategies. I can't say anything about the Tempest Dragon, since I haven't tried. Her Rainbow of Healing Soul Gem is good depending on the circumstances. If you're playing the Skylands Adventure mode with a friend, mainly one who doesn't have experience with the game, it's a big helper for him. If not, it's basically useless. Overall, Whirlwind is a very interesting and strong character to use. Have some strategy and she becomes a great Skylander.

Lightning Road

Coming soon.


Coming in the future.
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 18:28:23 24/07/2016 by Crash10
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511
#10 Posted: 23:44:32 10/12/2015
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#11 Posted: 20:15:34 07/07/2016 | Topic Creator
Added the Wrecking Ball and Cynder Reviews, also some small grammar corrections.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#12 Posted: 14:01:17 15/07/2016
Quote: Crash10
Life Element

Stealth Elf

Stealth Elf is my personal favorite Skylander, tough she still have her flaws. The Blade Slash is probably the main reason I like her so much. She just runs into the arena, cuts all the enemies, and continue. Simple as that. Obviously this will happens only if you pick the Pook Blade Saint Path, that will greatly improve his blade attack, and add some very useful combos. Arboreal Acrobatics is also great since it gives some dash while helps very much in cases you need speed (like the time goal of the chapters). The only flaw I see in Stealth Elf is the lack of use in the Stealthier Decoy ability. Though it can be better in the Forest Ninja Path, it's a little useless in the path that I take. I only use it sometimes to go to the back of the enemies. At all, Stealth is a great character. I only find the game too easy while playing as her. She's very overpowered.

Forest Ninja path is jolly powerful if used right. Once she gets her Bladed Scarecrow ability, she gets a decent range move that basically destroys big targets. It doesn't work well on bridges and narrow paths, but in open areas, this move is a beast. She can make Arkeyan Ultron's crumble before they even get their missiles out (if used quickly enough), and against Kaos, her spinning saw dummies can make quick work of him. Overall, I actually quite recommend giving that path a whirl.
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#13 Posted: 15:48:46 15/07/2016 | Topic Creator
Maybe when I get the Pirate Seas pack, I will try all of the Paths for all of the characters, since I can do the Treasure Chest glitch. Maybe some characters are better on the second path.

Maybe I'm a mindless button-masher guy too, but that's not the subject.
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#14 Posted: 19:15:10 15/07/2016
nice review smilie
Ha! HA, sage ich.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#15 Posted: 01:49:04 20/07/2016
Any new reviews coming up Crash10?
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#16 Posted: 01:51:43 20/07/2016 | Topic Creator
As soon as possible. I'm taking care of other topics but I might post one or two today (or around midnight).

There you go. Later than I tough, but it's there. Boomer and Stump Smash reviews.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:05:42 20/07/2016 by Crash10
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#17 Posted: 01:53:21 22/07/2016
Nice reviews, Crash. I thought you hated using Stump Smash.
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#18 Posted: 04:06:49 22/07/2016 | Topic Creator
I don't particularly hate any Skylander. I like some more than others, but all of then are good characters in my opinion.

This is quite necessary if you're one of those who collects everyone.
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#19 Posted: 18:40:50 24/07/2016 | Topic Creator
Aaand I posted reviews for Whirlwind and Eruptor.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#20 Posted: 01:42:38 26/07/2016
Whirlwind may not seem like much in Spyro's Adventure, but she's a beast in Giants thanks to her wow-pow. She can still be good in SA with good strategy.

I wonder what your opinion of Ghost Roaster is? IMO, he's got some of the worst attack synergy out of any Skylander. There's really not much reason to use his chain tail or his ectoplasm mode because his Skull Charge move is so powerful compared to the two. It's a better melee weapon than the chain tail, and it's hard to want to use a move that hurts yourself when it's ultimately unnecessary.
JohnnySmasher42 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3063
#21 Posted: 01:57:20 26/07/2016
I still consider Drill Sergeant to be the worst skylander of all time
Skylanders is dead and Activision killed it
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#22 Posted: 03:17:27 26/07/2016 | Topic Creator
[quote=MugoUrthI wonder what your opinion of Ghost Roaster is? IMO, he's got some of the worst attack synergy out of any Skylander. There's really not much reason to use his chain tail or his ectoplasm mode because his Skull Charge move is so powerful compared to the two. It's a better melee weapon than the chain tail, and it's hard to want to use a move that hurts yourself when it's ultimately unnecessary.[/quote]

I plan to do reviews of older characters first, but I can give a preview by saying that I really agree with you.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#23 Posted: 12:11:31 26/07/2016
Quote: JohnnySmasher42
I still consider Drill Sergeant to be the worst skylander of all time

I don't know. He's quite big, and his attacks are surprisingly weak for such a big guy, but he can be one of the fastest Skylanders in the game. His Auto Blaster's also good for tacking on Bonus damage to his other attacks, as it can be used in unison with them. I do hate how his attacks auto-fire into the air when fighting Kaos, though. You have to rely on his drill charge to beat him.
JohnnySmasher42 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3063
#24 Posted: 21:00:58 27/07/2016
He might be fast, but Drobot and Stealth Elf are faster. I don't even have to talk about them.
Skylanders is dead and Activision killed it
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#25 Posted: 12:02:09 28/07/2016
Not really. A fully upgraded drill charge allows Drill Sergent to go faster than both of them. Plus, I'd argue it's a better speed up move than what either of the other two have.

Though in all fairness, having lots of speed isn't really that important. All you really need is enough to dodge attacks, which just about anyone who has a speed-up move has. Characters like Wham-Shell and Stump Smash will have a hard time fighting things that require a lot of dodging, like Kaos.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:04:47 28/07/2016 by MugoUrth
JohnnySmasher42 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3063
#26 Posted: 13:57:06 28/07/2016
I didn't mean speed as in actual speed. I meant speed as in damage rate.
Skylanders is dead and Activision killed it
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#27 Posted: 17:53:36 28/07/2016
That... is actually kind of true. But as far as that goes, at least Drill Sergent's better than Spyro.
JohnnySmasher42 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3063
#28 Posted: 19:37:42 28/07/2016
I'm gonna have to play Spyro's Adventure again.
Skylanders is dead and Activision killed it
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#29 Posted: 20:50:51 28/07/2016
Quote: MugoUrth
Not really. A fully upgraded drill charge allows Drill Sergent to go faster than both of them. Plus, I'd argue it's a better speed up move than what either of the other two have.

Though in all fairness, having lots of speed isn't really that important. All you really need is enough to dodge attacks, which just about anyone who has a speed-up move has. Characters like Wham-Shell and Stump Smash will have a hard time fighting things that require a lot of dodging, like Kaos.

Alongside that, Drill Sergeant can break those pickax rocks, I think.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#30 Posted: 21:43:45 28/07/2016
Quote: JohnnySmasher42
I'm gonna have to play Spyro's Adventure again.

...Okay, to the hover-car. THEN the lab.

Quote: weebbby
Quote: MugoUrth
Not really. A fully upgraded drill charge allows Drill Sergent to go faster than both of them. Plus, I'd argue it's a better speed up move than what either of the other two have.

Though in all fairness, having lots of speed isn't really that important. All you really need is enough to dodge attacks, which just about anyone who has a speed-up move has. Characters like Wham-Shell and Stump Smash will have a hard time fighting things that require a lot of dodging, like Kaos.

Alongside that, Drill Sergeant can break those pickax rocks, I think.

That is true.

TBH, I do think Drill Sergeant is slightly underpowered, but I don't think he's bad.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:44:37 28/07/2016 by MugoUrth
JohnnySmasher42 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3063
#31 Posted: 02:43:08 29/07/2016
I call Superchargers Battlebrawl Island the lab because:
1. Persephone
2. Path switching for everybody
3. A nice training atmosphere.

Credit to Gowbuuzer for making every single superchargers path video on that level and giving me the idea
Skylanders is dead and Activision killed it
JohnnySmasher42 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3063
#32 Posted: 22:17:49 30/07/2016
So, uh, Crash10, any reviews coming up?
Skylanders is dead and Activision killed it
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#33 Posted: 22:22:33 30/07/2016 | Topic Creator
Yup. Not going to say today, but soon.
JohnnySmasher42 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3063
#34 Posted: 22:42:34 30/07/2016
Skylanders is dead and Activision killed it
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#35 Posted: 00:11:46 13/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Added reviews for Slam Bam and Bash.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#36 Posted: 11:52:12 13/08/2016
Hmm, you mentioned Bash as a one-hit-wonder with the wrong path. Do you think he'd be as bad as, say, Ghost Roaster?
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#37 Posted: 13:09:19 13/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Not really, but more or less like him. Ghost Roaster is a bigger problem.
JohnnySmasher42 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3063
#38 Posted: 17:38:22 13/08/2016
Oh you think Bash is good, wait 'till you get ahold of Camo's melons!
Skylanders is dead and Activision killed it
EmperorKaos Emerald Sparx Gems: 4551
#39 Posted: 20:57:01 13/08/2016
Harpooner gill is a better sheep burner spyro he can do anything he does but better

Anchor Cannon > The Daybringer Flame

Piercing Harpoons>exploding Fireblast

Tripleshot Harpoon=Triple Flameballs

also gill got advantage of double bonus damage passives
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#40 Posted: 13:52:14 14/08/2016
Quote: EmperorKaos
Harpooner gill is a better sheep burner spyro he can do anything he does but better

Anchor Cannon > The Daybringer Flame

Piercing Harpoons>exploding Fireblast

Tripleshot Harpoon=Triple Flameballs

also gill got advantage of double bonus damage passives

I have to be honest... I'd argue Spyro's actually one of the worst characters in the game, though I haven't used Sheep Burner Spyro in a while. In Blitz Spyro, he has a stunning attack, but that's his best advantage. His attacks are neither strong nor combine well. He has two fairly strong attacks, but BOTH require a long start-up time and are easily interruptible.
EmperorKaos Emerald Sparx Gems: 4551
#41 Posted: 17:49:55 14/08/2016
Quote: MugoUrth
Quote: EmperorKaos
Harpooner gill is a better sheep burner spyro he can do anything he does but better

Anchor Cannon > The Daybringer Flame

Piercing Harpoons>exploding Fireblast

Tripleshot Harpoon=Triple Flameballs

also gill got advantage of double bonus damage passives

I have to be honest... I'd argue Spyro's actually one of the worst characters in the game, though I haven't used Sheep Burner Spyro in a while. In Blitz Spyro, he has a stunning attack, but that's his best advantage. His attacks are neither strong nor combine well. He has two fairly strong attacks, but BOTH require a long start-up time and are easily interruptible.

well slam bam wow pow was a big **** for any blitz spyro player

blitz is actualy average power most UP are sun burn (i think he got clunky kit but he is fun) or zap (damage is just too low)

also if we look in deep zap is a mix of cynder and spyro kit just with weaker numbers

Wave Rider = Charge

Dragon's Fire = Wave Rider ( zap will get bounce while spyro get 3 shots)

Sea Slime Slide = Shadow Dash (he wont get invulnerability so is a weaker version)
JohnnySmasher42 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3063
#42 Posted: 21:39:22 15/08/2016
I don't know why everybody hates on Blitz Spyro. I am a committed Blitz Spyro player, goddammit, and I will be until the end of time.
A good strategy with a Blitz Mega Ram Spyro is:
1: Ram into enemy
2: Immediately release worm
3: Follow up with fireballs
I think Blitz Spyro is great in Spyro's Adventure. Takes out most big enemies in 1-2 hits. Although yeah, we've also got Drobot, and Stealth Elf, and Bash, and Eruptor, and Trigger Happy, and Camo, and Sonic Boom...
Skylanders is dead and Activision killed it
EmperorKaos Emerald Sparx Gems: 4551
#43 Posted: 23:05:28 15/08/2016
Quote: JohnnySmasher42
I don't know why everybody hates on Blitz Spyro. I am a committed Blitz Spyro player, goddammit, and I will be until the end of time.
A good strategy with a Blitz Mega Ram Spyro is:
1: Ram into enemy
2: Immediately release worm
3: Follow up with fireballs
I think Blitz Spyro is great in Spyro's Adventure. Takes out most big enemies in 1-2 hits. Although yeah, we've also got Drobot, and Stealth Elf, and Bash, and Eruptor, and Trigger Happy, and Camo, and Sonic Boom...

blitz spyro is balanced sheep burner just leave a lot to be desired
For some reason they nerf blitz on giants ( less range on horns and stun bug) and on swap force nerfed damage and range again for no reason lol
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#44 Posted: 12:15:52 17/08/2016
Quote: EmperorKaos
blitz is actualy average power most UP are sun burn (i think he got clunky kit but he is fun) or zap (damage is just too low)

Red Card!

I actually thought Zap was a bit OP. His attacks aren't so powerful by themselves, but Zap has REALLY good attack synergy. The key is to combine his attacks, and I actually did not find his lack of power that much of a flaw because he can combine attacks well. Plus, his slime trail is super powerful, and his ability to slow enemies down is probably one of the most useful in the game.

That's my take on him.
Wishblade Emerald Sparx Gems: 3262
#45 Posted: 22:21:53 20/08/2016
That's right, MugoUrth, Zap is good if you know how to use him. I kicked but with him in PvP zig-zagging the slime tail. Enemies couldn't get to me. And he's got enough rapid-fire and a decent wow pow to make up for his low damage.
Any last wishes?
EmperorKaos Emerald Sparx Gems: 4551
#46 Posted: 23:18:04 20/08/2016
Quote: Wishblade
That's right, MugoUrth, Zap is good if you know how to use him. I kicked but with him in PvP zig-zagging the slime tail. Enemies couldn't get to me. And he's got enough rapid-fire and a decent wow pow to make up for his low damage.

ssa wow pow op i never tried slime path though the other is lackluster
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:21:40 20/08/2016 by EmperorKaos
Destroy Green Sparx Gems: 183
#47 Posted: 16:28:18 06/09/2016
] troc cool
I am a membre Doom Raiders smilie
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#48 Posted: 16:51:53 06/09/2016
Say Crash, any new reviews to give us?
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#49 Posted: 16:53:47 06/09/2016 | Topic Creator
Hm... Maybe today? I'm busy these days but I can get rid of some things.
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