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SKYLANDERS: The Mystery of Earth <CH28 POSTED> Starting it up again! [CLOSED]
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#51 Posted: 04:27:26 04/02/2015 | Topic Creator
It's meant to be like a mystery, so it's random not perfect pairings and groups
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:54:06 05/02/2015 by Iganagor
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#52 Posted: 04:32:11 04/02/2015 | Topic Creator
The Mystery of Earth: Ultimate Madness

Chapter 11: The Great Lab Mutation

After a long ride, Slobber Tooth and Dr. Brine make it to New Jersey, they then drive all the way to a laboratory called ‘Herobrine’s Lab’. Once inside, from the view of Dr. Brine’s hand, Slobber Tooth can see a dark set of black tables and desks, with inventions looking electrical, fire-burning and some pieces of the portal that the Anonymous guy from the clues was building. “Welcome, to my Dark Lab!” laughs Dr. Brine evilly. “Wow, this place almost looks evil!” says Slobber Tooth excitedly, “but I know that’s just me”. “It isn’t you fool!!! I am a villain!” yells Dr. Brine, annoyed. “That’s a good one!” exclaims Slobber Tooth, “but I know your just a little old man, studying stuff that he didn’t see in ‘his day’”. “I’m only 87!!!” yells Dr. Brine angrily. “87, more like 5287” laughs Slobber Tooth. Dr. Brine then opens a tiny cage and throws Slobber Tooth in it, and grabs some portal pieces. “Hey Slobber Tooth!” says a familiar voice. Slobber Tooth turns around and sees three old friends, Gill Grunt, Shroomboom and Blackout. “Guys! You’re here! Man, that little 5287-year old man is helping you too!” says Slobber Tooth excitedly. Gill Grunt rolls his eyes and tells Shroomboom to explain everything.

“Slobber Tooth, Dr. Brine isn’t a good guy. He’s an evil man! He’s building a machine too extract our powers so he can have them for himself to take over the universe” says Shroomboom, “He is also building a portal to the universe so he can travel to other places and steal even more DNA!” “Wait, how did you find out what this portal does?” asks Slobber Tooth, “you see, me and the others found a clue thing by an anonymous thing!” “We found a clue also!” exclaims Blackout, he then reads it out.

Dear Skylanderz (Z’s are cool bro!)
You found clue #69
Ignore Clue 59, and read number 69!
The Portal is called The Portal to the Universe,
And it can teleport the user to thousands of different realms
Collect the pieces Skylander! Before it falls into the wrong hands
-Anonymous (I can’t give my identity or he will find out I came here)

“Wow, the others are FOOLS!!!” exclaims Slobber Tooth happily, “They don’t know logic!” “You don’t know logic… anyway, who are the others?” asks Gill Grunt. “Déjà vu, Hot Dog, Trigger Snappy, Spy Rise and Fist Butt!” says Slobber Tooth. “Seriously! Why couldn’t they come instead of you? Wait… they’re not dumb enough to accept a Doctors offer” says Blackout. “HEY!!! You’re just as dumb for accepting the offer!” yells Slobber Tooth. “He kidnapped us in our sleep, you doody-head!” exclaims Gill Grunt. “Yeah well-“and before Slobber Tooth got the finish, Dr. Brine grabs all the Skylanders and throws them in a big titanium and glass chamber. “Hey!! What are you doing?” asks Gill Grunt angrily. “I’m getting all your powers” yells Dr. Brine evilly, pressing a button.

Suddenly an aura of the Skylanders element colour (Blue, Green, Brown and Black) appear around the Skylanders, the aura then gets sucked up the top of the chamber and goes through a pipe, transforming into a liquid. The liquid pours into a cup and the bottom of the pipe, then Dr. Brine drinks it. Suddenly, he loses an eye and grows gills, blue hands and feet, a Mushroom head, dark wings, dark claws, and big teeth, then he suddenly starts drooling. “Oh my, this is AMAZING” exclaims Dr. Brine evilly. “He’s a monster…” says Gill Grunt. “But he looks awesome! Absolutely AWESOME!” exclaims Blackout. So then, the Skylanders must plan how to stop Dr. Brine and take the pieces of the portal from him… but the battle has only just begun.

Author's Log

Don't see a point, since there's another story on the same day.
Read the Author's Log DERP
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 04:37:20 04/02/2015 by Iganagor
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#53 Posted: 04:41:37 04/02/2015 | Topic Creator
The Mystery of Earth: Ultimate Madness

Chapter 12: The Great Lab Battle

Currently, The Skylanders are trapped inside a giant titanium and glass capsule, inside the laboratory of the evil Dr. Brine. “How do we get out of this?” asks Blackout confused. “I don’t know, but when we to we better smash his butt!” screams Slobber Tooth in rage. “There has got to be a way out of here” says Gill Grunt. “How about the pipe up the top? That might work” says Blackout. “Yeah, if you can fly out of the hole, we can beat that Doctor up” says Gill Grunt. “Remember Gill Grunt, we need to find our weapons!” exclaims Shroomboom. “Guys, there’s a problem with flying out” says Blackout. “What?” asks Shroomboom. “Dr. Brine took my power to fly” says Blackout in worry. “Stuff you! Have you ever trying walking on walls?” asks Slobber Tooth. “No…” Everyone replies. “You can walk on walls in Earth!” exclaims Slobber Tooth. “Why are you telling up this now? WE COULD’VE ESCAPED BEFORE HE TOOK OUR POWERS” yells Blackout. “Sorry, as everyone says. I’m an idiot!” exclaims Slobber Tooth in sadness. “No you’re not” says Shroomboom trying to be nice. “Yes he is!” exclaims Blackout and Gill Grunt. “Oh, in that case, LEMME SPANK THIS DERP!!!” yells Shroomboom.

After a minute of Shroomboom spanking Slobber Tooth, the Skylanders walk up the wall and enter the pipe, then escape it. “Wow! I love the Vertical Gravity!” exclaims Gill Grunt. “Did you say Very Tasty gravy?” asks Slobber Tooth in excitement. “IDIOT!” yells Gill Grunt, “now where’s my harpoon?” “It’s over there!” exclaims Shroomboom pointing at another desk on the other site of the room. Once the Skylanders reach that table they grab their weapons and get ready to fight, until Blackout notices something. “Guys look there! It’s a growth capsule!” exclaims Blackout. “What the heck!? How could he build a GROWTH CAPSULE?” asks Shroomboom in excitement. The Skylanders walk over to the big capsule and Gill Grunt enters it. He spots a slip of paper inside it. “Guy’s! It’s a clue!” exclaims Gill Grunt, he then reads it out loud

Dear Skylanderz (Z’s are cool bro!)
You found clue #2
Huh, you found Dr. Brines Lab, good job!
Unless you were captured, then NOOB
Anyway, some info is that these clues can be regular sized or little, depending on the finder
-Anonymous (I can’t give my identity or he will find out I came here)

“Wow! That’s cool” exclaims Gill Grunt, “anyway, grow me and my harpoon!” Blackout presses a big button and instantly grows Gill Grunt and his harpoon. After all the Skylanders have fully grown to human size, they go confront Dr. Brine in his ‘planning office of doom’. “How did you find me, you delinquent otherworldly BUTTS!!!” yells Dr. Brine. “You can beat us, its 4 VS 1, 6 if you include the weapons” Blackout points out. Dr. Brine then tries to shoot an orb of darkness, and it fails. “Wow, I didn’t realise you were so powerless, and you look like a butt cheek!” exclaims Slobber Tooth. “I am not useless! I am all mighty, you will NEVER knock me out” yells Dr. Brine. Blackout then shoots a dark orb at Dr. Brine which knocks him out. The Skylanders grab Dr. Brine and put him in the power extractor and takes their powers back. “Wow, Dr. Brine has useless!” exclaims Slobber Tooth. “Almost like you!” replies Shroomboom. “Guys, lets lock Dr. Brine up in the capsule” yells Gill Grunt. Blackout grabs some chains and locks Dr. Brine in the capsule, the Skylanders then leave for their next adventure.

Deep in the capsule, where Dr. Brine lies, he wakes up. “Those guys don’t know who they’re messing with” Dr. Brine says evilly, with his eyes glowing red… (He has more than one eye after his powers went away)

Important Info:

Author's Log:
ULTIMATE MADNESS!!!! and school
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#54 Posted: 07:11:32 05/02/2015 | Topic Creator
The Mystery of Earth: Ultimate Madness

Chapter 13: Outback Evolution
SWITCH: Fist Bump’s Group


While we were dealing with Slobber Tooth, our other group got along fine… They managed to catch a plane to Africa, which sounded interesting to them. When on the plane, they flew on its wing once again. The flight was fine until the pilot decided to do some upside-down tricks (Man, he is going to get arrested for Insanity, just like the n00bLifE T-Shirt Guy). We join our heroes falling to their doom…

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!” screams the Skylanders at the top of their lungs. The Skylanders land with a loud thump on some completely boring-coloured sand. “Ow, where are we?” asks Hot Dog, dazed. “We’re in some sort of Outback!” exclaims Fist Bump. “OH NO! Look…” yells Déjà vu, pointing at Trigger Snappy, “is he dead?” “Let me scan him…” says Spy Rise in a sad derp tone. “BOOOOO!!!!!!” yells Trigger Snappy in a shocking way. Everyone else then screams like mad and go crazy. “DERPS!” Trigger Snappy laughs. “WHY THE HECK DID YOU DO THAT!?” asks Déjà vu in a very mad way. “For fun!” exclaims Trigger Snappy with a big giggle in his face. “Guys, focus. We’re in an outback” says Fist Bump concerned. “We need to find a way for survival, which means hunting and co-operating” says Hot Dog. “Let’s go, we donut have all day” says Fist Bump. “Hehe, donut” giggles Trigger Snappy.

After some long hours, the Skylanders manages to find a group of Thorny Devils (lizards). “Guys, its Camo!” exclaims Trigger Snappy, hallucinating. “Camo! Buddy! How are you not hallucinating like me?” asks a dazed Spy Rise. “Guys!!! That’s too big for Camo! RUN!!!” yells Hot Dog, watching the lizard open his mouth ready to eat the Skylanders. Déjà vu and Hot Dog run fast, but the other three try to jump in the mouth with a dazed look. After Fist Bump, Trigger Snappy and Spy Rise jump in, the lizard quickly snaps his mouth and stares at Déjà vu. Suddenly, more lizards appear over the back of the main one and form a circle around the Skylanders. “Oh no, WHAT THE FLIPPIN’ HECK DO WE DO!!!! AHHHHH” yells Hot Dog in stress. “We fight!” yells Déjà vu brutally. The Lizards jump quickly onto Hot Dog, and he tries to scuffle out of it in rage. Suddenly, as more lizards pile on, Hot Dog enrages more, and more. Suddenly, from Déjà vu’s view, Hot Dog starts glowing yellow and a big explosion comes from the pile of lizards that Hot Dog is in and the lizards go flying across the landscape, and a new Hot Dog emerges. He has grown yellow all over, red paws, a red tail and an orange tail, he has become… Molten Hot Dog.

“I look AWESOME!” exclaims Hot Dog admiring his new look. “Yeah, great! But, you still have to fight! There’s an army of Camo-things” says Déjà vu in a quick tone. Hot Dog obeys orders and shoots some increased size fireballs at all the lizards. All the lizards then melt intensely, and from one of them, out pops three Skylanders covered in blobs of sticky stuff. “Ew, at least this gunk is water” says Fist Bump, disgusted. The icky Skylanders question what happened and Hot Dog explains everything until… “Look! It’s a Spaceship!” says Trigger Snappy, pointing in the sky. “No, that’s a bird…” says Fist Bump, “and it’s made of metal, wierd”. The metal bird in the sky comes down to the Skylanders, and signals them to go on its back. The Skylanders jump on top and grab the bottles that are strapped onto the side of it and drink it. “This is fresh” says Spy Rise, “but why did we get on it? We should’ve thought about it”. “YOLO” says Fist Bump, “don’t worry though, it probably will help us”. “I guess we have an adventure!” exclaims Hot Dog. Everyone else cheers on as the bird flies them to wherever their next destination is. 

Authors Log
I just had to add Molten Hot Dog, he's so awesome!
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:12:34 05/02/2015 by Iganagor
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#55 Posted: 02:48:53 06/02/2015 | Topic Creator
So lonely on this page, I might skip a story for today then... *sigh*
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#56 Posted: 06:23:13 06/02/2015
Sorry, I've missed a few chapters. I'll read them and I'll share my thoughts.
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#57 Posted: 06:23:52 06/02/2015 | Topic Creator
Nah, it's fine. You don't always have to comment
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#58 Posted: 07:00:23 06/02/2015
How did Hot Dog transform to Molten Hoy Dog and is he staying like that?
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#59 Posted: 07:39:58 06/02/2015 | Topic Creator
He is staying like that, and he got too enraged
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
14056 Blue Sparx Gems: 585
#60 Posted: 19:38:37 06/02/2015
Sorry, I've just been skim reading the other chapters, so I had nothing to comment on. I will read them again and start commenting again. I've just been busy, that's all.
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#61 Posted: 10:54:12 07/02/2015 | Topic Creator
Sorry for the two-day block.

Tomorrow might have THREE stories
Or the next two days might have TWO stories
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
drobot007 Green Sparx Gems: 390
#62 Posted: 11:01:15 07/02/2015
Doing well. Can you also commpliment on my new stories.
Add me on Fortnite: ElmoCaused911
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#63 Posted: 11:22:01 07/02/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: drobot007
Doing well. Can you also commpliment on my new stories.

Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#64 Posted: 09:17:32 08/02/2015 | Topic Creator
The Mystery of Earth: Ultimate Madness

Chapter 14: Madagascar Pt.1


Right now, we meet our heroes riding a shiny metal bird with bright red eyes. It has been over 24 hours since they were in the Australian Outback fighting Thorny Devil, and now Hot Dog is bored…

“I’m BORED! UGH!!! This bird is stupid” yells Hot Dog while snacking on some chips from a bag strapped on the side of the bird. Suddenly a gust of winds blow at the Skylanders intensely, and the clouds darken… “Ooh! Excitement!” exclaims Hot Dog. “Look! An island!” says Fist Bump pointing at the ground. Then, Hot Dog feels a thrill for adventure and he jumps of the bird and heads for the island. “WHAT THE HECK IS HE DOING!!?!?!??!” screams Fist Bump at the top of his lungs. “He jumped of the bird and went toward that island” says Spy Rise, derpily pointing the obvious. “YOUR DERPILY POINTING THE OBVIOUS! Let’s save him!” exclaims Fist Bump, annoyed. All the Skylanders jump of the metal bird and aim to hit the island.

“Huh? WHAT!?” exclaims Fist Bump, woken up. “Finally, your awake!” exclaims Hot Dog. “What, last thing I remembered is gliding down to an island with some others” says Fist Bump confused. “Yes, they are not awake yet. Would you like a fruit?” asks Hot Dog. “Yeah, whatever…” replies Fist Bump. “Oh by the way, remember the clues? Well I found one!” exclaims Hot Dog, he then reads it out

Dear Skylanderz (Z’s are cool bro!)
You found clue #8
I have extremely important information!
Some of the villains are here on Earth
Most of them are working for him...
You must stop them so he can’t do whatever he is doing here…
Oh and beware the Lemur
-Anonymous (I can’t give my identity or he will find out I came here)

“Beware the Lemur? What the heck?” asks Fist Bump. “Oh, see those party lights. That’s the lemurs stuff, just back off them okay” replies Hot Dog. “Hey guys” says an awaken Déjà vu, “what’s been happening?” Hot Dog tells Déjà vu everything. “Haha, you just said all that poop to Fist Bump” says a laughing Trigger Snappy. “I thought you were knocked out” says Hot Dog. “I was resting my eyes you poop-dog! Now let’s meet the lemur guys!” exclaims Trigger Snappy. “Why would we do that? They’re crazy!” exclaims Hot Dog. “DERP!!!” yells Spy Rise. “Oh My Gosh! You freaked me out, you derp!” exclaims Déjà vu. “DERP!!!” yells Spy Rise. Trigger Snappy runs off into the bushes to meet the lemurs. “Guys! We have to follow him!” exclaims Hot Dog. “DERP!!!” yells Spy Rise.

The Skylanders run after a stupid Trigger Snappy, to stop him from meeting the lemurs. They find him talking to a small brown furry lemur (HOLY COW! THE LEMUR CAN TALK). The Skylanders walk up to Trigger Snappy. “Hey Guys!” says Trigger Snappy, “This is Mort!” “Mort? What is he, a wart?” asks Fist Bump. “No! I’m a Mort!” exclaims Mort in a stupid tone. “Mort? Who the heck are these guys?” asks a stubby black lemur. “This is Trigger Snappy and his friends” exclaims Mort. “Hey Guys, I’m Maurice the servant!” says the stubby black lemur. Suddenly, a tall grey derpy-looking lemur comes up to the Skylanders. “I am King Julian! The King of LEMURS!!!” exclaims the tall grey derpy-looking lemur. “Hi, we are Skylanders” yells Hot Dog. “I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU ARE!” yells King Julian, “as long as you PARTY!”

Authors Log
More Madagascar Characters in the next Chapter!!!
I like to MOVE IT!!!!

Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:18:45 08/02/2015 by Iganagor
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#65 Posted: 07:07:47 10/02/2015
Madagascar characters, nice!
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#66 Posted: 07:09:03 10/02/2015 | Topic Creator
Thank you

New story soon (today)
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#67 Posted: 09:11:52 10/02/2015 | Topic Creator
Teaser for the FUTURE

She's Coming...

[User Posted Image]
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#68 Posted: 03:38:24 11/02/2015 | Topic Creator
The Mystery of Earth: Ultimate Madness

Chapter 15: Madagascar Pt.2


Last time, the Skylanders jumped of the metal bird and entered an island known as Madagascar, and now we join the Skylanders having a PARTY!!!!

“I live Move It, Move It!” exclaims Trigger Snappy. “Triggs! Come over here” orders Fist Bump. Trigger Snappy ignores Fist Bump and carries on partying with Mort. “Argh! He won’t listen! This party of lemurs is extremely stupid!” exclaims Fist Bump. “Yes it is! These lemurs are dumbheads, but you can just ignore them” says a penguin. “Who are you?” asks Déjà vu. “I am Skipper! The leader of my elite team” says the penguin, “this is Kowalski, Rico and Private”. “Wow! I’m Fist Bump, the leader of MY elite team” exclaims Fist Bump, “this is Hot Dog, Spy Derp and Déjà vu. Oh, and the idiot is Trigger Snappy”. The Penguins shake hands with the Skylanders and greet each other peacefully. “So what are you? Like seriously” says Kowalski confused. “We are from a different Realm known as Skylands! We are Skylanders” replies Fist Bump. “Do you mean SkylanderZ, because I found this thing” says Skipper handing a note to the Skylanders. Fist Bump grabs the note and reads it out…

Dear Skylanderz (Z’s are cool bro!)
You found clue #29
I found something absolutely amazing!
It’s an orb with Elemental Power!
But the element was NOT one of the 10 we know now.
I do not have the equipment to extract the magic…
This has led me to believe Earth is also magical,
and this place can uncover hidden elements!
But I have no proof… You need to help me with my research
-Anonymous (I can’t give my identity or he will find out I came here)

“Woah! More elements!” exclaims Hot Dog. “I knew Earth is magical!” exclaimed Private. “Um, whatever. Anyway, if you need a way out of the icky island, my team have a jet!” says Skipper. “Does it work?” asks Spy Rise. “Maybe, just maybe…” replies Skipper. “That’s good enough for me!” exclaims Spy Rise excitedly. “But what about Trigger Snappy?” asks Fist Bump. “I will get him to stop pooping around!” says Hot Dog running over to Trigger Snappy.

“Triggs! Let’s go, we might find out how to leave Earth” says Hot Dog happily. “No!” exclaims Trigger Snappy arrogantly. “But, don’t you want to go home?” asks Hot Dog. “No, I don’t!” replies Trigger Snappy, “you know, all my life I’ve wanted to be in a place where I belong! Skylands wasn’t it. Skylands was too serious, not enough party. But here! It’s amazing, the lemurs are great kind people and they are exactly like me! This is where I belong”. “Quit whining and go!” exclaims Hot Dog. “Why?” asks Trigger Snappy. “Uh… Cheese! They don’t have cheese on Earth!” giggles Hot Dog. “GOOD POINT! MY GREEN PIZZA FROM SAL’S LAD HAD NO CHEESE!!!!!” yells Trigger Snappy, “SEE YA CHEESE-LESS FOOLS!!!” Hot Dog and Trigger Snappy run over to The Skylanders and Penguins.

After a long walk through the island, the group make it to the Alpha-Penguin-Outside-Base-Thing-With-A-Prototype-Plane. The group enter the small jet and take their seats, ready for an adventure to wherever the penguins take them (LOL, THEY NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THAT).

Authors Log
Halfway through Season 2!
Next Chapter is very interesting by the way...
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:15:51 20/02/2015 by Iganagor
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#69 Posted: 07:04:21 11/02/2015
Great chapter, when's Chapter 16 out?
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#70 Posted: 07:33:52 11/02/2015 | Topic Creator
Tomorow or day after... already written it though
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#71 Posted: 03:10:21 14/02/2015 | Topic Creator
I know my stories haven't been piling up, and I am sorry.

Although I have something to say.

[User Posted Image]

January 26, 2013 - February 13, 2014

Bye uttster13 and Shelves
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
14056 Blue Sparx Gems: 585
#72 Posted: 04:00:34 16/02/2015
Sweet stories, nice characters. RIP Shelves
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#73 Posted: 05:36:08 16/02/2015 | Topic Creator
The Mystery of Earth: Ultimate Madness

Chapter 16: The Freaks Escape
SWITCH: Gill Grunt’s Group

While we were gone in Madagascar, our other group have literally done NOTHING. They stayed back at Dr. Brine laboratory in New Jersey trying to find information. They found very little information, but they did find some portal pieces and an amazing mini-fridge full of snacks. Now, we join Slobber Tooth wanting to escape the lab...

“Ugh! So bored!” exclaims Slobber Tooth. “Yeah, he has a point. Maybe we should go” says Blackout. “Okay! As leader of this group, I declare we get out of here” says Gill Grunt. “LEADER!?!?!” yells Slobber Tooth. “Yup! Leader, now don’t argue, last time that got you trapped” says Gill Grunt. “Yeah! Let’s go” yells Shroomboom. The Skylanders walk outside and suddenly, they hear screaming. “AHHHH ALIENS!!!! WHHAT THE HECK” yells humans everywhere. The Skylanders think and realise the aliens are them. “Run guys!” exclaims Blackout. The Skylanders follow Blackout onto a bright red train…

“Phew, that was a relief” says Gill Grunt. “HI GILLY!” says an excited voice. “Who is it?” says Gill Grunt looking around. “It’s your friend!” says the voice. “My friend?” says Gil Grunt worried. “It’s me! Wrecking Ball” says the cheerful voice. “Oh no!” exclaims Gill Grunt, “uh, what are you doing here?” “I’m being a friend and a lover! Oooh! Its Blackout… and SHROOMBOOM!!!! OH GOSH, even Spit Mutt!!!!” exclaims Wrecking Ball. “I told you before!!!!” yells Slobber Tooth, “It’s NOT SPIT MUTT!!!” “Yeah… I know! But you seem like a Spit Mutt” exclaims Wrecking Ball. “Hey, Wrecking Ball, where are we?” asks Blackout. “The human’s call it a circus! In Skylands, it’s also called a circus!” exclaims Wrecking Ball. “OH NO!!!! ARE THERE CLOWNS!?” yell Slobber Tooth. “Yes! Sir Spit Mutt! There is!” exclaims Wrecking Ball. “Why exactly are you here?” asks Gill Grunt. “Discovered this clue thing!” exclaims Wrecking Ball, “It told me this was pure good to go in!” “Gimme the clue!” yells Gill Grunt. Wrecking Ball hands Gill Grunt the clue and Gill Grunt reads it out.

Dear Skylanderz (Z’s are cool bro!)
You found clue #12
Stay away from Red Circus Trains
-Anonymous (I can’t give my identity or he will find out I came here)

“Oh” says Wrecking Ball, “let’s just go!” “YOU MUST NOT GO!!!!” yells a voice over the speaker. “What the heck!?” exclaims Blackout. “That’s Mesmeraldo the Circus Woman, she tells me not to go!” exclaims Wrecking Ball. “Wrecking Ball, it isn’t Mesmeraldo! It’s Mesmeralda!!!” exclaims Gill Grunt pointing at Mesmeralda. “HOLY FRUIT LOOPS!!!! HELP US” yells Wrecking Ball

Mesmeralda walks over to the Skylanders and screams loud. “Guys!? How the FRUIT LOOPS do we beat the FRUIT LOOPS out of her!?” screams Wrecking Ball scared. “Like this” says Shroomboom shooting a mushroom at Mesmeralda’s mouth. The mushroom from Shroomboom’s slingshot goes straight in Mesmeraldas mouth, she starts choking… you can see the orange veins sticking out. Suddenly… SHE DIES!!! “YAY, SHES DEAD!!!” yells the Skylanders, “DEAD LIKE FRUIT LOOPS”. Now the Skylanders venture forth to see what mysteries they can now solve with the addition of Wrecking Ball!

Authors Log
I am Sorry for the lack of stories
I am not promising it won't happen again...
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:15:02 20/02/2015 by Iganagor
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#74 Posted: 08:36:04 16/02/2015
So, Wrecking Ball arrived (Yay) and Shroomboom is a murderer.
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#75 Posted: 08:36:34 16/02/2015 | Topic Creator
Yup! Lolza
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
14056 Blue Sparx Gems: 585
#76 Posted: 03:35:34 17/02/2015
I wanna new chapter!
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#77 Posted: 03:40:52 17/02/2015 | Topic Creator
Coming soon...
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
funnybone Gold Sparx Gems: 2721
#78 Posted: 02:31:47 19/02/2015
Man these storys are great smilie
Meh idk wut i am doing alive rn
Evolve Your Skylanders Adventure here!
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#79 Posted: 07:13:32 20/02/2015 | Topic Creator
The Mystery of Earth: Ultimate Madness

Chapter 17. Captured!

SWITCH: Fist Bump’s Group

Sorry this story's layout was really bad! It had a different layout, but that was even uglier so I had to change it, but it doesn't look so good, sorry

The Skylanders are currently boarding a nice small rusty jet plane with a lot of loose bolts and damaged walls. “Guys, we have good news and bad news!” says Skipper over the microphone. “OH MY EON!!!!! WE HAVE BAD NEWS” yells Trigger Snappy. “We also have good news” says Hot Dog, “That’s gotta count for something!” “The good news is we’re landing” says Skipper as The Skylanders let out a sigh of relief, “The bad news is we’re crash landing”. Suddenly, the plane crashes to the ground and it becomes pure silence, suddenly Hot Dog emerges from the burning plane. “Guys! Hello? GUYS!!!” yells a worried Hot Dog, “Oh please lord, bring my friends back”.
A body emerges from the flames of the plane, and stuffs a tablet into Hot Dog’s mouth. “Hey, what are you do… ing…” says Hot Dog falling to sleep…

Many minutes later, Hot Dog’s eyes open slowly… “Huh, ahh!” he says. “It’s all right dude, it’s alright” replies a familiar voice
Hot Dog had then opened his eyes and sees all his mates in which he though ‘died’ from the plane crash standing still. Hot Dog then tries to moving around, but can’t move at all. “Ah!” yells Hot Dog, “I’m stuck!”. “We all are” replies Fist Bump, “It took you a while to wake up! We have been turned into living, talking, breathing figurines. That mad doctor guy kidnapped us from those idiot penguins plane!”. “So basically, I’m stuck in the flippin’ pose!!?!?!?!” yells Hot Dog with an angered look on his face, “I’m gonna get extremely bored…”. “I actually like my pose!” exclaims Spy Rise, “but I have a butt-itch!”. “Spy Rise, you know how I said I would get extremely bored” says Hot Dog.
"I'm extremely bored"
“Just think about kittens” says Fist Bump. Hot Dog growls, “I HATE FLIPPIN KITTENS!!!!!!!!! IN THE POPCORN VOLCANO BEFORE I BECAME A SKYLANDER, I WAS AN OUTLAW WHO KILLED THOSE STUPID KITTENS!!!!!”. “Just think about dead kittens” says Déjà vu. Hot Dog lets out a sigh of happiness, “It’s beautiful! But it’s still boring…”. “THINK ABOUT LEPRECAUNS!!!” giggles a crazy Trigger Snappy
“Well you’re screwed!”

Meanwhile, the other group of Skylanders are acting like wandering nomads. “So Wrecking Ball? How did you grow to our size?” asks Gill Grunt. “I think he ate too much” inquires Blackout giggling, “He probably over-ate pizza like this silly guy I know!”. “I actually did!” exclaims Wrecking Ball, “Except I overate green pizza”. “You know green pizza are leaves right!” replies Slobber Tooth
Wrecking Ball gives Slobber Tooth a ‘you-think-I’m-stupid look’ then says “It’s not leaves! It’s proper green pizza. I’ve got one right here!” Wrecking Ball then hands Slobber Tooth a leaf. "OOOOH! You do have green pizza!” exclaims Slobber Tooth taking the leaf and eating it. Suddenly, Shroomboom yells “LOOOOOK!!!” while pointing at a big black building. The Skylanders all take a look at the building and read the name on the top… “Dr. Brine’s Dark Doom-Room!!!!” yells Gill Grunt, getting the Skylanders to run towards it.
Now this great group of Skylanders are one step closer to ending the rage of Dr.Brine…


Author's Log
Dun Dun Dun!
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 22:31:06 20/02/2015 by Iganagor
stelthelffan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1393
#80 Posted: 22:32:56 20/02/2015
Awesome i love these
plz try my quiz im a huge smilie fan !!!!!
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#81 Posted: 22:38:31 20/02/2015 | Topic Creator
Can you guess what will happen next?
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#82 Posted: 22:54:22 20/02/2015 | Topic Creator
The Mystery of Earth: Ultimate Madness

Chapter 18. Dr. Brine’s Dark Doom Room


Lightning conductors sparking, spiders crawling and crows flying… Gill Grunt’s Skylander team has made it to Dr. Brine’s Dark Doom Room. “Ugh! It’s disgusting!” shivers Gill Grunt as he takes a look around, he sees this dark lab in the middle of no-where. “Why would this place be located in the middle of nowhere?” asks Shroomboom. “Maybe because he hates pizza?” inquires Slobber Tooth. “Hates pi- What? How could tha- You know what, I can’t be bothered anymore!” exclaims Shroomboom. “How do we get inside, the doors are locked” says Gill Grunt. Suddenly a vine swinging from the electrical pole comes down with Wrecking Ball in it. The door is smashed open by Wrecking Ball. “Wow!” says Gill Grunt, “YOU CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL!!!!” “Don’t! I hate Miley Spyro!” yells Blackout. “Guys, it’s just a staircase!” says Wrecking Ball walking through the broken door. “It’s what’s down the staircase!” exclaims Gill Grunt. The Skylanders start walking down the staircase for the mysteries beneath…

Meanwhile, the ‘toys’ are held captive and are finding out a way out. “Guys what if we smash through!” exclaims Trigger Snappy. “TRIGGS, WE TOLD YOU ONE THOUSAND TIMES, WE CANT FREAKING MOVE!!!!!” yells Fist Bump. “Hey! What if we ask that ugly Grinch” says Hot Dog looking at an old ugly-man walking towards them. “Oh my Eon, what does Dr. Brine want with us now!?” yells Fist Bump. “That’s Dr. Brine! Ewww!” squirms Hot Dog, “Oh wait! Now I remember!!!” The hand of Dr. Hero Brine grabs a hold of the Skylanders and throws them in a capsule, he then enters one capsule of his own and presses a big red button. Suddenly, the Skylanders start growing bigger and out of their poses then an aura appears from each and goes through a small tube at the top. The door of the capsule then opens and the Skylanders pop out. “Guys!” says Fist Bump in a much different tone… “WE ARE NOW HUMANS”.

“This makes no sense!” says Spy Rise. “How did we become humans?” “I’M A TALKING DOG” yells Hot Dog. “The reason you are normal and not powerful is…” says a deep voice, “Because now I have all your powers!!!” A figure emerges with the head and fists of Fist Bump, the hair of Déjà vu, the body of Molten and The tongue and legs of Trigger Snappy. “I am Dr. Hero Brine!!!!” yells the mutant. Suddenly, a door gets smashed through the air and five more Skylanders emerege. “Gill Grunt, Shroombom, Blackout, Slobber Mutt and Wrecking Ball!” exclaims Hot Dog. “Dr. Brine has 5 minions!” yells Slobber Tooth. “No! It’s us Slobber Tooth! He took our essence of power!” yells Déjà vu. “Shroomboom! You show them what we’ve found! We will handle Dr. Brine!” yells Gill Grunt. Shroomboom goes over to the ‘Human-landers’ and they exchange the clues and information found along Earth. “They have trains on Earth!? HOLY MOLY!!” yells the little kiddie Trigger Snappy. “Déjà vu looks hot!” yells Gill Grunt while wrestling Dr. Brine with Blackout. “Aaaahhh!” yells Déjà vu. Unexpectedly, Gill Grunt and Blackout get thrown through the roof and land with a big ‘THUD!’ sound. Dr. Brine turns around at the Human-landers, with blood red eyes and rampages at the Skylanders and Humans as they get thrown through the air. They land on hard metal and are bleeding intensely. “Uhh.. AHHH” screams Hot Dog. “Hot Dog!!! Come quick!” yells Déjà vu. Hot Dog approaches a bleeding Fist Bump with his eyes closed… and his body not breathing…

To Be Continued...

Author's Log
Illuminati did this!
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:11:42 22/02/2015 by Iganagor
14056 Blue Sparx Gems: 585
#83 Posted: 23:42:19 20/02/2015
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#84 Posted: 00:02:53 21/02/2015 | Topic Creator
Introducing an all new fan fic!!!

'Lol in Skylands'
A comedy written by me and funnybone! Continuing from the Spry's The Hero stories!
Starring MANY Skylanders and some FNAF Animatronics...
Click Here for LOL IN SKYLANDS

But don't worry! The Mystery of Earth is still going to continue!
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#85 Posted: 00:27:07 22/02/2015 | Topic Creator
The Mystery of Earth: Ultimate Madness

Chapter 19. The Big Battle of Dr. Brine


“Fist Bump! No No!” yells Hot Dog worried for his friend. “Hot Dog! You and the others need to go after Dr. Brine! He’s heading towards the city” yells Déjà vu. “What about you?” asks Hot Dog. Déjà vu lets out a sigh, “I am going to have to perform the spell of life!” “But if the wrong being casts that spell, they could die! You’re a human!” says Hot Dog, concerned. “Well, Fist Bump could be dead if I don’t. Heroes risk their lives to save others and Skylanders are heroes!” exclaims Déjà vu, “And if you want to be a hero too, go and stop Dr. Brine!” “I will!” says Hot Dog. The Skylanders run toward the destroyed city and see Dr. Brine throwing cars at porta-potties. “We have to save the city!” exclaims Gill Grunt. “But he’s so powerful! It’s the strength of Fist Bump, the speed of Hot Dog, the smarts of Spy Rise and the magic of Déjà vu” cries Shroomboom. “And the epicness of me!” yells Trigger Snappy. “But we have to be heroes! Let’s go!” commands Hot Dog. "BOOYAH!!!" yells Slobber Tooth.

At the lab, Déjà vu is thinking up a way to cast the spell of life safely. “Ugh! It’s so hard! How do I cast a spell in this type of icky environment! I need to smash everything here!!! HWAA!!” yells Déjà vu while throwing tables at the back of the room. “Need some help?” asks Spy Rise. “What the heck are you doing here?” asks Déjà vu, annoyed. “Well I’m useless in battle so I came to help!” exclaims Spy Rise in an extremely derpy tone. “YOU STILL HAVE YO WEAPONS” yells Déjà vu. “No I don’t!” says Spy Rise stomping on his gear, “I only have my robo-legs!” “UGH Fine, you can help” says Déjà vu, trying to calm down, “Just dig a hole or do a jigsaw puzzle!” Spy Rise opens a closet, takes out a puzzle box and starts doing the puzzle. “Okay! Now that the environment is safe, I can cast the spell” says Déjà vu, relieved. Déjà vu sits down then closes her eyes. “ABRA ACADABRA!!!” yells Déjà vu. Fist Bump opens his eyes then looks around and starts touching things. “BANANA!” he yells. “Boomsticks! Now let’s go save the town!” exclaims Déjà vu, leading Spy Rise and Fist Bump to the city.

At the city, the other Skylanders are devising a plan to stop Dr. Brine. “OK! Blackout it’s your cue!” yells Gill Grunt, acting like a leader. Blackout jumps up and tackles Dr. Brine while Gill Grunt aims his water cannon and starts spraying Dr. Brine. “ARGH GET OFF ME YOU FLASADAS SKYLANDERS!” yells Dr. Brine. “We got you beat! Now Shroomboom!” yells Gill Grunt. Suddenly, Shroomboom summons a gigantic mushroom wall around Dr. Brine and Blackout. “Quickly Blackout! Get out!” yells Shroomboom. Blackout flies out of the mushroom walls as the fumes starts bursting out of it. “Now Wrecking Ball!! Get rid of the evidence” commands Gill Grunt. Then, Wrecking Ball bounces on top of the mushrooms, pushing them into the ground. “We did it!” yells Gill Grunt, looking at the unconscious Dr. Brine. “Quick! The Police!” yells Fist Bump running towards the Skylanders, “You aren’t humans so you have to hide!” Quickly, the Skylanders (not Human-landers) run away behind some bushes. “You shouldn’t be near this monster!” instructs the law enforcer, “he isn’t human and we are going put him behind bars!” “Yes officer!” says Spy Rise. The officer takes Dr. Brine away in his flash car. “But, what about our powers?” asks Déjà vu. “I guess we can’t have them. So we need human names!” says Fist Bump, “I’m Bumper!” “I’m Risel” says Spy Rise. “I’m Jasmine” says Déjà vu. “AND I’M SNAPP!!!!” yells Trigger Snappy. “I’m still Hot Dog!” says Hot Dog. “Guys! Look” says Fist Bump, picking up a piece of paper and walking towards the Skylanders (with powers). “It’s a clue!” yells Trigger Snappy. Fist Bump reads it out.

Dear Skylanderz (Z’s are cool bro!)
You found clue #11
Skylanders! If you are reading this you have taken out Dr. Brine!
He was not always evil! He was originally my mabu partner
He was here to help us bring you back
But, there is an evil presence of magic on Earth that corrupted him
There is a portal to Skylands in a lab we made in the middle of nowhere
You must come to Skylands… Now!
-Anonymous (I can’t give my identity or he will find out I came here)

“Woah!” exclaims Fist Bump, “I guess we’re going back to Skylands!”

Authors Log
Once they make it to Skylands it is not the end..
Season 2 Finale tommorow! (probably)
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:28:31 22/02/2015 by Iganagor
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#86 Posted: 06:59:32 22/02/2015 | Topic Creator
Dr Brine and the Human-landers faces
[User Posted Image]
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#87 Posted: 07:32:26 22/02/2015 | Topic Creator
Coming Soon in The Mystery of Earth

Season 2 Finale
Will the Skylanders make it to Skylands

LOL in Skylands Crossover
The Epic 3-Chapter Crossover starring some characters from a hit fan fic, LOL in Skylands!

Season 3
... You will find out soon
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:00:25 25/02/2015 by Iganagor
drobot007 Green Sparx Gems: 390
#88 Posted: 07:33:47 22/02/2015
Add me on Fortnite: ElmoCaused911
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#89 Posted: 13:58:47 22/02/2015
How long will be Skylanders stay human?
PopFizzMagic Yellow Sparx Gems: 1235
#90 Posted: 18:56:38 22/02/2015
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#91 Posted: 04:57:52 24/02/2015 | Topic Creator
The Mystery of Earth: Ultimate Madness

Chapter 20. The Mystery of Earth and Skylands!

Right now, The Skylanders have made it to Dr. Brine lab in the middle of nowhere. “Where is the portal?” asks Hot Dog, confused. “I don’t know, it is probably hidden somewhere!” replies Blackout. “I found it!” yells Fist Bump. The other Skylanders walk over to Fist Bump, who has found a secret door behind a bookcase. Gill Grunt opens the door and finds a nice big Traptanium Portal. “Since I found it! Me first!” exclaims Fist Bump jumping onto the portal. But somehow, it doesn’t work and the portal glows a deep blood red colour. “On the rim of the portal it says ‘INVALID INAPPROPRIATE SPECIES’” says Slobber Tooth. “So humans can’t enter the portal…” says Spy Rise, concerned. “I have an idea,” says Blackout, “You guys can go! Me and the Humans can stay here and find a way out… We have some growth serum for help and stuff!” The others agree without Blackouts idea and the Skylanders jump in the portal…

Suddenly, The Skylanders fall hard on a floating grassy island. “Ow!” yells Wrecking Ball. “Guys! Look, it’s Skylands!!!” yells Slobber Tooth. “Uh Guys! Come see this!” says Gill Grunt by something that looks like a squashed fly. The Skylanders gather around the dead fly, the oddly bigger dead fly. “Guys! It’s HIGH FIVE!!!” exclaims Shroomboom. “He’s still alive! Wake Up!!!” yells Gill Grunt. The eyes of the beaten-down dragonfly opens up. “Skylanders, Boom, Elements…” mutters High Five before closing his eyes again. “No No No!!!” shouts Slobber Tooth. “Elements? This truly is a Mystery” says Gill Grunt, “Look at all the other islands! They’re all ruined, this is the only one with grass!” The Skylanders take a look around and start to shiver. “Guys! Whatever happens, we will find out the Mystery of Earth and Skylands!” says Wrecking Ball with faith!

“Okay guys, let’s find a way to get over to that doomed village!” orders Gill Grunt, “It will be a great source of food, drink, supplies and has great area for some building!”
“But how do we get over there?” asks Slobber Tooth, “High Five is the only one who can fly!”
“You forgot someone’s… WATER JETPACK!” exclaims Gill Grunt, “I can go over there! It has an airship and I can go pick you up using that!” The Skylanders think about it and agree on Gill Grunts plan to fly them over. Gill Grunt starts up his engine and flies over to the island, once there he boards the air ship and picks up the Skylanders to bring them to the village...

“This village is butt-ugly!” yells Wrecking Ball, looking at the half-destroyed houses. “Until we are done with it! After we’ve done, it will be a central hub for detail into the mystery!” exclaims Gill Grunt, “I’m calling it Skylander Island!” The Skylanders get tingly after hearing about the idea and start smash the houses for wood. “Gather the wood! Gather the food! Gather everything!” commands Gill Grunt, “We have lots of work to do if you want Skylander Island!!!” While everyone starts gathering stuff, Shroomboom goes over to High Five lying on the ground. “High Five? Are you awake?” Shroomboom asks, not expecting an answer. “NO DUH I AM” yells High Five, freaking out Shroomboom. “AHHH!!! SATAN WILL GET YOU!!!!” yells Shroomboom angry at High Five. “Sorry Shroomboom, I didn’t want you to get scared” says High Five calmly. “Sorry, about Satan getting you, I wasn’t meant to say that” shivers Shroomboom knowing that High Five could smash him. High Five gets up and asks what is happening, Shroomboom explains everything, from Dr. Brine to Skylander Island.

“That is so weird,” says High Five, “The last thing I remember was… Glumshanks actually!” Shroomboom thinks for a moment and wonders if Glumshanks is behind this, then asks “What do you remember about Glumshanks?”
“He was building a big arena and I came to stop him, then he got out a laser gun and pulled the trigger… Everything after that is blank” replies High Five, confused if he was telling the truth or not. “Guys! Come on!” says Gill Grunt excited for the island. “Hmmm… Okay” says Shroomboom, still thinking about High Five story, “Okay…”

Authors Log
The Mystery Continues... In both Earth and Skylands

Stay Tuned! Next up is the Crossover with LOL in Skylands!

Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
14056 Blue Sparx Gems: 585
#92 Posted: 05:36:43 24/02/2015
Can't wait for crossover.
drobot007 Green Sparx Gems: 390
#93 Posted: 05:45:44 25/02/2015
Is there a new skylander?
Add me on Fortnite: ElmoCaused911
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#94 Posted: 06:02:19 25/02/2015 | Topic Creator
The Mystery of Earth & LOL in Skylands CROSSOVER

Chapter C1: The Minis Meet the Mystery!

SWITCH: The Universe of LOL in Skylands

Welcome to most hilarious universe ever, the universe of LOL. A universe where humorous things happen! Including, a crazy Mags, animatronic invasions and bikini n’ bras. We now join the heroes Spry, Drobit, Breeze, Ember and Pop Thorn from LOL in Skylands. The Crossover Special now begins…

After the battle between Ripto and Spry, Skylands lays nice and still… We now join Spry and Ember at the Whirlbot family castle with Breeze and Drobit playing a nice game of skycards. “Argh! Stuff you Drobit! You freaking won skycards with your rare overpowered Bikini-Bra-Man!!!” yells Spry, annoyed. “Yeah! I’m pro” brags Drobit, smirking “I love bikinis” yells Ember, creepily. Then, someone knocks on the door… “I’ll get it mum!!!!” yells Breeze, walking to the door. As Breeze opens the door, she sees Pop Thorn outside. “Hi!” says Pop Thorn, walking up to the group of Skylanders. “Hi Pop Thorn!!!” says Spry, excited that his best friend has come. “Hi Spry!” says Pop Thorn, with his eyes glowing red. “Dude. Something is wrong with your eyes…” says Spry, curiously. “YOU. DIE. NOW” yells Pop Thorn, as his skin turns pitch black. Suddenly, Pop Thorn opens his mouth with a deep red portal magically inside and all the Skylanders get sucked in like a vacuum. “Pop Thorn… Why did you” says Spry as his voice gets cut off going through the portal…

Suddenly, the Skylanders drop onto a half-destroyed city… “Fart?” asks Spry, continuing the sentence from earlier. “HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH FART IN A BIKINI!!!!” yells Drobit, while Spry facepalms. During the facepalm, Spry notices something is wrong with body… He is has long arms, long legs, a large flabby chest with no abs, and he is wearing a bra and a bikini! “Guys, we look stupid!!!” yells Spry, “We are like chill with a bra and bikini!!!!” The others notices it as well, but still seem to notice who each other are… “AHHH!!!! I HAVE A SIX-PACK LIKE LIGHTNING ROD!!!!” yells Drobit. “How do you have a six-pack and I’m large and flabby!?” asks Spry, annoyed with the fat… “Me and Ember are also large and flabby!” yells Breeze, “Why does he have muscle!?” Drobit starts laughing at everyone, unaware that he is wearing nothing but a bra and bikini. “AH! That stupid portal!!!” yells voice nearby. Spry runs up to the tall kid and asks about the portal, the tall kid answers everything to Spry and reveals he is Fist Bump. “Fist Bump, Trigger Snappy, Hot Dog, Spy Rise and Deja vu? How? I saw you yesterday in SkyLOLlands” mutters Spry, confused. “SkyLOLlands? I’m from Skylands, I told you already” says Fist Bump, “Who are you?”

After everything is explained by Spry, Fist Bump takes a sit down to think about everything. “Maybe you’re from an alternate universe?” inquires Fist Bump, trying to think logical. “Yes, these four probably are, I mean Ember died in Skylands after Wrecking Ball ate him” replies Spy Rise, “AND we know there are alternate universes, we have been through the Mirror of Mystery before”. The Minis sit down with the other Skylanders and think hard about the Pitch Black Pop Thorn… “Okay, guys! Let’s stop thinking and just leap before we look! We need to get home and travel between dimensions to find our home to our families!” orders Drobit with a brave outside and a worried inside. “YEAH!!!!” yells everyone else altogether.

Then, out of nowhere a big flash appears… “What is it?” asks Blackout, blinded by the light. “It’s me! Ripto!” yells a couple hundred voices. “Ripto? But I heard more than one voice!” yells Fist Bump. The flash clears and a grand army of Riptos appear before the Skylanders. “I have formed an army of Riptos across the dimensions to destroy you! And there is nothing you can do to stop me!!!” yells the Ripto that looked familiar to Spry. “Why team up on us?” asks Spry. “Because the Spry from SkyLOLlands is so mean!!!” cries the SkyLOLlands Ripto. Unexpectedly, a Ripto on the side of the crowd shoots a beam at the Skylanders, and then all the other follow along and do the same. “After Spry! WE GET THEM ALL!!! ALL THE SKYLANDERS ACROSS DIMENSIONS WILL DIE!!!” yells the SkyLOLlands Ripto, “ATTACK!!!” Quickly, Drobit pulls something out of his bikini and shoots the beam at the Skylanders and himself.

They Skylanders seem to have transported to somewhere familiar… “Drobit! How did you get us into the Mirror of Mystery?” asks Fist Bump, extremely confused. “I’m a tech whiz, I created an interdimensional ray gun last year” replies Drobit, “Now we are going to try and get home, let’s keep using the ray!” Fist Bump thinks for a minute and stops Drobit. “Guys, let’s not go straight away! Let’s recruit Skylanders through dimensions to stop Ripto! Let’s save all the Skylanders!” commands Fist Bump. “YEAH!!!” yells all the Skylanders excited to meet new people.

The Dimensional Adventure has begun…

Authors Log
Things are going to get VERY interesting
After this crossover, Season 3 will start!
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:42:54 25/02/2015 by Iganagor
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#95 Posted: 22:57:37 27/02/2015 | Topic Creator
The Mystery of Earth & LOL in Skylands CROSSOVER

Chapter C2: Across Dimensions


“Okay Team! Let’s start recruiting!” orders Fist Bump. “Dude, we’re in the Mirror of Mystery! We can’t trust anybody to stop evil, let’s go somewhere else” replies Hot Dog. “STOP EVIL!!!! I CAN HELP!” yells a yellow-coloured Ripto. “Ripto! Yes, just who we needed… Wait, Parallel Ripto! COOL!” exclaims Spry. “I am the hero of Skylands! RIPTO!!!” yells P-Ripto (Parallel Ripto). “OK, let’s go to another dimension!” exclaims Breeze, eager to get out of this place. Drobit nods to his sister and zaps the Skylanders, they seem to be in a land of candy. “SKYLANDERS!!!” yells Blackout, “A legion of Riptos is coming to kill you!!! Wanna die or come with us” A few Candylanders stay to eat sugar but a sugar-coated Weeruptor comes and joins in the fun.

After a few more dimensions of recruiting, the Skylanders have a full on army to take on the Ripto-legion and save everyone across all dimensions. They all decide to go to SkyLOLlands and plan their attack in Skylanders Academy Stage Section. “Okay Team!” yells Spry, “You are all here to bring justice to Skylands and save everyone from the big attack!” The army of about forty Skylanders cheer on to Spry’s speech and Drobit walks up to the stage. “We know you are all different and may not get along!” yells Drobit, “But we can put our differences aside! I see we have a Sugar-Coated Weeruptor, a completely black Zap, a cookie Chop Chop and even a good Ripto! But with the help of all of your differences, we have a high chance of winning our war against Ripto! Blackout, come up please!” Drobit exits the stage to join the crowd and Blackout makes his way up. “Okay team! You have nothing to be worried about you are working with us! You will return safely home after the battle” announces Blackout, “We will save all the dimensions from Ripto and return peacefully to your own dimensions!” Everyone gives a big round of applause and get into groups of fours and continue to come up with different plans to stop Ripto.

“Spry, I’m scared” says Breeze, “What if we never get our powers back and stay human?” Spry looks at the scared Breeze and wonders the same thing. “Hel-lo Sky-lan-derrs” says an Animatronic Smolderdash, “May I join you pl-ease?” Breeze nods and lets the Smolderdash join their group. “Are you Oh-kay?” asks the Smolderdash. “Yeah, I am” replies Breeze. “Don’t worry Breeze, I promise you everyone will work out just fine” says Spry, not completely sure.

“Okay group! We need to find out an idea to stop the Ripto’s” says Fist Bump to his group. “What about CANDY!!!” yells the Sugar-Coated Weeruptor. “For Candy-Ripto that will work” says Fist Bump. “Candy-Ripto? There is no such thing, we have LICORICE RIPTO!!! Ugh…” says Weeruptor in disgust. “I got it! We can trap them with this” says a Glowing Pop Fizz, pulling an orange crystal of his pocket. Fist Bump grabs the crystal and has a look. “It’s a trap, with Ripto’s face on it” says Fist Bump, fascinated, “But are you sure it will work?” Pop Fizz takes back the trap and says “It will work, this Trap is from carved from the ancient elder’s charm in Glowlands” Fist Bump thinks for a moment, then grabs the trap, runs out on stage and grabs the microphone.

“Attention!” yells Fist Bump, “I have idea!” The Skylanders turn towards Fist Bump. “Once the Ripto’s get us, we will split of into eight groups of five and take some Ripto’s to different dimensions” exclaims Fist Bump, “From there, we take them out and meet back over in Skylands Academy and place them all in this!” Fist Bump takes out the trap and shows everybody. “Okay everybody!” yells Ember, “Get ready in your groups of five for Ripto!” The Skylanders jump around fussing about to make groups or five, but manage to do it. BOOM! An explosion cracks open the side of the Stage. “HAHAHA!!!!” yells Ripto, emerging from the explosion. “Okay teams, let’s do this!!!” orders Spry, “BRING IT ON RIPTO!!!!” Breeze looks at Spry for a second and says to him, “Are you ready?” Spry gives a smile, “My flabby butt is ready!!!”

The Dimensional War, begins…

Authors Log
I know not all Mystery of Earth characters are appearing,
but this Crossover focuses on LOL in Skylands
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
drobot007 Green Sparx Gems: 390
#96 Posted: 22:58:39 27/02/2015
Add me on Fortnite: ElmoCaused911
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#97 Posted: 22:59:53 27/02/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: drobot007

After the crossover, go to LOL in Skylands for Drobit and bot
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
14056 Blue Sparx Gems: 585
#98 Posted: 03:57:05 03/03/2015

Awkward silence...
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#99 Posted: 09:07:49 04/03/2015 | Topic Creator
The Mystery of Earth & LOL in Skylands CROSSOVER

Chapter C3: Dimension War

The Dimension War has begun, The Skylanders grab portal guns and sends their own 8 groups of 5 Skylanders and 5 Riptos into different dimensions, we now join a group in a cookie dimension.

“Its home!” yells the Cookie Chop Chop, “But it seems different… LIKE A BURNT COOKIE!” Unexpectedly, a Cookie-looking Ripto starts flinging cookies as fast as Captain America’s Sheild. “Ah! Metal Cookies!?” yells Fist Bump, getting a cookie thrown into his face. As he has no powers, Fist Bump picks up the metal cookies rapidly and starts flinging them at the Riptos, knocking four of them down like Bowling Pins. “Cool! Now its five Skylanders versus an ugly half-baked cookie Ripto!” yells Cookie Chop Chop. “Uh Chop Chop, only you and I are fighting the Ripto! The other Skylanders died” says Fist Bump, pointing at three dead Caveman Slam Bams with a metal cookie jammed in their bums. “You won’t beat me!!!” yells the Cookie Ripto. Then, a flash appears and two Skylanders fall on Cookie Chop Chop and Ripto, smashing them to cookie chunks. “You took out Chop Chop and Ripto!” exclaims Fist Bump, happy and disappointed. “Yeah, well me and Breeze took out our Riptos, so we thought we’d help!” replies Hot Dog. “How many Skylanders are still fighting?” asks the curious Fist Bump. “There is only one group still fighting! They are in the glowing dimension” replies Breeze, “P.S. Everyone died except the guys from Earth, SkyLOLlands and the guys fighting Riptos”. The Skylanders then teleport quickly to the glowing dimension to see the fight…

Once the Skylanders get to the ‘Glowlands’, they see the flabby Spry, the ab-y Drobit and Glowing Pop Fizz fighting a Ripto, a Spyro and a Pop Thorn. “Woah! Why is Pop Thorn and Spyro there?” asks Fist Bump. Breeze sighs and replies, “That’s Pitch Black Pop Thorn from our dimension! Somehow Ripto got in his mind and took over! The Spyro is from the Mirror of Mystery”. Fist Bump listens then tries to get in the fight, but trips over a pitch black spike. Fist Bump starts turning Pitch Black and Red all over his human body and turns against Spry. “Oh No! What did Ripto do?” screams Breeze. Suddenly, the only living Skylanders start trying to get into the fight, but end up tripping on the spikes and get corrupted. The only four Skylanders that remain are Breeze, Spry, Glowing Pop Fizz and Drobit with abs. “Spry! What is happening? This doesn’t seem like Ripto!” says Breeze running over to Spry. “Breeze look out!” yells Spry, watching something fly towards Breeze. Then, a rapid-fire spike shoots Breeze in the back and she turns pitch black.

Spry looks around and sees Drobit and Glowing Pop Fizz have been shot and corrupted. “Ripto! Why are you doing this?” yells Spry, “Usually villains like you try to take over and torture! Not corrupt people!” Riptos eyes brighten red and his skin starts falling off, making a big ‘CLANK!’ sound, as if it was metal. Then, the Animatronic Endoskeleton emerges with a dark smile. “I am on Operation: Revenge!” says the Animatronic Endoskeleton turning Pitch Black…

“But, Drobot reprogrammed you!” says the startled Spry. “No he didn’t!” yells the A.E (Animatronic Endoskeleton). “He did… I saw it!” replies Spry. “He programmed the fake chip I added to myself you idiot!” yells the A.E, “You know what? This scene is ugly!” The A.E then shoots a laser bomb and all the Pitch Black guys, the A.E and Spry suddenly end up in SkyLOLlands. “Lol! Fail! We are in SkyLOLlands!” says Spry aiming the Ripto trap at the A.E. “Now die you ugly BRA!!!!” yells Spry, activating the trap. A bright light emerges from trap and all the Pitch Black power from the evil Skylanders gets sucked into the trap as they fall flat on the ground. “Your next you stupid brobot!” yells Spry. The Trap grows brighter as the A.E gets pushed towards it and finally gets sucked in, the A.E’s face screams from the trap as a Purple, Orange, Blue and Pink energy appears from it shooting at Spry, Drobit, Breeze and Ember as they jump to their feet as a dragon.

“Awesome! You trapped the A.E!” replies Ember. “Yes! No more flab!” yells Spry. “No! No more ab!” mourns Drobit. “Hey, we need to get back to our universe” says Fist Bump, “Good Luck in SkyLOLlands!” Drobit shoots out a portal and the still-human Fist Bump, Déjà vu, Hot Dog, Trigger Snappy, Spy Rise and the not-human Blackout jump in waving a happy goodbye. “Saved Skylands again! But that Endoskeleton… It still seems to bug me…” says Spry, feeling cautious. “Well Spry, smash it!” yells Breeze. “Okay!” replies Spry, stomping on the trap into little pieces. The residents of SkyLOLlands and Mabu crowd around Spry and congratulate him. “That was amazing! You saved SkyLOLlands! But Spry, holidays are over” says Cali. “We have built a training school for Skylanders, Welcome to Skyhigh!” Spry’s eyes open wide, “Oh No! School!”

Without anyone noticing, a dark spirit of the A.E. comes out of a broken sharp of the trap and enters the closing portal to Earth. He whispers “Phantom Endoskeleton” and smiles…

Authors Log

Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
funnybone Gold Sparx Gems: 2721
#100 Posted: 03:15:47 05/03/2015
100th post
Meh idk wut i am doing alive rn
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