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You are now in charge of Skylanders 5.
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8739
#1 Posted: 21:12:54 28/01/2015 | Topic Creator
What do you do? Any changes to gameplay? Which Skylanders return (If you decide to have reposes)Story? Anything you say goes.

Here's what I'd do.

  • Use SF's knock mechanics. This one is big, especially for Wind-Up. Maybe just use the SF engine.

  • Mix character animations from both SF and TT. What I mean is, have Zap's walking/running animation from SF, while he has his TT jump. Have Spyro's jumping animation and his walking animation from TT.

  • If you haven't noticed, a lot, if not all TfB Skylanders had new animations for jumping (And Spyro's walking is different) in Trap Team. They look much more fluid and better than SF. Some do flips, spins and such while jumping often leading to their falling poses from SSA and Giants. Also, Zap in SF didn't have this weird turned in foot with his left leg that he has in SSA, Giants and TT. It's awfully annoying to me, Just a small detail I want gone.

    Come to think of it, just turn on any TfB Skylander game and play as Zap, Sunburn or Hot Dog and walk slowly. They're legs start getting glitchy.

  • Have Dino-Rang, Ghost Roaster, Boomer, Voodood, Sunburn finally return. With Riptide, Countdown, Slobbertooth, Dune Bug, Smolderdash, Scratch, Zoo Lou returning. Spyro, Gill Grunt and a few other Skylanders (Not necessarily the other EEs) get Eons Elite again but with their S2 versions instead.

  • A darker story with Malefor. Not too dark, but noticeably darker with character development of Flynn, Kaos, Glumshanks and others.

  • 20+ level count but no higher than 30. Length of SF's levels. They're also much more open and exploration based.

  • Villains are still playable and introduce new ones.

  • A big hub, bigger than Skylanders Academy.

  • 4 Adventure Packs.

  • Ways to boost an individual Skylanders stats.

  • See Arc of Archive's post on this thread. I want that stuff too.

  • That's all I can think of for right now. I'll add more later.
    Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
    Edited 2 times - Last edited at 23:12:11 28/01/2015 by HeyitsHotDog
    AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
    #2 Posted: 22:28:13 28/01/2015

    • Have Swap Force's knock mechanics with Trap Team's gameplay and level length.
    • Have one repose per element. ( smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie )
    • Have a gimmick that doesn't require a new portal. (In other words, keep it simple, stupid.)
    • Give villains an extra purpose that doesn't go toward 100% completion.
    • Give the elements another purpose other than elemental gates.
    • And finally, introduce a gorgon Skylander because we are overdue for one.
    • Bring back Heroic Challenges and PvP.
    • Make co-op less restricted.
    Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
    Check this out! Please?
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:18:13 29/01/2015 by AdamGregory03
    Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
    #3 Posted: 23:01:58 28/01/2015
    Definitely unrealistic, but
    • Knock Mechanics
    • Bring the power scaling down from TT
    • Online Battle, Co-Op and Survival
    • Return of SF's extra modes, including a Swap Zone equivalent any Skylander can play
    • A new extra mode with its own levels that have a past/present/future system a la Sonic CD
    • Worldwide leaderboards
    • TT's graphics (with updated, more colourful models for the SF characters to match)
    • 30 levels as long as SF's with a greatly improved checkpoint system
    • Make the Portal Master lore as big as it was in SA
    • Old Heroics and Quests give bonuses again
    • Story Scrolls have interesting background lore again
    • Spark Plugs > Lock Puzzles
    • More fleshed out, online Skystones/Smash as an extra
    • Gold bank
    • Option to disable all cutscenes/dialgoue to avoid needing to skip
    • Option to pick SA or Giants-onward voices for each of the original 32
    • A new on-figure setting allowing you to pick between different upgrade looks (for example, if you have a fully-upgraded Stealth Elf, you could pick what dagger design you want, but they'd functionally be the same as a fully-upgraded one)
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:07:12 28/01/2015 by Arc of Archives
    Skylander3112 Gold Sparx Gems: 2128
    #4 Posted: 23:15:16 28/01/2015
    . Costumes for Skylanders
    . Less Hats (seriously, they're too much to keep track)
    . A bank to store money
    . More to buy in Auric's shop
    . New traps and villains
    . No new gimmicks
    . Bigger hub world
    . A new Battle Arena where you get to play against a CPU
    . Return regular gates, feet of strengths and SWAP zones
    . Introduce god like Skylanders, one for each element e.g. A Zeus-like Skylander for Air, or Poseidon-like for Water etc
    . Increase level cap to 30
    funnybone Gold Sparx Gems: 2721
    #5 Posted: 23:25:10 28/01/2015
    .Costume for skylanders
    . One repose per element {smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie}
    . Money bank
    . ONLINE!
    . MALEFOR!
    Meh idk wut i am doing alive rn
    Evolve Your Skylanders Adventure here!
    skylandersspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3872
    #6 Posted: 00:50:12 29/01/2015
    forgotten 8 reposes,arena mode back,online co-op and a capture the flag type online mode,regular elemental gates.no gimmicks.traps work,new villains,malefor as a playable villain,sparx as a skylander,30 levels,4 adventure packs,new light and dark landers and last but not least no new portal and a portal owners pack
    Uh Uh Uh! You didn't say the magic word!
    Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
    #7 Posted: 00:56:06 29/01/2015
    Also... An epic pre-title intro, S̶u̶p̶e̶r̶ ̶S̶o̶n̶i̶c̶ ̶S̶t̶y̶l̶e̶ Super Smash Bros. style.
    ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
    #8 Posted: 01:28:41 29/01/2015
    a repose for each element, aka, smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
    GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
    #9 Posted: 02:32:59 29/01/2015
    If I were them, I'd recognize more of the same isn't cutting it. Time to take some daring new moves. At the same time, implement common requests (like they did for jumping). Online, PvP, more replabability, and changing up how story mode works, and perhaps even how skylanders are utilized to promote a more open world/puzzle solving along with the great battles it's known for.
    RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:09:22 29/01/2015 by GhostRoaster
    GhostRoaster617 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3963
    #10 Posted: 02:53:44 29/01/2015
    I would overall repose all characters who don't have one yet, make a darker yet deeper story, include an advanced online system so it would be safe for all users, restrict anymore reposes passed series 2 for all characters unless needed, make 32 levels plus 4 adventure packs, include more light and dark characters to even the elements and bring pvp back. Maybe even in an interesting twist where some of the Skylanders are actually captured and are temporarily turned evil and you would have to save them in order to restore them.
    Grave Clobber is back to bury you!
    Imaginators smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie Villains smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
    davidm4400 Green Sparx Gems: 466
    #11 Posted: 02:59:32 29/01/2015
    Hmm lets see
    * One repose per element (smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie )
    * Little bit longer levels but not as long as SW levels.
    * Bring back Heroic Challenges, PVP, and Kaos Doom Challenge.
    * Raise the level cap to 25.
    * A new gimmick not requiring a new portal.
    * More Trappable Villains and Traps
    * Feats of Strength, SWAP Zones, and Traptanium (not required for 100%)
    Characters left for SA, SG, and SW: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie andsmilie
    Insane01 Gold Sparx Gems: 2038
    #12 Posted: 04:34:42 29/01/2015
    Skylander3112, the Giants are the god-like Skylanders. They were the first. The only thing that would even be close to your request would be us, the Portal Masters.
    Everyone has great ideas, especially increasing level cap and a gimmick that doesn't require a new portal.
    I'm indifferent to PvP, for I never played it
    Introduce new hats only. Eliminate trinkets, unless they grant bonuses like hats do.
    Loved legendary treasures in SF (added stat bonuses) $ SG (customize the Dread Yacht).
    Return to MoM, with better villains to trap & more evil NPCs that can be trapped villains (Evil Tessa & Whiskers, etc.). Also have an evil Auric sell evil-looking items from his store
    Return of TT's trapped villains to gameplay, as well as introducing new villains to trap
    Universal elemental gates like SSA, SG & SSF, so any Skylander of that element can open the gate
    " Am I the mad one or are you?"
    then, again, "we're all mad here
    lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
    #13 Posted: 05:10:37 29/01/2015
    Hrm. I would say focus on the game and not blow us away with new characters. Get the game back near or less than the first game where we had 37 characters. We have 250+ unique characters, make a game that utilizes what we already have paid a used car on, not buy another.

    1. Increase the levels to 25
    2. Make character specific quests, give an incentive to have a big character inventory
    3. Have character specific stats or quests or rewards.
    4. We do not need 50 heroic challenges per character but something to put something in each character, to give each character something to achieve
    5. Introduce at least as many new villains to match the number of traps we already have. Not too many new ones please, traps that is.
    6. Let us be able to skip any darn message
    7. Stop making the game Kaos, Eon and Flynn oriented. New stuff. The game is Skylanders...not the adventures of Flynn and Kaos. They can have a small role but not be the center.
    8. Would say no new character gimmick this time, just make more uses for what we got, whether Swap Force, Trap Masters or Giants.
    9. No more than 20 new characters would be my wish, 2 per element, or at least 2 per the original 8 and maybe a few extra for light and dark, like a Giant or Swap Force one.
    10. We do not need variants on villains that have no value in the game. Stop that. No flippin' Minis or Eon Elites. Those are pure money grab. We got our 8, that is enough.
    11. Some sort of online mode whether challenges, perhaps make some heroic challenge that is only available for a week at a time, or some chapters that are available for online play, some always there, some always changing. Make it a monthly subscription if you like, but only if you lower the cost of the characters. Its nuts how much it costs this game, lower it or this game is going to lose players even more so.
    12. Remove the existence and all memory of trinkets. No value.
    13. Lots of chapters if possible. New world. New story characters.
    14. Adventure packs are okay but mind the total cost folks play.

    Will stop there. Mainly I want to lower the cost, make less characters, focus on what we have, and perhaps make a system where you can get new content weekly or something. We spend a lot throughout the year, why can't new content come out all the time.
    BeBoss Green Sparx Gems: 443
    #14 Posted: 05:16:04 29/01/2015
    •more replay ability
    •heroics challenge
    •good graphics
    •more characters
    •better release dates
    My friend code for the 3ds is 3024 - 7878 - 9881. Let's play!
    Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
    #15 Posted: 09:48:41 29/01/2015
    Quote: lamoracke
    Hrm. I would say focus on the game and not blow us away with new characters. Get the game back near or less than the first game where we had 37 characters. We have 250+ unique characters, make a game that utilizes what we already have paid a used car on, not buy another.

    1. Increase the levels to 25
    2. Make character specific quests, give an incentive to have a big character inventory
    3. Have character specific stats or quests or rewards.
    4. We do not need 50 heroic challenges per character but something to put something in each character, to give each character something to achieve
    5. Introduce at least as many new villains to match the number of traps we already have. Not too many new ones please, traps that is.
    6. Let us be able to skip any darn message
    7. Stop making the game Kaos, Eon and Flynn oriented. New stuff. The game is Skylanders...not the adventures of Flynn and Kaos. They can have a small role but not be the center.
    8. Would say no new character gimmick this time, just make more uses for what we got, whether Swap Force, Trap Masters or Giants.
    9. No more than 20 new characters would be my wish, 2 per element, or at least 2 per the original 8 and maybe a few extra for light and dark, like a Giant or Swap Force one.
    10. We do not need variants on villains that have no value in the game. Stop that. No flippin' Minis or Eon Elites. Those are pure money grab. We got our 8, that is enough.
    11. Some sort of online mode whether challenges, perhaps make some heroic challenge that is only available for a week at a time, or some chapters that are available for online play, some always there, some always changing. Make it a monthly subscription if you like, but only if you lower the cost of the characters. Its nuts how much it costs this game, lower it or this game is going to lose players even more so.
    12. Remove the existence and all memory of trinkets. No value.
    13. Lots of chapters if possible. New world. New story characters.
    14. Adventure packs are okay but mind the total cost folks play.

    Will stop there. Mainly I want to lower the cost, make less characters, focus on what we have, and perhaps make a system where you can get new content weekly or something. We spend a lot throughout the year, why can't new content come out all the time.

    Absolutely agree, especially with the "no new gimmick characters" part.

    However, I would personally like 4 new Cores for each original Element (if they don't want to add new Light and Dark Skylanders), or 2 Cores for each original Element and enough Light and Dark ones to make the Elements even.

    The part I bolded is were I firmly disagree.
    Let's call things with their proper name.

    The WHOLE game is a money grab, and it has been like that since SA (even if I do get that as the series goes on, the price to 100% each game increases), but I highly doubt that the majority of the customers limited themselves to what was needed.

    In SA only 1 more Life Core and the 4 Adventure Packs were needed to 100% the game, technically.

    In Giants nothing was needed, outside of the Starter Pack, if you already had 8 Cores from the different Elements and the SA's Adventure Packs.

    In SWAP Force, only 6 other Swappers were needed, and you could also buy them so you would get one from each Element, plus the 2 new Adventure Packs.

    In Trap Team you need 7 more Trap Masters, one for each of the remaining Elements, the 4 Adventure Packs and 7 more traps.

    EVERY other single toy, including Minis, Eon's Elite, Lightcores, S2/3/4 and the different palette swaps are completely optional (unless you include them in the 8 required Cores, Swappers, or Trap Masters).

    They ARE a waste of time and money, in my opinion (especially the ones you mentioned, as they actually don't do anything new), but I don't really see how they could be a "money grab" when they are, simply, not needed.

    Just don't buy them, if they release more. smilie
    ”Gulp, lunch time!”
    Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:52:30 29/01/2015 by Drek95
    wild_defender Green Sparx Gems: 465
    #16 Posted: 11:23:39 29/01/2015
    the obvious things like online capabilities and more element exclusive abilities and purpose are great and I really want them.

    But This is my game idea....

    The games are continuously advancing its interactivity with us ( the portal masters) .with kaos's mum entering our dimension in her battle and now the traps/villains and Kaos entering our living room. I think they need to take it another step further and allow us to enter their world.

    I think we are ready to create a portal master character to enter their world to defend skylands. I'm constantly reminded of the first movie clip in SA where Eon summons spyro and the others to defend the core of light. And I'd want to recreate gameplay like that.

    It could just be a mini game battle thing through the normal story levels or a tower defence thing or a way to battle a new evil portal master , but I think iether way it'd be cool to be a portal master in their world for a bit, summoning skylanders into battle.

    It might work better as a spin off strategy game or something . summoning and manuvering a team of skylanders around a game board battlefield to take back control of skylands.

    I'm not sure of the specifics but I think it would introduce something different, that would force an interesting and interactive story line.


    also maybe with da pinchy allowing us to go back in time we could go back to a point in time and the story could fork into different paths based On our success in a level. It'd probably give the game more replaysbility.


    Also element ideas

    I want to make the elements of skylanders much more useful and story focused like in SA.

    I think trap team could've done this better with the villains e.g. A couple of chapters in water worlds to catch the water villains , then a couple of chapters in forests to capture the life villains etc. and these missions would be better fought with their same element skylander or the skylander element the villains hav a disadvantage to. I think they really missed out on something special in TT by not making villains have an element weakness.

    Also something like this
    - Giants ( or similar) to have a new ability called Terraform, that transforms the land around them into elemental advantage zones
    Anyone else think Short Cut should be making jokes about running with scissors?
    jjnanj Yellow Sparx Gems: 1647
    #17 Posted: 12:31:21 29/01/2015
    get rid of the tether. trap team's tether is WAY TOO constricting. dump it all together.

    double jumps.
    Buuzer Hunter Gems: 6546
    #18 Posted: 13:39:09 29/01/2015
    Why don't add a stats boost using money? 10000 Gold for +5 on a stat that you want. After upgrade once it will became 20000 and go on. Like the upgrade ability on mobilephone games.
    smilie smilie smilie youtube.com/user/GOWBuuzer smilie smilie smilie
    GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
    #19 Posted: 13:55:30 29/01/2015
    Quote: Buuzer
    Why don't add a stats boost using money? 10000 Gold for +5 on a stat that you want. After upgrade once it will became 20000 and go on. Like the upgrade ability on mobilephone games.

    If they can't create some intriguing long term stat mechanic that will remain game after game, this would be plan B....or maybe plan C. smilie
    RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
    Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166
    #20 Posted: 14:31:36 29/01/2015
    Why not make the green lock monster into a skylander Mini ?
    Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw
    DM235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1678
    #21 Posted: 18:03:25 29/01/2015
    * Same Portal as TT
    * 16 new characters
    * 32+ new villains
    * No reposes (with the exception of some special holiday themed releases, all of which show up in game correctly)
    * 2 player online + offline co-op gameplay - ideally 4 player like Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One, but we can save that for Skylanders 6 smilie
    * Computer AI controls the second player if no other human player is there (the AI character is based on the second figure on the portal, so you can change the AI character at will)
    * The new "gimmick" is twin-powers, so by combining elements, you create a special power-up (ie Player 1 as a water element teaming up with Player 2 as a fire element make a new "steam" attack)
    * Each boss in the game is weak to a particular power-up, but can be defeated by anyone
    GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
    #22 Posted: 18:46:08 29/01/2015
    Guys can hang it up on "no new portal"...you guys are expecting a game and figures for $50? They've already said that the would, in almost all cases, implement a tech that will require a new portal...be it true or not doesn't really matter...other than they consider the portal part of the new game experience....

    The trend on focusing on what we have BE BETTER and HAVE LESS of certain things is definitely ringing loud...but I wonder if anyone's listening.
    RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:47:01 29/01/2015 by GhostRoaster
    wild_defender Green Sparx Gems: 465
    #23 Posted: 21:25:43 29/01/2015
    I understand y people don't want a new portal , but last time the portal owners pack was only a tiny bit cheaper in Giants. And if you bought the normal 1 you got a couple more figures.

    Really the starter packs are the best value, the portal and 3 or so figures don't really jack up the game price more then $10, they are pretty much free.

    And to be honest ...I hate the trap team portal design!!! The classic portals looks so much better. And The portal for the tablet version looks so much better then the console version atm, it doesn't make sense. I hope they make a new portal.
    Anyone else think Short Cut should be making jokes about running with scissors?
    Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
    #24 Posted: 00:44:01 30/01/2015
    Quote: wild_defender
    I understand y people don't want a new portal , but last time the portal owners pack was only a tiny bit cheaper in Giants. And if you bought the normal 1 you got a couple more figures.

    Really the starter packs are the best value, the portal and 3 or so figures don't really jack up the game price more then $10, they are pretty much free.

    And to be honest ...I hate the trap team portal design!!! The classic portals looks so much better. And The portal for the tablet version looks so much better then the console version atm, it doesn't make sense. I hope they make a new portal.

    As long as they put three new characters (not reposes or palette swaps) inside the new Starter Pack, then I'm ok with it.

    I prefer the old Portal's design, but the new one has some really cool light effects.
    It doesn't simply change to a static color, it actually slowly rotates a few similar colors (Undead is white and light purple, Fire is orange and red...).
    ”Gulp, lunch time!”
    Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
    ladala Yellow Sparx Gems: 1935
    #25 Posted: 01:45:13 30/01/2015
    Assuming I have full creative control:

    - Fully 3D worlds. None of this fixed camera thing, now the player has full control of the camera. Environments are designed in such a way that there is no missing which direction is progress, whether you enter a room facing the exit, the exit is lit up and easy to see, or (in combination with one of the others) the camera automatically points toward progress after a full minute of nothing happening (no coins picked up, no enemies defeated, no collectables collected).

    - Elemental zones are back to being unlocked by any Skylander of that element. Elemental zones all have a puzzle or a battle in there. These puzzles and battles are much trickier than the ones on the overworld - enough so that it is possible some kids won't be able to get all of the hats by themselves.

    - All dialogue and cutscenes are skippable, and skippable without hearing a single word (no "are you ready-"'s). If you accidentally skip some important information, you can talk to the relevant character and they will summarize the important parts.

    - The upgrade menu is Swap Force-style. After each upgrade, you go right back to the menu so you can upgrade again. No more talking to Persephone more than necessary!

    - Puzzles would have multiple solutions, taking each character's abilities into account. For example, say there is a treasure chest on a nearby island. You could find wood to build a bridge with, but you could also take a skylander who can fly (or one of the Rocket Swap characters) and have them fly over the gap. Or you could use a Giant to pull the island over to you. Another example is if you are blocked by a wooden barricade. You could find a bomb, use a bomb attack (ex. Boomer), use a Giant to crash through, or burn it down.

    - There would be no game-specific gimmick, but there would be new characters for each of the previous games' gimmicks. There would be a small amount of reposes for each of the previous games' gimmicks as well. (Two per game? I know it's not even with the elements, but TFB obviously didn't care about element equality with Trap Team's reposes).

    - For cores, there would be one new character released, and two older characters re-released per element. One of which is a "fan favorite" (Spyro, Jet Vac, etc) and the other is one who hasn't had a repose yet (Sunburn, Fright Rider, etc.).

    - PvP returns, and also has an online option. Online PvP has no headset support, so players cannot talk to one another. There would be at least two modes: free-for-all and collection-only (the latter is so that someone who doesn't have all the best characters doesn't feel left out). Collection-only mode is hidden away in the options menu, so free-for-all can promote sales. (Gotta stay on Activision's good side smilie )

    - Taking inspiration from Swap Force, there would be ability-specific minigames accessible through the hubworld, and unlocked as the game progresses. They would mostly involve the same abilities Swap Force did, but more characters can play them after you get certain Legendary Treasures (like regular flying characters can play in Rocket zones after you get a speed star Legendary Treasure (so totally not a Spyro reference)). There would also be minigames for fire-breathers, lightning users, etc.

    - Oh, and said minigames in the above would have an online and in-home multiplayer option. You can either compete for the best score, or see who can finish faster.

    - Villains from Trap Team would be playable, and new villains would be accessible too, but would only appear if you have at least one Trap Master in your collection. No new traps would be released, but if you don't have any traps, you can tag-team any new villain with your Trap Master (and only your Trap Master). (I really don't know how to make the Trap Masters special otherwise).

    - All old Location pieces would be usable again, and they would all be re-released and repackaged, either with a new character, or a repose of the character that originally came with it (these characters would be released separately, like in Swap Force and Trap Team). All of the areas would be redesigned with the new standards in mind (see first bullet point). Any collectables or other unlockables unlocked in these areas would not appear in the menus until the location piece is placed.

    Is that it? I think so. Of course, most of these would never happen, since Activision cares too much about sucking the money out of people's pockets. But hey, see the last one. It could get pretty expensive if you don't have them already smilie
    Thank you for releasing me!
    AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
    #26 Posted: 02:16:08 30/01/2015
    Oh, I also thought of something else!

    Giving the Skylanders and villains unique abilities! Here's what I got:

    Gliding/Limited Flight:
    -All Air element Skylanders
    -All Air element villains
    -All Skylanders with jet packs or other flying devices (Chopper, Gill Grunt, Jet-Vac)
    -All Skylanders with wings (Flashwing, Spyro, Sunburn, etc.)
    -Bottom halves of Blast Zone, Boom Jet, Free Ranger, and Hoot Loop
    -Shield Shredder (spins his shield like a propeller)
    -Tae Kwon Crow (rapidly flaps his arms)
    -Thumpback (spins his anchor like a propeller)
    -Zoo Lou (summons two energy birds)

    Swimming/Walking on Water:
    -All Water element Skylanders
    -All Water element villains
    -Bottom halves of Freeze Blade and Wash Buckler
    -Double Trouble (after purchasing Soul Gem)
    -Stump Smash (after purchasing Soul Gem)

    Digging up Treasure/Burrowing:
    -All Earth element Skylanders
    -All Earth element villains
    -Bottom halves of Grilla Drilla and Rubble Rouser
    -Funny Bone
    -Hot Dog
    -Slobber Trap
    -Wrecking Ball

    ...That's all I can think of now.
    Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
    Check this out! Please?
    Skylander3112 Gold Sparx Gems: 2128
    #27 Posted: 03:24:46 30/01/2015
    So, if a treasure chest was dug up, would it affect the treasure chest count in the collectibles section?
    AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
    #28 Posted: 03:39:35 30/01/2015
    Quote: Skylander3112
    So, if a treasure chest was dug up, would it affect the treasure chest count in the collectibles section?

    Well digging mainly will be to help find collectibles, but also sometimes may just have gold, especially if you've already collected a buried collectible. And gliding and swimming just for getting places other Skylanders can't.
    Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
    Check this out! Please?
    Skylander3112 Gold Sparx Gems: 2128
    #29 Posted: 07:50:45 30/01/2015
    Thanks for summing that up.
    Vertalus Blue Sparx Gems: 547
    #30 Posted: 05:54:30 31/01/2015
    I would have a different villain other than Kaos.
    I'd nix Flynn, maybe go with Tessa or Calli or new person for transport.
    I would have more cat and dragon Skylanders
    Level hike to 30
    A way to get stats up.
    Have different types of elemental gates that would need the older Skylanders as well.
    Bring back heroic challenges
    More levels

    I know this part would be unlikely but
    Be able to customize your Skylanders Colour in the game, like have a red Spyro or a black Whirlwind.
    Who knows maybe one day we'll have the technology that you get a non coloured Skylander, and you hook it up and Colour it how ever you want and that's the Colour it becomes on the toy
    Favorite type Skylander: Feline and Dragon. Still need: Echo, Rocky Roll, the ever elusive dark element trap,and more
    angelg Gold Sparx Gems: 2802
    #31 Posted: 18:31:54 01/02/2015
    1. Open free full 3D World like lego marvel super heroes.
    2. Complete free fly (again, like in lego marvel super heroes)
    3. Online mode, both thorugh story and pvp
    4. All skylanders released so far compatible.
    5. Possiblity of knowing more about the background and bios of each skylander (maybe unlocking some kind of comic books on the game)
    Life sucks...and then you die.
    Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
    #32 Posted: 19:06:20 01/02/2015
    • Open World game
    • No longer levels, just missions to do within the open-world style
    • Less enemies, but they're harder to kill
    • Mega versions of 16 characters of the first game (super powerful, 2 of each element)
    • Same graphics as Trap Team
    • Less kiddy things, more real-world situations and dark twists
    • 2 adventure packs that give a new area to do missions in each
    • New main villian that is more intimidating
    • 10 more giants, 1 for each element and 1 for the light element and one for dark
    • New type of Skylanders
    • More serious of characters
    • Characters now level up to level 30, but they're easier level up
    • Many many many side missions
    • 8 new cores
    goldenrushducks Yellow Sparx Gems: 1572
    #33 Posted: 21:53:39 01/02/2015
    spyro and series 1 reposes
    power ups

    activision said that they don't want to add a bank because they want you to "explore skylands."
    wild_defender Green Sparx Gems: 465
    #34 Posted: 01:41:39 02/02/2015
    Quote: goldenrushducks
    spyro and series 1 reposes
    power ups

    activision said that they don't want to add a bank because they want you to "explore skylands."

    A bank is kind of redundant anyway , money is pretty easy to get in this game and the sky diamond cheat in swap force makes money even easier.
    Getting money is really not the problem, we just need more things to buy . Even just buying access to levels/areas through simple things like repairing fLynn's ship or something would be nice.

    Or Buying old skylander power gem previews or back stories. Anything , I just want something half useful.

    I was super existed shout trinkets till I realised they did nothing .
    Anyone else think Short Cut should be making jokes about running with scissors?
    ultyzaus Yellow Sparx Gems: 1700
    #35 Posted: 14:49:45 02/02/2015
    • Less hats
    • 10 new core characters (1/element) + a few new light/dark ones
    • 8 or 16 returning characters
    • 20 new gimmick characters that include Giants, Swappers and Trap Masters
    • dual-element gates, Giants chests and Traptanium gates added to regular elemental gates
    • Villain character figures with a slot for the traps. (The traps give the villain additional abilities - could be part of the figure design or via the traptanium portal)
    • completely skippable cutscenes
    • completed levels can be started from checkpoints
    • previous-generation figures unlock new content (may be simply soul gems that apply to any version of that character; characters with more reposes would have a wide array of new upgrades (including all existing wow pows) or short levels like in SSA; even a simple looks/voice choice for that character)
    • accolades / trophies
    • characters with palette swap (ie Love Potion Pop Fizz and Fizzy Frenzy Pop Fizz) have different wow pows
    223/254, 17 superchargers, 14 vehicles
    Characters missing: Rocky Roll, Splat, Nightfall, Thrillipede
    GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
    #36 Posted: 15:16:37 02/02/2015
    Quote: ultyzaus
    • Less hats
    • 10 new core characters (1/element) + a few new light/dark ones
    • 8 or 16 returning characters
    • 20 new gimmick characters that include Giants, Swappers and Trap Masters
    • dual-element gates, Giants chests and Traptanium gates added to regular elemental gates
    • Villain character figures with a slot for the traps. (The traps give the villain additional abilities - could be part of the figure design or via the traptanium portal)
    • completely skippable cutscenes
    • completed levels can be started from checkpoints
    • previous-generation figures unlock new content (may be simply soul gems that apply to any version of that character; characters with more reposes would have a wide array of new upgrades (including all existing wow pows) or short levels like in SSA; even a simple looks/voice choice for that character)
    • accolades / trophies
    • characters with palette swap (ie Love Potion Pop Fizz and Fizzy Frenzy Pop Fizz) have different wow pows

    This is the reason why more of the same will not help the franchise. All of this is backwards looking, not forward looking.
    RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
    GinjaNinja Gold Sparx Gems: 2604
    #37 Posted: 15:21:51 02/02/2015
    Quote: GhostRoaster
    Quote: ultyzaus
    • Less hats
    • 10 new core characters (1/element) + a few new light/dark ones
    • 8 or 16 returning characters
    • 20 new gimmick characters that include Giants, Swappers and Trap Masters
    • dual-element gates, Giants chests and Traptanium gates added to regular elemental gates
    • Villain character figures with a slot for the traps. (The traps give the villain additional abilities - could be part of the figure design or via the traptanium portal)
    • completely skippable cutscenes
    • completed levels can be started from checkpoints
    • previous-generation figures unlock new content (may be simply soul gems that apply to any version of that character; characters with more reposes would have a wide array of new upgrades (including all existing wow pows) or short levels like in SSA; even a simple looks/voice choice for that character)
    • accolades / trophies
    • characters with palette swap (ie Love Potion Pop Fizz and Fizzy Frenzy Pop Fizz) have different wow pows

    This is the reason why more of the same will not help the franchise. All of this is backwards looking, not forward looking.

    Exactly my thoughts GhostRoaster. The moment I ever see someone mention new giants or swappers or even light and dark giants and swappers, I lose interest.
    ultyzaus Yellow Sparx Gems: 1700
    #38 Posted: 15:51:36 02/02/2015
    Quote: GinjaNinja
    Quote: GhostRoaster
    Quote: ultyzaus
    • Less hats
    • 10 new core characters (1/element) + a few new light/dark ones
    • 8 or 16 returning characters
    • 20 new gimmick characters that include Giants, Swappers and Trap Masters
    • dual-element gates, Giants chests and Traptanium gates added to regular elemental gates
    • Villain character figures with a slot for the traps. (The traps give the villain additional abilities - could be part of the figure design or via the traptanium portal)
    • completely skippable cutscenes
    • completed levels can be started from checkpoints
    • previous-generation figures unlock new content (may be simply soul gems that apply to any version of that character; characters with more reposes would have a wide array of new upgrades (including all existing wow pows) or short levels like in SSA; even a simple looks/voice choice for that character)
    • accolades / trophies
    • characters with palette swap (ie Love Potion Pop Fizz and Fizzy Frenzy Pop Fizz) have different wow pows

    This is the reason why more of the same will not help the franchise. All of this is backwards looking, not forward looking.

    Exactly my thoughts GhostRoaster. The moment I ever see someone mention new giants or swappers or even light and dark giants and swappers, I lose interest.

    The other way I'd see it is to completely start anew, but then people will complain about the lack of backwards compatibility. They need a balance between new and old.
    223/254, 17 superchargers, 14 vehicles
    Characters missing: Rocky Roll, Splat, Nightfall, Thrillipede
    Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
    #39 Posted: 16:09:38 02/02/2015
    Quote: GhostRoaster
    Quote: ultyzaus
    • Less hats
    • 10 new core characters (1/element) + a few new light/dark ones
    • 8 or 16 returning characters
    • 20 new gimmick characters that include Giants, Swappers and Trap Masters
    • dual-element gates, Giants chests and Traptanium gates added to regular elemental gates
    • Villain character figures with a slot for the traps. (The traps give the villain additional abilities - could be part of the figure design or via the traptanium portal)
    • completely skippable cutscenes
    • completed levels can be started from checkpoints
    • previous-generation figures unlock new content (may be simply soul gems that apply to any version of that character; characters with more reposes would have a wide array of new upgrades (including all existing wow pows) or short levels like in SSA; even a simple looks/voice choice for that character)
    • accolades / trophies
    • characters with palette swap (ie Love Potion Pop Fizz and Fizzy Frenzy Pop Fizz) have different wow pows

    This is the reason why more of the same will not help the franchise. All of this is backwards looking, not forward looking.

    We need balance.

    We can't wipe out all that's already here, but we can't stop innovating either.

    They have to decide what to do with the Light and Dark Elements.
    Leave them as minor Elements, or develop them, adding the remaining characters to make them balanced, compared to the others (and that, in my opinion, would also include Light and Dark Giants, Swappers and two more Trap Masters).
    They could easily come up with a coherent reason why they haven't appeared since now.

    To me, that might even be the "gimmick" of the fifth game, and only a couple more Cores for the 8 original Elements.

    Then add online, maybe an open world, something to make tour exsisting collection worth the re-play (gameplay wise), and BOOM.

    You have Skylanders 5. smilie
    ”Gulp, lunch time!”
    Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
    ultyzaus Yellow Sparx Gems: 1700
    #40 Posted: 16:14:17 02/02/2015
    Quote: Drek95
    Quote: GhostRoaster
    Quote: ultyzaus
    • Less hats
    • 10 new core characters (1/element) + a few new light/dark ones
    • 8 or 16 returning characters
    • 20 new gimmick characters that include Giants, Swappers and Trap Masters
    • dual-element gates, Giants chests and Traptanium gates added to regular elemental gates
    • Villain character figures with a slot for the traps. (The traps give the villain additional abilities - could be part of the figure design or via the traptanium portal)
    • completely skippable cutscenes
    • completed levels can be started from checkpoints
    • previous-generation figures unlock new content (may be simply soul gems that apply to any version of that character; characters with more reposes would have a wide array of new upgrades (including all existing wow pows) or short levels like in SSA; even a simple looks/voice choice for that character)
    • accolades / trophies
    • characters with palette swap (ie Love Potion Pop Fizz and Fizzy Frenzy Pop Fizz) have different wow pows

    This is the reason why more of the same will not help the franchise. All of this is backwards looking, not forward looking.

    We need balance.

    We can't wipe out all that's already here, but we can't stop innovating either.

    They have to decide what to do with the Light and Dark Elements.
    Leave them as minor Elements, or develop them, adding the remaining characters to make them balanced, compared to the others (and that, in my opinion, would also include Light and Dark Giants, Swappers and two more Trap Masters).
    They could easily come up with a coherent reason why they haven't appeared since now.

    To me, that might even be the "gimmick" of the fifth game, and only a couple more Cores for the 8 original Elements.

    Then add online, maybe an open world, something to make tour exsisting collection worth the re-play (gameplay wise), and BOOM.

    You have Skylanders 5. smilie

    I think finding new ways of using what they already have is a good way to go. Adding new characters that aren't core skylanders just adds more variety, especially if there are new uses for them.
    223/254, 17 superchargers, 14 vehicles
    Characters missing: Rocky Roll, Splat, Nightfall, Thrillipede
    Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
    #41 Posted: 16:20:38 02/02/2015
    Quote: ultyzaus
    Quote: Drek95
    Quote: GhostRoaster

    This is the reason why more of the same will not help the franchise. All of this is backwards looking, not forward looking.

    We need balance.

    We can't wipe out all that's already here, but we can't stop innovating either.

    They have to decide what to do with the Light and Dark Elements.
    Leave them as minor Elements, or develop them, adding the remaining characters to make them balanced, compared to the others (and that, in my opinion, would also include Light and Dark Giants, Swappers and two more Trap Masters).
    They could easily come up with a coherent reason why they haven't appeared since now.

    To me, that might even be the "gimmick" of the fifth game, and only a couple more Cores for the 8 original Elements.

    Then add online, maybe an open world, something to make tour exsisting collection worth the re-play (gameplay wise), and BOOM.

    You have Skylanders 5. smilie

    I think finding new ways of using what they already have is a good way to go. Adding new characters that aren't core skylanders just adds more variety, especially if there are new uses for them.


    They just have to increase the potentialities of each character.
    For example, as I already said a couple times before, making Skylanders from a certain Element deal and suffer more damages from enemies that belongs to opposite ones.
    ”Gulp, lunch time!”
    Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
    GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
    #42 Posted: 17:39:48 02/02/2015
    Quote: Drek95
    Quote: ultyzaus
    Quote: Drek95

    We need balance.

    We can't wipe out all that's already here, but we can't stop innovating either.

    They have to decide what to do with the Light and Dark Elements.
    Leave them as minor Elements, or develop them, adding the remaining characters to make them balanced, compared to the others (and that, in my opinion, would also include Light and Dark Giants, Swappers and two more Trap Masters).
    They could easily come up with a coherent reason why they haven't appeared since now.

    To me, that might even be the "gimmick" of the fifth game, and only a couple more Cores for the 8 original Elements.

    Then add online, maybe an open world, something to make tour exsisting collection worth the re-play (gameplay wise), and BOOM.

    You have Skylanders 5. smilie

    I think finding new ways of using what they already have is a good way to go. Adding new characters that aren't core skylanders just adds more variety, especially if there are new uses for them.


    They just have to increase the potentialities of each character.
    For example, as I already said a couple times before, making Skylanders from a certain Element deal and suffer more damages from enemies that belongs to opposite ones.

    Innovation is most than just toys. They have not innovated gameplay at all in the last three entries. They appear to be removing features. Piling on the gimmicks makes for an eventually muddled experience. I don't think anyone knows it yet...but I feel it's coming. The fact that I'm hearing about 90%+ existing features in this "revolutionary new game" speaks volumes. We have jumped the shark then. I'm hoping we are just lacking the required skills. smilie

    I'm not advocating wiping it clean. But I advocate for much more change than what's being recommended here.
    RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
    Edited 3 times - Last edited at 17:42:20 02/02/2015 by GhostRoaster
    ultyzaus Yellow Sparx Gems: 1700
    #43 Posted: 17:56:26 02/02/2015
    Quote: GhostRoaster
    Quote: Drek95
    Quote: ultyzaus

    I think finding new ways of using what they already have is a good way to go. Adding new characters that aren't core skylanders just adds more variety, especially if there are new uses for them.


    They just have to increase the potentialities of each character.
    For example, as I already said a couple times before, making Skylanders from a certain Element deal and suffer more damages from enemies that belongs to opposite ones.

    Innovation is most than just toys. They have not innovated gameplay at all in the last three entries. They appear to be removing features. Piling on the gimmicks makes for an eventually muddled experience. I don't think anyone knows it yet...but I feel it's coming. The fact that I'm hearing about 90%+ existing features in this "revolutionary new game" speaks volumes. We have jumped the shark then. I'm hoping we are just lacking the required skills. smilie

    I'm not advocating wiping it clean. But I advocate for much more change than what's being recommended here.

    If we'd simply be brainstorming about innovations, I'd agree with that. But here we're just talking about what we'd like to see. There were many innovative ideas in the previous answers. What I felt was an issue with Trap Team was the lack of use for the previous game's Skylanders, hence my suggestions.

    If they are going to innovate, it'll be a way to make the Skylanders more real as per the toys to life experience.

    For in-game improvements, changing the exploration mechanism to an exploration-based experience instead of missions, as many suggested, would be a good start. What I would find interesting is actually having to recruit new Skylanders in-game, via short quests or just cutscenes unlocked by the figures. Most have rich backstories that are never even mentionned in the games. Maybe having the Portal Master travel back in time to those moments?
    223/254, 17 superchargers, 14 vehicles
    Characters missing: Rocky Roll, Splat, Nightfall, Thrillipede
    Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
    #44 Posted: 19:06:01 02/02/2015
    Quote: GhostRoaster
    Quote: Drek95
    Quote: ultyzaus

    I think finding new ways of using what they already have is a good way to go. Adding new characters that aren't core skylanders just adds more variety, especially if there are new uses for them.


    They just have to increase the potentialities of each character.
    For example, as I already said a couple times before, making Skylanders from a certain Element deal and suffer more damages from enemies that belongs to opposite ones.

    Innovation is most than just toys. They have not innovated gameplay at all in the last three entries. They appear to be removing features. Piling on the gimmicks makes for an eventually muddled experience. I don't think anyone knows it yet...but I feel it's coming. The fact that I'm hearing about 90%+ existing features in this "revolutionary new game" speaks volumes. We have jumped the shark then. I'm hoping we are just lacking the required skills. smilie

    I'm not advocating wiping it clean. But I advocate for much more change than what's being recommended here.

    Maybe if so many persons want those features it's simply because they like them.
    And because most of them already made the games we got so enjoyable.

    I respect your ideas of innovation and change, but just because other's are different doesn't mean this game is repetitive and has jumped the shark.

    I respect a game that can stay the same and improve at the same time.
    And, objectively, this series has innovated itself, in terms of gameplay, across the years.

    Jumping, jump attacks, vehicles parts, and, frankly, a few characters can really change how the general gameplay works.
    They may be liked or not, but they are innovations.

    Quote: ultyzaus
    Quote: GhostRoaster
    Quote: Drek95


    They just have to increase the potentialities of each character.
    For example, as I already said a couple times before, making Skylanders from a certain Element deal and suffer more damages from enemies that belongs to opposite ones.

    Innovation is most than just toys. They have not innovated gameplay at all in the last three entries. They appear to be removing features. Piling on the gimmicks makes for an eventually muddled experience. I don't think anyone knows it yet...but I feel it's coming. The fact that I'm hearing about 90%+ existing features in this "revolutionary new game" speaks volumes. We have jumped the shark then. I'm hoping we are just lacking the required skills. smilie

    I'm not advocating wiping it clean. But I advocate for much more change than what's being recommended here.

    If we'd simply be brainstorming about innovations, I'd agree with that. But here we're just talking about what we'd like to see. There were many innovative ideas in the previous answers. What I felt was an issue with Trap Team was the lack of use for the previous game's Skylanders, hence my suggestions.

    If they are going to innovate, it'll be a way to make the Skylanders more real as per the toys to life experience.

    For in-game improvements, changing the exploration mechanism to an exploration-based experience instead of missions, as many suggested, would be a good start. What I would find interesting is actually having to recruit new Skylanders in-game, via short quests or just cutscenes unlocked by the figures. Most have rich backstories that are never even mentionned in the games. Maybe having the Portal Master travel back in time to those moments?

    Your last idea is quite interesting.

    I admit that the immediate possibility of start playing with a character is awesome, but so is the idea of playing a short mission (maybe that takes place in their backstories) before gaining their free use.

    Another variation of that idea is to play those mini-missions only if you want to add a Skylander to your collection.
    ”Gulp, lunch time!”
    Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
    ultyzaus Yellow Sparx Gems: 1700
    #45 Posted: 19:11:35 02/02/2015
    Quote: Drek95
    Quote: GhostRoaster
    Quote: Drek95


    They just have to increase the potentialities of each character.
    For example, as I already said a couple times before, making Skylanders from a certain Element deal and suffer more damages from enemies that belongs to opposite ones.

    Innovation is most than just toys. They have not innovated gameplay at all in the last three entries. They appear to be removing features. Piling on the gimmicks makes for an eventually muddled experience. I don't think anyone knows it yet...but I feel it's coming. The fact that I'm hearing about 90%+ existing features in this "revolutionary new game" speaks volumes. We have jumped the shark then. I'm hoping we are just lacking the required skills. smilie

    I'm not advocating wiping it clean. But I advocate for much more change than what's being recommended here.

    Maybe if so many persons want those features it's simply because they like them.
    And because most of them already made the games we got so enjoyable.

    I respect your ideas of innovation and change, but just because other's are different doesn't mean this game is repetitive and has jumped the shark.

    I respect a game that can stay the same and improve at the same time.
    And, objectively, this series has innovated itself, in terms of gameplay, across the years.

    Jumping, jump attacks, vehicles parts, and, frankly, a few characters can really change how the general gameplay works.
    They may be liked or not, but they are innovations.

    Quote: ultyzaus
    Quote: GhostRoaster

    Innovation is most than just toys. They have not innovated gameplay at all in the last three entries. They appear to be removing features. Piling on the gimmicks makes for an eventually muddled experience. I don't think anyone knows it yet...but I feel it's coming. The fact that I'm hearing about 90%+ existing features in this "revolutionary new game" speaks volumes. We have jumped the shark then. I'm hoping we are just lacking the required skills. smilie

    I'm not advocating wiping it clean. But I advocate for much more change than what's being recommended here.

    If we'd simply be brainstorming about innovations, I'd agree with that. But here we're just talking about what we'd like to see. There were many innovative ideas in the previous answers. What I felt was an issue with Trap Team was the lack of use for the previous game's Skylanders, hence my suggestions.

    If they are going to innovate, it'll be a way to make the Skylanders more real as per the toys to life experience.

    For in-game improvements, changing the exploration mechanism to an exploration-based experience instead of missions, as many suggested, would be a good start. What I would find interesting is actually having to recruit new Skylanders in-game, via short quests or just cutscenes unlocked by the figures. Most have rich backstories that are never even mentionned in the games. Maybe having the Portal Master travel back in time to those moments?

    Your last idea is quite interesting.

    I admit that the immediate possibility of start playing with a character is awesome, but so is the idea of playing a short mission (maybe that takes place in their backstories) before gaining their free use.

    Another variation of that idea is to play those mini-missions only if you want to add a Skylander to your collection.

    Actually, a whole game could be based on the idea of time-travel. An agent of the Darkness would travel in time, trying to prevent Skylanders from performing their heroic feats, and we would have to go help each one of them in their quest. In each mission, the Skylander would be an AI companion that would fight alongside our own Skylanders (excluding the one starring in that mission).
    223/254, 17 superchargers, 14 vehicles
    Characters missing: Rocky Roll, Splat, Nightfall, Thrillipede
    Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
    #46 Posted: 19:24:00 02/02/2015
    Quote: ultyzaus
    Quote: Drek95
    Quote: GhostRoaster

    Innovation is most than just toys. They have not innovated gameplay at all in the last three entries. They appear to be removing features. Piling on the gimmicks makes for an eventually muddled experience. I don't think anyone knows it yet...but I feel it's coming. The fact that I'm hearing about 90%+ existing features in this "revolutionary new game" speaks volumes. We have jumped the shark then. I'm hoping we are just lacking the required skills. smilie

    I'm not advocating wiping it clean. But I advocate for much more change than what's being recommended here.

    Maybe if so many persons want those features it's simply because they like them.
    And because most of them already made the games we got so enjoyable.

    I respect your ideas of innovation and change, but just because other's are different doesn't mean this game is repetitive and has jumped the shark.

    I respect a game that can stay the same and improve at the same time.
    And, objectively, this series has innovated itself, in terms of gameplay, across the years.

    Jumping, jump attacks, vehicles parts, and, frankly, a few characters can really change how the general gameplay works.
    They may be liked or not, but they are innovations.

    Quote: ultyzaus

    If we'd simply be brainstorming about innovations, I'd agree with that. But here we're just talking about what we'd like to see. There were many innovative ideas in the previous answers. What I felt was an issue with Trap Team was the lack of use for the previous game's Skylanders, hence my suggestions.

    If they are going to innovate, it'll be a way to make the Skylanders more real as per the toys to life experience.

    For in-game improvements, changing the exploration mechanism to an exploration-based experience instead of missions, as many suggested, would be a good start. What I would find interesting is actually having to recruit new Skylanders in-game, via short quests or just cutscenes unlocked by the figures. Most have rich backstories that are never even mentionned in the games. Maybe having the Portal Master travel back in time to those moments?

    Your last idea is quite interesting.

    I admit that the immediate possibility of start playing with a character is awesome, but so is the idea of playing a short mission (maybe that takes place in their backstories) before gaining their free use.

    Another variation of that idea is to play those mini-missions only if you want to add a Skylander to your collection.

    Actually, a whole game could be based on the idea of time-travel. An agent of the Darkness would travel in time, trying to prevent Skylanders from performing their heroic feats, and we would have to go help each one of them in their quest. In each mission, the Skylander would be an AI companion that would fight alongside our own Skylanders (excluding the one starring in that mission).

    Now, THAT would make an interesting game.

    100+ (shorter) levels?
    Yes please!

    Could totally see that as a spin-off title. smilie
    ”Gulp, lunch time!”
    Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
    wild_defender Green Sparx Gems: 465
    #47 Posted: 10:58:51 03/02/2015
    Character levels are what they definitely need. There is soo many characters now, there's got to be some reason to collect them all and keep the story levels alive and advancing. Online competive play would obviously help just through character diversity in play, but the game should always be story focused.

    Time travel would definitely be the best option for story mode. even if they wanted to keep Kaos as the main villain, versing him through time e.g. Baby Kaos , adult Kaos, old man Kaos etc would be pretty Hilarious.
    Anyone else think Short Cut should be making jokes about running with scissors?
    Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
    #48 Posted: 15:05:00 03/02/2015
    Quote: wild_defender
    Character levels are what they definitely need. There is soo many characters now, there's got to be some reason to collect them all and keep the story levels alive and advancing. Online competive play would obviously help just through character diversity in play, but the game should always be story focused.

    Time travel would definitely be the best option for story mode. even if they wanted to keep Kaos as the main villain, versing him through time e.g. Baby Kaos , adult Kaos, old man Kaos etc would be pretty Hilarious.

    Agree, onlie would be great, but Story Mode should be retained.

    Speaking of time travel, would it be cool if one of the next games will take place in a future version of the Skylands where Kaos has finally taken control over the world (similar to what happened with Wolfgang, but with darker settings), and the Skylanders have to travel back in time, to find out how he managed to do that?

    They could have a dark themed hub, like a resistance base, where all the Skylanders have gathered as the last stand against Kaos' power, and then we could have both joyful and whimsical themed levels, that take place in the past, and dark and more serious (not too much) ones, in the present.
    ”Gulp, lunch time!”
    Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
    wild_defender Green Sparx Gems: 465
    #49 Posted: 23:34:40 03/02/2015
    yay time travel!

    also going back in time could allow us too interact/fight along side Eon(or even other portal masters) in his physical form which would be pretty cool


    This isn't as much in reference to skylanders 5 but to the general franchise.....I want skylander colour variants to have at least 1 attack that differs from the classic figure, instead of their stat increase. Doesnt anyone else think that love potion pop fizz shouldve been able to make a potion that makes his enemies paralysed with love?

    It just seems like something easy they could do thats a cheap way of making 'new' charatcers. I personally dont buy the colour variants or reposes, but if the figures were actually different instead of just a slight improvement i think i would be more inclined to buy them.
    Anyone else think Short Cut should be making jokes about running with scissors?
    dracoslay Blue Sparx Gems: 555
    #50 Posted: 05:45:16 04/02/2015
    A sandbox like Disney Infinity.

    Places in the HUB that are only available to Skylanders of specific elements.

    A bank, like someone else said. They neeeeeeed to do that.

    Other clothes than hats and trinkets. Like jackets, shoes, and masks.

    Multiplayer Compatibility. If you are playing Co-op you get increased stats if you are of the same element.

    Skylander Quests.

    Online Play.

    Magic, Earth, Water, Fire, Tech, Undead, Air, Life
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