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Crash Edition on Wii U?! [CLOSED]
SuperCharger95 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1071
#1 Posted: 20:27:08 29/06/2016 | Topic Creator
I was recently on Skylanders' official website, when I saw something that seemed very odd, along with the PS3 and PS4 versions of the Crash Edition Starter Pack, I saw that, somehow, Wii U, was now a choice, was Activision holding out or was this an accident?
Portal___Master Emerald Sparx Gems: 3718
#2 Posted: 20:38:08 29/06/2016
Guessing you mean this, when you select the Crash Edition and the dropdown shows PS3, PS4 & Wii U; but when Wii U is selected, the website displays the error "Sorry, there are no retailers in your area for this selection." Probably just a mistake on the web master's part

[User Posted Image]
Guinness Book of World Records holder for Largest SkyLanders Collection.
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#3 Posted: 20:48:31 29/06/2016
Sony has a special deal for the Starter, because Crash was originally a Sony thing. He isn't console exclusive, but much like Boba Fett in Infinity, Sony is paying the publisher to make a special Starter that will encourage users to pick their console for the game over the others.

The thing that really puzzles me about the Crash Edition is that it is the same price as the Dark Edition, but doesn't have the two extra crystals. Unless there is something we don't know yet it will cost $25 more than standard for a single additional figure.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#4 Posted: 20:59:51 29/06/2016
Crash unlocks a level, defpally. Why NO ONE ever reports this on the fansites is beyond me(read at least two going "oh my 100 bucks what extra hidden thing is in" it's Crash himself), but that's why he's super expensive.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:00:37 29/06/2016 by Bifrost
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#5 Posted: 21:07:28 29/06/2016
just a website error

nothing to see here
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#6 Posted: 21:12:33 29/06/2016
Quote: Bifrost
Crash unlocks a level, defpally. Why NO ONE ever reports this on the fansites is beyond me(read at least two going "oh my 100 bucks what extra hidden thing is in" it's Crash himself), but that's why he's super expensive.

No one reports it because Activision and TfB have not reported it. The only evidence I have seen so far for it is an unlock message screenshot.

And even if he does, Senseis (including Crash as far as we know) cost $15. If Crash himself unlocks the level, then why does the Crash Starter cost $25 more? Is there a special token in the Crash Starter to unlock the level we do not know about? Or does Crash do it himself and will he cost $25-30 when he comes out as a single? Or is he going to cost $15 like the others and the Crash Starter people get screwed?

These are real questions if you want to hop off your high horse for a minute and stop chastising others for not reporting unknown information.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#7 Posted: 21:19:41 29/06/2016
Unlock screenshot and 3 screenshots of Wumpa Island. At least one article said that it's unlocked by him as well.

He's a walking Adventure Pack, which costs plenty.

Also wow if you want a fight you ain't getting it here. I'm pointing out that news sites didn't pick up on this, not you.
(What I need is never what I want)
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#8 Posted: 21:33:46 29/06/2016
Quote: Bifrost
Unlock screenshot and 3 screenshots of Wumpa Island. At least one article said that it's unlocked by him as well.

He's a walking Adventure Pack, which costs plenty.

Also wow if you want a fight you ain't getting it here. I'm pointing out that news sites didn't pick up on this, not you.

Didn't say you were talking about me. I was saying you were criticizing websites for not reporting information that is at best, pieced together. Most websites that are ethical will stick to information that is known, and right now all that Activision is willing to say is Crash exists, he will have a special Starter for the PS3 and PS4 that costs $99 and he works in all versions.

And if he is a walking adventure pack, what is the single Crash going to cost? Is he going to be a more expensive figure? That's why it isn't being reported, there are a ton of unknowns. And the Wumpa Island screenshots might just be bonus areas he unlocks.

Crash interests me. I'm cutting way back on figures this year, but he will be one of them. I'm trying to figure out the details on him and the best/cost effective way to get him. I'm hoping there is more to it that him just being a "walking adventure pack". Because then I'll get the XB1 game (I much prefer those controllers to the PS4) for BF discount and pick up Crash when he comes as a single. If they want me to pony up for a special/limited edition on Day 1 I need details.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#9 Posted: 21:36:01 29/06/2016
The same sites bring up Mysticat and Wild Storm which are also finds here. But I'm derailing,leaving it to this. I can't afford Crash even if he was on my console/single pack, would rather save up for 2 or 3 used skylanders with that price unfortunately.
(What I need is never what I want)
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