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SKYLANDERS: The Mystery of Earth <CH28 POSTED> Starting it up again! [CLOSED]
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#151 Posted: 03:53:03 01/04/2015 | Topic Creator

The Mystery of Earth: GRAND FINALE

At Skylands:

“High Five! WHY!” yelled Blastermind. “Because…” said the demon-ish voice from High Five. “Because what? Because she was Kaos’ Bum?” asked Shroomboom, in sorrow. “Because… It would be swag!” said High Five, with a Wrecking Ball-ish voice. “Oh. Good Reason” replies Shroomboom, starting to giggle. After a few seconds, Blastermind began to giggle, and Wrecking Ball, and High Five. Skylander Island was on a hysterical giggle mode, and Torch’s body was just lying there. Then, the alarm went off. “Someone new is here!” exclaimed Blastermind. The Skylanders rushed to the docks to see who had joined to party… "This is the end!" yelled the fairy on the side of the docks. "NOOOOOOOO!!!!" yelled Wrecking Ball! The Gnorcs then murdered the Skylanders

On Earth:

"Look a portal!" yelled Fist Bump, looking at a portal. Suddenly, Gnorcs jump out and kill everyone!!!!

The End.

Authors Log
Sorry I rushed my last chapter
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:38:06 01/04/2015 by Iganagor
PopFizzMagic Yellow Sparx Gems: 1235
#152 Posted: 12:41:21 01/04/2015
Wot? Oh, Aprils fool? Plus, it costs to post!
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#153 Posted: 18:48:24 01/04/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: PopFizzMagic
Wot? Oh, Aprils fool? Plus, it costs to post!

The coin thing is dark52s Aprils Fools
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#154 Posted: 21:21:04 01/04/2015 | Topic Creator
The Mystery of Skylands: Not Earth

Chapter 27. The New Element: Extended


Previously on The Mystery of Earth; Our Skylander team had a surprise visitor known as Torch. But they thought she was a piece of Kaos’ Bum and tested her to see if she was good. After the first few tests, Blastermind and Shroomboom started to respect her, but Wrecking Ball and High Five considered the bad side of thing and put her through harsh tasks involved water and ice. Torch managed to complete the task, but High Five went rage and stabbed her… Lewl.

“High Five! WHY!” yelled Blastermind. “Because…” said the demon-ish voice from High Five. “Because what? Because she was Kaos’ Bum?” asked Shroomboom, in sorrow. “Because… It would be swag!” said High Five, with a Wrecking Ball-ish voice. “Oh. Good Reason” replies Shroomboom, starting to giggle. After a few seconds, Blastermind began to giggle, and Wrecking Ball, and High Five. Skylander Island was on a hysterical giggle mode, and Torch’s body was just lying there. Then, the alarm went off. “Someone new is here!” exclaimed Blastermind. The Skylanders rushed to the docks to see who had joined to party… “BIYAHFUDEABSUDH” yelled the voice of the body on the dock… It was Jet-Vac (dun, dun, derpalicious).

“ASDUWERKDA” screamed Jet-Vac, in his derp bird voice. “Did he eat an evil cupcake too?” asked Shroomboom. “Eh, probably” replied High Five, staring at the poor excuse for Mother Nature. “RUADGAWEG” yelled Jet-Vac, acting like he wanted people to stab him. “Can we keep him?” asked Wrecking Ball, in a sarcastic tone. “I guess we sort of have to” said Blastermind, worried. “KANOGOGOG!?!!??!” asked Jet-Vac, at least it sounded like he was asking something. Wrecking Ball laughed for a second then stopped. “SALEFAVAVA” whispered Jet-Vac, walking creepily towards the Skylanders. “I wish this bird was normal” said High Five.

The Skylanders showed Jet-Vac to the food court, but had gotten interrupted by a glow from the plain grass. “DADUDADUDI” yelled Jet-Vac, running towards the glow. The other Skylanders gathered around the glow, it was came from the Derp Element Crystal. “Blastermind? Why is the thing glowing?” asked High Five. “It’s calling to Jet-Vac” replied Blastermind.
Jet-Vac stood there, without a derpy word, staring at the glowing grey crystal. “MUKOG…” whispered Jet-Vac, moving his left hand slowly towards the crystal. “He is the master” said Blastermind. “The master of what? What is happening?” asked Shroomboom, in a pure state on anxiety. “The master of the derp element” replied Blastermind, watching the astonished bird. As Jet-Vacs hand moved closer towards the giant crystalline sphere, it illuminated.

For a few seconds, there was dead silence, the Skylanders were watching Jet-Vac with unblinking eyes. Suddenly, Jet-Vacs palm had touched the sphere, it glowed a blinding light. The Skylanders looked away, with an exception of Jet-Vac who kept his palm on glowing sphere. Jet-Vac started to glow, his suit had become of a red velvet, and the vacuum on his back split into too, and he had become Full Blast Jet-Vac. The sphere disappeared as Jet-Vac had absorbed all the power, the other Skylanders turned around to see their new derpy hero. “Full Blast Jet-Vac” said Jet-Vac, who had suddenly learnt the power to speak. “He can speak!” exclaimed High Five. “The crystal has given our DERPDERPDERP Bird power!” exclaimed Blastermind, fascinated. “I can speak now, and I’m still a derp!” said the derp-happy Jet-Vac. “How does it feel?” asked Wrecking Ball. “It feels good…” replied Jet-Vac, with a small smile across his face. “You are the Derp Master!” exclaimed Shroomboom. “We have to go to Fairy-Fail Volcano! The evil Persephone is murdering people!” exclaimed Jet-Vac. “How do you know?” asked High Five, with high doubt. Jet-Vac pulled a stern look, “Before I came here, I was with Eruptor! The evil fairy came and took him to The Arena in her Volcano!”

The Skylanders trusted Jet-Vac and set off to murder the stupid fairy that is useless without an army…

Authors Log
Hope you enjoyed the crazy-mouthed derp bird! smilie
Three more S3 Chapters and it's on to S4...

You may of seen the teaser from the April Fool's prank! If you didn't notice, everything in italics were in this chapter! Pretty Sneaky!
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
PopFizzMagic Yellow Sparx Gems: 1235
#155 Posted: 22:15:58 01/04/2015
This dark is a waddling banana
14056 Blue Sparx Gems: 585
#156 Posted: 23:08:15 04/04/2015

EDIT: smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:08:42 04/04/2015 by 14056
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#157 Posted: 06:47:13 25/04/2015 | Topic Creator
The Mystery of Skylands: Not Earth

Chapter 28. Fight to the Death


The other Skylanders decided to embark on the Journey with Jet-Vac, they had believed the Persephone story and were ready for a big brawl. The Skylanders had already journeyed through extreme places, such as the Frostfest Mountains, the Crawling Catacombs and the Skyhighlands, but nothing before was nearly as fierce as the journey that they were about to embark on…

We join the Skylanders aboard the airship, flying to the Great Volcano; Magicano. “Jet-Crack? Are you sure Magicano is where that useless fairy is?” asked Shroomboom. “I am certain! This is the where Persephone used to take me before she lost her sanity” replied Jet-Vac. “Oh yeah! I remember when she gave Skylanders some tours of her future ‘I-will-kill-you’ place!” said Wrecking Ball, thinking back onto the good times. “Guys, this is it! We’re here!” announced High Five, docking the airship onto the docks at the side of the Volcano. Then the Skylanders exited the airship and proceeded onto their mission.

“Ugh! How can someone, or something live at this dark, evil volcano?” asked Shroomboom, in disgust. “I know! It’s so… pink and girly!” screeched High Five. “Yeah, why can’t it be pink and boy-ee?” screamed Wrecking Ball, thinking about destiny. High Five chuckled a bit, then gave a stern look into Wrecking Balls eyes. “Guys, let’s venture forth into the volcano!” said Jet-Vac, ready for the adventure. “Okay! Let’s climb our way up the gigantic pink stairs!” yelled Wrecking Ball. As the Skylanders climbed up the stairs, they managed to see a lot of unexpected pink chompies and greebles. “Oh man! She ugly-fied all the monsters, they’re meant to look fierce not, mega-fierce!” exclaimed Blastermind, shooting some chompies. “While, were here… Persephones Arena” announced Jet-Vac, oh so derpily.

The Skylanders gave a little push of the gigantic door and entered the bright pink dome. “Woah! The arena, it’s so big!” exclaimed High Five. “Yeah, she seemed to have extended it” replied Jet-Vac, only to be interrupted by a dark laugh. “MWA-HA-HA!” yelled the deep dark tone. “It’s Persephone!” exclaimed Shroomboom. “Indeed it is me!” replied Persephone on her big pink throne. “Persephone, we’re gonna giiiiiit you!” yelled High Five. “No you won’t! Guards take those three of the premises” ordered Persephone, “I’ll deal with the other two”. Suddenly, giant Gnorcs came and picked up High Five, Wrecking Ball and Jet-Vac, then chucked them in a prison cell. Leaving, Shroomboom and Blastermind in the Arena.

“Blastermind, what’s happening?” asked Shroomboom. “It’s Persephones arena! She’s gonna try to kill us!” replied Blastermind. “I will kill you! Then, when someone dies or is close to death, I’ll bring in another!” exclaimed Persephone, reading her rules. “Why would you do this to us? You used to be our ally!” exclaimed Shroomboom. “Being an ally sucks! You don’t to have fun killing people, miraculously!” replied Persephone. “Just bring on the first wave!” exclaimed Blastermind, ready for battle. “Well then, someone’s overeager to get KILLED! The first wave is Mini-Malefors!” yelled Persephone, unleashing the Malefors.

Suddenly appearing from a long hallway appeared a couple thousand miniature Malefors. “Not these again! There are so much!” yelled Shroomboom. “I know, there are so much so I may quicken the pain!” yelled Persephone. “Ah! It bit my arm, help!” yelled Blastermind, with dark liquid pouring into his body. “Ha! The poison is taking over you, Blastermind!” screeched Persephone. “Quickly, Blastermind help!” yelled Shroomboom, with about a hundred dragons piling on his body. “I’m coming…” said Blastermind, feeling in pain from the poison. “Help! They’re ripping my body! They’re tearing it into shreds!” yelled Shroomboom, with only a small peak of life left.

Pieces of Shroombooms body scattered over the arena. His life essence was getting ripped into shreds. Until, there was no life left… Shroomboom had died.

Authors Log
Sorry it has been so long, I have a few more chapters until Season 4, so enjoy!
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:14:33 09/08/2015 by Iganagor
PopFizzMagic Yellow Sparx Gems: 1235
#158 Posted: 20:51:54 10/05/2015
Best fanfic ever. Just don't kill spy rise
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#159 Posted: 05:24:49 11/05/2015 | Topic Creator
It has been like 8 chapter since Spy Rise has been here, why are you talking about him now?
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
PopFizzMagic Yellow Sparx Gems: 1235
#160 Posted: 17:43:23 11/05/2015
Sorry inactive. I red them nowsmilie awesome story, best one around.
WilltheWizard Yellow Sparx Gems: 1779
#161 Posted: 14:41:51 13/05/2015
Quote: PopFizzMagic
Quote: 14056
Quote: Iganagor

Lewl. I have written 3 stories and haven't posted one of them. I will post one today


we want focking STORY

Woah, PopFizz, settle down there. No need to be like that.
Spread those positive vibes
PopFizzMagic Yellow Sparx Gems: 1235
#162 Posted: 17:29:31 15/05/2015
WilltheWizard Yellow Sparx Gems: 1779
#163 Posted: 18:21:57 15/05/2015
Quote: PopFizzMagic

Thank you.
Spread those positive vibes
PopFizzMagic Yellow Sparx Gems: 1235
#164 Posted: 21:00:06 15/05/2015
but we still want STORY.
PopFizzMagic Yellow Sparx Gems: 1235
#165 Posted: 09:59:16 08/07/2015
Relive this!!!!
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#166 Posted: 23:13:17 08/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: PopFizzMagic
Relive this!!!!

The stories shall continue!
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#167 Posted: 05:52:51 11/08/2015
As you have progressed with your story, so has the lengths of your chapters. I was going to comment on Chapter shortness on the first page, but once looking at the fourth page, I scrapped it. Well done. You gramatically are doing a good job as well. What I like is that you put such a child-friendly franchise into a much more darker edge of logic. I realy like that and I think more Fanfictions like these should excist.

What I realy like is that your story remains ordened and nicely clean with an authrs log and full chapter layout and the like on the first page. Very nice and well done.

8/10. Your story is nicely planned, however. Minor flaws are always there, but, I ignore it. Keep on the good work. smilie
PopFizzMagic Yellow Sparx Gems: 1235
#168 Posted: 13:05:08 11/08/2015
15000000000/10. The best fanfic in DarkSpyro
PopFizzMagic Yellow Sparx Gems: 1235
#169 Posted: 02:30:13 12/08/2015
Sick fanfic
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#170 Posted: 16:25:31 12/08/2015
Popfizzmagic@: Please stop double posting. Also, your rating isn't serious. Why that rating... Can you give your reasoning for it?
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#171 Posted: 19:31:38 12/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: BlackWing116
Popfizzmagic@: Please stop double posting. Also, your rating isn't serious. Why that rating... Can you give your reasoning for it?

Lol ...
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
PopFizzMagic Yellow Sparx Gems: 1235
#172 Posted: 21:14:26 19/04/2016
funnybone Gold Sparx Gems: 2721
#173 Posted: 21:15:52 19/04/2016
I think this is sortof over :/
Meh idk wut i am doing alive rn
Evolve Your Skylanders Adventure here!
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#174 Posted: 21:16:30 19/04/2016 | Topic Creator
What funnybone said lol
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
PopFizzMagic Yellow Sparx Gems: 1235
#175 Posted: 21:17:07 19/04/2016
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#176 Posted: 21:17:29 19/04/2016 | Topic Creator
Emo Narwhal is bae
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
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