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Anyone want to talk about their custom ideas?
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#201 Posted: 17:09:32 03/06/2016
Zap, you should probably add onto your other post.
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#202 Posted: 17:09:46 03/06/2016
Quote: ZapNorris

the banana head we saw, on a HUGE muscular body. Brawler class/life element

"You can't handle my muscles!"

quoting for the page
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#203 Posted: 17:15:35 03/06/2016
Quote: Luminous35
My Ideas for Imaginators

1. Ignitazard the Fire Lizard. He is a Ninja class. "Party with fire!" (??? voice)

2. Snowflight the Water Tiger. She is a Bowslinger class. "Time for the tide!" (Heroine Voice)

3. Windwing the Air Mage. He is a Sorcerer class "Make way for my wand!" (??? Voice)

4. Shockbolt the Tech Robot. He is a Knight class. "Say hello to my superior technology!" (Regal Voice)

5. Nightmoon the Dark Fox. He is a Brawler class. "Don't mess with mystery!" (??? voice)

6. Bonesaw the Undead Skeleton. He is a Smasher class "Unleash the Undead!" (Wacky Voice)

7. Blastbright the Light spirit Dragon. He is a Sentinel Class. "Get ready for pure radiance!" (Cool Voice)

8. Slither-burst the Life Snake. He is a Bazooker Class. "You're no match for my missiles!" (??? Voice)

9. Rune Riot the Magic Angel. She is a Quickshot Class. "Time for Magic!" (Faerie Voice)

10. Terrasphere the Earth Alien. He is a Swashbuckler Class. "You can't handle the cosmos!" (??? Voice)

This will be updated whenever I have new ideas.
Any catchphrase that is listed could be changed at any time.

List of all the updates

  • Update #1: Added Ignitus the Fire Lizard
  • Update #2: Ignitus' name has been changed to Ignitazard. A combination of Ignite and Lizard.
  • Update #3: Added a new character, Snowflight, the Water Imaginator for me. She is a tiger that uses a bow, and also has wings.
  • Update #4: Added Windwing, a Air character, and Shockbolt, a tech character, who are from the Sorcerer and Knight class.
  • Update #5: Added Darktail, a dark elemental fox character, who is a brawler. Added catchphrases for Shockbolt and Darktail.
  • Update #6: Changed Darktail's name to Nightmoon. Removed catchphrases, as there are so many more possibilities I could want to change them.
  • Update #7: Added the Undead character, Bonesaw. He is a Smasher Class. He has bone armor with a bone tail. Also has Bat Wings and a huge battle axe.
  • Update #8: Added Blastbright, a light elemental spirit dragon who is the Sentinel Class. Added a catchphrase for him too.
  • Update #9: Added catchphrases for Nightmoon, Shockbolt, Snowflight and Ignitazard, also Snowflight's and Shockbolt's tone of voice.
  • Update #10: Added descriptions on their looks for all the characters.
  • Update #11: Added a new character, who is called Slither-burst, a life bazooker.
  • Update #12: Added Rune Riot and Terrasphere, the Quickshot and Swashbuckler Classes.
  • Update #13: Added Windwing's catchphrase, and also updated Bonesaw, and Slither-burst's catchphrases.
  • Update #14: Added a new section for Backstories on my characters.
  • Update #15: Added Terrasphere's Backstory.

Descriptions on the Characters

  • Ignitazard is a fire lizard character who looks similar to that lizard character in the trailer, yet hes completely tiny. He uses a fire spear, and has a fiery aura around him. Not sure for head armor yet.

  • Snowflight is a water tiger character. She is ice blue with darker blue wings (if that's a option) She will have some kind of armor, not sure just yet though. Not enough options to see just yet.

  • Windwing is a air character that was shown in the trailer. I'll adjust colors though. He will use a special wand and will have light blue wings, and also a light blue cloak. I will also use the black scaly legs for him.

  • Shockbolt will be a robotic tech character who will use the weapons that the tech imaginator used in the trailer. He is a knight so he'll have a robotic knight helmet (pretty sure i saw it)

  • Nightmoon is a dark grey/black wolf character with dark armor and weapons similar to King Pen, but it could change depending on what I see.

  • Bonesaw uses the same skull mask from the trailer with bat wings, and a huge axe. He will have armor with bones on it (saw it while a dev was creating a character)

  • Blastbright will probably be something similar to Spitfire, if possible. He will have dragon wings, with spyro's horns and his tail too. The scaly legs would probably fit him most, and he will be white and gold.

  • Slither-burst is a snake character who is orange and green, if possible. He will use a fancy bazooka thing, and he will have powerful armor. Not to sure yet as we haven't seen anything.

  • Rune Riot is a female angel-like character, but not color wise. She has pink hair and she has purple and yellow armor. Uses the scaly legs.

  • Terrasphere is a strange alien-like imaginator who has these weird tentacle things in front of his face. He also wears some kind of armor but not sure what just yet.


Coming soon. Can't think of anything right now.









Rune Riot:

Terrasphere: Long ago, Terrasphere lived on the Planet Sphere, where more of his kind lived. Everything was peaceful, and the Spherelians lived happy. Terrasphere, however was different then his other Spherelians. He enjoyed fighting, while the others thought it was too dangerous and could get them hurt. Terrasphere would train everyday. None of his fellow Spherelians agreed with this, until that one day when Plant Sphere was attacked. All sorts of Kaos' devious minions came to take away Plant Sphere from the Spherelians, but Terrasphere would not let this happen. He then got out his sword that he had trained with, and took out all of Kaos' minions, solo. The Spherelians thanked Terrasphere, but he then realized it was time to move on from Planet Sphere. After some time, he discovered Food Fight, who took him to the Skylanders and Eon, where he showed his talent. Eon had then allowed Terrasphere to join the Skylanders, while still visiting Plant Sphere from time to time. He now works as a Imaginator, being trained with the Swashbuckler Classes.

Quoting for this page.

Is there a certain limit for amount of words in a post because with the backstories, this post is going to be huge...
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
Edited 7 times - Last edited at 18:03:17 04/06/2016 by Luminous35
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#204 Posted: 17:16:20 03/06/2016
Quote: ZapNorris

LEGIT CHARACTERS: characters from each element that's not meant as a funny character. They'll have legit powers and stuff.

Bacon Blitz (Fire/Bazooker)- A pig guy, with a fire canon. I'll try to give him some kind of fire projectiles. Big, bulky guy. "You Can't Handle Fire!" (deep voice)

Iron Maiden (Tech/Quickshot)- A robotic lady with long copper hair, and two guns. Steampunk armor and such included, with a ludicrous amount of spikes. Kinda like bayonetta, but a robot. "Don't Mess With The Machines!" (i'll try to make a sexy voice)

Night Club (Dark/Smasher)- A crocodile with a big club. Chill attitude and uses that belly-flop move tri-tip can give your character. "Party With My Club!" (smooth voice)

Big Top (Tech/Swashbuckler)- A crazy, insane robot with some circus themed weapons and attacks. Main weapons are two, big axes. "You Can't Handle The Machines!" (wacky voice)

Plunderstorm (Air/Swashbuckler)- A storm themed pirate. he, of course, would use lightning themed atatcks and two, gold swords. "You Can't Handle Pure Radiance!" (pirate voice)

Scubashock (Water/Brawler)- a generic scuba diver with electric powers. Will punch people. "Time For The Tide!" (kind of a masked voice.)

Bonecrusher (Undead/Brawler)- a gargoyle. about damn time! Will give him some scary wings and big muscles. "Time For my nightmare!" (deep voice)

Sandstone (Earth/Brawler)- a terra cotta warrior golem with sand powers. "Time For The Boom!" (deep voice)

Kamakiri (Life/Swashbuckler)- the praying mantis skylander i've always wanted.. dragonfly wings included. If there's a scythe option, she'll wield two of those. "You can't handle life!" (Heroine voice)

Bullseye (Magic/Bowslinger)- An eyeball head, on a archer body. Uses a bow and arrow. "Time For My Arrows!" (high pitched voice)

Tomahawk (Life/Smasher)- a bird.. with an axe! If they have jet-vac style heads, i'll use that. "Don't mess with my blades!" (hero voice)

Projector (Light/Sorcerer)- a cyclops who can, if possible, use light beams to fight. His original idea was that he could project a copy of himself but i can't see that being an option. "Say hello to the light!" (kind of an awkward voice.)

Anublast (Dark/Quickshot)- a dark Anubis, that blasts out dark energy. "Time for magic!" (don't have a voice idea yet)

Soulstring (Undead/Smasher)- a skeleton who uses music (and his guitar) to hypnotize and fight.


flynn's head on a unholy muscular body (air/brawler) flynn's head on a muscular body, as big as i can make it. "Time For The Boom!" (deepest voice i can imagine)

sans. (undead/sorcerer) just that. will try to give him very good dodging and a comedic, laid back attitude. "Say hello to the undead!" (whatever voice is the most chill)

for the page
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 21:57:44 03/06/2016 by ZapNorris
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#205 Posted: 17:18:18 03/06/2016
I'll definitely try to recreate some Gormiti.

Other than that, I will experiment with the various options but I doubt I will be able to create the majority of my OCs.
Many of them are humanoids but they are quite particular and I doubt the editor will offer me the options I need.

Here's a short list of what I think I'll be able to do:

- a sand-based mummy, still unsure about the Class, obviously of the Earth Element;
- a Fire or Tech pig, either Smasher or Brawler;
- a small Magic wizard Sorcerer;
- an Air robot, most likely a Brawler;
- a Dark Knight with bat/dragon wings.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#206 Posted: 17:20:13 03/06/2016
For some reason I really like the names Rune Riot and Terrasphere that I came up with. IM SO CREATIVE AHAHAHAHAA

smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
Qcumber Yellow Sparx Gems: 1054
#207 Posted: 19:05:45 03/06/2016
I hope I can attatch weapons to arms so I can recreate Magmion with my first fire Crystal. The head is almost certain to be there, and the tail is quite likely too. The body might be a little harder though.

[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]
You can't handle MEMES
GaiaMemories Emerald Sparx Gems: 3809
#208 Posted: 19:13:06 03/06/2016
Quote: Chompy-King257
Quote: GaiaMemories
I have to ask, what would be a good pun on necromancer?

Necrolancer? Attacks enemies with a skeletal lance?

Necrodancer? He summons skeletons by doing a tribal dance?


Thank you both, I love these names.
midnightmagic34 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3771
#209 Posted: 22:29:09 03/06/2016
I really wanna base my fire one off the "butter loving queen of the bourguignon boeuf" Julia Child. I'll probably call her Julia Wild or Wild Child. I might make her of the Knight class and I really hope that one of the weapons is a giant knife. That would really complete her character. I'm tempted to base some other characters off some of my idols, but I'm not sure.
I'd rather stand tall, then live on my knees, cause I am a conqueror, and I won't accept defeat! Try telling me no, one thing about me, is I am a conqueror
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#210 Posted: 22:30:47 03/06/2016
An Quickshot alien with space blasters. He's not from Skylands.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5468
#211 Posted: 22:55:28 03/06/2016
Ok, I think I have an idea for my female Magic Quickshot character. Stellar Blast! (also being called Stella)
I wanted to make some space related pun, but I just couldn't think of any. I drifted off into the space theme, even though I actually wanted to make her a more ancient Magic character like Enigma or Ninjini. Though I guess she'll be a mix of both, like Star Strike.
I also thought of making the following combinations;
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:56:03 03/06/2016 by Deja Vu
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#212 Posted: 23:04:55 03/06/2016
Quote: Deja Vu
Ok, I think I have an idea for my female Magic Quickshot character. Stellar Blast! (also being called Stella)
I wanted to make some space related pun, but I just couldn't think of any. I drifted off into the space theme, even though I actually wanted to make her a more ancient Magic character like Enigma or Ninjini. Though I guess she'll be a mix of both, like Star Strike.
I also thought of making the following combinations;

Funny how we both made Magic Quickshot characters :3
Mine's named Rune Riot and shes FABULOUS
Maybe... idk yet.
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5468
#213 Posted: 23:07:03 03/06/2016
Quote: Luminous35
Quote: Deja Vu
Ok, I think I have an idea for my female Magic Quickshot character. Stellar Blast! (also being called Stella)
I wanted to make some space related pun, but I just couldn't think of any. I drifted off into the space theme, even though I actually wanted to make her a more ancient Magic character like Enigma or Ninjini. Though I guess she'll be a mix of both, like Star Strike.
I also thought of making the following combinations;

Funny how we both made Magic Quickshot characters :3
Mine's named Rune Riot and shes FABULOUS
Maybe... idk yet.

I just wanted to make something that's not typical for the element.
We'll have to wait and see how fabulous our girls can get smilie
Skylandscaper Emerald Sparx Gems: 3966
#214 Posted: 23:54:16 03/06/2016
I guess I should try to make this avatar that I've had for 5 years.
WANTED: regular Chompie Mage. Can be loose. We will open and play with it like all of our Skylanders.
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5468
#215 Posted: 00:01:36 04/06/2016
Quote: Skylandscaper
I guess I should try to make this avatar that I've had for 5 years.

If old Skylanders unlock body parts, I guess you can.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#216 Posted: 00:07:25 04/06/2016
Sea Rex, the pirate dinosaur who is a Swashbuckler of the Water Element.

Also, I've realized that it's possible to make Kaptain K. Rool, one of my favorite videogame characters.

[User Posted Image]

It's rather easy. Give him the pirate body (green), the dinosaur head (green), a short and stubby tail (green), and then dinosaur legs (green). Then just make him fat and give him big muscles. Also, it would be easy to put a pirate hat on him. He could be a Bazooker, referencing his big old blunderbuss he fires cannonballs from.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#217 Posted: 00:30:53 04/06/2016
Quote: Chompy-King257
Sea Rex, the pirate dinosaur who is a Swashbuckler of the Water Element.

Also, I've realized that it's possible to make Kaptain K. Rool, one of my favorite videogame characters.

[User Posted Image]

It's rather easy. Give him the pirate body (green), the dinosaur head (green), a short and stubby tail (green), and then dinosaur legs (green). Then just make him fat and give him big muscles. Also, it would be easy to put a pirate hat on him. He could be a Bazooker, referencing his big old blunderbuss he fires cannonballs from.

Maybe you could rename him Ship Rex? Like Ship Wreck? Yeahhhh? :3
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#218 Posted: 00:42:15 04/06/2016
Quote: Luminous35
Quote: Chompy-King257
Sea Rex, the pirate dinosaur who is a Swashbuckler of the Water Element.

Also, I've realized that it's possible to make Kaptain K. Rool, one of my favorite videogame characters.

[User Posted Image]

It's rather easy. Give him the pirate body (green), the dinosaur head (green), a short and stubby tail (green), and then dinosaur legs (green). Then just make him fat and give him big muscles. Also, it would be easy to put a pirate hat on him. He could be a Bazooker, referencing his big old blunderbuss he fires cannonballs from.

Maybe you could rename him Ship Rex? Like Ship Wreck? Yeahhhh? :3

That's actually better than Sea Rex...
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
midnightmagic34 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3771
#219 Posted: 00:56:35 04/06/2016
My light Sentinel might end up being something like Shining Sentry and I'm not sure what gender I'll make it. I kinda want a light female, but a male could make that character kinda interesting. I'm not sure yet.
I'd rather stand tall, then live on my knees, cause I am a conqueror, and I won't accept defeat! Try telling me no, one thing about me, is I am a conqueror
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#220 Posted: 00:57:53 04/06/2016
totally gonna make a ludicrously buff body using that banana head, and name him "Buffnana"
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#221 Posted: 01:01:09 04/06/2016
What is the Sentinel class? What do they do?
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#222 Posted: 01:13:17 04/06/2016
Quote: Chompy-King257
Quote: Luminous35
Quote: Chompy-King257
Sea Rex, the pirate dinosaur who is a Swashbuckler of the Water Element.

Also, I've realized that it's possible to make Kaptain K. Rool, one of my favorite videogame characters.

[User Posted Image]

It's rather easy. Give him the pirate body (green), the dinosaur head (green), a short and stubby tail (green), and then dinosaur legs (green). Then just make him fat and give him big muscles. Also, it would be easy to put a pirate hat on him. He could be a Bazooker, referencing his big old blunderbuss he fires cannonballs from.

Maybe you could rename him Ship Rex? Like Ship Wreck? Yeahhhh? :3

That's actually better than Sea Rex...

Haha thanks. I'm not the best with puns or whatever.
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
midnightmagic34 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3771
#223 Posted: 01:34:21 04/06/2016
Quote: Chompy-King257
What is the Sentinel class? What do they do?

a soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch.
station a soldier or guard by (a place) to keep watch.
"a wide course had been roped off and sentineled with police"

(This is the dictionary definition)
I'd rather stand tall, then live on my knees, cause I am a conqueror, and I won't accept defeat! Try telling me no, one thing about me, is I am a conqueror
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#224 Posted: 01:36:46 04/06/2016
Quote: Luminous35
Quote: Chompy-King257
Quote: Luminous35

Maybe you could rename him Ship Rex? Like Ship Wreck? Yeahhhh? :3

That's actually better than Sea Rex...

Haha thanks. I'm not the best with puns or whatever.

I might actually do this now because I'm proud of myself smilie
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
DeadPortal Blue Sparx Gems: 612
#225 Posted: 05:22:11 04/06/2016
If we get a Hugo head, I'm making a Life Brawler named Huge-O
My FanFiction

midnightmagic34 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3771
#226 Posted: 18:37:49 04/06/2016
I played William Barfee in my school's production of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, and he sings a song called Magic Foot, thusly, my magic character who will most likely be a brawler or maybe a smasher...not sure yet, will be named Magic Foot
I'd rather stand tall, then live on my knees, cause I am a conqueror, and I won't accept defeat! Try telling me no, one thing about me, is I am a conqueror
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:38:15 04/06/2016 by midnightmagic34
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#227 Posted: 18:39:45 04/06/2016
I'm gonna see what all the parts are before I decide what to make.
//forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=129460 Check out my Skylanders game idea!
PopFizzFan5 Red Sparx Gems: 52
#228 Posted: 15:34:15 05/06/2016
I decided I will make this character (one of my fav marvel characters)
[User Posted Image]
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1088
#229 Posted: 19:42:03 05/06/2016
I'm gonna try Asriel's Angle of Death form!
[User Posted Image]

I just wonder what class he'd fit in, though... Any suggestions?
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#230 Posted: 20:12:35 05/06/2016
Quote: Starlight_Shine
I'm gonna try Asriel's Angle of Death form!
[User Posted Image]

I just wonder what class he'd fit in, though... Any suggestions?


Just kidding. He'd be a Sorcerer, no doubt.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
angelg Gold Sparx Gems: 2791
#231 Posted: 20:22:04 05/06/2016
^seeing how knight light is an agel (all but confirmed by Activision), Asriel would be probably be dark, or in case he is a rehabilitated villain, then light.
Life sucks...and then you die.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#232 Posted: 20:25:52 05/06/2016
Quote: angelg
^seeing how knight light is an angel (all but confirmed by Activision), Asriel would be probably be dark, or in case he is a rehabilitated villain, then light.

Asriel would definitely be Dark or Magic, so I agree with you. He'd be a Sorcerer.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1088
#233 Posted: 20:32:47 05/06/2016
Quote: Chompy-King257
Quote: angelg
^seeing how knight light is an angel (all but confirmed by Activision), Asriel would be probably be dark, or in case he is a rehabilitated villain, then light.

Asriel would definitely be Dark or Magic, so I agree with you. He'd be a Sorcerer.

Yeah, I think Asriel would fit in magic best. Seeing as he's got all those flashy attacks. And rainbows. You can't forget about the rainbows.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#234 Posted: 20:44:58 05/06/2016
A eyeball angel named "Eye Soar"
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5468
#235 Posted: 21:16:51 05/06/2016
IDEA! For the Life Smasher character I'm gonna make a wolf (werewolf) called... erm... I need a pun, quick!
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#236 Posted: 21:26:09 05/06/2016
Quote: Deja Vu
IDEA! For the Life Smasher character I'm gonna make a wolf (werewolf) called... erm... I need a pun, quick!

Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5468
#237 Posted: 21:35:15 05/06/2016
Quote: ZapNorris
Quote: Deja Vu
IDEA! For the Life Smasher character I'm gonna make a wolf (werewolf) called... erm... I need a pun, quick!


Hmmm, not sure. What about Roothunter (instead of Loothunter)?
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#238 Posted: 22:26:35 05/06/2016
Quote: Deja Vu
Quote: Luminous35
Quote: Deja Vu
Ok, I think I have an idea for my female Magic Quickshot character. Stellar Blast! (also being called Stella)
I wanted to make some space related pun, but I just couldn't think of any. I drifted off into the space theme, even though I actually wanted to make her a more ancient Magic character like Enigma or Ninjini. Though I guess she'll be a mix of both, like Star Strike.
I also thought of making the following combinations;

Funny how we both made Magic Quickshot characters :3
Mine's named Rune Riot and shes FABULOUS
Maybe... idk yet.

I just wanted to make something that's not typical for the element.
We'll have to wait and see how fabulous our girls can get smilie

It's kinda what i was going for, for some of the elements at least such as Magic, Earth, and Water. There's probably more but i'm being lazy smilie
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#239 Posted: 13:50:15 06/06/2016
Tech - Knight
Magic - Brawler
Undead - Bazooker
Life - Leafy - Sorcerer - an orange and green theme going on here, utilizing at least some dragon parts
Water - Lacoon (if there is a racoon tail) - Quickshot, if there isn't a racoon tail, then a Bazooker named Powerhose
Fire - Shy-Clops - Ninja
Air - Smasher
Earth - Bowlder - Bowslinger
Dark - Luna - Sentinel
Light - Sola - Swashbuckler

This isn't final yet, and I tried to make the class/element combo slightly unpredictable.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 00:51:35 11/06/2016 by weebbby
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#240 Posted: 13:51:29 06/06/2016

Quote: Carmelita Fox
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#241 Posted: 16:12:07 06/06/2016
Alright, finally got an idea for a full on Imaginator. Food Fight head, snake legs, any leafy acessories and yellow palette. It's a wheat snake Sentinel or Bazooker named Grain Drain, catchphrase "Prepare to face Life!".
...I really hope we get more bottom catchphrase options because Life jokes can only be used so much that they can't be taken seriously.
(What I need is never what I want)
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#242 Posted: 17:30:09 06/06/2016
Looked at the parts closer, apparently the sparkling body you start with when creating an imaginator is actual parts. I might make one with all those parts just cuz
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#243 Posted: 17:35:56 06/06/2016
Quote: PwnageFTW
Looked at the parts closer, apparently the sparkling body you start with when creating an imaginator is actual parts. I might make one with all those parts just cuz

For the first attempt of creating I might just leave them with the nondescript arms or chest to see how freaky it looks in cutscenes, for sure.
(What I need is never what I want)
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#244 Posted: 19:55:15 06/06/2016
Last night, I listed a whole ton of characters I want to make. Here's a long list:

  • Banana Guy - Life Sorcerer - "Don't mess with my wand!" - Banana Head with wizard robes and Broccoli Guy's staff, but colored differently. If possible, give him healing powers, aswell as a goofy or crazy voice.

  • Necolancer/Necrodancer - Undead Sorcerer - "Get ready for zombie dance parties!" - Double Trouble or Skull head with wizard-themed robes and a bone-themed weapon, like a staff or lance. If possible, allow him to summon ghosts or skeletal minions. If he is Necrodancer, he will be involved with doing tribal dances to summon his minions.

  • Sasquash - Life Smasher - "Make way for my club!" - Gorilla/Bigfoot themed character with a wooden club. Give him a deep voice and big muscles. His name is a combination of Sasquatch and squash.

  • Flynn - Air Bazooker - "You can't handle the boom!" - Flynn's head, ears, eyes, body, arms and legs. Give him a voice as closest to Flynn's as possible. His bazooka would launch missiles. Pretty simple.

  • Ogrelord - Life Smasher/Brawler - "Prepare to face my muscles!" - Ogre ears, big muscles, and Fryno's head. If a Smasher, he has a large club. Either wears armor or simple clothing.

  • Swindler - Magic Ninja - "Say hello to magic!" - Basically that winged guy that was in the trailer with King-Pen, but with a sword instead of a hammer. Also, make him purple to fit the Magic element better.

  • Griffinknight - Air Knight - "This looks like a job for my barbarian magnetism!" - Bird character wearing armor. Make feathers brown and give him some sort of sword. He has giant angel wings, as well, which are also colored brown. His name is a combination of Griffin and Knight.

  • Space Freak - Magic/Tech Quickshot - "Unleash the cosmos!" - Alien character with a space-themed outfit and dual ray guns.

  • Sea Rex - Water Swashbuckler - "You're no match for my blades!" - T-Rex head, pirate body, pirate legs and pirate cutlass. If possible, give him a pirate hat and maybe even an eye patch.

  • Thwart Hog - Earth Smasher - "Don't mess with my club!" - Wart Hog head with Roman chest-plate and viking boots. He has big muscles and a Viking Hat.

  • Iron Fist - Tech Brawler - "You can't handle my muscles!" - Robot will two giant fists and the "Cool" voice. Make him act very smug and arrogant.

  • Steam Punk - Tech Bazooker - "Get ready for my missiles!" - Rockets head with a very mechanical outfit and a purple Mohawk. If possible, let his bazooka blast steam or missiles.

  • Kaptain K. Rool - Tech/Water Bazooker - "Make way for explosives!" - Dinosaur head, pirate hat, pirate coat and dinosaur legs. Make him fat and muscular. If possible, allow his bazooka to shoot cannonballs and give him a short, stubby tail. If there is no Guest Star this year, then I guess I'll make one. smilie

  • Shadow Striker - Dark Smasher - Unknown Catchphrase - Small dragon head with huge, muscular body. Give him a giant suit of black armor, and give him a large battle ax. Make his scales black, and give him a very grim voice and a grumpy personality.

  • Unnamed Undead Imaginator - Undead Bazooker - Unknown Catchphrase - Cyclops head with a fancy suit and a giant bazooka. I had some artwork for this guy, but I lost it and now I can't remember his name.

  • Unnamed Fire Imaginator - Fire Ninja - "Don't mess with fire!" - I hardly know anything about I want this guy to be like, I just know I want him to be a Ninja. I think I'd call him Hot Feet, and he revolves around running around very fast while striking with his katana. Besides that, I don't really know.

  • So, What do you think?
    i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
    Edited 2 times - Last edited at 21:44:36 06/06/2016 by Chompy-King257
    Wolfgang Gold Sparx Gems: 2051
    #245 Posted: 19:55:17 06/06/2016
    Here's a character I made back in Giants era, with a few modifications...

    "I'll Beast 'em Up"

    Name: Bite Fright
    Species: Werewolf
    Element: Dark, Knight
    [User Posted Image]

    History: Originally a human named Talbot, he was a fiercely loyal knight who defended his home from the ghosts, zombies, vampires, and other miscellaneous spooks of his part of Skylands. One fateful day, he single-handedly fended off an entire pack of werewolves from his hometown, and Eon was impressed enough by his bravery to make him a Skylander the next day. However, he had been hiding a bite wound from that battle, and the next full moon, one of his missions went awry as he found himself turned into a mindless beast. Luckily, his comrade Ignitor was there to keep him from harming civilians until Eon arrived. He attempted to use a powerful spell to keep the monster under control, but it came with a price. Talbot was in full control of his body again, but found himself unable to transform back into a human. He swore revenge on the beasts that had cursed him, but has recently began to embrace his new talents, favoring his claws over any sword or shield. With a new name and a renewed sense of self, Bite Fright decided that the most constructive output for his rage was best used for fighting those who would do others wrong.

    Personality: Bite Fright tends to categorize people into three groups: Strangers, Friends, and Enemies, and it's wise to stay in one of the first two. When near those he trusts (including other Skylanders) he has a welcoming and friendly personality, and he would do anything to protect them. Unfortunately, this takes a lot of self control, which he is a bit too eager to ignore in the presence of foes. He has a quirky, half-insane, and slightly hostile tone to his voice. His quotes upon doing nonviolent tasks (Opening locks, winning at skystones, finding treasures) are friendly, but his in-battle quotes have more of a bestial, growly feel to them.

    Relationships: Seen often with Knight Light, Chill, Blades, Ignitor, Doom Stone, and Blast Zone, whom he seems to find have a similar moral fiber. Seems to harbor an active dislike for beings of the Undead element, including undead Skylanders (and he especially hates a certain ex-Doom Raider). Is more willing than most to try Pop Fizz's concoctions, hoping for a cure to his condition.

    Other: He can use his bite to temporarily inflict lycanthropy on other beings (including his allies), but Eon's magic dampened the curse's strength, making it unable to permanently spread to others.
    ♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street.
    No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫
    Edited 3 times - Last edited at 20:08:44 06/06/2016 by Wolfgang
    Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5468
    #246 Posted: 19:55:51 06/06/2016
    I've decided that the Air Bazooker and the Light Swashbuckler are both going to be female so that there's an equal number of male and female characters. The Air girl will get the cowgirl voice and basically be a tomboy and also have some similarities to Mags. The Light lady will be kinda a humanoid version of Flashwing, being quite fab and a little self-obsessed. Then I also thought of making the Earth Sentinel a reptile because I always wanted some sort of reptile for Earth (hope that there are some lizard parts). And the Tech Knight... well, I'll have to think about that for a while. I don't want to make High Volt with a sword.
    Wolfgang Gold Sparx Gems: 2051
    #247 Posted: 20:38:37 06/06/2016
    Quote: Deja Vu
    Quote: ZapNorris
    Quote: Deja Vu
    IDEA! For the Life Smasher character I'm gonna make a wolf (werewolf) called... erm... I need a pun, quick!


    Hmmm, not sure. What about Roothunter (instead of Loothunter)?

    My first impulse is something to the effect of Bark Biter... or something involving the word "bark" (given its relation to both canids and trees)
    ♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street.
    No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:41:09 06/06/2016 by Wolfgang
    abstractsardine Gold Sparx Gems: 2244
    #248 Posted: 20:40:30 06/06/2016
    The pic made me jump........ what's wrong with me?
    yelvy Gold Sparx Gems: 2450
    #249 Posted: 20:41:51 06/06/2016
    I wanna make a zebra so bad :3
    AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
    #250 Posted: 20:48:16 06/06/2016
    Quote: abstractsardine
    The pic made me jump........ what's wrong with me?

    Too much FNAF?
    Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
    Check this out! Please?
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