------Charcter sheet--------------
1. I am dm
2. no charcter over 10,000 (Unless PM first)
3. be respectful to other players
5. If you have an idea for plotline or story PM me, dont just post it without my permission
6. have fun
Name: Malak Dracul Tepes
Age: looks about 21
Powers: Shadowalk, Control weather, Hydrokinesis
Personality: Self-righteous, arrogant, caring
Race: vampire
Bio: Malak's family tree is that of the Tepes family, his 3x great grandfather was Vlad the Impaler. When Malak was born he was lathered with toys, and trinkets. He is spoiled, but only with material objects he cares nothing for. He wants nothing more than to spend time with his friends, and family. But as Prince of the vampires he cannot do such things, especially now that his father is missing.
![[User Posted Image]](http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--Hacuq-Jp--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/18lpuwfm16qs3jpg.jpg)
Name: Vladimir
Age: looks about 21
Powers: N/A
Personality: Ruthless, Stunning, and Stoic
Race: vampire
Bio: Vladimir is Malak's twin, except his hatred for his father. Vlad is not afraid of anything, especially towards werewolves. he believes that his father met his maker by the werewolf lord, while the werewolf lord met his end at the silver blade of his fathers longsword.
![[User Posted Image]](http://i771.photobucket.com/albums/xx353/crazyfingers/16154.jpg)
Name: Lawrence
Age: 29
Powers: Super strength, Super speed, Pyrokinesis
Personality: calm and observant, very charismatic
Race: Werewolf
Bio: Lawrence is the only prince to the werewolf throne. since his fathers disappearance moons ago he has taken the throne as his own and has done his best to keep the peace treaty between the wolves and the vampires from collapsing. though at this point it seems fruitless.
![[User Posted Image]](http://img12.deviantart.net/4dbf/i/2014/073/6/f/werewolf_vinfor_by_kuzinskiy-d7a4uwx.jpg)
Name: Marcus Tepes
Age: 400
Powers: Shadowalk, Geokinesis, Electrokinesis, Hypnosis
Personality: Cruel, Seductive, Evil
Race: Vampire
Bio: Marcus is the uncle to Malak and Vladimir, but he was denied the throne by his nephew Malak. it is suspected that marcus killed his brother the king but not enough evidence can be provided. he is as selfish and bloodthirsty as vampires can come.
![[User Posted Image]](http://img13.deviantart.net/a9e3/i/2012/133/c/6/vampire_the_blood_lord_by_pamansazz-d4zo27o.jpg)
Name: Alexander
Age: Deceased
Powers: Kronokenisis, Shadowalk, Blood bending, Electrokenisis, Telekenisis. Because he was the first hybrid he was stronger than a werewolf, and faster than a vampire.
Personality: Stoic, Ruthless, Calculated
Race: Werepire (First)
Bio: The first werepire in existence, unfortunately he was killed by Dracula's father Vladamir.
Appearance: Human-like
![[User Posted Image]](http://i340.photobucket.com/albums/o326/Valthrax/VampireHunter.gif)
![[User Posted Image]](http://i.ytimg.com/vi/dbg9JzVZOHY/maxresdefault.jpg)