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Pre Launch General Discussion and Speculation Thread [CLOSED]
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#401 Posted: 02:45:54 13/08/2014
^ 0:56 That's some really intense playing. smilie

Almost as intense as I am when I play Mario Kart 7. Almost.
GhostRoaster617 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3963
#402 Posted: 02:52:28 13/08/2014
Quote: Matteomax

Here's the official mobile trailer.

Here, you can see some extremely short official gameplay of Chef Pepper Jack. He attacks with two huge whisks.

We also see a nice cinematic of a few Trap Masters (Lob Star, surprisingly, made an appearance) and some villains (including Pepper Jack and "Dreamcatcher").

Yeah I was as shocked as you to see Lob Star be in the portion of what's obviously going to be part of the intro for Trap Team. I never thought he'd be a main guy to the point they acknowledged him in the intro. Maybe this means he will be in wave 2 or 3.
Grave Clobber is back to bury you!
Imaginators smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie Villains smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#403 Posted: 03:45:44 13/08/2014
Nothing really interesting, but it is a general discussion thread- I decided how I'll buy stuff. I'll get all the Trap Team stuff except for regular Snap Shot/Food Fight (which will be stupidly easy to get later) at launch, the Toy Box Bundle for Disney Infinity 2 when it launches- and for Christmas, the rest of the Disney Infinity stuff (including the Collector's Edition) and a Vita.

I wish I could wait to grab everything on sale, but the Skylanders stock here sucks. :V I figure if I get the Disney Infinity toys for Christmas, then at least I'm still saving something, and there're plenty of 1.0 figures left so I'm not worried about the stock for 2.0 like I am for Skylanders. I'm more excited for DI2 than Trap Team right now, though...
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#404 Posted: 05:29:31 13/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Stupid question, but given that this is a wireless portal, is the sound support going to be there in the tablet edition? I ask because they really didn't cover that in the ad.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
GothamLord Yellow Sparx Gems: 1790
#405 Posted: 05:43:47 13/08/2014
Not stupid, its actually a legit question. I didnt hear anything coming from the portal in the various videos covering it either. Not sure I'd be disappointed if it didnt though. I have the feeling after I hear all the villains trapped, after a couple hours I'll get annoyed of listening to them whine and want to turn that sound options off anyways.
Wolfgang Gold Sparx Gems: 2051
#406 Posted: 05:45:50 13/08/2014
Related to the Tablet version having no Portal speaker, I just posted this in another topic, but I might as well post it here. It's about 5 minutes into the video.

♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street.
No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫
GothamLord Yellow Sparx Gems: 1790
#407 Posted: 05:47:33 13/08/2014
Hmm...I somehow completely missed that segment of the video. I was probably looking for visual stuff hidden in the background and other stuff and wasnt paying attention.
min8or Yellow Sparx Gems: 1030
#408 Posted: 05:50:32 13/08/2014
Quote: GothamLord
Not stupid, its actually a legit question. I didnt hear anything coming from the portal in the various videos covering it either. Not sure I'd be disappointed if it didnt though. I have the feeling after I hear all the villains trapped, after a couple hours I'll get annoyed of listening to them whine and want to turn that sound options off anyways.

i will probably be doing this also. when i get to play is when my toddler is sleeping, so i mostly have to play with minimal-zero volume
271figures+11Vehicles+55Traps(+Outlaw,Riot,Steamed,Rebel,Steampunk)+38Magic Items
TrapTeamNeeded:Life and Water Minis (s2)
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#409 Posted: 08:21:33 13/08/2014
here another legit questions.... will our older minis work in the stt or are we forced to buy the new minis?...
Ha! HA, sage ich.
GIANTSRULE Yellow Sparx Gems: 1660
#410 Posted: 08:24:33 13/08/2014
I think we will have to buy them all again anyway because they come in double packs and are being re released with red bases
"Taking Charge"
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#411 Posted: 08:46:58 13/08/2014
i just hope the new minis dont have any souls gems, or anything else important. if people just want them because they are cute, im okay with that. but i dont want to feel like im forced to buy them, because if not i cant unlock stuff in the game etc. if they aren't more important than the old minis, but now they are playable characters, instead of them just following you around. i can live with that because then there is no necessity to buy them...
Ha! HA, sage ich.
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#412 Posted: 09:58:10 13/08/2014
Are SkyKids the only one with that new gameplay? Seriously? *groan* Looks like I have to watch their videos for it now... I just... Nooooo......

"Fire Trap Master" makes me think of Pyrrhon from just looking at his art!
[User Posted Image]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:58:59 13/08/2014 by Arc of Archives
GIANTSRULE Yellow Sparx Gems: 1660
#413 Posted: 10:00:33 13/08/2014
Quote: CountMoneyBone
i just hope the new minis dont have any souls gems, or anything else important. if people just want them because they are cute, im okay with that. but i dont want to feel like im forced to buy them, because if not i cant unlock stuff in the game etc. if they aren't more important than the old minis, but now they are playable characters, instead of them just following you around. i can live with that because then there is no necessity to buy them...

They have soul gems already on them so you dont have to find them
"Taking Charge"
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#414 Posted: 11:32:12 13/08/2014
Quote: CountMoneyBone
i just hope the new minis dont have any souls gems, or anything else important. if people just want them because they are cute, im okay with that. but i dont want to feel like im forced to buy them, because if not i cant unlock stuff in the game etc. if they aren't more important than the old minis, but now they are playable characters, instead of them just following you around. i can live with that because then there is no necessity to buy them...

They have soul gems already on them so you dont have to find them

i found out about it here...
Ha! HA, sage ich.
TheShadowDragon Ripto Gems: 2886
#415 Posted: 11:48:19 13/08/2014
We now know that we can nickname not just Skylanders, but also Villains as well. But will the nicknaming system also include symbols like a hyphen (-)?
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8342
#416 Posted: 11:56:31 13/08/2014
Tidal Wave Gill Grunts new Wow-Pow..... it looks insane.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
wideawakewesley Emerald Sparx Gems: 3281
#417 Posted: 12:16:22 13/08/2014
Quote: Arc of Archives
Are SkyKids the only one with that new gameplay? Seriously? *groan* Looks like I have to watch their videos for it now... I just... Nooooo......

FamilyGamerTV will have stuff going up today and for the next couple of days I'd imagine. Andy is busy editing at Gamescom at the moment and I'm on hand back in the UK to do trailer and gameplay content. We're just trying to get all the assets together and make decisions on how to cover it best and when to post it.
Contributor to Family Gamer TV - http://www.familygamer.tv/
Follow me on twitter - http://www.twitter.com/wideawakewesley
Zylek Yellow Sparx Gems: 1920
#418 Posted: 12:16:26 13/08/2014
Color me underwhelmed, the huge game changing news was tablet support, character reveals and that sidekicks play just like their big counterparts?

What are the chances they put a writeable chip in the original sidekicks for them to work like that?
Anyone know where my avatar is from?
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#419 Posted: 12:23:09 13/08/2014
Quote: Zylek
Color me underwhelmed, the huge game changing news was tablet support, character reveals and that sidekicks play just like their big counterparts?

What are the chances they put a writeable chip in the original sidekicks for them to work like that?

Older Sidekicks work just like the new ones. SkyKids confirmed that in the video showcasing all the 16 Minis.

But yeah, as I already said, that isn't "game changing" or "mind blowing" at all, to me too.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Zylek Yellow Sparx Gems: 1920
#420 Posted: 14:17:27 13/08/2014
I find it odd that they are sliding in the minis into STT without them being part of the main gimmick. Perhaps the minis were part of the original scrapped gimmick for Skylanders 4, they did register the skylandersnanoforce web domain last year, but that could have been misdirection too.

Kudos to Activision though if they did in fact plan ahead and put a writeable rfid chip into the sidekicks.
Anyone know where my avatar is from?
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#421 Posted: 14:21:33 13/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: GothamLord
Not stupid, its actually a legit question. I didnt hear anything coming from the portal in the various videos covering it either. Not sure I'd be disappointed if it didnt though. I have the feeling after I hear all the villains trapped, after a couple hours I'll get annoyed of listening to them whine and want to turn that sound options off anyways.

It's a huge part of the gimmick this year. Despite the gimmick being lame, it is something to consider. What I heard in the video is that they are "monkeying" with the waveforms to make it "sound like" it came from the portal, but the portal does not have a speaker. Now I know why there's a controller...to make up for the difference. They have a point about the battery life, but they REALLY picked a bad gimmick to provide tablet support. The annoying aspect of the gimmick aside, FGTV's the only video that actually explained the technical constraints and reasons, which I can appreciate.

Is there a video showing how this is working, though? that will ultimately be the judge if they pulled it off.

Quote: Zylek
I find it odd that they are sliding in the minis into STT without them being part of the main gimmick. Perhaps the minis were part of the original scrapped gimmick for Skylanders 4, they did register the skylandersnanoforce web domain last year, but that could have been misdirection too.

Kudos to Activision though if they did in fact plan ahead and put a writeable rfid chip into the sidekicks.

It does seem this go round is "whatever gimmick wasn't good enough, just throw them into here", because everything is more or less meh.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 7 times - Last edited at 14:56:18 13/08/2014 by GhostRoaster
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#422 Posted: 14:50:07 13/08/2014
^ FGTV posted a hands-on video with it, but I think it didn't include using Traps. Actually, I think it showed the Life Hammer lighting up, but not the trapped villain speaking,
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#423 Posted: 14:57:49 13/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Yeah I watched the entire video and was hoping for a demonstration of the sound. Maybe it's a fool's errand to try to showcase it in a video.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:57:59 13/08/2014 by GhostRoaster
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#424 Posted: 13:19:32 14/08/2014 | Topic Creator
So based on the poster it looks like we're going to only get 5 reposes this time. Also, it sounds like according to CoinOpTV there were some rumors that those missing items in the upper right of the corner will in fact be a new element. Others are thinking it may be the Elder Elementals which is from one of the story scrolls.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Zylek Yellow Sparx Gems: 1920
#425 Posted: 13:51:41 14/08/2014
Once again, they've failed to answer the question that only a few of us seem to care about: Will trapped Villains work in future games?
Anyone know where my avatar is from?
Angry Rage Quit Yellow Sparx Gems: 1488
#426 Posted: 14:00:36 14/08/2014
Maybe the portal will carry over? Like the SSA Portal did to Giants, Skylanders 5 may have a "Portal Owners Pack" again...

... Though it's so early to speculate that fact, it's bordering on ridiculous.
Whip up a storm!
GIANTSRULE Yellow Sparx Gems: 1660
#427 Posted: 14:06:14 14/08/2014
I thought trap masters weapons glowed when near traptanium then how come in this video wallops do not and same with head rush in another
"Taking Charge"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:06:35 14/08/2014 by GIANTSRULE
GIANTSRULE Yellow Sparx Gems: 1660
#428 Posted: 14:07:33 14/08/2014
This one

Its all new footage and a new map theres more such as krypt king and wallop, headrush
"Taking Charge"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:09:02 14/08/2014 by GIANTSRULE
GothamLord Yellow Sparx Gems: 1790
#429 Posted: 14:10:09 14/08/2014
Quote: GhostRoaster
So based on the poster it looks like we're going to only get 5 reposes this time. Also, it sounds like according to CoinOpTV there were some rumors that those missing items in the upper right of the corner will in fact be a new element. Others are thinking it may be the Elder Elementals which is from one of the story scrolls.

Going to go with new elements. Should start at 3:50, if not FFW to there. Chris isnt always accurate on everything but he did get the big interview about the timer that Activision seemed to be downplaying until now.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 14:10:54 14/08/2014 by GothamLord
Zylek Yellow Sparx Gems: 1920
#430 Posted: 14:11:08 14/08/2014
If they don't answer that question I'll probably still get the game but I won't buy any additional traps and just finish the game in story mode and be done. Then I'll wait for the Skylanders 5 announcement to see if they finally acknowledge what's the plan. Why go back and replay the levels multiple times just to upgrade a villain that would be stuck in this game and be left behind? Seems like a waste of time when you could focus on characters that WILL be available in Skylanders 5+.
Anyone know where my avatar is from?
AzureStarline Emerald Sparx Gems: 3539
#431 Posted: 14:16:55 14/08/2014
I feel confident that traps won't work in Sky5.

At the same time, I play each game for that game. I didn't buy Swap Force figures for use in Trap Team. They work? Great, but not the primary requirement.
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FireMeowth Emerald Sparx Gems: 3230
#432 Posted: 14:20:34 14/08/2014
Is anyone seriously excepting/hoping for them to give an answer that isn't "We're currently fully focused on Skylanders: Trap Team - development of next year's title is in too early a stage to give a definitive answer. Please stay tuned for more details! And remember to follow our Twitter account and YouTube channel!"?

Because I sure ain't.

I'm almost willing to bet that the actual answer won't be revealed before the announcement of the next game.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:23:02 14/08/2014 by FireMeowth
Zylek Yellow Sparx Gems: 1920
#433 Posted: 14:26:03 14/08/2014
Yes I too play the main story for the fun of it, but everything afterward is toward the future. Like leveling and upgrading characters.
Anyone know where my avatar is from?
GothamLord Yellow Sparx Gems: 1790
#434 Posted: 14:26:04 14/08/2014
And if they dont at least confirm continued support of traps like they made sure to do with core Skylanders once it was confirmed a second game was in the works, sales on the traps will suffer. We're hundreds of dollars and four games deep into this. Its make it or break it time. If they arent worried about continued sales from established fans, thats on them I guess. Just remember its a billion dollar franchise for a reason. You piss to many of those people off, its going to come back to bite you. It might not be this game, it might not even be the next one. But sales will start to tank and we'll have Guitar Hero franchise all over again.
AzureStarline Emerald Sparx Gems: 3539
#435 Posted: 14:58:23 14/08/2014
Every product has a life cycle, so it will decline eventually. The key is making it last longer and not fade sooner.

I wouldn't mind if they retool traps for some alternate use in Sky5, but we'll just have to wait and see.
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Angry Rage Quit Yellow Sparx Gems: 1488
#436 Posted: 16:15:27 14/08/2014
^ So long as the actually do something. Even the SSA adventure packs had an in-game effect in SWAP Force, underwhelming though it may be. You're right in that it's not beyond a shadow of a doubt that the older toys will eventually be phased out but if they only last a single generation?

I doubt it'll happen soon. The Magic items have been supported for three (and possibly four) iterations so far.
Whip up a storm!
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#437 Posted: 16:21:02 14/08/2014
Quote: Zylek
Once again, they've failed to answer the question that only a few of us seem to care about: Will trapped Villains work in future games?

the giants didnt do anything in swap force, swappers will not do anything in trap team.... its obvious trappers and villains will not do anything in the next game..
Ha! HA, sage ich.
Zylek Yellow Sparx Gems: 1920
#438 Posted: 16:24:18 14/08/2014
They didn't do anything special but you could still play them, I want to know if you can at least play them going forward. I equate it to if they didn't let Swaplanders swap in STT.
Anyone know where my avatar is from?
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#439 Posted: 16:25:13 14/08/2014
Quote: CountMoneyBone
the giants didnt do anything in swap force, swappers will not do anything in trap team.... its obvious trappers and villains will not do anything in the next game..

The Giants had unique chests that only they could open, which had a lot more money than normal chests. Did you actually play Swap Force?
//forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=129460 Check out my Skylanders game idea!
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#440 Posted: 16:30:14 14/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: Zylek
Once again, they've failed to answer the question that only a few of us seem to care about: Will trapped Villains work in future games?

FireMeoth is correct. I don't think we'll get an answer until next fall. I'm assuming no, which is definitely going to temper any investment I make in the traps. I'm not going to beat a dead horse over it, and I'm pretty sure they now know people will be speaking with their pocketbooks.

In my mind, this is a dangerous precedent to set for consumers. Which is why this is a big deal and they are trying to sweep it under the rug. Never mind that everyone buys the new characters for the new game. There's been an underlying assumption of future support. It frankly doesn't make sense to support villains in the future game, but their dancing around a simple statement is irritating. I'll just get the popcorn ready for next year.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 16:41:35 14/08/2014 by GhostRoaster
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#441 Posted: 16:37:37 14/08/2014
Quote: Bionichute
Quote: CountMoneyBone
the giants didnt do anything in swap force, swappers will not do anything in trap team.... its obvious trappers and villains will not do anything in the next game..

The Giants had unique chests that only they could open, which had a lot more money than normal chests. Did you actually play Swap Force?

the chests was just an bad after thought... the diamond you got in the adventure pack gave you everything you needed money wise.
Ha! HA, sage ich.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#442 Posted: 16:43:57 14/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: CountMoneyBone
the chests was just an bad after thought... the diamond you got in the adventure pack gave you everything you needed money wise.

I'm happy they decided to give Giants ANY purpose in Swap Force. It will be more than what you can expect for Traps in #5.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#443 Posted: 16:55:08 14/08/2014
Quote: GhostRoaster
Quote: CountMoneyBone
the chests was just an bad after thought... the diamond you got in the adventure pack gave you everything you needed money wise.

I'm happy they decided to give Giants ANY purpose in Swap Force. It will be more than what you can expect for Traps in #5.

im not unhappy with the chests but it felt like it was just slapped in there at the last second.
Ha! HA, sage ich.
Zylek Yellow Sparx Gems: 1920
#444 Posted: 16:55:42 14/08/2014
I'm going with the assumption that trapped villains are a one trick pony and thus have a greatly diminished value in my mind.

$10 for a core in SSA had great value as it has been playable in 4 games so far.

$6 for a plastic gem that allows you to play as a villain for a limited amount of time on one game cannot compare.
Anyone know where my avatar is from?
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#445 Posted: 16:57:59 14/08/2014 | Topic Creator
^Agreed. It is what it is, and I expect repercussions.

Quote: CountMoneyBone
im not unhappy with the chests but it felt like it was just slapped in there at the last second.

Maybe, but it's still utility and a nod to those who invested...
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:00:20 14/08/2014 by GhostRoaster
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#446 Posted: 17:03:39 14/08/2014
I'm only gonna be getting 7 traps, not counting the ones that come with the game. That way, I can still play as all the villains, because the villains are what I'm really excited for.

I'm conflicted about the Skylanders though, mainly because most of them look great, like Tread Head, Rocky Roll, the Dementor guy, Lob Star, scissors scarecrow dude... Just all of them look good.
//forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=129460 Check out my Skylanders game idea!
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#447 Posted: 17:07:13 14/08/2014
When they announced the trapping of villains, I thought to myself, "this has serious potential each year."

However, TFB/VV/Activision would be shooting themselves in the foot if this is a one-trick pony. They need to make every new game now, have trappable villains, so Skylander fans can keep buying crystals and adding to the growing roster of villains.

Now, if they were smart, they would allow each game to have its new gimmick, but keep the trapping concept. This allows them to keep making crystals for new villains in new games. If they did this, they basically created a Toys-to-Life Pokémon, as they can grow a portfolio of villains to trap and keep.

I would be seriously disappointed if TFB/VV/Acti ditch the idea after just one game. Even if they allow us to play with our trapped villains in each new game, it would be a huge throwaway if they didn't stick to the idea of trapping new enemies per each new game now.

I'm going to be optimistic and say they wouldn't pull a move like that, because it would be really smart if they make each new game contain new enemies to trap, on top of having a new gimmick. Only time will tell, but here's hoping they play it smart and treat this brand with respect instead of how to sell a new portal each year.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#448 Posted: 17:12:20 14/08/2014
Quote: Bionichute
Quote: CountMoneyBone
the giants didnt do anything in swap force, swappers will not do anything in trap team.... its obvious trappers and villains will not do anything in the next game..

The Giants had unique chests that only they could open, which had a lot more money than normal chests. Did you actually play Swap Force?

Not only, but the Giants were still the bigger and stronger characters they were in the previous game, and, almost certainly, the Swappers will still be able to swap.

You might not like any of those two facts, but there is really no reason to say "they didn't and will do nothing".
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Zylek Yellow Sparx Gems: 1920
#449 Posted: 17:20:00 14/08/2014
Quote: GameMaster78
When they announced the trapping of villains, I thought to myself, "this has serious potential each year."

However, TFB/VV/Activision would be shooting themselves in the foot if this is a one-trick pony. They need to make every new game now, have trappable villains, so Skylander fans can keep buying crystals and adding to the growing roster of villains.

Now, if they were smart, they would allow each game to have its new gimmick, but keep the trapping concept. This allows them to keep making crystals for new villains in new games. If they did this, they basically created a Toys-to-Life Pokémon, as they can grow a portfolio of villains to trap and keep.

I would be seriously disappointed if TFB/VV/Acti ditch the idea after just one game. Even if they allow us to play with our trapped villains in each new game, it would be a huge throwaway if they didn't stick to the idea of trapping new enemies per each new game now.

I'm going to be optimistic and say they wouldn't pull a move like that, because it would be really smart if they make each new game contain new enemies to trap, on top of having a new gimmick. Only time will tell, but here's hoping they play it smart and treat this brand with respect instead of how to sell a new portal each year.

Great ideas as always! smilie I would be all aboard the hype train for that! I'm really worried because they won't even talk about it at all, experience has taught me that if it's something you'll like companies are eager to get that info out. If it's something you'll probably won't like, they'll dance around it and avoid it at all costs.
Anyone know where my avatar is from?
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#450 Posted: 17:39:01 14/08/2014
Quote: GameMaster78
When they announced the trapping of villains, I thought to myself, "this has serious potential each year."

However, TFB/VV/Activision would be shooting themselves in the foot if this is a one-trick pony. They need to make every new game now, have trappable villains, so Skylander fans can keep buying crystals and adding to the growing roster of villains.

Now, if they were smart, they would allow each game to have its new gimmick, but keep the trapping concept. This allows them to keep making crystals for new villains in new games. If they did this, they basically created a Toys-to-Life Pokémon, as they can grow a portfolio of villains to trap and keep.

I would be seriously disappointed if TFB/VV/Acti ditch the idea after just one game. Even if they allow us to play with our trapped villains in each new game, it would be a huge throwaway if they didn't stick to the idea of trapping new enemies per each new game now.

I'm going to be optimistic and say they wouldn't pull a move like that, because it would be really smart if they make each new game contain new enemies to trap, on top of having a new gimmick. Only time will tell, but here's hoping they play it smart and treat this brand with respect instead of how to sell a new portal each year.

you know what, i think the next skylanders game will be a reboot and they ditch everything old... and activision dont care, there are always new kids that discover the game.
Ha! HA, sage ich.
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