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Everything we know about Skylanders: SuperChargers (20/09/2015) [STICKY] [CLOSED]
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#2851 Posted: 01:06:26 31/07/2015
Superchargers has officially been nominated for three different awards at Gamescom; I expect we'll see quite a bit there.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Fizzle Blue Sparx Gems: 854
#2852 Posted: 01:24:44 31/07/2015
Yeah I really want to hear about the story
like why do we need the Thunderous Bolt and to speak to the Cloudbreather?
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Skylanders fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3952
#2853 Posted: 02:17:50 31/07/2015
Quote: Blink182Bouncer
I'm just saying.... It's been almost two months since e3 and we got NOTHING at SDCC and E3 wasn't that special either...

we got the dark edition and kaos trophy announcement at SDCC
Yep still around just not posting much anymore
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#2854 Posted: 03:05:45 31/07/2015
Quote: Bifrost
This is over a month old, now that Comic-Con went by we know there is online since it's in the actual starter pack. Acti was probably trying to leak fix and caused more issues than anything by trying to lie.

Yep, that's what I get for trying.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#2855 Posted: 03:10:25 31/07/2015
Quote: TrapShadowFan
Quote: Bionichute
Nothing aside from most of the character being revealed, right?

We still barely know ANYTHING about the actual game.

Pretty sure most of the character means a lot more than a new level.
//forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=129460 Check out my Skylanders game idea!
TTD Hunter Gems: 6591
#2856 Posted: 08:23:27 31/07/2015 | Topic Creator
OP updated. Thanks, Bifrost for finding more mods.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:32:01 31/07/2015 by TTD
ninja9351 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4924
#2857 Posted: 12:00:54 31/07/2015
Quote: Bionichute
Quote: TrapShadowFan
Quote: Bionichute
Nothing aside from most of the character being revealed, right?

We still barely know ANYTHING about the actual game.

Pretty sure most of the character means a lot more than a new level.

I very strongly disagree. While it is nice to discover more characters, at the end of the day the game is still why we buy these things. We've seen like 2 maybe 3 levels in contrast to our normal 5 or 6 levels. Not to mention we've still not seen anything about the non-story mode activities, just the same levels, repeating.
I make Skylanders videos-Go Check em' out! youtube.com/portalmaster9351
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10638
#2858 Posted: 12:11:34 31/07/2015
Quote: SpyroD
Quote: Bifrost
This is over a month old, now that Comic-Con went by we know there is online since it's in the actual starter pack. Acti was probably trying to leak fix and caused more issues than anything by trying to lie.

Yep, that's what I get for trying.

Always check the date. If it's early in the day for most or it's JUST before an event, chances are not everyone is looking for videos and articles just yet, and what we don't know is usually just posted. Youtube's 'Today' filter is your friend :U
(What I need is never what I want)
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#2859 Posted: 16:20:01 31/07/2015
Quote: ninja9351
Quote: Bionichute
Quote: TrapShadowFan

We still barely know ANYTHING about the actual game.

Pretty sure most of the character means a lot more than a new level.

I very strongly disagree. While it is nice to discover more characters, at the end of the day the game is still why we buy these things. We've seen like 2 maybe 3 levels in contrast to our normal 5 or 6 levels. Not to mention we've still not seen anything about the non-story mode activities, just the same levels, repeating.

I personally want to see as few levels as possible. I'd highly prefer for them to keep all gameplay in the level with the Thunderous Bolt.
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
Muffin Man Platinum Sparx Gems: 5753
#2860 Posted: 16:40:03 31/07/2015
Quote: 84skylanderdude
I personally want to see as few levels as possible. I'd highly prefer for them to keep all gameplay in the level with the Thunderous Bolt.

Same here. I'd rather learn about the levels by playing them myself.

What I want to see more of are all the remaining figures we've yet to see in action. Plus I want to know what the trophies are all about and if they're replacing Adventure packs or not, and what modes are being included in addition to the main story.
Just ate a time muffin and now I'm traveling through the time vortex.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10638
#2861 Posted: 17:15:56 31/07/2015
After SF I don't trust them to learn to love the levels blind, but they seem to have stuck to their choice and aren't changing it; their loss if word of mouth gets out there on anything being disapponting after the first two levels.
(What I need is never what I want)
isaac343018s Emerald Sparx Gems: 4478
#2862 Posted: 18:04:48 31/07/2015
My #1 concern is that Cloud Kingdom and the Cloudscraper Mountain levels don't become like Phoenix Psanctuary in Trap Team. In there there was an intro to the eggshell enemies and a little cutscene to go with it, but none of the other levels had that kind of intro for new enemies (I'm pretty sure). I hope those two (technically 6) levels don't look or feel different from the other ones just because that's what they used for demos
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10638
#2863 Posted: 18:14:05 31/07/2015
Quote: isaac343018s
My #1 concern is that Cloud Kingdom and the Cloudscraper Mountain levels don't become like Phoenix Psanctuary in Trap Team. In there there was an intro to the eggshell enemies and a little cutscene to go with it, but none of the other levels had that kind of intro for new enemies (I'm pretty sure). I hope those two (technically 6) levels don't look or feel different from the other ones just because that's what they used for demos

They were edited to have the dev teleporters and some cut off areas that you'll progress through in the normal game, so it's pretty possible.
(What I need is never what I want)
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#2864 Posted: 20:37:41 01/08/2015
I just want more info on bonus modes (tbh, would have preferred it to seeing all the characters)

I'm not satisfied with the idea of online racing/co op and suspect I'll barely play either :/ Don't like how the vehicles look and I never liked the co op after its initial novelty, even in SF where it was at its best

Besides Knock Mechanics, I think the amount of bonus modes/levels is the biggest reason SF is my favourite, so I'm very disappointed single-player bonus modes haven't been bought up

I'm worried there aren't going to be many new levels (not chapters, full levels that have chapter splits), so I'd like more info on the amount of levels too but it won't happen because spoilers, and if there aren't going to be many levels I'd rather not see a ton of them and have all the environments spoiled
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:38:37 01/08/2015 by Arc of Archives
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#2865 Posted: 22:48:07 01/08/2015
Yeah I'm hoping there's as many modes in Superchargers as there was in Swap Force. As of now SF is still my favorite Skylander game.

- it brought back Adventure Packs
- time attack
- score attack (favorite)
- survival arena
- swap zone challenges
- still had elemental gates
- could see your friends collections

Hoping VV can strike twice in the mode department.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
TheShadowDragon Ripto Gems: 2886
#2866 Posted: 23:48:21 01/08/2015
Just one question. Will the Dark Super Shot Stealth (not just the regular SS Stealth Elf) be able to super-charge the original Stealth Stinger? And the same goes with Nightfall super-charging the Dark Sea Shadow (not just the original)?
isaac343018s Emerald Sparx Gems: 4478
#2867 Posted: 23:53:26 01/08/2015
It wouldnt make any sense if that wasnt possible TheShadowDragon, but you never know
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#2868 Posted: 23:56:53 01/08/2015
Oh! Speaking of friends' collections, you reminded me of another thing I liked: the Accolades. I was really bummed out when they bought back the PM Rank in TT, but the Stars were just from completing levels rather than various goals. I was really hoping they would keep them consistent in the series and let you collect more and more in each game, so those of us playing for years could have really huge Accolade lists and show them off in a Portal Master profile or something. It'd be fun.

So yeah, I hope they bring back those too
TheShadowDragon Ripto Gems: 2886
#2869 Posted: 00:03:07 02/08/2015
Quote: isaac343018s
It wouldnt make any sense if that wasnt possible TheShadowDragon, but you never know

I'll take that as a "maybe".
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10638
#2870 Posted: 00:04:29 02/08/2015
Being someone who buys very few figures per game, I'd say no. But people ARE asking to be rewarded more for their collections without being forced to do so, so maybe 2 different types? Portal Master Rank for completition stars, Accolades for collections and random achievements in boredom(which might even be the Achievements themselves,Bayonetta comes to mind where 50 of the collectibles are achievements).
PM rank grants hats/trinkets/whatever, Accolade gives percentage boosts of XP and maybe other stats like old times.

Back on topic... Nothing to add to topic. Youtube's Today filter turned into repost hell, Google's over half of the results being DS. It's as barren as it gets.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 00:24:06 02/08/2015 by Bifrost
isaac343018s Emerald Sparx Gems: 4478
#2871 Posted: 01:31:24 02/08/2015
Only roughly two more days until Gamescom and hopefully new videos there Bifrost. (Im not joking when I say that when I wake up I always check the today filter for any new gameplay)
TTD Hunter Gems: 6591
#2872 Posted: 12:38:31 02/08/2015 | Topic Creator
OP edit 02/08/2015

  • Removed screenshots to reduce lag
  • Added roster (below)
  • [User Posted Image]
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:41:19 02/08/2015 by TTD
    dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14437
    #2873 Posted: 13:37:38 02/08/2015
    Here's a picture of the Sea Trophy I just found:
    [User Posted Image]
    If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
    Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10638
    #2874 Posted: 13:42:34 02/08/2015
    Jesus they just slapped Golden Queen's face on the trophy instead of carving into it. Ok getting second thoughts about buying it loose.
    But can't acess that site at all, is that the only 3D model?
    (What I need is never what I want)
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:43:25 02/08/2015 by Bifrost
    TTD Hunter Gems: 6591
    #2875 Posted: 14:35:39 02/08/2015 | Topic Creator
    Hmm... Would have preferred it if the eyes were red instead of blending into the gold. However, I actually do like the sculpt.
    Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5580
    #2876 Posted: 14:54:40 02/08/2015
    Now I think it's pretty much confirmed that we're going to see more of the trophy at gamescom
    TheShadowDragon Ripto Gems: 2886
    #2877 Posted: 15:11:51 02/08/2015
    I really hope Wolfgang gets his face on a Trophy as well. Also, since there will only be 1 new of the Dark and Light SuperChargers, it's clear that Bowser and Donkey Kong do count as 2 of the 20 SuperChargers. No single SuperCharger is a quadruped or dragon. Gill Grunt appeared in the Skylanders series five times in a row from Series 1 to SuperCharger version (not counting his variants or Eon's Elite).
    Buuzer Hunter Gems: 6546
    #2878 Posted: 15:15:39 02/08/2015
    Let's hope for a Wolfgang trophy.
    smilie smilie smilie youtube.com/user/GOWBuuzer smilie smilie smilie
    Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10638
    #2879 Posted: 15:22:18 02/08/2015
    Quote: TheShadowDragon
    I really hope Wolfgang gets his face on a Trophy as well. Also, since there will only be 1 new of the Dark and Light SuperChargers, it's clear that Bowser and Donkey Kong do count as 2 of the 20 SuperChargers. No single SuperCharger is a quadruped or dragon. Gill Grunt appeared in the Skylanders series five times in a row from Series 1 to SuperCharger version (not counting his variants or Eon's Elite).

    Lou called Spitfire a dragon, so that might count, even if the backstory says he's a fire spirit.
    (What I need is never what I want)
    TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350
    #2880 Posted: 15:27:11 02/08/2015
    Quote: Bifrost
    Jesus they just slapped Golden Queen's face on the trophy instead of carving into it. Ok getting second thoughts about buying it loose.
    But can't acess that site at all, is that the only 3D model?

    Don't quite get what you're saying.
    HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8731
    #2881 Posted: 15:35:04 02/08/2015
    Quote: Bifrost
    Quote: TheShadowDragon
    I really hope Wolfgang gets his face on a Trophy as well. Also, since there will only be 1 new of the Dark and Light SuperChargers, it's clear that Bowser and Donkey Kong do count as 2 of the 20 SuperChargers. No single SuperCharger is a quadruped or dragon. Gill Grunt appeared in the Skylanders series five times in a row from Series 1 to SuperCharger version (not counting his variants or Eon's Elite).

    Lou called Spitfire a dragon, so that might count, even if the backstory says he's a fire spirit.

    He's probably both. A Fire Spirit Dragon is likely.
    Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
    Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10638
    #2882 Posted: 15:37:02 02/08/2015
    Quote: TakeYourLemons

    Don't quite get what you're saying.

    The Kaos Trophy has Kaos' face drawn on the trophy itself. Look at this one closely,they just put a model of her head over the trophy itself. Not only it's just going to look dumb even if there's another face on the other side, it's pretty lazy when they could've made her face the trophy.
    (What I need is never what I want)
    Blink182Bouncer Yellow Sparx Gems: 1659
    #2883 Posted: 16:21:55 02/08/2015
    Anyone else excited for this?

    P.S. Did we ever figure out how Spitfire ended up in Mexico?
    Still Waiting For Legendary Tom DeLonge To Come In The Blink-182 Triple Pack.
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:24:27 02/08/2015 by Blink182Bouncer
    Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10638
    #2884 Posted: 16:34:45 02/08/2015
    Wednesday will be Gamescon already, whatever he's showing we'll be seeing from a LOT more youtubers.
    (What I need is never what I want)
    Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
    #2885 Posted: 16:38:22 02/08/2015
    Quote: Bifrost
    Quote: TakeYourLemons

    Don't quite get what you're saying.

    The Kaos Trophy has Kaos' face drawn on the trophy itself. Look at this one closely,they just put a model of her head over the trophy itself. Not only it's just going to look dumb even if there's another face on the other side, it's pretty lazy when they could've made her face the trophy.

    Her face even has a similar shape: thin on the bottom and wide on the top.
    And it doesn't seem to have another face on the back from the look of it.
    They probably did it so they won't have to create a unique mold for each Trophy's basic shape.

    Just the basic one with the villain's face on it.
    I would say it was a lazy choice... And it is but the whole item still look good and it probably solved some production/cost issue we likely can't even figure out.
    ”Gulp, lunch time!”
    Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
    Phoenix_Lord Gold Sparx Gems: 2061
    #2886 Posted: 17:35:59 02/08/2015
    Quote: TTD
    Hmm... Would have preferred it if the eyes were red instead of blending into the gold. However, I actually do like the sculpt.

    I like the sculpt also....and i can fix her eyes on mine easily enough... smilie (reaching for my bottle of pearlized red paint) smilie

    Quote: Buuzer
    Let's hope for a Wolfgang trophy.

    Me to...think it would look very cool.
    Theres no SuperChargers Cards. So I'm making my own... smilie
    Avatar made by...ME smilie
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:36:26 02/08/2015 by Phoenix_Lord
    Wolfgang Gold Sparx Gems: 2051
    #2887 Posted: 17:55:27 02/08/2015
    Quote: TheShadowDragon
    I really hope Wolfgang gets his face on a Trophy as well.

    Quote: Phoenix_Lord

    Quote: Buuzer
    Let's hope for a Wolfgang trophy.

    Me to...think it would look very cool.

    I'm hearin' a lot of good ideas on this thread!
    ♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street.
    No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫
    Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
    #2888 Posted: 18:27:24 02/08/2015
    Golden Queen's trophy just screams "Customize me". Would be pretty simple to fix up with metallic red and blue.
    Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
    TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350
    #2889 Posted: 18:29:02 02/08/2015
    Quote: Bifrost
    Quote: TakeYourLemons

    Don't quite get what you're saying.

    The Kaos Trophy has Kaos' face drawn on the trophy itself. Look at this one closely,they just put a model of her head over the trophy itself. Not only it's just going to look dumb even if there's another face on the other side, it's pretty lazy when they could've made her face the trophy.

    Oh you're saying that it's painted and not carved? Yeah that would be cheesy if that's the case. And a marked turned in quality. It does look "engraved" to me though.
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:31:42 02/08/2015 by TakeYourLemons
    Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
    #2890 Posted: 18:35:15 02/08/2015
    No, no not painted.
    They slapped Golden Queen's face on a "blank" trophy instead of making the cup itself look like her (look at the Kaos Trophy).
    ”Gulp, lunch time!”
    Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
    BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
    #2891 Posted: 18:43:18 02/08/2015
    Quote: Matteomax
    Golden Queen's trophy just screams "Customize me". Would be pretty simple to fix up with metallic red and blue.

    I have to agree.

    In my opinion, it seems the Trofees are some sort of "Excuse" for us not being able to play with the Captured Villians in Trap Team.
    84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
    #2892 Posted: 18:47:15 02/08/2015
    Quote: BlackWing116
    Quote: Matteomax
    Golden Queen's trophy just screams "Customize me". Would be pretty simple to fix up with metallic red and blue.

    I have to agree.

    In my opinion, it seems the Trophies are some sort of "Excuse" for us not being able to play with the Captured Villians in Trap Team.

    I agree. Although, it does make sense for them not to carry over villains. It takes up a lot of space in the programming I'd imagine.
    “No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
    Blink182Bouncer Yellow Sparx Gems: 1659
    #2893 Posted: 18:59:04 02/08/2015
    Quote: Bifrost
    Wednesday will be Gamescon already, whatever he's showing we'll be seeing from a LOT more youtubers.

    Yeah but it confirms we'll be getting any news at all
    AND day 1 too!
    Still Waiting For Legendary Tom DeLonge To Come In The Blink-182 Triple Pack.
    Muffin Man Platinum Sparx Gems: 5753
    #2894 Posted: 19:09:58 02/08/2015
    Quote: 84skylanderdude
    Quote: BlackWing116
    Quote: Matteomax
    Golden Queen's trophy just screams "Customize me". Would be pretty simple to fix up with metallic red and blue.

    I have to agree.

    In my opinion, it seems the Trophies are some sort of "Excuse" for us not being able to play with the Captured Villians in Trap Team.

    I agree. Although, it does make sense for them not to carry over villains. It takes up a lot of space in the programming I'd imagine.

    I'd be fine with the Traps' downgraded use if it had been applied to Trap Masters instead of vehicles. Would've been simple: place a Trap on the portal with a Trap Master, the Trap Master's weapon glows, and now they have an extra elemental attack or power boost of some sort. And the effect would be enhanced if you have a trapped villain from Trap Team inside the Trap.
    Just ate a time muffin and now I'm traveling through the time vortex.
    Edited 2 times - Last edited at 19:11:56 02/08/2015 by Muffin Man
    Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10638
    #2895 Posted: 19:20:43 02/08/2015
    Quote: TakeYourLemons
    Quote: Bifrost
    Quote: TakeYourLemons

    Don't quite get what you're saying.

    The Kaos Trophy has Kaos' face drawn on the trophy itself. Look at this one closely,they just put a model of her head over the trophy itself. Not only it's just going to look dumb even if there's another face on the other side, it's pretty lazy when they could've made her face the trophy.

    Oh you're saying that it's painted and not carved? Yeah that would be cheesy if that's the case. And a marked turned in quality. It does look "engraved" to me though.

    Quote: Drek95
    No, no not painted.
    They slapped Golden Queen's face on a "blank" trophy instead of making the cup itself look like her (look at the Kaos Trophy).

    What Drek said is what I mean. It's not lazy on the plastic,it's on the modeling. And I'm sure with 20 skylanders and 20 vehicles to design instead of all the villains and the usual lineup there's no reason to save up on 3D artists on what might be this year's Adventure Packs.

    And yes, it does scream customize me since not even her gems are green. I did that with her trap, I can do it again, I guess,but not too happy with not having a great figure on its own.
    (What I need is never what I want)
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:21:41 02/08/2015 by Bifrost
    Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
    #2896 Posted: 21:24:18 02/08/2015
    Quote: Muffin Man
    Quote: 84skylanderdude
    Quote: BlackWing116

    I have to agree.

    In my opinion, it seems the Trophies are some sort of "Excuse" for us not being able to play with the Captured Villians in Trap Team.

    I agree. Although, it does make sense for them not to carry over villains. It takes up a lot of space in the programming I'd imagine.

    I'd be fine with the Traps' downgraded use if it had been applied to Trap Masters instead of vehicles. Would've been simple: place a Trap on the portal with a Trap Master, the Trap Master's weapon glows, and now they have an extra elemental attack or power boost of some sort. And the effect would be enhanced if you have a trapped villain from Trap Team inside the Trap.

    That would have been a great way to also make the Trap Masters somehow unique and really make them and the traps act special together!

    And really, the trappable villains being too much to code isn't an excuse.
    Especially in a game where they only added 10 brand new Skylanders, 8 reposes and 2 Nintendo exclusives.

    They knew these game would have gotten bigger and bigger.
    Both devs need to cooperate more and always keep in contact to make all the characters and the figures work well in all the future games.
    ”Gulp, lunch time!”
    Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
    AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
    #2897 Posted: 23:03:22 02/08/2015
    Am I too late to give my opinion on this?

    Golden Queen trophy pack, day one buy. I don't even care that it comes with the fifth Gill Grunt toy.
    Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
    Check this out! Please?
    Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
    #2898 Posted: 23:40:55 02/08/2015
    God, the Trophy pack has to be like, what, 40, 50 dollars? Yikes.
    //forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=129460 Check out my Skylanders game idea!
    Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
    #2899 Posted: 23:47:12 02/08/2015
    35 I think.

    Not going to buy it.
    Not with Gill Grunt number 3452 inside the same Pack.

    eBay is the way! smilie
    ”Gulp, lunch time!”
    Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
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